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Everything posted by Armitage

  1. Re: Imaginary Friends Update I can't help but notice that the face in the background of the cover art bears a striking resemblance to a DEMON Morbane - black hood with a gem in the middle of the forehead.
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Childhood memories.
  3. Re: Champions Complete It was originally in The Ultimate Mentalist. A number of items from the 5E Ultimate books showed up in the Advanced Players Guides, e.g. The Speed Zone.
  4. Re: Creepy Pics. Spoilered for animation
  5. Re: Starship Automation That was what I meant by "...enough doublings to replace the appropriate number of crew." I was looking for something a little more abstract than "1587 8-point electronic crewmen. 63 Real Points." and that wouldn't require calculating exactly how many crew a ship carries.
  6. I was recently reading a science fiction novel in which it was mentioned that a particular star nation's ships had a higher level of automation than another nation's ships, resulting in smaller crews and greater durability in combat. It makes sense, since a ship will be less hindered by a weapons bay being opened to vacuum or an engine room filling with toxic fumes if there are very few flesh-and-blood people in those areas. I started thinking about how to do this in Hero System. You could go the route of some other games and determine the exact number of crew members based on the systems installed on the ship. Then you could buy a basic computer with Extra Limbs and PS: Starship Crewmember (or whatever) and enough doublings to replace the appropriate number of crew. The problem is that Hero System tends to be more abstract than that. A ship with less crew would obviously buy less escape pods and could have less life support, or at least backup life support, since the crew would fit in a smaller area, but you'd be reducing point cost in order to gain an advantage. Then it occurred to me: maybe I should consult the actual crew casualty rules in The Ultimate Vehicle. A vehicle suffers progressive penalties to all Skill Rolls as crew are lost, so Skill Levels with an appropriate Limitation might be the way to go. Light Automation: +1 with all Non-Combat Skills (10 Active Points); Only To Counteract Crew Casualty Penalties (-2). Total cost: 3 points. Medium Automation: +2 with all Non-Combat Skills (20 Active Points); Only To Counteract Crew Casualty Penalties (-2). Total cost: 7 points. Heavy Automation: +4 with all Non-Combat Skills (40 Active Points); Only To Counteract Crew Casualty Penalties (-2). Total cost: 13 points. Full Automation: +8 with all Non-Combat Skills (80 Active Points); Only To Counteract Crew Casualty Penalties (-2). Total cost: 27 points. e.g. with Medium Automation, a ship could suffer 40% crew casualties without suffering any penalties and would only have a -2 penalty if 41%-80% of the crew had been killed because it doesn't actually have the "crew" in the first place. The system is bought without Focus since it's made up of diffuse systems spread throughout the ship.
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Proof-of-concept for a feature film about sushi chefs fighting sea monsters.
  8. Re: Creepy Pics. That reminds me of a bunch of stories that used to be posted on the Kenzer & Company message boards (since removed). A guy was playing in a series of WoD Vampire LARPs in NY City and also happened to be a makeup artist. At one point he was playing a Sabbat Gargoyle and created a full-head mask with illuminated eyes, clawed gloves, wings, stilts that added a foot of height, the works. (My other favorite group of stories involved an unstable Son of Ether Mage based on Captain Chaos from the Cannonball Run movies).
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Videos May be cringe-inducing for cat lovers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZfkSAQWz9E
  10. Re: Creepy Pics. This is the version that I've frequently seen. EDIT: Way too big. Thumbnailed. [ATTACH=CONFIG]44893[/ATTACH]
  11. Re: Creepy Pics. It's like the story from back in August about a storage locker in Florida, formerly rented by a medical examiner, that was sold at auction and found to contain preserved parts from more than 100 different human bodies.
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Metal band front man gets drunk and records a music video...with his cat.
  13. Re: Cannot be resurrected It could just be a ground rule for the campaign's magic system Resurrecting elves requires a spell with at least x Active Points. Outsiders can only be resurrected by "The Glorious Restoration". e.g. In the Turakian Age, wizards usually cast spells using an END Reserve. If the Reserve runs out, they can use personal END at 2x END Cost. There are no Advantages or Limitations on their spells to reflect this. It's just the way the magic system works in that setting.
  14. Re: Creepy Pics. The picture of his face on Jax's body is particularly disturbing. (The woman in leather with the tattoos and red mohawk, a professional erotic model)
  15. I'm curious what sort of time frame people prefer for the appearance of superhumans, assuming a setting in which they suddenly appear, or go public. The default settings for Champions, Silver Age Sentinels, and Mutants & Masterminds have "the age of superheroes" starting around World War II. The San Angelo setting for Champions had a few low power supers in the city in the 30s, with standard superhumans appearing worldwide in 1982, 16 years before publication, 30 years ago now. Aberrant began 10 years after the event that everyone thought created superhumans. Do you prefer decades or more of established history, a recent phenomenon that the world is still adjusting to, or something in the middle with significant backstory but still evolving?
  16. Re: Arcane Adversaries Outtake: TRESS! Just out of curiosity, have you ever written-up the Cabal of Flamboyant Justice for Champions? They were great characters, and I noticed Antares mentioned in The Ultimate Mystic.
  17. Re: CV3 Street Date? Mine arrived today.
  18. Re: Why I prefer HERO System over Pathfinder/OGL/D&D for fantasy Plus you'll get the inevitable people shouting "I've been playing RPGs for 20 years! I already know all of this! This is a waste of paper! They should have published something more useful!" I see it every time a book contains a "how to role-play" or "how to GM" chapter. Some people have an unfortunate tendency to think that every RPG book should be written specifically for them.
  19. Re: Champions 1st edition You mean the Icicle solo book? She, Flare, and Marksman are the only characters who got solo books. Yes, her blatantly more than familial affection for her brother Icestar is disturbing. Then, there's also the relationship between Lady Arcane and her aunt, the Black Enchantress. In Donna's favor, the relationship started before she knew who Andrea really was, and Andrea is just twisted. She's currently a magical "hero" who battles supernatural threats because she doesn't want competition when she eventually takes over the Earth herself. There was one quite amusing character development revealed a couple years ago. This woman is named Raven Gold. She's a Robin Hood-esque super-thief who only steals from criminals. The first time she appeared, she was working for the Black Enchantress in exchange for some potions that would relieve an unrevealed "condition". Later, she appeared working for some scientists who were providing high-tech treatment for the same "condition". It turns out that she's not a real person. She's an alternate personality created by a magic shapeshifting spell retconned as happening off panel way back at the end of the original Champions mini-series. "Someone" uncontrollably changes into Raven Gold at random intervals. "This person" doesn't know about Raven Gold; they just know that they're suffering blackouts and losing time, sometimes months at a stretch. Raven Gold, on the other hand, knows about "the other person" and is actively trying to find a way to prevent ever changing back. Who is this mysterious person who changes into Raven Gold? .
  20. Re: A Thread for Random Videos This may be worthy of its own thread. A little girl born unable to lift her arms gets a 3-D printed custom exoskeleton.
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