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Everything posted by Armitage

  1. Re: ADVANCED PLAYER'S GUIDE II -- What Do *You* Want To See? Something similar has been done, the "Stinking Vapors" power in Champions Powers, for example. Only Applies If Victim Fails CON Roll (-1/2), with an additional Change Environment to create a penalty to the CON Roll. Steve presented a more elaborate "Saving Throw" system in his HEROglyphs column in Digital Hero #18, with the value determined by the modifier to the roll and the amount a successful roll reduces the effect. I usually feel that agility and willpower saves are handled pretty well by Dodge, Dive for Cover, DCV, DMCV, Breakout Rolls, etc. A similar way to resist diseases, poisons, etc. through sheer stamina and toughness would be good, beyond just having enough BODY and STUN to survive and remain conscious.
  2. Re: Does anyone allow Followers, Bases, etc to get Disadvantages/Complications for po I think the problem in the past has been things like Followers bought with the Psychological Limitation "Devoted to [Character]", so it's not an actual Disadvantage. If a Disadvantage/Complication hinders you (as opposed to the Follower/Base/Vehicle), I would allow it to reduce the cost. It also depends on in-game background. If a corporation or government helps fund your base or vehicle I can certainly see "Watched by [backer]" reducing the cost, since they are explicitly helping you pay for it.
  3. Re: Sting Like A Bee (5e) Being able to set a Triggered Power multiple times is a +0 Advantage, although the book states that such a Power must have Charges or a Focus, unless the GM decides otherwise. The "once per target" seems like a fair balance to this. An Adjustment Power that can only be used on a character once has a -1 Limitation (6E1 143), which is equal to OAF. So I'm thinking it would be a basic +1/4 Trigger. One triggering condition, Zero Phase Action to activate, Half Phase Action to reset.
  4. Re: Flash in a cone AoE It's worth noting that something similar is already in the description of Flash. 6E1 226. "The GM may wish to allow characters who are prepared for or expecting a Flash to take defensive actions (covering their eyes with their hands or something similar) to reduce or eliminate the effects of the Flash. (Characters generally can't Abort to do this, since by definition that means they're not "prepared.") Obviously, whether such actions succeed depends on the special effect of the Flash - a character who covers his ears won't be protected from a Sight Group Flash." In this case, it could be a matter of the special effect indicating that anyone facing the opposite direction is automatically considered to be taking defensive actions.
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos A new look for Warhammer 40K. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMElt51fkH0 This must be what going mad feels like. This needs music.
  6. So I was tinkering with a magic system. Spells use personal Endurance rather than an Endurance Reserve. The Long-Term Endurance rules are in effect to balance spellcasting against physical combat, in the manner of Vancian fire-and-forget magic in D&D. Personally, I think a wizard driving himself to exhaustion holding back an advancing army is more dramatic than "Oops, out of spells. Time to go." It's logical that a more powerful spellcaster could cast more spells and more powerful spells than a novice without depleting his resources, but you don't want every wizard to be a marathon runner. So I conceived of an Increased Spell Capacity "Talent", bought as additional Recovery with the Limitation "Only To Resist LTE Loss From Spellcasting". It seems to me that this is a textbook example of a -2 Limitation. Assuming that, each Character Point buys +3 REC to resist LTE loss. Assuming a basic character with 4 Recovery, this character begins burning LTE if he spends 2 END or more in a Turn, with the amount increasing for every 4 END spent in a Turn. The Talent increases these benchmarks as follows. 1 Character Point: 4 END and 7 END. 2 Character Points: 5 END and 10 END. 3 Character Points: 7 END and 13 END. 4 Character Points: 8 END and 16 END. 5 Character Points: 10 END and 19 END. ...and so on. This could also be applied to any other character who can perform a specific task for long periods without having generally superhuman stamina. e.g. a long-distance runner, or a brick who can lift immense weights for long periods.
  7. Re: Combat Skills Levels with engtangles You could also adapt the optional rules for Damage Negation vs. Entangle in Advanced Player's Guide, p. 86. 2 DC is equal to 1d6 of BODY and 1 PD/1 ED, alternating between BODY and PD/ED if you add 1 DC at a time.
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos This was posted over in the Thor movie thread, but it deserves to be here too. A new version of the Little Vader VW commercial. (It's not what you think.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPNjWWQqWCA The little details are funny too. The name on the dog's dish, the action figure on the bed, the coffee cup on the counter, the license plate number on the car.
  9. Re: Quantum from Dragon Magazine #111, 1986 by George MacDonald Since they didn't have permission to reproduce some of the content in the first place, it's unlikely to ever be re-released. The unauthorized reprinting of Knights of the Dinner Table led to the settlement that allowed Kenzer & Co. to use the 1e AD&D material to create Hackmaster.
  10. Re: WHo is Thor and the Gold Goast Guardians? (The Champions character) Not the same character, since Citadel's heroic days were years ago, before his time with Viper, but there was a write-up for the mythological Thor in Champions Presents #1. "A Menace Out of Time". At one point the time-manipulating villain pulls Thor from the past to fight the heroes. He's rather upset about missing Ragnarok.
  11. Re: Paranormal threat levels In the campaign I worked on years ago, I used the following government-assigned categories for superhumans and non-powered heroes and villains. Grade 1 - Minor Metahuman with trivial powers, like a Deuce in the Wild Cards series. Typically 1-10 AP and 1-4 Defense. Grade 2 - Metahuman super genius who isn't a hero or villain. Grade 3 - Trained Normal Human. Grade 4 - Normal Human or Metahuman supergenius with super-tech, subdivided into 4a to 4f. Grade 5, 4a - Weak Metahuman. 11-30 AP, 5-12 Defense. Grade 6, 4b - Below Average Metahuman. 31-50 AP, 13-20 Defense. Grade 7, 4c - Average Metahuman, 51-70 AP, 21-28 Defense. Grade 8, 4d - Above Average Metahuman. 71-90 AP, 29-36 Defense. Grade 9, 4e - Powerful Metahuman. 91-110 AP, 37-44 Defense. Grade 10, 4f - Very Powerful Metahuman. 111+ AP, 45+ Defense. Since Grade 10 was "anything above Grade 9", there were unofficial Grade 11, Grade 12, Grade 13, etc. metahumans, but they were officially classified as Grade 10.
  12. Re: Old Marvel Super Heroes to Champions conversion. Adventurer's Club #5. It was a 5-page article with different charts for each ability, so not something that could be easily reproduced here. Hmm, it looks like I replied to a similar thread back in 2004 and did reproduce the core of the article. I have no memory of that.
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Videos http://www.theonion.com/video/in-the-know-are-americas-rich-falling-behind-the-s,14165/ (Couldn't get their embed link to work.)
  14. Re: Allocatable Good point. I was forgetting that you can only Drain individual slots of a Multipower, not the Reserve as a whole. For some reason, I was thinking that the entire framework was affected, like Elemental Controls used to be. Which is, of course, what Unified Power was meant to replace.
  15. Re: Allocatable Just throwing it into Hero Designer... Resistant Protection (10 PD/10 ED/10 Mental Defense/10 Power Defense), Allocatable (+1/4) Total cost: 75 points. Multipower, 60-point reserve; Extra Time (Half-Phase to Change Powers, -1/4). 48 Real Points. 12v Resistant Protection (40 PD) 12v Resistant Protection (40 ED) 12v Resistant Protection (40 Mental Defense) 12v Resistant Protection (40 Power Defense) Total cost: 96 points. 75 Real Points vs. 96 Real Points. Either Allocatable needs to be a bigger Advantage or requiring a Half-Phase to change a Multipower needs to be a bigger Limitation.
  16. Re: ADVANCED PLAYER'S GUIDE II -- What Do *You* Want To See? I realize it's somewhat of a bugaboo, but I would love to see an alternate system for creating light. The current system using Images seems problematic, particularly in a fantasy setting where, for example, a character's "Rank" determines the maximum Active Points of his spells. It's often depicted that creating light equal to a torch is something the lowliest novice wizard can do, but recreating a torch using Images costs 27 Active Points, costing END every Phase. Making the light self sustaining with Reduced Endurance or Time Limit increases the cost even more, until it's comparable in cost to an attack spell that can leave an average human dying with one shot. The Only To Create Light Limitation works fine for the Real Points, but the Active Point cost seems too high for the effect.
  17. Re: The Incredible Hulk Back in 2003, Game Trade magazine had an article containing the Hulk written up for Champions, Mutants & Masterminds, Silver Age Sentinels, and the new Marvel RPG. The online article is gone now, but the Wayback Machine is your friend. EDIT: For some reason, the Wayback Machine doesn't like its own link. From the link above, you have to click the link to search the archived GTM PDF pages, and then click the link for the Hulk article, and then click on the June 21, 2004 archive, which is the link I posted above.
  18. Re: Hero Games needs a new printer Plus, is this the newer printer in the US that was mentioned a while ago? If so, it would be this one-time delay vs. the wait for overseas shipping and sitting in customs for every book like we had in the past.
  19. Re: A power to swap places with someone. Champions Powers has the following Power: Trading Spaces: Teleportation 30m, Limited Range (30m; +1/4), Usable As Attack (does not affect characters with teleportation or dimensional powers; +1 1/4); Only To Trade Places (-1) plus Teleportation 30m (30 Active Points); Only To Trade Places (-1), Linked (Teleportation; -1/2) There are also four variants. Long Trade I: Increase both Powers to 60m. Long Trade II: Add MegaScale (1m = 1 km) to both Powers. Position Trading: Add No Relative Velocity and Position Shift to both Powers. Easy Trade: Add 1/2 END to both Powers.
  20. Re: Clinging w/Damage Shield Advantage? The "Gotcha!" Power in the Stretching chapter of Champions Powers uses an Entangle Damage Shield to make someone stick to you when they touch you.
  21. Re: A cage that teleports occupant to it's center when they touch\pass through the bo It could also be the special effect of an Entangle, like the Dimensional Trap on page 91 of Champions Powers. "When the character tries to step outside the bubble, it immediately teleports him right back inside."
  22. Re: Fear (5th Ed) Fear attacks have also been built as Drain PRE, combined with a Presence Attack, although in 5e the attacked character gets to choose whether the attack is resisted with PRE or EGO, so it's not as effective.
  23. Re: Alternate Magic Item Creation
  24. Re: Alternate Magic Item Creation
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