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Everything posted by tkdguy

  1. Thanks. I'm surprised at how quickly I got hired, considering I haven't even had a face-to-face interview. On my way to work, I realized I've been working in the same place for nearly a third of my life, and I'm walking away from it. That gave me a nasty shock. But fortune favors the bold, so I'm moving forward.
  2. I have another job lined up. I'm basically transferring to another branch closer to home. I'll still be doing the same thing, but without the emotional baggage of my current location. I'm not going to put all my eggs in one basket. I'm still going to the job fairs, and I have a couple of phone interviews. It's a bittersweet feeling. I made a few friends in my old place, and a lot of my students are going to be unhappy about my leaving. Still, I need to move forward.
  3. Not sure why; I can't seem to fix it. But the next few links work okay for me.
  4. Confirmation of God particle "achingly close" Curiosity sleeps as solar particle races toward Mars Europa's ocean similar to Earth's US-Russian crew launching to ISS in record time
  5. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/mythical-viking-sunstone-may-existed-193642052.html]
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/nasa-unpacks-trunk-spacex-cargo-capsule-231107167.html
  7. For some reason, my links aren't showing up on the thread. But they do show up if you hit the quote button.
  8. What an awful night I had! I went to bed early because the storm kept knocking out the power. Then I got a Charley horse on my right leg. I got another one on my left leg a half-hour later. My legs are still stiff right now. I hurt my forefinger tugging on a blanket. It shouldn't even have hurt because it's not something that causes pain. But it did, and it was unusually painful for several minutes. Maybe there's some joint damage. And at 4 am, after I had just settled down, my cat threw up on the carpet.
  9. http://news.yahoo.com/suns-weather-cycle-may-second-peak-215055240.html http://news.yahoo.com/wow-rare-photos-capture-2-comets-together-night-215905969.html
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/slight-chance-comet-could-hit-mars-2014-nasa-215439619.html http://news.yahoo.com/comet-making-closest-approach-ever-earth-165825026.html
  11. tkdguy


    Mystery of the Hindenburg solved?
  12. This is a Hamburger Restaurant in NYC. Was this your intention? There's one in San Francisco too.
  13. Zion National Park, Utah http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/blog/51179/utahs+nature-made+subway+ride+is+bucket+list+worthy/
  14. I tried attaching the video with the link button, but I kept getting an error message. So I just posted the link here. [url= ] [/url= ]
  15. It looks like you can like a particular post, but not one of your own.
  16. Cool! I'd rep you, but that doesn't seem to be available anymore.
  17. Dennis Tito's 2018 Mars Mission[/url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/dennis-titos-mission-to-mars-launching-in-2018-for-the-children-and-to-beat-china/2013/02/27/4a4a98ce-8135-11e2-8074-b26a871b165a_story.html]
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