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Everything posted by tkdguy

  1. You know a concert is great when you're a bit sad that it ends.
  2. Doubles still count; why do you think they don't? Granted they have different rankings than singles rankings, but some players mainly play doubles.
  3. Serena has been playing in the minor tournaments lately. I can understand her guarded tone, since anything she says will be scrutinized and probably be blown up by the press.
  4. Admiral? He's wearing a Captain's rank insignia.
  5. Kudos to Harmony Tan. I thought she was done for in the final set when she fell behind 5-4. Even if she had lost today, she gets credit for lasting this long against Serena Williams. Granted Serena is pretty rusty right now, but she is still a dangerous opponent. As for Serena, I suspect that this was just a warmup for the US Open this fall. She'll be used to playing in majors again, and she'll most likely go farther. Note that she's not completely out of Wimbledon yet. She will be playing doubles with Jamie Murray.* *Correction: Venus will be playing with Jamie, not Serena
  6. "Nobody goes to the dentist in D&D anyway." "I can pick out an apple in a potato salad. It's not a very marketable skill."
  7. The other night I had a dream that I was supposed to go on a date. I took the bus to the lady's apartment, dressed in a suit and carrying flowers. The lady in question wasn't home and wasn't answering her phone. I knew I'd just been ditched unceremoniously. No problem, I went to a bar to meet with some family members, all of whom died years ago. We asked different questions and marked blank sheets of paper with a marker as if the questions had been written down. I started a monologue about love in Tolkien's works but never finished. My great-uncle introduced me to a young woman he called his niece. I rode a bus with the niece and talked for a bit. Another woman boarded. The niece left with the woman without saying goodbye to me. I tried to follow them but lost them and found myself in a comedy club. Ditched twice in the same dream!
  8. If my old company understood that, I'd probably still be an employee there. Even when they asked me to come back they offered no incentive for me to do so.
  9. I admit that it's easier to add the sound effects when using virtual tabletops than when playing face to face. Even adding the right music at the right time disrupts the flow of the game. Most games I've taken part in that had music just had it playing in the background, and the music didn't always match the background. I still think of the AD&D games I played with friends in the late 80s and early 90s when I hear Queen's "We are the Champions."
  10. Did that once; Nazgul taste awful!
  11. New Middle-earth book coming out this fall:
  12. While this song is usually associated with Frank Sinatra, I'm more familiar with this version.
  13. Paradise Lost Horizon Land of the Paradise Lost
  14. Enter the Dragonball Z Granted, it's not much of of a crossover as far as genre is concerned.
  15. Adding background music to the game is nothing new, but what about sound effects?
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