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Everything posted by tkdguy

  1. This video needed to be made. I for one appreciate all three and the contributions they've made to the game.
  2. Whatever idealism I may have had died years ago. But I never had a high opinion about humanity, not even when I was a kid.
  3. People in general make me cranky. Life in general makes me cranky.
  4. You can add the USA to the list, since the Navy once tried to drive off/wipe out the Gooney Birds in Midway.
  5. I love pork satay with peanut sauce. My sister makes one of the noodle dishes, but she uses sunflower butter because she's allergic to peanuts.
  6. I was going to post this in the "Read All About It" thread, but this place is also appropriate Woman on boat stabbed by 100-pound sailfish
  7. Or Mack the Knife from The Threepenny Opera.
  8. Does anyone need anything before we set out? Speak up now; we won't be able to get anything once we cross over to Mordor.
  9. I actually watched part of a video reviewing the upcoming Star Frontiers setting. I couldn't finish it, even though the presenter was mocking TSR's whole attitude.
  10. How about some wild-haired sage in Gondor during the late 4th Age claiming that Sauron was an extraterrestrial?
  11. In all fairness, this is mainly based on television and cinema, and maybe in novels. This is mainly intended for science fiction writers, not gamers. But I have seen a few players acting as if their ships were crewed by Romulans and choose to blow up their ships to avoid surrender or capture.
  12. Why are retreating and surrendering rarely used in space battles? I find this a bit strange. In my starship combat games, retreating and surrendering were definitely options. Kamikaze attacks by ramming the enemy ship and self destructing the ship to avoid capture were not. Part of my main character's backstory was that he spent time as a POW after surrendering during a battle.
  13. From railguns to space elevators. I wish this channel had been around when I was developing my hard SF campaign.
  14. The "guns in space" trope is divisive. Some folks hate it; others (like me) like it. But here's more info on the pros and cons of using kinetic energy weapons in space combat.
  15. A Gurahl, a Garou, and a Corax calling a truce?
  16. This belongs in the All Things Creepy and Scary thread.
  17. In recent months, I learned that hearing "Got it; let me know if you change your mind" after refusing a request is code for "Expect me to badger you about this at a future date."
  18. https://www.facebook.com/casualchristiancomedy2/photos/a.350697795440169/1458401688003102/
  19. Here's a wacky terrain idea. You've seen those air fresheners for cars that look like pine trees? Keep them after they're used up. After you've collected a bunch of them, just mount them on binder clips. Voila, instant forest!
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