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Blue Jogger

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Everything posted by Blue Jogger

  1. My last character had (extra) STR and Stretching. Mostly because of the campaign limit, and I wanted to use my full Strength. However, I did have a VPP and sometimes I would switch over to TK. Why? Because 75 points of TK (50 STR) can be use 375" away. Try to do that with combat stretching. But sometimes, I wanted to lift something, way, way, way over there. Now imagine your typical battle and someone is 300" inches away lifting a nearby (to you) car to smash you. The brick may pick up a car and he may toss it at the TK, he's not going to toss it 300". He might pick up a rock and throw 300", will he hit? More likely than not, no. If I'm using stretching, I'm at the battle.
  2. I like it. Just like 8d6 Energy Blast can be electric, fire, magic, etc... A 16 COM value can be attitude, style, grace, or simply big...er...eyes. Hmm. Compare: 16 COM (+3 Magnetism, +2 Face, +2 Approachable, -1 Style) 16 COM (+1 Face, +2 Attitude, +2 Approachable, +1 Body, -1 Hair, +1 Voice) 16 COM (-1 Attitude, -1 Approachable, +2 Style, +2 Hair, +2 Magnetism, +1 Body, +1 Voice)
  3. Oh yeah, before Nightvision, there was: N-Ray Vision, Only to see at night GM: So what blocks it? Me: Normal walls, it's so I can see at night. GM: Why not buy Ultraviolet vision? Me: Doesn't work indoors, besides I can see color with N-ray. GM (confused): Ok. With another character, I tried one better. N-ray Vision, Only when flashed GM: So what blocks it? Me: Not being flashed GM: So when your normal vision is flashed, you can see through walls? Me: Yeap. GM: Is this because you were flashed three times last combat? Me: Darn straight. I also want to buy extra damage classes linked to my N-ray Vision. GM: What's the special effect? Me: I'm going to hit them in the spleen, it will hurt more. GM: What if you never get flashed again? Me: That'll work too.
  4. I remember one character: 2d6 HKA Kick (4d6 w/STR) Yes, it was Hand to Hand Killing Attack that could only be used by the character's feet. It was killing because...well, because, he'd kill people with it.
  5. Ok, how about this as a new power: Move Characters with this power can move 1" per 2 points spent. Note that if this adds to base running, it cannot be used except to increase running distance. If it is slightly limiting (super running that can go across water and up buildings but not into the air) than it is 2" per 3 points spent. If it can only be used to move in a very limited manner (say, by using swing lines or only in water or only to glide) than it is 1" per 1 point spent. If it is extremely limited (only to go across the top of the water) than it is 2" per 1 point. Non-combat multiples cost 5 points for x2 (the first one is free). Super Running: 30" Move, x16 Non-combat (60 Active Points) Riding Power Lines: 30" Move, x16 Non-combat (30 Active Points) Walk on Top of Snow: 6" Move (3 points if snow is uncommon, 12 points if it becomes your main way of traveling)
  6. Multiform and Duplication becomes really complicated. My original thought was, Multiform. One of the forms (twins) has Duplication. If you Multiform out of the Duplication then the Duplicate also vanishes. Ok, but this is the twist. Jack can (unless Jill refuses) multiform into Captain Incredible. Jill can (when Jack is unconscious) can multiform into Incredible Woman. But with Duplication you suddenly have "the real one" and the duplicates. So I labelled Jill the duplicate (life is so unfair). Now, can Jill multiform (not herself, the twin form) being the duplicate and not "the real one". ((smacks head)) Ok, if we don't want lots of handwaving, we can put the Multiform on a trigger so that Jill can trigger's Jack Multiform to Incredible Woman. This makes it cheaper since Jack already has the power (another form costs 5 points vs. 100 points for Jill to Multiform). This one, as far as I can figure, is the closest to being "street legal". Since it's a cool idea, I wanted it to be playable as a player character (at least the concept) and not just another NPC. I think if someone wanted to play something simular to this, they would need to talk to the GM. Although it shouldn't be this much of headache. Edit: The FAQ states: Q: If a character has Multiform, and one of his forms has Duplication but his true form does not, what happens if, while in that form and Duplicated, he changes form back to his true form? A: When the character changes form back to the form that lacks Duplication, the Duplicate vanishes. For this reason, the GM should only let the base character change form if he’s in contact with his Duplicate, and/or spends a Full Phase (as if recombining), or meets any other restrictions that seem appropriate for the special effect.
  7. Is there some reason why it should take any END? Having +4 Speed means the character is more than likely going to spend something like 16 END (at least) just moving and attacking or spellcasting on the four extra phases. Although, I suppose he could recover on those phases, assuming that he doesn't get attack. A lot of grief could be saved if the spell is bought with continous charges.
  8. I assume we would have chemical replicators well before we can swap energy and matter like water and ice. A chemical replicator can build things by chemical reactions not unlike digestion and breathing (although admitedly a replicator would have to do lots of different reactions). Making diamonds out of carbon dioxide is possible with a chemical replicator. Artifical diamonds are made that way today.
  9. I could just see the chaos that develops when an alien (or perceived alien) species is found.
  10. I'm removing the Multiform from Captain Incredible and moving it to the twins. The twins should be considered "the true form". Jack has won the toss, and Jill is the duplicate. However, I made it "Inherent" to prevent someone from Draining Jill away (she's a real twin). Incredible Woman is simular to Captain Incredible. They should develop in different directions, however. The twins have the following Powers: Jack 100 Multiform to Captain Incredible X Duplication (Jill), Inherent Jill 100 Multiform to Incredible Woman
  11. I was thinking that one of the multiforms is the twins. The twins form has duplication (as of 5th, Always On, is a +0 modifier for duplication). The twins are not built on the same points as Captain Incredible or Incredible Woman. Although I think the twins needs to buy the Multiform (as one can argue that's the true form) as well as the Duplication. When they are touching, they are allowed to multiform to another form either Captain Incredible or Incredible Woman depending on EGO rolls, phase of the moon, and which one is conscious. Also, not an official rule, but the 20 BODY is reflective of 10 BODYs of each twin. If Jack takes 7 BODY and Jill takes 3 BODY, then the combine form has loss 10 BODY. If he takes an additional BODY loss, then it is split between forms. Also, if one of the twins is unconscious, the INT and EGO goes down to 10 for the combined form.
  12. The biggest tip, unless the heroes have to fight or ride the animals, you don't really need stats. These aren't official stats, but really rough estimates, feel free to adjust these depending on mood, player's strength, etc. These are probably tougher than normal animals. If they are combat trained (or used to fighting), then feel free to give them a few combat skill levels or more DEX. A combat-trained wolf (20 DEX) can take down a bear. REALLY BIG ANIMAL has 40 STR, 20 DEX, 40 BODY, 100 STUN, -4 DCV BEARS have 20 STR, 15 DEX, 20 BODY, 60 STUN, -2 DCV HORSES have 20 STR, 15 DEX, 20 BODY, 40 STUN, 0 DCV WOLVES have 10 STR, 15 DEX, 10 BODY, 30 STUN, 0 DCV CATS have 5 STR, 20 DEX, 10 BODY, 10 STUN, +2 DCV SQUIRREL, MOUSE or BAT have 5 STR, 15 DEX, 5 BODY, +4 DCV
  13. We have the house rule that people that have no name takes x2 BODY. This takes out the background characters and gives the villians a high death toll without making the heroes weaker. It prevents the, "I'm not dead, yet".
  14. Anybody can use an arrow without a bow. I believe it's -3 OCV to use a weapon that you are untrained in (you might need to make a called shot to an unarmored area (more minuses) or take your chances). Something tells me, Legolas has WF: arrow as a melee weapon. Assuming normal characteristic maximum, I would put most combat-trained elves at around 17 to 23 DEX. Elves have hundreds of years to become combat-trained, humans have about a decade. I would give him levels in Sweeping (2 shots per phase) and a 4 SPD. And assume that orcs are SPD 2 and have pretty lousy DCV (did anyone miss an orc if the orc didn't block?). Remember that Legolas probably missed lots of shots, just not on camera. EDIT: Still +10 OCV w/Bow is only 20 points.
  15. Thanks Oddhat, I'm still trying to decide if the Perk, Loved by the Public is a 3 point perk or not. My challange: How about a non-humanoid alien. Not neccessarily a monster, but something weird and creepy and out there.
  16. Captain Incredible / Incredible Woman 50 STR 40 28 DEX 54 30 CON 20 20 BODY 20 20 INT 10 20 EGO 20 15 PRE 5 22 COM 6 10 PD 0 10 ED 4 6 SPD 22 16 REC 0 60 END 0 60 STUN 0 ---------- 221 45 Full Life Support (Incredible Constitution) 45 Incredible Movement Multipower 4u +15" Running, 0 END 4u +15" Swimming, 0 END 4u 15" Flight, 0 END 4u 15" Flight, 1/2 END, Megascale +1/4 60 Armor 20 PD, 20 ED Multiform removed (Jack and Jill) ----- 166 Disadvantages 10 Physical: Young 10 Psychological: (As Captain Incredible: Loves using powers) (As Incredible Woman: Avoids combat unless neccessary) 10 Physical: Unable to maintain heroic forms for long periods 5 Distinctive Features: 7 feet tall, very attractive 10 DNPC: Mom (Retired Superhero), Competent, 14 or less Note: GM is encourage to add more disadvantages to make the total balance. Unless this is a group class villian, in which case, add more stuff! Edit: Removed Multiform (see post below)
  17. Alright, submitted for your approval. I give you "Captain Incredible" and "Incredible Woman" Background: Jack and Jill were two ordinary fraternal twins. They got their power from their mom. An unforseen side effect is when the activate the powers, the fuse into one being. Either Captain Incredible or Incredible Woman. (Currently Incredible Woman only shows up if Jack is unconscious when transforming) Personality: Captain Incredible is the classic teenager given superpowers. Although he tries to act mature, the power is...well...incredible. Incredible Woman acts more mature and much more willing to talk. Of course, now Jill wants equal hero time. Quote: (as Jill) "Jack, if you say, 'Wonder Twins Power, Activate', I'll swear I'll belt you when we change back." (as Captain Incredible) "Surrender! You can't win against my Incredible Might!" (As Incredible Woman) "Look, I'm not just a pretty face in tights. Give up now, and I'm sure the authorities will go easy on you." Appearance: Captain Incredible/Incredible Woman is an impressive 7 feet tall with impressive features (22 COM). Campaign Use: Used as a NPC rival hero, they are amazingly well-loved by the public as superstars. Used as a supervillian, Jack has begun to use his superpowers to get everything that he every wanted. Either Jill is willing to go along with this, or is fighting for control and attoning with Incredible Woman. Edit: Forget to mention to transform, the twins must touch. No transforming across town allowed.
  18. You can also use Reduce Pentrating limitation or Autofire advantage to simulate two or more multiple attacks. Remember multiple attacks will chew up characters with light to no armor while bouncing off characters with heavy armor.
  19. But it's very human. After having villians come back terminator-style, you would probably be very tempted to zap them again with a non-lethal but otherwise effective attack. And that's why I like Wormhole's rule. It prevents the players from Stunning someone into GM only. (Just for contrast) “And he piled upon the whale's white hump, the sum of all the rage and hate felt by his whole race. If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it.â€
  20. If you wanted to take a Recovery in a mental phase. I would argue that you could, but it would only recover END. Since you have 3 physical speed and 6 mental speed, you're going to wear down END much faster and need to take recoveries more often than if you were only a 3 speed. But this is a game mechanic, one your GM may or may not approve of. Having split speeds is a big problem in Champions, one best avoided. (Really, the rules would become nightmarish if Steve had to explain whether an action was physical, mental, spiritual, reflexive, or what have you) This begs the question, however, what is your character doing while taking a mental recovery? The above assumes a sort of concentrating to tap deeper into inner reserves (forcing more adranline, forcing burning energy without oxygen). If that was the case, doing this too much would cause a dice or two of STUN and possibly severe muscle cramps (minor STR loss).
  21. 8D6 Ranged Killing Attack, Explosion, x4 Radius -0 Limitation: Only affects bad people Detect Bad 18 or less, Ranged -1/2 Limitation: Detect only works on power "Don't you know that the smart bombs are so clever, they only kill bad people." - Oingo Boingo, War Again
  22. With today's technology, it is possible (through very difficult) to move atoms one at a time. Just as a cow can chew grass and water and make meat, it is possible to construct a machine that can take grass and water and construct meat. Grass can be constructed by sunlight (energy), carbon dioxide and water. Therefore, meat can be constructed with energy, carbon dioxide and water. It is even possible to do it more efficiently than the grass and cow since grass needs roots and a cow needs bones and needs to digest the grass rather than photosynthize directly. Yes, replicators require power. It requires roughly the same amount of power (possibly less) than to construct it in a non-replicator fashion. You might want to think of them as recyclers.
  23. I'd vote for the future. Go to 2050 or so. Get patched up with proven biomedical techniques. Pick up a cheap pocket computer that can outdo what my desktop can do and include a cheap heads up display. Shoot, just go to K-mart or Target in 2050, buy everything that's dirt cheap but incredible for early 21st century. Although I might get arrested if time machines become banned by 2034. In which case, I (the 2033 verison) might have to rescue myself (which will be the reason time travel will become banned). Which means when I get back, I'll have to ask myself (the 2033 verison) if he's going to stay in the future and give up time travel or if he's ready to live in the past. I'll also have to remember to buy cheap diamonds in 2050 (that will past as real and expensive with early 21st tech), go back to 1940 or so, bury them in my backyard and unbury them at the correct time. By the time they figure out my scam, time travel will be illegal and I will have proof that I dug them from backyard from the now rusty box that I bought in 1940. Obviously some time traveller from the future had bury them there and I couldn't possibly have known that they were fakes made in 2050. Confused yet? Well, since time travel is going to be banned in 2034, I'm going to have to buy all the parts that I can (but I'm rich because of the fake diamonds that I cashed out), probably around 2030 or a little before. When I say *I*, I mean the 2030 version of me. And he's going to be busy. Since he's the one that going to have to build a time machine that will be the first time machine that I get (in early 21st century). He's also going to have the build one for himself (to rescue me (himself?) in 2050). If that doesn't cause a horrible paradox, it will certainly lead to banning time travel in 2034.
  24. I like this rule. This allows heroes to get into minor scrapes and recover fairly fast, serious wounds in a few days, and near fatal wounds in about a week. Be sure to clarify if conventional healing requires bed rest or can be done with light activity. Unlike their superheroic or high-magic counterparts, they won't be able to ditch a combat, heal up and wade back in. If they start to lose, they may have to cut losses and run. And rest for a few days. If they are, for example, behind enemy lines, then they are going to have to find a hiding space. As GM, you will have to keep this in mind. This is not a bad thing. You can further your plot by having them meet a kind (or not so kind) NPC. If a character is laid up for a long time, however, you may want a backup character for the player to play.
  25. Here's a character concept that I was playing with, haven't the time to write it up. Halfing Traveller Minor Spells: Travel Light: 20 STR, 0 END Persistent, Only to make backpack and it's contents effectively weightless, Spell lasts about a day Firelight 1 hex Image of a flying pixie made out of fire, +6 PER, 0 END Persistent (Note: Originally designed as a fancy reading light, it can be used to annoy or distract other people) Cooking Magic: Major Transform, Create any Food from Nothing, +3 to Cooking skill (Note: Food quality is based on Cooking skill) Enchant Walking Stick: 0 END on Running, Environment Movement: Slippery Surfaces Quick Sketch: PS: Artist INT+3, Only to quickly sketch what is currently being seen. Background: They said that the old wizard would never again train anybody in the ways of magic. He was stubborn that way. But the wizard was too old to train anybody, he could barely get out of bed. "I never taught you any useful spells", the wizard sighed. "Oh, I've seen many spells that can blast, cut and burn... Bother the whole lot of them. I rather like these spells better."
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