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Everything posted by Badger

  1. IN other words they wanted to say "Browns don't take a QB......but take a QB"
  2. My grandmother loved pickled pig feet.
  3. Yeah, I think pork chops is what my mother cooks best.
  4. Regardless of the winner my digestive system loses.
  5. You gotta point the 49ers do seem they may have zoomed to #1 in dysfunctionality recently. (and jax was for a long time The go to in it, before Cleveland quit trying and decided to embrace it). I'd rate Jets and Bears as better though, but not by much breathing room.
  6. I smell a star then.
  7. I already said Trubisky at #1. Why put together a fearsome defense, when you can get a possibly slightly better than mediocre QB. In any case, if teams were to theoretically be logical, then you could probably still get Trubisky at #12. And how does Mel Kiper feel about Trubisky anyway. If he is high on Trubisky than we know for sure the guy will be a scrub.
  8. Trubisky #1 it is.
  9. If guessing a woman's age or height (hopefully a gun is being held to your head if you doing this in the first place) always take the "Price Is Right" principle. Guess low. You do not want to go over the actual amount.
  10. Yeah, yeah, so which QB will go #1 in the draft, then.
  11. In the battle of body count, Punisher wins. Dexter wins in creativity/staying under the radar. PUnisher probably hunts for Dexter eventually, gets caught by Dexter, but escapes. (to be continued, to keep the fans wondering) Saitama (One Punch Man) vs Superman The battle of the indestructible: Japan vs USA
  12. True, though the protector in me would feel really guilty that I couldn't repay its loyalty.
  13. Lucy Ricardo in carbonite (at least Fred, Ethel and Ricky can finally feel safe, also William Holden, John Wayne, Richard Widmark, Bob Hope and numuerous other 50s Hollywood stars. And that poor woman at the vineyard in Italy)
  14. Hopefully, that wouldn't be the case, I'm trying to be an optimist, for once.
  15. But, he at least saved government expenses, so that we can use the money that would be housing him during the duration, and using it for something useful. Every little bit helps.
  16. You should pity the foo, because one day you may need the foo to pity you.
  17. I don't know about that, I'd need the money for therapy when I find out how many from this site went to it. The Ewokhunters hunt, torture, and kill Ewoks, we don't do THAT to Ewoks. At least since the Hillbilly Bob incident, but that topic is verboten.
  18. Nasty abomination tuna salad is.
  19. THe post directly above should be reported.
  20. I have to eat chicken, otherwise I'd starve. (carnivores don't order salads)
  21. Evidently, you didn't see what happened to the Ewok that did that.
  22. Never tell me the odds, and never tell me how much soy is in my chicken.
  23. The elderly Dr. Zota has the limited ability to send someone into the past. Though he has no control where, and it is temporary (unless he can "prepare" them) ​(see TOS episode "All Our Yesterdays")
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