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Everything posted by Badger

  1. Never give answers to market research surveys
  2. NHL because MLS is lame. The Warner Brothers (and the Warner Sister) vs. Sauron
  3. But, then both sides would probably try to eat each other
  4. I used to have a hard time with nobody seeming to know about the Clone Wars in the Star Wars universe (oversimplification by me) But, then many of the millennials seem to have no (bleeping) clue what the Berlin Wall was. Or much if anything about the Soviet Union. Becomes much more believable. I wouldn't say the galaxy is illiterate, per se, though.
  5. Don't worry Saitama probably wont make the cut.
  6. The Sphinx, is a reformed criminal, he used to be a Riddler-style villain who frustrated his future teammates to no end with his schemes. However, after stealing a mystical gem from a museum in Cairo. A cursed gem that is. He got transformed into chimaera-like monstrosity. The team of his former enemies seemed the only place he could belong with in his current state. His current form is pretty handy in a fight at least. He still isn't above driving people crazy with his mind-bending riddles, he just finds a way to do so to the enemies of his current team.
  7. Yeah, kind of what I have mentioned at times (though I tend to fail in eloquency in general) TOm Brady or Matt Ryan or Russell Wilson, etc. could actually do this, and while take flak for it, not ultimately be hurt career-wise. If you are fighting Blaine Gabbert for the top job on the 2nd worst team in the league, not as rosy. On one hand, in the short-term it might have insured his employment. Well, not as much as keeping quiet, period, of course. But, if he was going to cause some type of trouble, at least for 2016-17. Because with these type of things, while 43 percent of fans might want him gone ASAP. Could you imagine the stink generated by a different 43 percent or so for daring to release him so quickly after "he merely voiced his beliefs". In a lot of ways the 49ers were in a Kobayashi Maru on this. (and in a similar vein, probably the reason Goodell didn't do anything, for good or ill)
  8. I have to give a 2nd opinion. Winner: Terry Farrell (because someone had to say it) *now we return to our regularly scheduled nerd match*
  9. Swamp Thing because calling somethin Man Thing just sounds dirty (and not in a mud dirty way......well not necessarily) Ewoks vs Reavers (Firefly)
  10. Yeah, I know I've mentioned it, and I dont think Michael intended it the way I immediately took it. I realize I get kneejerked on this issue, something about Michael's wording got the reflex working. (I guess the whole for the army like its a football team, I guess I took as a stereotyping though I can point to people who are somewhat like that). For my dad's part, who takes a look of disgust at the mention of Kaepernick, and refuses to talk about it. Cant really ask my mom's brothers since they are all dead (last in 2004, I think it was). In general, most vets I know (whether in combat or not) seem to be in my dad's camp with reaction. I have to admit, I get bent oout of shape in the familial ties area, and speak before thinking. Which will likely happen again at some point. In any case, next time I'll try to invoke former baseball player Rick Monday, if I get rankled over Kaepernick.
  11. I'd just be happy if Berman never did another football highlight, again, ever. I think I will lose my (remaining) sanity if after a great cut/tackle avoid by a RB I am subject to another 3Stoogesque "WHOOOPPP". No mas. Note: Ok, most of what Berman does in those highlights really really annoys me, but that one belongs in a special hell. Edit: to be fair I can actually take Vitale in (very) small doses.
  12. I agree to a point on the PR thing with Kaepernick. But, to a larger part, as someone whose father served in the Marines, I was taught to respect the flag/anthem. And respect is standing for a national anthem if you are able to stand. While I might support his right to free speech, that is the only thing I can give him in this regard. And due to my dad's service, and my mom's brothers (all 4 of her brothers served in WW2), it is asking a lot for me not to see it as an affront to country and family. I don't think I am one of those "uber-patriots" but yeah, you stand up for that. So, yeah, I would "shun" him personally as you say. Due to my own experiences, this is my conclusion, I would hope people would think through and draw their own conclusions (though I have very little faith most on both sides do) Having said all that, Kapernick probably should get another chance. But, he is a sometimes good, but often inconsistent QB. Essentially, if you are great, you can do anything I still get a contract. The more marginal you go, the less baggage you can afford to have. So, while his misdeeds are much less than many others. It is ultimately a performance vs baggage scale. And if the latter holds heavier, you are out of luck. The owners apparently just have deemed his antics more trouble than his talent is worth.
  13. Yet they kept Chris Berman and Dick Vitale didn't they?
  14. Actually I was more sidetracked by your using Tucker Carlson, somebody has been watching FOX News.
  15. The battle of the illusion users: Sosuke Aizen (Bleach) vs (a) Talosian from Star Trek
  16. Gotta give it to Thrawn and his genius. Would have taken back the galaxy if not for faulty judgement in bodyguards. I'll give the next battle in a moment.
  17. Well, to be honest, the only big way the Browns could have screwed up was if they didnt pick Garrett at #1 and (apparently) listened to ESPN and drafted a QB. Maybe, they could/should have taken a QB at #12, but nowhere near the travesty that has been made out. They do seem to be making a priority at winning the trench battle with the OL being their apparent greatest strength along with getting Garrett (and LB Collins last year), I like to see that type of approach.
  18. That article. One of the most massive amounts of bullcrap I've seen in a while in a sports article, which is mind-boggling to say in itself. This is the smartest the Browns have been in the draft in years. A team this bad is going to have many needs, picks should be based partly on your needs, but also should take in consideration the talent available. All that should be obvious to even a novice. The talent wasn't there with QBs, why pick a 3rd round talent with your #1 pick simply because it fits your needs. Especially when you can get a #1 pick level talent with the #1 pick who fits other needs of yours. Why doesn't this guy go crap on Boston for the Patriots picking their current QB in the 6th rd? Or maybe pee in Seattle's cornflakes for that Russell Wilson scrub. The Browns deserve praise for once for getting the best talent available rather than forcing one that plain didn't exist. For all we know Garrett could get Browned like every other 1st rd pick they make, but at least he has high-1st rd talent. So to this writer STFU!
  19. Don't they still have Pacman too? (he and Burfict were the main reason for that playoff loss, Hill might have fumbled at a bad time, but if the defense is going to hand out yardage like Christmas, at last don't do it by penalty, especially of the unnecessary roughness variety)
  20. Well, Kizer was actually the first QB drafted in some of the early mock drafts I saw. Though I think the old Notre Dame bias might have been a small part to that, but regardless since then he seems to have become more and more irrelevant. Possibly a good sleeper pick I suppose. Certainly better than overshooting at #1 for a QB.
  21. If there was someone who knew something about getting rid of the ball quickly it would have been David Carr. (it was necessary, for remaining in the world of the living in his case)
  22. I don't necessarily either, although when your line sucks your body ages like you drank from a fake Grail (ask the elder Carr). I do think it will depend on the mentality of the individual in question. Despite recent events, I do think apprenticing under a veteran for a year (maybe even less) is the ideal situation. And especially considering the consensus is that Tribusky is more raw than the usual QB taken at the point, it would be especially advantageous to not throw him out too early.
  23. Carl Sagan because Carl Sagan, imitations cant be the original. The battle of the Immortals: Flint (Star Trek) vs. Vandal Savage
  24. Anyhow, my impression with Tribusky is that he has great potential, if you let him learn 1 preferably 2 years on the bench, but the Bears will likely get the idea to throw him out there on Day 1, where he will be unprepared and will get demolished to never be heard from again.
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