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Everything posted by Badger

  1. You know there isnt any point into going into the Hillary thing. If you still believe Hillary is innocent, there is literally nothing that can be said to prove it to you. So dont even bother asking that as I know you were in this discussion in 2016. Simply, ignore that part of my post if need be. Respected in the bureau? Yes, I heard that from the interim head. Pardon me, if I dont take his word for it. Though, to be fair, I dont have an actual opinion, on what I believe on the bureau's opinion on the whole about Comey, but I am not going to take the temp's word alone for it. I frankly, would have been surprised if he said otherwise, actually. I am actually open-minded on the FBI opinion on Comey, but not by interim guy, I'd have to hear from rank-and-file. What they actually say, I will believe.
  2. I might not like Trump, but firing Comey is one of the things I agree with. Sorry, timing or not, the Comey firing is not a battle the liberals should be fighting. If you truly believe Comey "gave Trump the election" you should want him gone. End of discussion. (likewise, if you believe Hillary was guilty). The timing isn't good, though if a Russian probe were to hypothetically give him job security, for all we know, that could buy him a long time, perhaps years. And we have enough problems without nursing his mind-boggling stupidity. After the GOP vs Obama, I am willing to give much leeway to the Dem role as antagonist. But, this is just too poorly veiled for me, it is way too obvious the big outrage isn't the Comey firing, but the fact Trump was the one who did the firing. In any case during the election, Comey seemed intent on playing the hero to both sides in the election. Cant say what his logic was (and if I was snarkier tonight I would question myself using "logic" in a topic about Comey). But, someone who plays at being friends to both sides of a conflict deserves loyalty from neither. Edit: And the quicker we accept that we had an election between 2 people who belong being locked under the jail, the better we will be.
  3. Well, in politics, memories seem to last a max. 2 years. (otherwise no one would get re-elected. )
  4. Dont try to cheer me up (though I wouldnt wish a torn ACL on anyone)
  5. Both, the audacity meter blows up though. They both go down to a leisure planet and party like men. (albeit more hell to pay for Han, the next day, because, Leia) Battle of 2 previous winners from my suggestions Darkseid vs The Warner Brothers (and the Warner sister) Bonus: What if the Warners coronate Darkseid to "special friend" status.
  6. I think the penalty is getting a medal, nowadays.
  7. Tonight's paper: The political cartoon Donkey: "I was for the firing of Comey, before I was against it."
  8. ANd the Joker probably killed 6,588 of those 7,000, yet Batman still refuses to kill him.
  9. Yeah, I was expecting the boom to be laid down by February. No matter which side you're on, the Hillary stuff proved he wasn't up for the job.
  10. Don't like my sweets salted, those 2 tastes don't belong together.
  11. Don't they know not to remodel possible haunted houses.
  12. Dexter, take away DeeDee and he'd rule the world. The other one just talks game. (at least Dexter builds stuff) Bob Denver vs John Denver
  13. He was the one guy, both sides could agree to hate.
  14. CHarlie Daniels because he won the battle vs the devil
  15. Aquaman, he actually wins something? Captain Sparrow vs Captain Kirk
  16. Plato he got a Star Trek episode named after him (Plato's stepchildren) The Scotsman's Wife (samurai jack) vs Darkseid
  17. You'll be afraid to go to the hospital in..... Medical Science Theater 3000
  18. Or we could wait for the 7th inning stretch in Milwaukee (who have racing sausages mascots, 2 of which are bratwurst and italian sausage)
  19. It's time to get a pinto.
  20. Wait, never had peanut butter & jelly? I do not understand those words. Witch! WITCH!
  21. Well, it was on Cartoon Network a few years ago. And seems they like killing animes off as is. (they seem more comfortable playing Family Guy for about 6 hours a night) Edit: And to be fair the character is question was a pretty minor villain (and lasted about 10 seconds in fight) but personaility wise he was generally obsessed with keeping the castle and dimension the bad guys were based from intact (said castle and dimension were slowly crumbling which became a plot point later on). Essentially I was thinking the Keeper would be obsessed with everything in the palace staying in good shape, and might take it personally if the place was attacked (even moreso than the if the King was). Probably more, that would be covered in your disadvantages than anything else.
  22. Sausage links. Because I ate the bacon and sausage patties.
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