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Everything posted by Pegasus

  1. Re: Archetype teams I'm currently working on a team of bricks ala Marvel's wrecking Crew, a favorite villain team.
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I sentence I never thought I'd hear, much less say: "Ow! My nipple! Damn Triscuits."
  3. Re: Plot device or by the rules Hmmm, shame my players into cooperation. Good idea. No, wait-it won't work. My players are shameless.
  4. Pegasus

    Evil Businessmen.

    Re: Evil Businessmen. How about Vince McMahon or Mark Cuban? Of course, we all know the truth about Colonel Sanders, too...
  5. Re: Another topic to discuss: The First NGD thread I'm not a big fan of spin-offs. Off hand, I can only think of one that worked (Frasier), and that was completely different from the original series. There may be another, but I can't think of it. Specific to Joey, though, I think this is a bad idea. A large part of his appeal is the relationship and banter with the other characters, especially Chandler. I wouldn't mind if they proved me wrong, though. If they concentrate on his acting career, I might actually be interested. His funniest bit ever was in one of his terrible productions. "...That's why I'm getting on this spaceship." Ahh, bad theatre. Thank god I've never been in a bad play...
  6. Re: Storn Art from idea to full picture I don't think I can properly express how cool this is of you, DT. Thank you! Well, I have to suggest my character, Madstone. He was inspired by a picture from the GMB, so why not reverse it again? He's an alchemist who wields a slingshot. His ammo includes acid, smoke, explosive brimstone... It may not be what you're looking for exactly, but it has certain elements. (Get it? Elements? Nevermind.) Besides, how many catapultists have you seen pictures of? Just a thought.
  7. Re: Plot device or by the rules Wow, you have some really cooperative players there! I simply can't imagine trying this without numerous arguments, whinings, bitchings, etc. I'm jealous.
  8. Re: Plot device or by the rules Remember, part of the reason he was out so long was because as he awakened he was scared by a mouse and he hit his head again knocking him unconscious once more. When he awoke he was Sweet Guy. (There's a character that's been utterly decimated. They would have done better just to kill him.) Madstone Giffen JL Fan
  9. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Oh, my... She is so cute!! She looks like Jennifer Connelly (w/ a wig of course). Oh, my heart has been stolen...curse you Squirrel!! I'm in love...
  10. Re: STONELOCK- Character For Review A couple things I find odd... Vulnerability to Sonic attacks...Flash Def: Sound If he's that attuned to vibrations (also note the ranged touch) then sound flash def seems out of place. Question...he's Immortal, only in stone form? or always? Not sure it fits either way. (Part time immortality is an interesting thought though.) I do like the name Stonelock.
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER She's got no nose! I wonder how she smells...
  12. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I agree that the smell is wonderful. Ironically enough, I love the smell of coffeshops and tobacco shops. Go figure. All told I'm about 90% teetotaller. In addition to cigarettes, I've never done any kind of drugs. I do have the occasional drink, but I've never in my life been drunk. I only grew to like the occasional red wine within the last few years, and beer I have to be in the mood for. I do like my Jack and Coke, but again, I don't drink enough to get drunk. As others have said, I've seen too many drunks.
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I'm a freak. I don't drink coffee. I find the older I get, the more I like bitter tastes (dark chocolate, dark beer) but every time I try coffee I just think it's awful. I don't smoke either. No smoke, no coffee...no wonder I never made it the professional theatre. It's probably just as well. I don't really need another vice...
  14. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever That would be Uma Thurman, right? Never quite understood what everyone sees in her...
  15. Re: Plot device or by the rules I think it depends on whether the point totals will matter to the PCs or not. Forces of nature, massive doomsday devices, nuke-u-lar bombs...these things can easily be plot devices unless you have PCs that are built to specifically handle them. Frex, hurricanes and tornadoes are plot devices...unless you have a Thunder god in your campaign. Doomsday devices...usually plot devices, but it depends on the device. Mind control? Points. Citywide disintegration? Plot device. Atom bomb? Plot device...unless you have a massive, massive campaign where someone actually has a chance of surviving such a thing. Having seen many of the write-ups for said bombs, I think that's unlikely. Then again, I've heard people tell of some of their uber-characters, so possible. Definite plot devices: Heart of the sun, massive anti-matter wave wiping out universe, habanero peppers.
  16. Re: Minor player problem ... If this guy's a big Bishop fan, then he's got more problems than a mere gun fetish. But I'm wondering, if the guy's a gun nut and he's not going to change, maybe he needs to play to that. His super powers could be something ala Forge where he creates these super guns, or he needs a gun like focus to actually focus his internal energies, or something like that.
  17. Re: Machanon, odd request Somehow the Lovecraftian horror creating a Smurf HERO game sends chills up my spine. Can't imagine why...
  18. Re: Hero Games #1 Female gamers? Yeah right. I'll believe it when I see it. Everybody's heard of the Female Gamer urban legend. Seems everyone has a friend who has played with one. Come on. When are these stories going to end? It's as phony as the Kidney Heist, or the Easter Bunny, or Canada! Heheh.
  19. Re: Cheese Check Personally, I hate megascale movement. I'm probably wrong, but I always saw megascale as a good thing for area of effect situations or long range simulations, but movement? Gets way to abusive (and to twonky) for effective use.
  20. Re: Bronze Age Team Build Ancient Wonder Girl (Wonder Girl + Colossus) Few people know that the ancient greeks were able to imbue their beloved statuary with the power of life when it was necessary. One day a girl is born with the mutant ability to channel the spirit of the Colossus of Rhodes enabling her to become a great metal giant.
  21. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Storn, I'm curious if you would ever post some of your working sketches here? I'm always interested to see the process behind the pictures, especially with such consistently beautiful artworks.
  22. Re: Question about Desolid........ I'm not sure I understand you right, but if I do, the you want Affects Desolid on STR and/or HA.
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