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Everything posted by Martin2

  1. Re: Knockback Attack The whole Jedi thing is connected to Telekenesis so it should be a strength based grab / throw etc. It would be a lot more precise than the blast double knockback no damage as I would rule that KB would be directly away in that case. The Jedi hand wave is multidirectional and puts the target more towards the direction the jedi wants them to put them. So in a game effect that is telekenetic. You could make it cheaper by other routes but the game effect would be telekenetic and then throw in a direction of your choosing which is what telekenesis is all about. If they have this power they should have other telekenetic powers (light saber to hand after dropping, radar sense for original star wars etc) so I would allow this effect in a MP with various limitations to make is as cheap as possible for a specific character. But this is only what I would do.
  2. Re: Knockback Attack Cosmetic change = 0 mass!!!! no way. Its about changing appearance (as in cosmetic!). Not changing the laws of physics and coverting matter with a specific gravity of 1 to 0. One of the guidlines is that is has not combat effectivenes effect. Changing mass for KB is a combat effect! Increasing appearance is moving things around so it gets to more like we expects a good looking person to look like. Remove moles, scars etc. Not changing the density of your body so you could increase leaping, get blown away with a slight breeze etc
  3. I live in Britain so I based my campaign in Britain. Infact I based it in the area we live so they can fight over the places they know. The Champions are British. Villains are mostly British or European based but some have not changed. Millenium city does not exist in Britain. Do non Americans base their games in America? Do Americans base their games in other countries?
  4. Re: How to convince a hero group that they should be registered and work for governme Well they found out they are sort of being backed by the government. Nothing much has changed. None of them have become more government friendly. They threw the "but you have not give all the stuff we requested (instant passports for those who did not have one (took a week), permit to work as heroes in Americs (They dont allow Canadians so why Brits!), equipment, labs etc". I countered with well you did not sign this I will be a good hero and work for this company document. There is a world wide plaque of snake men so they agreed to keep intouch but no more stability! Can I ask what various GM's ask for when a super registers in their campaign? In GB they do not have to give up a secret identity but I presume they have to sign under their super name. Supply finger print / iris scan. A rough break down of their powers. A promise to be a good hero and not to break the law too many times a week . A means of contacting them (telephone number, PO box, message on the news / local media, bat signal)? All wrapped up in a large document giving lots or irrelevant information which is not compulsory so will not be filled in.
  5. Re: What's *your* superpower? I have that as well. Or questions to Champions plots that I had not thought up before hand. So sometimes more goes into my game write up then what the characters actually hear during game time . As well as: Lightning reflexes (limit things falling of tables or similar activity and nothing that requires planning). A bottle can get knocked and wobble off a table near me and I can usually get to it before it hits the floor. Does not work for anything like sports or Wii games etc
  6. Re: How to convince a hero group that they should be registered and work for governme Thanks for the feedback. The campaign sort of started with everyone getting a letter to their secret I.D. at their home address from a mysterious G.M. (Gordan Masters ) with a character sheet with a rough break down on their powers inviting them to their first session of a super hero RPG game. This was sort of to cover if they all decided to turn up in costume . Non had met before and knew very little about each other apart from the ocassional news clip. That was just the how do we get all these supers in one room and try and get them to work together options. It sort of worked . They are still trying to figure how GM found about them and they may never know. So I have GM backed by a shadowy company with some links or contacts with the Government floating at the back. It could go anyway tonight with them loosing all contact with the government and going their own way or getting slightly closer. The problem being the government would like to have another super team to call in when needed but currently they do not have enough confidence in the group. UNTIL are going to get introduced to them tonight and they would throw them in the brig for being a rabble of loose cannons . I am fine which way it goes as it is their game but it would be easier to have them on friendly terms. But they could be saving the world from a snakeman plaque. Or cause more of the world to become snake men who can tell .
  7. I have agroup that is currently working for the government secretly. I.e. currently they are working for a secretgovernment department of the Ministry of Super Human Affairs who want them to become the new Champions / New Knights of the Round Table. They currently don’t know for sure and think its a private company with government contacts (they will know for certain this session). They are abunch of mercenaries and not really a four colour group so are not respondingto my subtle hints that working for this secret organisation would be beneficial. We have one who is an ex criminal trying to do good but with a dodgy background. A quite wealthy character (perk 5 for 500,000a year inherited background) who wants to sell any villains / evidence to thisorganisation for cold hard cash. He also says as he hasdyslexia he would not sign anything. So not all have a government friendly background but which groups do? They currently have a small base partially paid for (6 bedroom property in a bit ofland) they are just paying character points for the extra’s and not the space. They have their contact who passes them information (but does not jump when they snap their fingers and give them lots of stuff). So how do I sugar the pill? Everyonecould spend exp on wealth 1 to simulate 100,000 pay and perks Policepowers? A biggerbase with lots of equipment (all paid for or shared CP’s?). It doesn’t reallymatter if they do go with the government offer or go on their own but for story purposes it would be better if they kept the good relationship with the government. Thanks for any help
  8. Re: Flash in a cone AoE [quote=Christopher;2168940 His version, obviously, doesn't has this und thus may be worth limitation/reduction of the AOE-Advantage. But you must also take into account that he can't select his targets, but affects everyone. So his question is relevant: Is it an Advantage, Limitation or neither? I just think for sight it would be difficult to assign who would not be able to see the flash. In combat you would face your enemies but keep as many of them in periferal vision as possible so very few would not be effected. Even those facing directly away would get a chance in an AOE flash cone as you may be concentrating mostly in that direction but still glancing around as you do not want to get attacked from behind. So it would be difficult to give a limitation to it. But just my thought. AOE from a simulated flash effects everyone in my mind (with one or two exceptions assigned by the GM).
  9. Re: Flash in a cone AoE In the normal sight flash is there a need for the target to be exactly facing the source? What about hearing attacks if they are facing away from you they can not be hearing flash attacked? It does not include it in the power that you have to have the target looking exactly at you (and it cost less than any other flash apart from targetting / non targetting). So why the difference in AOE? Obviously if the target was definately ignoring the source to prevent it that would happen. Ever been in a photo and not looked directly at the flash but still got the flash effect? In an AOE bright flash flash sight power I would judge that the majority was effected unless stating that they were not looking or under certain circumstances they would not be effected. What could happen is you shout "CHEESE" and everyone will look around and smile - then realise they are being FLASH attacked (with players getting the clue to shut their eyes).
  10. Re: Aura of Innocence/Aura of Purity Aura of white light around them (bonus to PER to see them and in the area to spot things due to bright light)? Similar aura of thinking you hear harp music? Climate control (you never are cold or hot when around pure people). Hunted Evil cult wanting to sacrifice them. Bonuses to attacks and skills versus "evil" Presence attack for screams / noble speeches ? Summon good guys to assist with screams / noble speeches ?
  11. Re: Mental Powers: Roll for Effect First I go with that reason too
  12. Re: Skill's in Frameworks - how did you made it? No. The only thought of having a framework skills would be a computer based one. Each skill being uploaded from memory to be active skills. It would work for a super with a computer for a brain for active skills.
  13. Re: Thrown weapons that return FOI should be the sword in question. Possibly with penetration / armour piercing. But I would have -3 to hit as long swords are not designed to be thrown (apart from in the movies and comic books ).
  14. Re: Teleportation NND RKA and Focus damage The Champions Powers book gives specific examples of NND RKA attacks of teleporting things into people for damage so I am allowing it. The group is not a 4 colours group of heroes so damaging villains to near death is not a problem for them. It is a problem for me as the government is not so keen on it! But they did not kill any of the Ultimates they met. It was close and they nearly had a totall wipeout for them. If that happened they would have been infected by the ophidian plague and become snake men and probably end of campaign or having to be rescued by the Champions! The players are not too familiar with Hero and I only have the books so they are not too familiar with the rules (well the others are more sympathetic with me ). The player in question knows other RPG's and says well this is logical so why does it not work. Damage someone = damage equipment. Problem being if you let him do it to a jet pack he will do it to any Foci and cripple any villain with a simple ~60 point power in a MP! Obviously his proposed power is a drain / transform but this would be an effect any technology power which factored with limitations would be a worthless 1D6 etc. Does anyone have any suggestions for 60 point drains / transforms with specific limitations that I can throw at him for his next power in his Teleport MP?
  15. I apologise if this has been answered elsewhere. I have a player with a teleport attack which is effectively teleport small objects into people causing NND 2D6 so ignores all PD / ED. He follows the logic of if he can teleport small objects into people he can teleport small objects into Foci and damage them or destroy them. The specific target was Cyclones jet pack to stop it working or disrupt it so it flew in circles etc. Following the Foci rules it is 53 active points giving him 10 PD / ED or you could say it could also be attached to his armour giving it 15 PD ED (which at the time I was not aware of so I ruled he was trying for a free drain or transform effect so said it did not work). Would you rule that the 2D6 damage was worth more as it was a relevant NND as this attack would never damage Foci but would disable / kill NPC's in a few blasts? Or would it effectively destroy 1 power per attempt? (This player does try for as many free special effects on his Teleport as much as possible. He has tried as foci for his attack is small objects of opportunity. He asks if that object was a grenade or small explosive charge why is it not doing instance death attack! Obviously I have tried to explain that he needs a few more points in his MP for that one .) Thanks
  16. Re: The Morality of Sending In The Clones! What ever you call it. What ever it is based on if you want a device to detect mind control powers there should be one. In my campaign one will exist. I do not know what it is based on but it will be a available for when a PC goes mind control mad or if the PC's need to confirm a villains deeds. It could be a medical scanner only available in one or two hospitals. That will be available for identifying if mind control has been used on someone. The doctors in charge will have mind control powers themselves. So once the machine identifies a possible mind control issue the doctors backed up by the scanner will make investigations. With a skill roll how much evidence is available will then give evidence for or against the PC's. In a world with super powers you will get counters to all powers including mind control. It may be possible to have security gates with scanners that will scan for current mind control events. Someone passing through the gate (like a metal detector gate at airports) with a mind control effect may set off the alarm (area effect sense mind control). Obviously you will get false results as well. I am sure your President in some campaigns will have one already to stop all the mind controlled secret service from getting to him (well if they are allowed a gun to protect him you just have to convince one of them to shoot him .
  17. Re: Tactics and a young gamer 11, trying to brain wash him at an early age . Keep it simple. Possibly get rid of the END and probably body as well (at least for his character). How about building a whole team based on a group he likes and allow him to play one character at a time until he finds one or two he likes. Play one on one or bring one of his team mates along which you run to explain how it goes. Its always good to say what would Wolverine do in this situation etc. Keep the power cost low but explain they are young and will get growth and power spurts (and say increase by 50 points after a few sessions going from 250 to 300 to 350 etc). Then once he learns the rules and effects he can grow into his character.
  18. Re: overmentalizing I must remember this. Do not follow the Star Trek theme of loosing the captain / first officer and not changing the pass word to the self destruct / shield down. Also keep well “misinformed” mooks behind to be captured and your mentalist will be faster and more specific with his mind scans and not wait 3 hours to get his life story and then find that the important information has changed (or was false in the first place). In fact in future all agents will be give three pieces of important information. Only one will be accurate the rest will be a trap and they will be told which one is correct if they need to know (just kidding ).
  19. Martin2

    Mind Link

    I have a player with mind link - any human mind (15) x 8 minds (+15) No LOS (+10) Planetary range (0) (total 40 CP's). The character also has Telepathy and mind control so not electronic version. Am I reading the rules right and the character can mind link up to 8 people. Those people have to be within LOS for the original mind link connection but after that they can be connected anywhere on the planet. When the 8 person limit is reached one person can be dropped and another person can be placed instead? Or is it when the 8 limit is reached no more can be connected ever? Also it is only verbal communication and not pictures isnt it? Thanks
  20. Re: The Morality of Sending In The Clones! Well in most games aren’t the rank and file exactly the same stats (VIPER, COIL etc)? You have just decided to make them even better than your normal rank and file and put in a back story to explain the fact that they are all exactly the same by saying they are cloned. Clones are not all the same. It has been proven that identical twins (natural clones) separated at birth and brought up by different families can actually become physically different (different diets so different heights, weights and pick up different disorders so different health) and also be totally different in outlook and personality. So clones do not mean exactly the same (just in films and games they are). Human nature does not like pre-programming. “You will be and evil son of a B*** and kill with your pre-programmed killing skills”. So in my game a good number of the (100) clones will decide to go along with the game for so long then decide to escape and not be evil clones (some of these will be killed for not covering up this not so evil tendency). Any evil clones when captured by the heroes would be judged on their actions initially. When found out they are only a few months old the Heroes would have the opportunity to use a similar technology to unbrain wash them and give them a chance of being reformed characters. Technically they would be children and should be prosecuted as juveniles as being pre-programmed to kill was not their choice. Given a chance to change their views will be given once beyond the environment of being told to be totally evil. Any future deviations will then be viewed as their new personality. But then this would only be in my game (when I steal the cloning idea for future entertainment).
  21. Re: overmentalizing In my campaign I have a mentalist and she has not gone that far yet. I have also explained that it is against the law, not admissible as evidence in court etc so is not as useful. It is mostly used to get relevant plot information and not the back history of the person involved. How is this information stored? All "supposed" useful information taken down on tape recorder, written down etc. Lots of information transferred and it is lost in translation? Photographic memory (most probably)??? The brain is a big storage device holding more information than a lot of hard drive space. So finding information will take lots of time. What is relevant? What is out of date? What is guessed by the mook? What was a lie? With time things change and so will memories. So I would say a lot of information, a lot of it wrong. Time taken to sort the good from the bad will take time. Even if the mentalist has a photographic memory it does not give exact copies of what he sees, reads, hears, smells etc (not enough hard drive space). And to get a full picture it would be a lot longer than a few hours. Also with lots of peoples memories floating around in your head this will lead to a lot of psychological complications (schizophrenia, manic depression, paranoia, etc). I am a scientist and my wife is a psychiatric nurse so between us we know a bit (she is the mentalist in the game I am running ).
  22. Re: Counters to problems? (Such as AoE spam and magic overuse)
  23. Re: Counters to problems? (Such as AoE spam and magic overuse) Being new to the Hero system and 6th in general I have the most knowledge of 6th. So to me it seems logical that the defences of a character are a combination of DCV / DMCV and other defensive powers to cover single and AoE attacks. And it also seems logical that hitting a person with an AoE is easier than with a single shot (but how easy should it be????). You get hit, your other defences take over. A character with high DCV / DMCV and low other defences simulates a speedster character. Most of his defence is not being hit and apparently copes a lot better to AoE in previous systems. But when he does get hit he goes down quite quickly. In this new edition he goes down a lot quicker to AoE. Obviously if you don’t want to increase your other defences to all attacks to make your character concept a little odd (e.g. “well normally when you do hit him 1 attempt in 100 times with a punch he usually goes down, but not anymore, why is that??”). You start playing the new edition like any other by adapting your character concept by adding defences with only available when defending against AoE limitations. So you can have the pre-mentioned Desolidification or any number of increased DCV, PD/ED, Damage negation, damage reduction etc. only for AoE. So you’re fast moving concept high DCV characters have some defence against AoE. New rules, so new power concepts, so new character costs for the new edition.
  24. Re: Who's Hunting You? And Why? Well I gave one of my players Hunted Viper. As she has just found out she was an early experiment of "one of their scientists" and turned her into a multiform dragon and her brother into lizard boy (her parents were Geneticists based at Oxford University who specialised in Reptile DNA and wanted to use if for rapid healing in hospitals. But they got in his way so he killed them and stole their work to advance his and tried some of his early work on her and her brother but they caught him and they escaped). They are currently doing Sharper than a Serpents tooth so this may change to Hunted Viper / "something else" for everyone (if they escape)!! (Edit: I put too much info in my first post!)
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