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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. 2260.09.03: "Domo Arigato, Mr. Robotto" While robotics and automation have been a thing before on a small scale, resereachers now Developed the Technology nessesary to deploy them on a massive scale. Due to the recent Reveal of the ancient Cybrex race, concerns have been voiced regarding the sheer danger of Robotics. However adoption seems unlikely in any case, considering the steady influx of people from 3 different species and the limited space on any of our planets. 2260.10.07: As expected, the enemy moved first on our colonies. However the enemy fleet prooved a lot bigger then anticipated, having a strenght absolutely comparable to our fleet - inlcuding a powerfull cruiser - wich resulted in the immedaite recall of Admiral Vargas Assitance from our mighty Ubaric allies will be desperately needed to defeat this fleet. Actuall military support from the DCN seems unlikely at best, considering thier low resoruces. Army enlishtment on Albion has skyrocketed and General De Yang was send over via express to Oversee defense efforts, should a ground invasion take place. 2260.12.28: After short and successfull attack on the Albion Shipyards, the enemy retreated from the Combined UNS and Ubaric Fleet back into home terriotory. Plans are being made to chase them down. 2261.02.28: In a surprise move, the Imperial Beldross States declared war on the Tyrathian, wich means there is now a second front for the Righteous pact. Unfortunately with the Fleet beeing ocupied in the east, when there is time to deal with this new front is unclear. However it seems possible that the Ubaric will re-target thier fleet to the new western flank. Both sector Governors have been tasked with reinforcing thier Planets with additional troops for defense purposes.* The Beldross Military is considered weak to either of the Major allies, however with the surprise effect on their side they might be able to do some damage. 2261.06.03: During a forray into the uninhabited Sheliak System on the UNS/Ekywnian Border, the Ekywnian main fleet appeard to engage in a near suicidal attack on the combined fleets of the Righteous Pact (inlcuding a single Corvette the DCN could spare). The enemy corvette force is entirely wiped out, however the Cruiser and the 6 Destroyers managed to escape with serious damage. Admiral de Vargas continus to pursue them into enemy territory. 2261.07.01: The main fleet of the Bedross appears in the Ubaric system of Etan Stela While the fleet would be no match against even one of the Ubaric/UNS navies, having free reign might cause serious harm to the alleid war effort. 2261.11.27: After a long and blody battle, the UNS fleet manages to destory the Ekywnian main fleet and Spaceport in Holdebaana without allied help. However the loss of all Destroyers, serious damage to the Corvettes weighs heavily on the admiralty. The incomming Ekywnian reinforcements, a Beldross ivnasion fleet in Sol do it's own to force our forces back in friendly territory. 2262.02.07: The Beldross Fleet in Sol manages to annihilate the Spaceport removing our ability to replace the lost destoryers. All remaining Ports are ordered to being mass production of corvettes to beat back the enemy. 2262.03.16: After another skirmish, the Bedross fleet is driven out of Sol. Meanwhile the Ekwynian 2nd Fleet lays seige to Albion, preparing for a groud invasion. While only a handfull of ships, it includes 2 freshly appeared enemy Cruisers resulting in considereable combat prowess. The Fleet regroups in Siruis, the last remaining Shipyard on the eastern Front. 2262.05.27: The Ubaric main fleet rushes to Albions Aid and the Ekwynian remaining fleets destruction. 2262.07.03: Albion is save, but the enemy fleet makes a quick retreat before the Ubaric can inflict any losses. The Beldross fleet meanwhile retreats west towards thier territory. 2262.10.14: After a quick session of Repairs, the UNS fleet again entrs Ekwynian Space in hops of fighting the enemy fleet or at least preparing Holdebaana for Gound assault. The Sol Spacedock is being rebuild, whiel Sirius continues to produce more Ships. All the while the Election campaign happens and Researchers develop the means to Colonise Aquatic Planets. 2263.01.24: In the 2nd Battle of Bekonda in Holdebaana the remainign Equanian fleets is elimited. The ships prepare the planet for the ground invasion. General De Yang Mobilises the ground invasion force of earth. 2263.01.30: Rita Olivieri (105) allows the use of heaver ordonance on Bekonda, as the Ekywnian Planetary defenses are much strong then those of the CCH. While civilian casualties and infrastructure damage is likely to come as a result, it is deemed better for everyone to end this war as quickly as possible to focus on the Beldross. 2263.03.27: The Ubaric Fleet has joined the seige of Bekonda, protection the UNS fleet from any enemy attacks. 2263.09.20: While the Planetary defenses have not been fully eliminated, General De Yang summises that it is enough to capture this planet and hopefully end this war. The Orbital Support is reduced to less agressive levels. 2263.03.30: The Invasionforce has fully made planetfall on Bekonda and the groundwar is on. 2263.11.10: After over half a year of ground combat - while the fleet still offered orbital support - Bekodna has been captured. 2263.12.06: In an attempt to end the war by going for the capital fleetyards the Fleet is ambushed upon warping in.** 2264.01.11: With it's last trick failed and the Capital Spaceport about to be annihilated, the Ekwynian oficially concede to have lost the war. The focus can now switch towards the western front. 2264.01.13: The "Allied Ekywnian Suns" Government is formed. 2264.03.01: The UNS Navy revealed that the Ekywnian ships had a far superior powersource, wich was a big factor in thier combat performance. However now that our researchers had reverse engineered it, the fleet can be re-deployed with new Anitmater Reactors. 2264.09.07: The fleet has gathered in Rama, for a major overhaul. Meanwhile the Ubaric Navy is dealing with the Beldross Empire. 2264.12.27: Against all propability, the Jurin Confederation still was not conquered by the Obadin Kingdom.*** 2265.01.01: The Ubaric Navy lays seige to the Beldross Capital of Fenn'Halor. The UNS army under General De Yang is mobisilised to prepare for the ground assault as soon as the defenses are sufficiently weakened. 2265.05.27: When being informed of the poor state of the Fenn'Halor defenses after the massive Ubaric sieging, General De Yang decided to land his troops as soon as they reached orbit. 2265.07.13: De Yang has landed on the Beldross Capitol world. 2265.08.14: After a mere month, all Resistance on the planet colapsed. At the same day, President Rita Olivieri revealed that she ordered the Adminsitration to look into Civilian sponsored Colonosation atempts. This might have conincided with recent breakthroughs regarding Ocean and Tropical Planet Colonisation. 2265.09.14: After another Month General De Yang reported that his people had fully secured the planet, were rested and ready for the next deployment. 2265.11.07: After years the Destroyer building Facilities on Earth Spacedock are operational again, and the first ship of the new Antimater Powered Gato II class has entered construction. 2265.12.27: One Sentients trash is another Sentients treasure. Baldarak's gravity apparently pulled in some stuff from outer space. Among them was a Cargo pod full of "Worthless Minerals". Worthless for the Dathnak, decidedly not worthles for us. 2266.03.08: The UNS Bombay - first ship of the Gato II classes - has been finished. 2 Sister ships have already been ordered and paid for. With the Ubaric laying seige to the next planets, De Yangs marines are on thier way to prepare for the ground attack. 2266.05.29: A peace offer reached us from the Beldross. However since it did not include all the planets demanded it was rejected by the UNS adminsitration. 2266.06.11: After over a year in drydock, the 1st Fleet is finally finished with it's overhaul and set course for Beldross space. 2267.01.05: (The AI kept spamming me with Peace requests at this time, but it would not abidacte every planet.) 2267.02.18: Admiral Benedetta Delvecchio died at the age of 85 from natural causes. Admiral Diego de Vargas assured that he would take up her role as leader of the UNS Navy. 2267.04.05: After a long siege and serious bombardment, the Forces are ready to invade Pan'Kishka, in the Nomotar System and hopefully bring this war to a end with one fell swoop. However the Beldross still are not willing to conceeded all the requested territory. 2267.05.11: Pan'Kishka has been secured, and the fleet prepares to strike at the remaining Beldross forces over thier still ally ocupied homeworld. 2267.08.19: After defeating the remaining Bedross Space forces, the fleet sets course to free the original Qiramulan colony worlds, starting with the Original Captiol "Greater Qiros" in the Qiros System. 2267.10.20: One of our oldest Prominent Citicen - the scientists Shota Watanabe - died today at teh age of 113. That makes President Rita Olivieri the older Prominent with 109 years. With Bo-Ki we now welcome the first Xeltek Lead Scientist in the Deep Space Survey Corp. 2268.06.19: After just winning her 13th Election in a row, Rita Olivieri died at the age of 110. Nikita Vassiliew (80), Governor of the eastward sector is the most likely contender for the role of president. 2268.09.19: Nikita Vassiliew(80) has been elected President of the UNS, the first new president in over 60 years. Martina de la Cruz takes over as Governor of the Eastward sector. 2268.11.22: After over a year, the Invasion force is finally ready to Liberate Greater Qiros, reinstate the Qiramulan Government and end the Beldross War. However this might be the hardest Ground Invasion yet, as a big unified force stands against the Human liberators, led by General Hask'Jonnot. 2269.01.28: It was a blody campaign, but Greater Qiros is finally free of Bedross occupation 2269.02.30: "Mission Accomplished" The Beldross Conflict is finally over. 2269.03.02: The Quiramulan Galactic Coalition has formed and the Invite into the Rightoues pact has already been issued to the new Government. They graciously accepted. With the 4th Member having joiend the Pact, Nikita Vassiliew remarked: "Maybe it is time to make this Alliance into something a bit more permanent, like a Federtaion..." Footnotes: *As the attacked party, I got to decide the wargoals. So I could just put the liberation of a few planets down there a bit earlier. Wich is good either way. After a war I can not declare a new one for 10 Years. **Okay, apparently those interdictor Satelites do work on Warpdrives. Did not really help him, however. ***Seriously, compared to me the Obadin are Superior, the Jurin are pathethic. About the only way this could happen if the Obadin are using Hyperspace Travel and thiere is no lane into the Jurrin Territory (that does not cross another territory). Wich is propably what happened here.
  2. 2257.10.01: For the 11th time in a Row, Rita Oliviery (99*) was elected President of the UNS. A opposition leader was cited asking "Are we sure this is still a Democracy?" A recent review of the progress also indicates that the Uplifiting of the Tyrathians is well underway, with only 18 months left before they can join us in the Stars. When being told that Rita Oliviery remarked "It is nice to have something to look forward too in my old age". 2258.02.14: Today President Oliviery opened a Comitee in the "Righteous Pact" about liberating the Ekwynian people. The Ekwynian called that a "direct affront to national securty". The Government still seems as dedicate as ever to maintain liberty - even for other people, if thier goverment chooses to be a opressive police state. 2258.04.07: In a not very surprising move, the "Great Obadin Kingdom" declared war on the "Jurin Confederacy". Due to the sheer strenght of the Obadin the chances for the Jurin are slim to non-existant. A response from any nearby faction is not expected, considering the sheer strenght of the Obadin Warfleet. 2259.03.02: This date marks the Date 0 of the new "Tyrathian Galactic Policy". After much work they finally joined us among the stars. For the time being they will remain under our protection as they can not remotely hope to contend with any of the nearby powers. 2259.03.22: A Agreement allowing free, mutual Migration has been singed with the Tyrathian Government. 2259.06.02: A new Form of Deflector field has been developed and is ready for deployment. The new design is said to be "twice as strong, but only costing a bit more energy" wich makes it ideal for retrofitting in our entire fleet. 2259.06.05: Deep Space Survey work at the Beddros Border surprisingly revealed evidence of a Precursor Civilsiation. These "Cybrex" as scientists call them appear to have been a Machine race with linked Consciousness, that went on a crusade to end all organic life some 600.000 years ago. However it appears that they were thankfully defeated. Still, further surveys might reveal more artifactions of this civilisation. 2259.12.10: Today is the day the UNS clearly became a multispecies nation. In a bold new bill all non-humans living in UNS space have been grated the rights to take leading roles - as Governors, Admirals, General and Scientists.** 2260.02.16: In a surprising move the Democratic Connishtian Nation was Invited into the Righteous Pact today. This comes as a bit of a surprise, considering that the Connishtian people are still split between two factions and membership in the alliance would prevent the DCN from reclaiming thier species homeworld, unless the whole alliance agrees. 2260.02.23: After only a short deliberation, the Conishtian people agreed. As a response, the UNS immedately made a proposal to help the DCN to integrate the last people of thier race into that new state - if nessesary, by force. The Ubaric Republic is unlikely to agree, but to be outvoted by the other two members. 2260.08.23: The declaration of war on the CCH failed, due to the resistance of the Ubaric people. It remains to be seen if the issues can be re-opened at a later time. As a response the UNS quickly propose a different Traget: The Opressive Snotvalish Regime to the West. 2260.08.28: War! After only a short deliberation, the motion passed. The Righteous pact is now at war with the Ekwynian. The UNS is expected to carry the bulk of the fighting, due to being direct Neighbours. Immediately a small Flotilla under Admiral Diego de Vargas is dispatched for combat partrol in the enemy terriotiry. When asked for this change in taktic: "The Ekwynian Hierarchy is a much more formidable foe then the CCH was. And if that war has thaught us one thing, it was letting the enemy come to us and knowing where they are vulnerable". *Seriously, that women defies chance. But not as bad as the 103 year old Scientist. That is the +25 Years Lifespan trait, +10 years from some research and a little luck at work. They might want to limited the number of terms a person can have in as President, however. Someone voted up once will likely end up in that position until they die.... **Leaders can now be from any species on my Colonies, not just my primary one.
  3. 2252.12.12: A call from New Baldrak/Neptune just came in. Our Dathnak friends can be a bit needy at times, due to thier lack of interstellar travel or really any technology. Apparently one of the Colonists - Chabky Raddh - misses his family on Baldrak and he is driving everyone else crazy, so we were asked to transport him back to the old planet. Grudignly we accepted, considering how usefull association with them has been for our Social Research programms. However it will be some time before our Deep Space Survey Corps will be ready to undertake this journey.* 2253.01.06: The Jurinn finally accepted the peace overtures from the Obadin. It seems unlikely that those two disparate ideologies can live together for long, however. Signs of another empire have been made out in the same corner, just behind the "United Xeltek Combine". Unfortunately the Xeltek have denied any attempts to let communication or ships pass through thier territory to make diplomatic contact. 2 of the 3 remaining rare specimens requested by the Xenobiology Museum on Earth are also inside thier territory, much to the ire of the Navy and Deep Space Survey Corp. In the end it was decided to establish a Embassy with the Xeltek in hops of increasing the relationships to the poitn where at least our science ships can get through. 2253.01.14: The Governor of Earth - Kutlwano Mtakwenda - died today at the age of 90. He had served the UNS effort in deep space valiantly on the homefront every since those fatefull first months 53 years ago. Phatu Ngema (48) takes his place. 2253.05.03: Today we finished our Reverse Engineering of the CCH Space Torpedoes. While thier fleet was no real match is sheer numbers, this weapon with it's simplicity had caused heavy damage to our ships in the war** 2254..08.04: After much delay due to the war effort against the CCH, the third western colony was established. This also marked the formation of the "Westward" sector. The original Governor of Rama - Lise Kingston (61) - was named Governor of the new Sector. Her sector consists of two populate systems: Cebelrai, home to "Rama" and the primitive Tyrathian Soceity wich is in the process of being uplifted. Ydria to the north and it#s still new Colony on "Dawn" Dram to the far north, on the Bleak but Metal Rich Tokugawa. As well as several Resource rich planets that also lie within the Westward sectors and thus UNS borders. 2255.01.16: Opposition forces speak of gross missmanagement on Rita Olivieries part, due do a Emminent Energy and Money crisis in the UNS. However she pointed out that "steps to stop this crisis have already been taken [...], the opposition is to late to that party". 2255.02.30: As expected the Jurinn/Obadin Border conflict flared up again. After much provocation from the Obadin, the Jurinn again order a firm policy. 2255.06.05: After a serious effort in planning the Dathnak Colonist was returned to Baldarak. 2255.06.10: The new defensive Platform of the McCampbell Class was presented to the public today. Taking lessons from the war with the CCH, this platform is inteded to deter enemy deep strikes.*** 2256.04.01: We have a new contact in the west and it appears like we look into a mirror - a broken mirror. The Raltek are a species that looks surprisingly familiar to us humans, because they actually look almost like us. Unfortunately thier government also has a clear human history paralell - The Sowjet Union. Internal security on par with the Ekwynian keeps a vast population in Check and thier Fleet and army buildup is impressive. Observations indicate they are at war with two other empires in thier corner of the galaxy and it seems likely that the Beldross were at war with them before too. It is unclear if those current wars are ones of Conquest on thier part of Liberation attempts on thier enemies parts. In any case they present a clear longterm threaht to our Alliance and Our territory. Plans to liberate people on the easter and western front have come back into focus. However "securing the east flank" seems to be a more pressing concern. 2256.08.02: With the construction of the 6th Gato Class Destroyer this ship class has no longer a rare sight. Since Admirals Benedetta Delvecchio is a firm bliever in the "1:8" Ratio for Destroyers to corvettes, a significant buildup of Corvettes is expected next**** While money still has to be maanged carefully, it appears the budged crises is slow beginng to be over. Footnotes: *Need a Level 3+ Scientists for those quests. But due to recent losses to age and in the war, I was down to two 2 Scientists. Luckily they can level really fast in those Survey ships, half the reason I keep putting them in there. The other half is that they surveying is just to usefull not to do. **100% shield penetration. I rely on shields - mostly because low tier ships can not have much armor anyway. ***I hope it's interdiction abilities work on the very fast Hyperdrive. Still ahve to build it. And hope I got Hyperlane mapping to pop up as techchoice again. ****I just decided that to be a simple good ration early game, when Destroyers are not something you spam (yet). It has the nice part that can I can easily make small 10 Fleetpoints strong flotillas - 1 Cruiser, 8 Corvettes.
  4. Just read up on it in the Wiki. Indeed it appears to go straight. So I am just enlightening Fungoids from the Steam Age to the FTL Age. Still less of a culture shock then invading them, I guess.
  5. Okay, that is the last report for today. Only internal stuggles happened. Need to go to sleep. 2250.03.01: The DCN and UNS sign a Treaty that allows free access for Civilians to either territory. 2250.07.26: The last human that was sent out to help create the DCN finally returned home. President Olivieri (92) pledges to put more resources into UNS infrastructure wich has sufferd from lack of investment due to the recent military buildups and the warfare. 2250.09.23: With the final Repair on the Flag Destoryer UNS Manilla - wich was heavily damaged during the war - the War for the UNS is finally finished. However the DCN will continue to need time for rebuilding. 2250.11.07: Scientists on the Ira'Obass Observation Post propose a plan to accelerate the Development of the fungoid Tyrathians. The first phase is planned out to take close to 100 months. The Plan is greenlit. The galaxy is still pretty big and full of stars no human is likely to call home ever. The Tyrathians native Arid climate gives them a whole host of planets nobody else has any interest in.* 2050.12.23: It appears the Imperial Bedross States consider thier newly aquired holdings secured, as they started another war of Conquest in the west. Thier adversary is unknown. 2251.04.08: It came the surprising announcement that the Center of the UNS adminsitration would be moved out of the Sol System, to Rama in the Cebelrai system. When question about the validity of such a choice the President remarked: "Rama is alrady home to more humans then the Earth could ever hope to hold, and it can be expanded a bit further with just a little more development. Earth will stay our ancestral home, but humanity has moved among the stars for half a century." Recent studies showed that easily over 12 Billion people could be fit on the much bigger Rama, with it alrady housing 12 Billion souls. Inlcuding a relevant Xeltek Population.** The process is expected to take way over a year. 2251.07.06: Today marks the official end of the "Emergency Humanitarian Aid" needed in the DCN.*** 2251.12.02: Today the movement of the Fleet and Colonial Adminsitration headquarters from Earth to Rama is oficcialy over. Meanwhile effort are underway to colonise the remaining viable planets close to Rama. And protests on earth against the move have not abated since it was decided. Not even the by now 9th Re-election of the 94 Year old Rita "Iron Lady" Oliveri seems to have changed that. One starts to wonder if the following president will not undo this decision as the first order of business.** Footnotes: *I have only done one uplifting and that was from late space age. No idea if they will go full "Stellar Nation" after those 100 months or just go to the next phase. I asume the later. **I build the empire unique "Empire Capitol Complex" there. However it did not move the Capitol as expected. Might want to move it to earth after all as Rama might jsut be handed off to another Governor for the Westward Sectors. ***there is no mechanic for that. However battles leave Debris that can be analyzed for research effect using Survey Ships. And I jsut finished, so a good at time as any I think.
  6. Forgot to add the screenshoot of the new composite CCH/DCN state: The new DCN is the slightly brighter Pink
  7. 2247.01.05: A lone comet soared through the Sol System. Earths population is calling it the "Year of the Comet", a good omen for the Conflicts looming in the near Future. 2247.08.27: The 2nd Gato Class Destroyer UNS Manila was finsihed today and assigned to the 1st Fleet. 2247.09.06: War! The Righetous Alliance officially declared war on the Connisthian Consolidate Holdigns Government. President Rita Olivieri (89) guaranteed the people of the UNS that the goal was to libare the colonies of the Connisthians and free them form thier agressive goverment. However it was deemed unlikely that the Conn'Aramis could be effectively assaulted, so the warplans did not include a invasion of it.* Based on the relative fleet strenghts a victory seems likely. This marks two odd precedents: The first war humanity has been part of in a hundred years, and the first interplantary war Humanity ever had to fight. 2247.12.14: After only two short jumps from Earth, our Fleet reached the Conn'Aramis system today. The goal of our fleet is to destory the enemy fleet build capacoty and (if possible) defeat the enemy fleet. They were quickly joined by the 1st Void Skulker Legion under the Ubaric Admiral Maxerdok. However the enemy fleet appears to elude them for now. 2248.03.09: The victory over the enemy System was swift and decisively. However, it was revealed that the enemy fleet had avoided all allies and was atacking Cebelrai. Half the fleet under Admiral Diego Vargas was Quickly dispatched in hopse of intercepting them before they could do to much damage, while Admiral Delvecchio was tasked with continuing the attack on the CCH holdings. 2248.11.29: The Attacking fleet has been driven off after a short skirmish. Admiral Vargas continued the pursuit. Meanwhile the troop transports reached the North/Easter colony of Bhagash, waiting for the fleet to finish bombing miltiary targets before making the approach. The avoidance of civilian casualties limits the speed at wich this can happen severely, however. 2249.06.10: After half a year of precise bombardment, Bhagash is finally ready for a effective ground invasion. Meanwhile Admiral Diego Vargas has tried in vain to force the enemy fleet into a battle as it runs from him across all 3 Nations.** 2249.06.30: After a mere 20 days of close air and ground campaign, Bhagash has been taken and all enemies have been defeated at minimal losses. Our army and fleet prepare to continue to the next planet. 2249.11.04: Finally the enemy terror fleet luck ran out, or they decide to have one glorious last stand. Whatever the case, in teh Nigiro sytems they got Sandwitched between both fleets and utterly destroyed. Admiral Delvecchio continus the attack on Glugsul in Nigiro, while Admiral Vargas leads a host of no longer battleworthy ships back home for repairs. 2250.02.03: After a long battle against the Glugsul Orbital Station, the Fleet can finally start teh aimed bombardment. The troops still stationed on Bhagash go on thier way to prepare for the next phase of the ground war. Baring a single Garission wich will hold the planet until all hostilities have ended. 2250.02.11: "Mission Accomplished" Before the 2nd planetary invasion could happen, the Government in Conn'Aramis suprisingly decided to give in to spare further bloodsheed. 2250.02.12: The new "Democratic Conishitan Nation" is formed on the liberated colonies. However the Government on Conn'Aramis continues to be stubborn about thier holdings and soon unification seems unlikely at best. *Turned out that freeing those planets and capturing the Home Planet would need more then 100 Warscore - much more then could be aquired. So I had to keep that off for later. **Damn Hyperdrive. It only goes along certain lines, but in turn there is little windup, no winddown, no traveltime and you can enter it from anywhere in the system, even while not under attack. The early game FTL ability is off the charts. Makes it damn hard to catch those fleets.
  8. Pretty much went default human UNS, default settings, only enabeeld Ironman for the Archievements.
  9. Small update of the Galaxy right now: The area around my palce has been pretty stable this whole time. Aside from the Galactic Hissma Union creeping up more and more on my territory. Noticeable is also that the Wessari seem to have uplifted the Foxlike "Zum" species and taken them on as thier Vassal. It remains to be seen how long that holds - thier Xeno views are opposite, but they are both peacefully. The Beldross have completely taken over thier local rival. A Liberation war might be in order. The Obadin got new Neighbours in form of the Djomar League. The Xeltek Have expanded south, towards me and the Hissma.
  10. 2241.05.18: Ernst Fisher died at the age of 84, while working in our physics division on a new type of Generator. In his life he was a man of Controversy. On the one hand he will be remembered as the person that explored the stars and brought us untold scientific progress. On the other he will be remembered for his politic ambitions, especially his attempts to be voted President - with the dedicated mandate to Legalize Slavery* Longterm Deepsapce explorer "Shota Watanabe" replaced him. While necommer "Ting Zu" takes his place on the 41 Year old science ship UNS Caldwell. 2241.10.03: A new election cycle has started. However it seems likely that the 83 year old Rita Olivieri will be re-elected once again. When asked for a comment she said "Unless a better candidate comes around I guess I will do that until I die".** 2242.03.18: The Museum of Exobiology on Earth asked the Navy and Deepspace Exploration corps to provide 7 rare species from across the galaxy. While 5 of them are in friendly or unclaimed space, diplomats will have to deal with getting allowance to enter Xeltek and Obadin Space respectively. 2242.12.18: After years the expansion of the Fleet was finally deemed finshed in the Earth Spacedocks. However experts point out that the whole structure might and ships might soon need a overhaul, due to the Development of the new Destroyer class hulls and much improved Cold Fusion generators being less then a year away. 2243.11.01: As expected the fleet will have to undergo a major overhaul. The Earth Spaceport will add facilities to create the new Gato Class Destroyers, while the corvette armada will have to wait to be upgraded piecemeal as resources become avalible. 2244.07.08: With the UNS Rotterdam the first Gato Class Destroyer went of the yards today. The ship will act as the new flagship for Admiral Benedetta Delvecchio, longterm command of the 1st Fleet. 2245.02.30: (Unbeknowst to the public at the time, the Ubaric Republic approaches the UNS with a proposal for the "Righteous Alliance" to declare war on the long problematic CCH) 2245.03.06: While doing exploration close to the Ozkox space, 2nd Deep Space Survey Corp leader Ting Xu detects what she calls a "ancient alien drag race course" on a Asteroid. While the finding will be could be interesting for Engineering research, it is overshaddowed by the finding of a cute alien and possible pet on the neighbouring planet of Ulassia III. Plans are made to place a colony or at least outpost in Ulassia, to exploit either of the resources. 2245.08.25: The Imperial Bedross States have fully conquered the Quiramulans. The danger this new, bigger empire poses to the UNS in the west can not be understimated. President Rita Oliviery said Plans to free the Quiramulans from the religious opressive Bedross are being formulated. 2246.02.03: General De Yang was today tasked with creating a Planetary Defense Army. While ostensibly to defend our planets, it seems likely the strong equipment with planetary landing craft is a preparation for war and planetary invasion - against the CCH, the Bedross or both in quick sucession. 2246.10.22: In a surprise move, the "Great Obadin Kingdom decided today to end thier colfict policy with the Jurinn Confederation. Some speculate that the recent appeareach of the Religious Zealous Djomar League was the cause for this. Footnotes: *In my government form a new leader is ellected from all the current Governors, scientists, admirals and the like every 5 year. Mostly they just provide a 2 minor bonuses to the state. They all come with a mandate each election. A sort of "political target". You don't have to do it, but if you do you get a bunch of the rarest resource - Influence. He was in there Election after Election with the Mandate "Allow Slavery". That kind of stuff can happen in a Fanatic Individualist soceity. He was never a real contender however, having the lowest amount of votes. Plus even if he got elected, my Government ethics prevent me from ever enaction slavery, even just alien slavery (I am 2 allignment levels distanced from either option). I ahve seen that in a previous game, but there it was at least possible for me to enable slavery on my own people. **It is quite possible (even likely) for a single person to be re-elected every 5 years for 7 terms in a row. She also has the trait for longer life (+25 Years) and I develoepd slight age elongation tech. It turns out that my understand of alliance war was faulty. I can only get anything but the Homeworld "freed". However after some thinking the simple approach is to take the homeworld, leave my ally the "liberation" of the rest and then just gift the planet back to the successor state.
  11. 2231.02.22: The Dathanak (Gas Giant Dwellers) from Baldarok in the Lathoros System Contacted us again. Apparently due to the Festivities after planetfall they had a sudden ... resurgence of population and are now looking to colonize Neptune. As we have little use for those Planets ourself, we saw no issues to disagree. It would certainly help our people come closer together. 2231.03.26: We finally got some data regarding the Neighbourhood of the Jurin Confederation. Both the "United Xeltek Heirarchy" and the "Obadin Empire" Goverments do not agree on the mater of personal liberty with us and are quite despotic towards thier people wich troubles us (Collectivist, Despotic Goverment, Hegemonic Imperialists AI type). However the Xeltek appear very open to Foreign Cultures (Xenophile, Fanatic), so there is hope for them. The Obadin in turn seem only interested in supressing thier people to aid thier research.* 2231.04.17: The second Governor of the Eastward Sector, Jaio Pan, died at the Age of 78. The new Governor Nikita Vasilliev, 43, takes over the duties. 2231.06.13: Things turned sour with our southern Neighbour, the Connisthians Consolidate Holdings (CCH for short from now on). Diplomatic insults have been flying around those last few months and border incidents are on the rise. There is just no way they could defeat us and our Ubaric allies if this would turn to open Warfare. If it does, it will be clear that this war will be against the Government, not the Connisthian People. 2231.07.02: A 2nd Deep Space Exploration Dvision was formed, under Robert Rowley abort the Survey ship UNS Zeng He. It is the first Survey ship to be build in over 30 Years and aside from a minor Sublight engine Upgrade the design has not changed. 2232.02.05: After much Deliberation we decided to establish our first Westward Colony in the Ceberelai System. The planet Rama will also serve as supplybase for the Observation Post studying the primitive culture on Ira'Obass (as the native Tyrathian call it). We are still unsure if we should uplift them or not. On the one hand they seem to have the same individualistic streaks as us. On other other they are way to Militaristic for our tastes. 2232.04.03: Scientists just Unveiled the 2nd Mayor itteration of our FTL Drive. As this allows much further jumps (and thus fewer stops over long distance) all ships have been sheduled to return for a refit at the earliest convenience. 2233.02.04: The Dathanak have been setteled on Neptune. 2235.02.02: There are a few things we know in retrospect to be central truning points of history, but lack the leisure time to document in all it's Glory. The primtive Tirathian might be in more luck as we just witnessed them leaving the Renaisance for the Steam Age. 2235.06.14: We realised our military is very suboptimal, so we started a major buildup effort to better protect our sprawling Government Circle. 2238.01.02: A odd call just came from our Newest Colony, Rama. Apparently thier intake of immigrants was so great, the colony is in desperate need of a Colony Center upgrade. In order to free up the needed resources the Military buildup had to be stopped halfway through.** 2238.10.08: Now the Conishitans started lashing out against our Ubaric allies as well, despite being no match to any one of our fleets, much less both of them. 2239.04.20: With the construction on Rama well planned out and financed, we can finally continue to build up our military to a strenght more fitting for the Billion of people we have to protect. Longterm the new added resources might even accelerate the whole process... 2239.09.22: Multiple Diplomatic efforts have been made with nearby Nations. Mostly exchanging of starcharts and a assurance that we would not attack them, but also a longterm Research Exchange programm with the Ubaric. 2240.07.07: After all those meetings with nations that developed FTL in about our time, we never expect to encounter something or someone much more advanced. We were wrong. There are old fallen empires out there. Powers so ancient that thier might propably dwarves the combined might of all us younger races combined. Powers to whom we are nothing but childs. Powers who could make or break our existence meerely by taking a interest in us. The "Ozkox Ascendancy" is one of those fallen empires. Thier people look almost whimsically for us humans - like parrots in a spacesuit. They greeted us from a ship, whose technoloy we can not yet fathom. Equipped with a full translation protocoll for our language, as if they knew we were comming since we left our planet a mere 40 years ago. Their message was clear: They are highly spiritual. As long as we kept out of thier space and did not colonise thier "holy places", they would continue to ignore us as they had done since before we learned to walk upright. I never though Parrots in Spacesuits could look that scary.*** Thier holdings are on the southern end of the Galaxy, far west of our little nation: **** Footnoes: *It is still a conundrum where the Jurin came from. The two common cases are splitting off (possible after a war). Or being uplifted. Uplifting would make them Protectorate and later Vassals of thier "Uplifter". But there might still be a empire they split from in the east, where my current Warpdrive can not carry me. The third (but unlikely) case was that they were a primitive in space age at start of the game and just "happened" to make the final step in those 30 years. **Colonies have tiers that unlock via thier main building. Wich also requires 5/10/15 population to be built. That planet had reached 10 in no time, meaning it needed 2 upgrades in quick sucession. Only for me to realise I lacked the 2nd Upgrade, a oversight I had to correct soon. ***Fallen Empires are they called. They have all the technology in the game and hold a decent chunk of space (wich still results in a incomparibly strong fleet), but they are passive for most parts. However they all have a "rage trigger" of some sort - Colonising certain planets (near them or across the galaxy), researching "dangerous" technology, or just kicking on weak ones a bit too often. It is said that in a Multiplayer game once all 10 players combined thier fleets against one Fallen Empire and declared war. They failed so utterly, it was not even a fight. So never trigger them. ****Also feature in pink are the far west "Quiramulan Consensus". Indivudualist Scientists that are who the Imperial Beldros states decleared war on.
  12. 2219.07.01: Something new on the Colonisation Front. In an atempt to block the 3 somewhat troublesome eastern neighbours, a new Colony was Established in the far north Hotram System, called San Luca. A second one in Kuma plus maybe a outpost in Pennek might complete the line. At the same time our first Colony - Al-Matabbah - is on its next major step of development: So far the repurposed Colony ship has been used as Capital of the Colony. Now it will finally get a Fully Fledged, from ground build up Planetary Administration. 2220.07.11: To finally Coordiante the efforts on the New Colonies better, the Eastward Sector of Siruis and Alpha Centauri was Formed. Plans are to later also include all sytems up to the Galactic core, once the lines of communication are secure enough.* 2221.08.06: The world has wonders beyond wonders, even when you thought you saw it all. When investigating the Gas Giant Ydria V a routine survey turned into a rescue operation for a whole species: We noticed radiation spikes in the atmosphere, as if somebody had bombarded it wich at first glance made no sense. Then we noticed a singal comming from deep inside the Amtosphere. What we expected to be some derelict device, turned out to be a species of Gas Giant Dvellers and they asked us for help to relocated them as thier planet was becomming unhinhabitable after being bombarded by Zealot Fanatics. We agreed but this quest would lead us farther into the West of the universe then we ever were before. 2222.05.17: The relocation of the Gas Giant Dvellers - calling themself Dathnak - was completed. 2222.06.14: After much work, the Eastward sector is finished. Now begins the long process of Building up the colonies while or main attention can wander West, where 2 viable systems, a Primitive Species and unknow space still await. 2222.08.17: Further survey of Lathoros revealed a Stone Age Civilsition, right next to the new Gas Dveller Colony. They are so primitive that aside from colonising the planet with them there is little in the way to study or uplift them. But the planet is a Desert, the realm of our Allies, the Ubaric... 2223.11.04: New species keep contacting us: We just got a message from the "Jurin Confederation". And they are just perfect additions to our Galactic Neighbourhood: They value the same things we do. However they do appear to be a splinter group of a larger empire - they have been pretty vague with that. 2224.06.23: The two closest eastward problem childs appear to be getting restless. Apparently they do not take that well to being blocked out of the Wester galaxy and lacking any ability to take it out on us and our Ubaric allies they appear to be turning on each other. Communications and border incidents have been on the rise for some time now. 2225.06.01: Hinata Yamamoto who had lead the Deep Space Survey efforts ever since Rita Oliviery had been elected President, felt a small change of pace was in order and switched to the Resarch devisions. She was replaced by one of those lead scientists. 2225.09.16: From the other side of the Snotvalit Territory a new species contacted us and another good member for our alliance: The "Unified Wessari Constituents" from Ugl Mak are in what they call a "Enlightened Monarchy". While a bit odd, it does not appear to be opressive in any way. 2228.06.30: Finally a first Contact in the west, but not of the nice kind. The Imperial Bedross States apear to be Religious Zealots with no regard for personal freedom. They aluded that they are at odds with just about anyone in thier corner of the Galaxy. 2228.07.20: And as if they just had waited for a new Government to witness that, the Imperial Bedross States went to war - against one of the other Empires in the West. We are currently unable to explore the region in detail and take up contact with the people there, as we have to send a small fleet north to make contact with whoever is that close to the Jurinn Confederacy. 2230.01.16: Yun Huang, the longterm Governor of Earth died of old age. He was replaced by another of his age, Kuttawana Mtakwenda. 2230.05.18: A census of the Eastward Sector revealed that more then 9 Billion people live there. Wich means that now officially more people live on colonies then on earth.** Footnotes: *One of the things they copied well from thier Earthbound strategy games was that you could only control so many Provinces directly. Beyond that you had to give control to some AI follower or another. That way even a huge, galaxy spanning empire might be manageable by a single player (by not having to micromanage every single planet). You keep at least control of the Home system and control of every new Conqured or Colonised system, as you are the only one able to decide wich ships to build. **There are no exact figures. earth can hold maximum 16 "population units". This sector holds 18. And has room for 67 in total (after a lot of work). I just translated that too 1 Pop = 500 million on the spot.
  13. As I said before, the Faction is called "United Nations of Sol". Basically the UN went World Government and by 2200 humanity made it into the stellar landscape: The start is (naturally) in the Sol System. With a working FTL drive, 3 Corvettes, 1 Cosntruction Ships and 1 Survey Ship. The closer Stellar Neightbourhood looks like this: In the Center (blue) is my little Empire In Red is the Ubaric Republic. They are both pro-alien and pro-individual, just with more Focus on the Xenophily. In Green we have the Connisthians. Thier Goverment is Equal Parts Atheistic Scientists, Peacefull and Xenophobic In Purple we have teh Snotvalish. Basically peacefull Communists. On the personal freedom axis they are totally opposite to me. Luckily they are peacefull too. In the other blue North-east of the Center we have the "Cartel of Hissitar". Fanatically Xenophobic Scientists. That are also Fungiods and not Peacefull at all. So far they seemd to have not entered thier "Xenophobic Purger" phase yet. These is the first part of the Records: 2200.1.1: Start of the Game Set Survey ship to analyse Sol. Started low level Survey with Military Ships to scan for Habitable planets and alien Life nearby. Started Design on Colony Ship. 2200.07.23: First Sign of intelligent, Spacefaring Civilsiation in the Acramalo System. Communication not working, research into Langauge will be delayed* 2201.05.06: Another kind of Intelligent, Alien Spacefarer detected. Communication not working. research into Langauge will be delayed 2202.11.04: Design Phase of the Colony Ship finsihed. Starting Manufacturing. Redoubling Efforts to analyze Alien contacts thus far. 2203.01.02: By chance stumbeled over a system - possibly the homesystem - of the 2nd alien contact. If so they prefer Desert Climates and seem to be about as far in the space race as we are. 2203.05.25: We have established contact with 2 Nearby Cilivsations and detected a 3rd. All 3 appear in similar states of developmment as us. The "Ubaric Republic" to the Dessert Dwelling Ubaric People. Wich confusingly come from the planet Ubaria. They seem to value about the same things as we, so getting along should be easy. (Same Ethics, just flipped) The "Empire of Snotvalish-Qa" of the Mamallian Ekwynian in turn appear to be pacifistic - but also fundamentally against Individual Freedoms wich we value so high. Future Interactions will be tense at best. 2203.11.14: The 3rd Race Finally made Contact, pre-empting our translation of thier langauge. "Connisthians Consolidated Holdings" is what they call themself. Come from the Ocean Planet Conn'Aramis and call themself the Connishtian. Their Government can best be described as "Isolationist Researchers", suffering from quite some Xenophobia. 2203.12.16: Our first Colony Ship - the UNS Yeager - is spaceworthy. It will travel travel north to Siruis III, a plant much like earth but not quite. For some reason the developers choose to name the class Australia. And the name might be easily mistake with out Orbital Construction Ship class - Yeager Class. 2204.1.14: If this report came in on April 4th, we would have considerd a joke. Our Survey team in the Cebelerai found a piece of pottery in a close, stable orbit around the star. It looks like we literally found Russels Teapot. 2204.02.09: Further Observations in Cebelerai revealed a Primitive Alien spieces on the Arid planet. Passive Observation reveals they are about as "advanced" as we were in the Late Medieval Age with the Devlopment of the Printing Press. The interaction with the crew were entirely passively, it appears. No harm to thier Soceity is likely so far. So what are we going to do about them? The longterm course of action seems hard to define, as there is a habitable planet for us in the system too. Should we colonise so close to them? Establish contact or even uplift them? Make a wide berth around them? Passively Observe them? 2204.07.23: The Colony Ship reached Sirius III and started Establishing a Colony. It will take quite some time until they can get along without supplies from home. The Colonists named thier new Home "Al-Matabbah". 2205.04.01: Rita Olveri - Captain of our Science Deepspace Exploration Division - was elected President. Hinta Yamamoto takes over as the Captain. She is still inexperienced, but shows a lot of promise for the field (Trait with +Anomaly Study) 2205.08.03: After 10 months of Hard work the Siruis Colony is finally able to supply it's base needs locally. Further resources will be needed for later infrastructure projects, but at least we can now look for the next coloniseable system. And the colony is read to receive immigrants from earth. 2206.06.19: After almost 2 Years and 2 lead Scientists we did all we could about Russels Teapot in the Cerbelai System. And we still do not have a clue how it got there or why. We are just giving up now. I guess some of Life questions are just not meant to be answered? 2209.10.01: We found Sign of ancient Alien Activity in the Solo System - Geothermal extractors in the depths of Mecury. While they were almost broken down they will proove interesting for longterm study. 2009.11.05: Our 2nd Colony was established on Alpha Centauri II. But the colonist insist on it being called "Albion". 2010.01.04: Another sign of Ancient Alien Activity in Sol: In the Atmosphere of Saturn we found what appears to be the remains of an orbital station. Approaching it is impossible due to the pressure at those heights. 2010.07.02: Rita Olivery was again Voted to be President of the UNS. She would go on to be re-elected for quite some time. 2211.06.26: We found a 3rd Alien Species to our North/east. Research into the language are underway while we continue to scout thier systems. 2211.12.27: Communiaction established. This species too appears like they are going to be an issue. The Hissma from Hissom formed the "Cartel of Hissitar". Highly Xenophobic, but also Capitalist. 2212.03.01: And now we got Space Pirates too! They call themself "Fallen Stars" and they attacked Civilian Ships. 2213.01.14: The hard work of our Diplomats with the Ubaric finally bore fruit in the Form of a Alliance Invite. We accepted. We don't know if it is like this everywhere, but we are surrounded by potential adversaries. We must work together if we want to protect our people from those that would put them into another Despotic Regime. With a bit of extra work we even managed to get them to agree to a temporary Research pact on top of the Alliance. We will see if we can renew it later. Just the name of the Alliance is a bit Campy - "The Righteous Pact". But bad news happened too: The Fallen Stars pirates attacked two Mining stations in Sirius. In the resulting skirmish both stations and 3 of our Corvetttes were destroyed, but they managed to escape with only 1 loss. A new Fleet of 5 Corvettes under Admiral Benedetta Delvecchio was send to track them to thier base and end them. 2213.09.13: It is almsot poethic justice at work. The Fallen Stars Marrauding Group is no more as it run afoul of a massive Flotilla of our Ubaric allies. Footnotes: *The game adds special projects to investigate alien life - intelligent or not. However doing so would slow down design of the first Colony Ship. And they can be run in paralell without penalty. And the AI could run them just as well. So I just wait until I got that one done first.
  14. I recently bought a new game, called Stellaris. It is from Paradox Interactive, the same guys that made the Galactic Civilsiation series and the Europa Universalis/Crusaders Kings/Hearts of Iron games. It is an interesting game, applying the anti-micromanaged and diplomacy options of the later game series to a sandbox space setting of the former. I realised that the endresult if you take interest in Diplomacy could be quite the interesting Galactic (hi)story. It might be a interesting source for people who want a setting with existing history or wants to develop a settings history. One thing that models Politics in earths history particulary well is that the Government and it's people a seperate entities. The Government Ethics are basically a allignment system with 4 axes, where any Government can be Neutral, Pro, Anti, Fantically Pro and Fanatically Anti to anything (but you only got 3 moderate or 1 Fanatic+1 Moderate Choice). The axes being: Personal Freedom (Individualism vs Collectivism) Materialism (Faith vs Science) Warfare (Militarism or Peacefullness) Xenointeraction (Xenophile or Xenophobic) More divergence on any axis means more Diplomatic Penalty. With Fanatic Xenophobia being plain Anti Diplomacy, Xenophobia and Militarism being not exactly helpfull either. Humans the species are (for game purposes) considered to have the Traits "Nomadic" and "Quick Learners". However thier 2 human stock factions have totally opposite Goverments and Ethics: The "UN of Sol" version is a Indirect Democracy, valuing Individualism (Fanatically) and Xenofriendliness somewhat. While the "Commonwealth of Man" version is a Military Dictatorship, Fanatic Believers in Militarism and Xeno-Unfriendly (inlcuding enslaving aliens). You can take a stock species and replace the Government Ethics and end up with a totally different Faction. And you can actually go and start a war on a Empire not to annex it - but to get the Goverment replaced by a new one (that might be more friendly to you). Anybody know of a recent case where a war was waged against a Government, not the people they Governed? So I went, started a new game of the "United Nations of Sol" and went to write down the most important parts. I will try to split it up over multiple posts to aid readability.
  15. I think that Personal Immunity build is faulty to begin with. PI on a Sensory Power that others can have too sounds not like PI, but it just not affecting every Sense in the group. Alternative idea: Define the power as "Darkness, Normal Vision" (pricing for affecting a single targetting sense). And the googles as "Infrared Vision, OIF". That way everyone else buy identical IR Vision. Everyone with existing IR vision is also not affected. I more or less copied that idea from Shadowrun where IR vision is so common (Dwarfs and Trolls), people started decveloping "Thermal Smoke", wich blocks that vision too. There is a big difference between the Sense Group and the seperate Senses inside that Group. Darkness, Normal Vision will not affect IR, UV or Radar Vision. Darkness, Sight Group will affect IR, UV and Radar Vision. But not affect IR hearing or smelling. The upside of putting a sense into a existing group (especially sight) is getting a ton of Sense Modifiers for free. The downside is that any Sense Affecting Power targetting that group will also affect that sense. You can only put the sense into a less common group (to make it beign flashed harder) or not int oa group at all - in both cases you pay a premium in form of additional Sense Modifiers you have to buy.
  16. Oh, so that was the inspiration for this comic: http://www.thefrumps.com/comic/2016/04/04/make-a-wish Learn something new every day.
  17. Unless it is working on Multiversal theory. The it is not in either of the Universes. Don't ever expect any two time travel phenomena to work remotely the same way. Just because this one worked on Multiverse Theory does not mean the next one has to as well....
  18. Maybe it is a mispelling by the press and he actually wanted to go for "Mamal man, hero of the common iranian people"? The live young part is not on the list of requirements for mammalhood. Monotreme (egg laying mammals) like the Platypus are considered mammals just as well. Mamal powers is actually pretty far fetched, based on mamals being kinda the domination species category on the planet: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammal
  19. Doesn't being tied up at least once belong to the normal exploration of your sexual preferences, male, female and other?
  20. Incentivises you to take of the clothing/armor? Or forces you to take them off? What would happen if the "clothing" happened to be a firefighters suit with mask or Hazmat suit you have to wear? Could you though through it? How hard would it be? Incentivising: That boils down to one question: What happens if they do not take of thier clothing? Wich penalities? For how long? There is no rules construct for "suffering from itchi clothes", the same way you suffer from heat or cold. Killing Senses: The closest equivalent I could think of right now is loosing your sense of Touch. 6E2 9 has rules for loosing Sense(groups) due to flashes: "A lack of Normal Touch (whether permanent or as the result of a Sense-Affecting Power) generally imposes penalties of -3 (or more) on DEXBased Skills, OCV in HTH Combat (and even some Ranged combat, if the character has to, for example, shoot weapons), and any other activities requiring dexterous action." With itchy clothing your sense if effectively disabeled. What little skin is not covered by clothing would still not give you proper feedback against the "noise" of all the itching. So how about: "Flash (Touch), does not work when not wearing clothing(-?)" "Transform, (Takes touch sense; healable by taking of clothing)" Mental Illusion: Mental Images, "your clothing feels itchi" could only have as much effect as the rules for Mental Images allows. And 6E1 251 has rules for "Harmfull Mental Illusions". In effect you can apply a Damage over Time/Continous attack on the target. Stun damage from "your clothes are burning" is about as real as Stun damage from "your clothes are itching". Imitate Mental Illusion: Any power that does Damage over time with the obvious shutoff of "taking of clothing" would work*. Might need to be a NND (No Sense of Touch) to get past conventional defenses. *Remember it only needs to be clear to the target, not make any sense. Forcing: Mind Control: You want a specific action (take of clothing/armor) when the target does not. The other character would resist appropirate for the danger of the situation or the need to be clothed - likely when alone in thier room, not likely while fighting a fire, in a firefight or on a stage.
  21. Actually someone might choose to stick to the original design just to show that "the mask does not make the person". Like back in the first interpretation of the Red Robin:
  22. HSMA has some nice advanced "Martial Arts" powers, that straddle the line between Martial Arts and Superheroics. Overall you might be able to just write them up on Superheroic levels. They do have the advantage that using blunt weapons (fists, common use items) lend itself towards not doing killing damage. Basically the whole movie is a origin story. The three tenants I would write up on Sidekick level The two landlords on normal superheroic level The beast and the one that uses the Hand of Buddha I would write up on higher level The musicians attacks seem pretty straightforward for me. While they might appear to be invisible, no one attacked by them and aware of them ever had any issues to dodge/block them. They are about as inobvious and undodgeable as a gun/silenced gun.
  23. If you want to really drive that home, take that name and put a 2 behind it. The "Unsinkable 2" makes you instantly wonder what happened with Number 1.... But Kirk already has kirking named after him. kirking, verb: sleeping around with anything of any species that is remotely female within 24 hours of first contact. No mater into how much trouble it get's him with thier Father/bethrothed/religious leaders. aka known as: Kirks contact of the 3rd base
  24. Money. Perhaps the biggest balance problem of them all. D&D solves it via the Wealth/Level table and having explicit costs for items. As well as very limiting Weapon Selection (a full Talent slot for a weapon?) Shadowrun 5E tries something interesting: XP (Karma) and money gain are inversely proportional to one another. A "good feeling" adventure gives more XP but less money then a Coldblooded assasination. But you still do not know how much downtime will there between adventures or the whole system cracks. Hero just clearly says "No Money in Superheroics". And with the APG has a Resource Pool that might be able to manage gear for Heroic settings too - based on the point buy system. All Rulesystems try to create balance as thier primary goal. That is why they exist. Why we choose to use them, develop them, even pay money to have them. A book has one Author for the World, the Antagnoist and the Hero(s). A RPG session has one Author for the World and Antatgonist, one for each Hero. Conflict about what happens if the Hero and the world interact are unavoidable. There must be some way to resolve it and "GM decision" only will bring you so far before the players feel like passive witnesses to the GM's story. Saying the Hero systems primary goal is not balance, is like saying our lungs are not there for breathing primarily. It is correct that it's secondary goal is to provide the maximum amount of Freedom while still providing balance. But that is true for all systems. They all try to provide us the maximum amount of freedom during character creation and play they can still balance. D&D tries that with loads and loads of Prestige classes in the supplemental material. The way Hero provides the balance is fundamentally different from any other system I encountered. - Most rulessystems try to be explicit about thier don't (No armor/cyberware for Mages, here is how they get crippeled). They try to balance via explicit "forbidden" markers or penalties. And they always end up with absuable blind spots and inclarity. Or with players wanting to do a build plain not supported. In Shadowrun there is a running discussion regarding the "Immunity to Normal Weapons" on spirits. The game descirption is "Works like Hardened Armor", then repeats part (but not ALL) of the Hardened Armor rules. It omits the one about how Hardened Armor interacts with Armor Piercing modifiers, while repeating all other rules of it. Wich is important for a game wich has a AP modifier even on environmental Damage! Depending if a Spirit is or is Not affected by AP rounds, they can be anywhere from "manageable as normals" to "totally broken concepts that only a mage can take down" (in any case, mages are still superior at taking them down, followed by melee adepts). Wich in turn has ramifications regarding the balance for the summoning skills, weapons and most existing adventures. - Hero just asks player and GM: "Look at the end result. Use your brain and gut feeling. But when in doubt, the GM has final say." And oddly enough, on this forum we overall agree wich constructs are "worth watching/closer inspection". We can not always clearly name the value of a Limitation/Complication (because it is balanced by the environment). Sometimes people get stuck up on the naming of a Power and implied special effects, but overall there is decent consesus. Hero has it's blind spots too, naturally. There is at least one clear case for a build that is also not easily supported in Hero: Gravity Powers. However that is mostly from the fact that gravity (other powerset) can logically do stuff that no balanced Hero Power should be able to do. In the end everything can be solved by looking at the Game Effect first, special effect second.
  25. As the other said before: the character points alone do not define balance. Character Points + Campaign Caps do. I know of only one other Pointbuy system - Shadowrun 4th and 5th Edition (in 5th they tend to streamline this part using a priority system). In both cases in addition to the points, there is also clear guidelines: "No Skill Higher then 6 at creation. Only one Atribute at archetype maximum at creation. No gear beyond availability 12 at creation." Afterwards, stuff is free-er. If you just looked for the total Karma/Build Points for balance, of course it would not work out. That would be like trying to hit a target with one eye closed. And even in SR the balance might be skewed if the GM never let's it come into play. The extra Lifestyle cost of Dwarfs and Trolls does not mater if little time is between Adventures. The social reactions (part of the Troll/Orc package deal) might not come into play at any given time because players and GM do not want it - yet the player still received the benefit. At the very least Hero is explicit about what the build-in complications are, rather then implicit (well, most of the time). And you can choose or not choose to apply them, at correspondingly higher cost. In a SR setting using Hero system you could totally Make a Orc without the Social Effects/a lesser version of hte Complication. However Active Points and Character points still serve to evaluate powers against one another. You can asume that two 60 AP Attack powers are about equal. They will not perform exactly the same in exactly every sitation. But on average they should even out. Shadowrun and even D&D has something similar in what little there is to modify the magic system: Formulas or Tables how much drain/wich spell slot a spell of a certain combat effect should have. The SR 5 Spell System reached almost the point where it becomes as granular as hero. You can calculate what the Drain Effect of AoE or Range is. In both SR and D&D the elemental special effects of spells (and resulting secondary effects) reached about equality. Wich allows cutting down on the redundancy when writing spells with different elements.
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