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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. There is a certain classical formula for "The Hero". It comes to us from ancient stories, older then our current civilisations could ever claim to be. It's core is failure: Effects of thier deeds? Universal Suffering? Personal For Superman this manifests differently to other heroes. He is a god in power effectively able to do whatever he wants/needs to do. But for all his power he still can not reshape the world as he wants, wtihout turning into the evil he tried to defeat in the first place. As Red Son teaches us, he could become the ultimative benevolent dictator. But that would still not solve the problem he tried to solve. Without having that much power, he could not each us the story he does. That even if you have all the power, you still can not bend to universe to your will.
  2. Let's give the universe a picture or two: North is full of Fanatic Individualists in various Flavors: green, dark: The Hadadeshi have Spiritualism mixed in purple, lighter: The Davi have materialism mixed in purple, darker: The Djomar are Fanatic Pacifists/Spiritualists. green, lighter: To the south there is the Screk state. Fanatic Collectivists and Pacifists, they are a pretty good opposite. A change of Government might be in order. Luckily now liberation war can affect the capital planet as well. I had to place the far west Colony in Dawcan because the Bavi had taken the Gaia class planet in Cazzabius and there were too many enticing planets around that. Vilth and Grekil systems might be used to complete a path.
  3. What is the real difference to the "god among men"? Howitzers are not anti-(single)person weapons. They are anti-tank/aoe weapons and still can not defeat him. It is like trying to nuke a anthill. Only to have them activate thier precursor shield and use first age technology to wipe you out instead.
  4. In germany you get 5 years of Economics education with your normal school education. You get another 3 years with many of the jobs you learn. As a result I can boast with 8 years of basic econmics teachings. Nothing on the level of a merchant or shopkeeper, but good enough for one clear expression: What Simons writes is truth. As much truth as the earth being (roughly) spherical. It is a truth so ingrained for people who know about the mater, explaining it feels almost like insulting the people by spouting such obvious facts. It is like asking "you do know that the earth is not flat?" A truth so simple and fundamental, we can not even explain it properly. Economics discussion are kinda like dicussions on video game forums on "what should have been done". As a programmer I find them personally insulting because half the time it is utter *bleep* that has not even an inkling of sense. Or it runs in a 180° degree angle to the reality of the thematic. You arguing about a themathic you so obviously have no inkling of a idea about is insulting to the people that do and make the decisions. All you are doing are making yourself look dumb. You think that you are somehow smarter then decades or centuries worth of gathered experience is insulting (that is how long programming, math and economics are around). Part of growing up is knowing when you don't know *bleep* about a thematic. Sorry, but everyone arguing about the economics of selling a gamesystem to people who do this job doesn't know *bleep* about economics. That you even make those arguments is proof of that fact. Please just inform yourself first to realise how wrong you have been all this time. Realise how much sense that wierd world you never looked into makes once you actually try to udnerstand it. And please stop making us explain stuff so basic, we can not even explain it properly anymore. As luck would have it, there is now a nice handy resources regarding the truths of videogames. Of wich the most part applies to any gaming effort and any economics efforts. It is a Youtube Series caleld "Extra Credits". You ever thought about how wrong it was for Bethesda to sue someone over the use of the word "Scrolls" when there was no obvious connection? This video tells how wrong you are: Asume you are at least that wrong about any themathic you think are smater then 3 decades to 3 centuries worth of gathered experience and training. It is the grown up thing to do.
  5. 2200.12.01: We surveyed the nearby systems. While we found 4 systems with habitable planets, only Sirius (west) and Iolam (North-west seem promising candidates for colonisation. Alpha Centauri (east, inside territory) might be an option later. The Continental world in Ambor (north-east) is to small to be interesting except in a pinch or as strategic outpost. The fleet continues exploration for inteligent lift to the west. 2202.05.20: Aside from another possible habitable Planet in Vilth we have not yet found anything of interest in the west. Certainly no intelligent alien live. 2202.10.09: The possible Iolam colony turned out to have very unstable tectonics, but also a strong magnetic field. This would be interesting for scientists of many fashions. 2203.10.13: Alien life is closer then we thought, but not as far as we yet. In Alpha Centaury Survey efforts unveiled a Pre-Sentient species way on thier way to a culture creating Sentient. 2205.04.26: Dhruv Acharya - former Soceity lead researcher - was elected president of the UNS Newcommer Aya Hamidi takes his post in the science Divsion 2206.01.23: With the UNS Shinorhara our first Colony ship been finished in Earth Spaceport. Thier goal will be Sirius. 2206.11.19: The west has oficially been declared "bereft of advanced alien life". While there might still be pre-sentient species and pre-space age civilisations out there on close survey, nothing spacefaring has been found so far. Admiral Dyson is send to investigate the North, east and souther regions around sol a bit farther afield. 2207.04.12: Finally a first clear sign of intelligent, alien Life. North in the Kimithar System a Ship clearly of alien design was seen surveying the planets. 2207.05.15: While looking for the home planet to the north, another Spacefaring Civilisation has been discovered. Efforts to establish contact with both species are underway. 2207.07.01: The Colony Toyotomi in Siruis is up and opeartional. The President is looking into further Opportunities to colonize to the west. 2207.11.17: Contact with both nothern Civilisations has been established. Both turned out to be slightly Spiritualistic. The Hadadeshi have a Theocratic Republic and a clear preference for Desert Planets. They value Freedom as much as we. The Djomar favor Continental worlds just like us, wich will propably be a problem. The race to grab as many Continental planet as possible might be on now. Luckily they are Fanatically peacefull, so conflict seems unlikely. 2209.01.08: We found a Iron Age Civilsiation to our west in the Voldop System. Thier Ethos matches ours. We will consider placing a Observation outpost to study them later. 2209.03.27: The Bavi League contacted us today. There are a Freedom seeking bunch of Scientists. 2210.07.01: President Dhruv Acharya has been re-elected. 2211.01.20: Rivalry has been declared between the Bavi and Djomar People. Tensions between both people are hot. This is equally likely to be because thier different views on Technology and thier proximity. 2211.04.12: A new intelligent contact to our south, and within a mere 2 Jumps of Sol. It appears we found thier Home system and they are arctic dwellers. 2211.08.02: With Asgard in Dawson System a Colony far to the west has been established. This should allow closer observation of both the Stonage People on Dawson and the early space age, tundra dwellers in Braddam. However the Braddam civilisation is cause for concern, as it appears they are Xenophobic. Thier contact with alien life especially so close by could drive them into a violent Frenzy. 2211.10.16: We have made contact with the Screk to our south. They are ruthless opressors of thier people, even if it appears they do not use force on the outside. 2212.02.11: Today President Acharya made clear statements that the "Opressive Regime of the Screk people will not be tolerated". 2213.05.07: With Horizon in Iolam our 4th Colony has been established. Vilth will be our next target of colonistaion. 2215.10.01: Dhruv Acharya has been re-elected as president a 2nd time. 2216.06.19: With the UNS Macau the first partially Privately Funded Colonyship has left earth spacedock. It will now go to Vilith in order to curb any Screk expansion into our space.
  6. Exactly. The other is the Commonwealth of Man, thier Militarist/Xenophobe offshoots. Due to the way Speciesidentity is defined in the game there is even a decent chance that both Humans will not be considered the same.
  7. A time ago I started this thread: http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/93386-history-of-the-united-nations-of-sol/ Well, the game just received a major update (1.1.0) wich affected this faction quite a bit. And I know a whole lot more about the mechanics this time around. Let's try this again. The alternate History of the UNS is about to begin. 2200.01.01: We make our Journey into the stars. The players: President Dolores Muwanga (29). Next election 2205. Arjin Kulkarni (38), Governor of Earth Montgomery Resse (47), Deep space Survey Corps. Shi Zhao (40), Aplied Physics Division Leader Dhruv Acharya (30), Soceity & Colonisation Martin Shephard (33), Engineering Admiral Crispin Dyson (36), leader of the Military Expiditionary Forces Usual Stuff: Start survey of Sol. Order Admiral and fleet to look into the nearby systems.
  8. I just realised: Would they not enter "uncontrolled movement"? I mean there is a difference between flying and falling. One is a controlled movement (even if you fly down with aid of gravity). The other is uncontrolled. What would happen if a car suddenly looses it's running (say due to aquaplaning)? It would not stop by definition. But it would also become pretty much uncontrollable. It "exceeded the speed it's movement can operate on", wheter this is due to excessive acceleration or a sudden drop in base speed does not really mater.
  9. I thought about making a sort-of speedster/martial artist hybrid using a (hover)board or skates. Kinda like She-Hulk in this episode of Agents of Smash: http://www.watchcartoononline.com/hulk-and-the-agents-of-s-m-a-s-h-season-2-episode-18-wheels-of-fury What you have there sounds like a more limited version of this, but with the skates as extra weapons.
  10. And even then it will only disrupt this USE of the power. It will not prevent any further use (Dispel vs Foci has special optional rules). And since running is instant, you would have to hold a action too (same as with dispelling a instant attack). What you want is either: - Trip. Telekinesis allows you to use any Basic Maneuver on range. Even martial maneuvers to some degree. - Grab. Again TK is you friend - Change Environment (- running). CE can explicitly area supress/counter movement. But it is one of the 3 fallback powers (Transform, CE, anything with Usable as Attack) wich should only be used if really no other power fits as they are hard to blance. And wich should never be used to replace a existing power with a cheaper/broken version.
  11. Actually I always had asumed the spotter had to keep the overall battle in thier line of sight. Kinda like shown here: http://terra-comic.com/wordpress/archives/comic/page-08 As nice as a scope is, it forces you into tunnel vision. It is damn hard to find a high value target through a scope, look for enemy sneaking up on you, etc. Basically for the purposes of spotting something interesting on the battlefield - including the next high value target - (or someone sneaking up on the team) the Sniper is distracted. Plus the spotter can acutally spend his actions to get +2 to spotting.
  12. I have to ask: Wich kind of drones? Spydrone? Bomb Disarm drone? Combat Drone? Deepsea exploration drone? Hostile Environment drone? Also, wich kind of control? Realistic? Shadowrun style rigging? With or without autopilot? Spydrone: Clairsentience, Mobile, Material Manifestation or Focus Bomb Disarm drone: Telekinesis, Material Manifestation or Focus. Or as a proper sheet. Combat drone: Proper sheet all the way Realistic: Prety sure there are rules to use skills through a Clairsentience/Telekinesis link. Using the weapons of a combat drone would be a problem (can't normally target using Clairsentience). Rigging: Perhaps Multiform? Effectively the character becomes the drone, unable to use his original body. Maybe APG's Possession, only willing target? Special rule - self acting focus: APG II has much more detailed focus rules, inlcuding rules to effectively mimik a Automaton. Originally considered for stuff like selfguiding missiles.
  13. Forgot to write down the previous session of Shadowrun 2050, Hellhound gang member (or rather everything that is left) Medicine Man: Me. Ameridian Doctor and Face; not yet acustomed to the streetlife Freddy 0 aka "Dr. Feelgood": Dwarf Mage and drugdealer, with rules to never sell to children/pregnant women Conclusion Elementals: The whole story about the Johnson being the Music producer for the band did not pan out. He still wanted the band and alive, but for something other then making them the next big hit. So the team decided - against my objections - to not fullfill the job. As thanks we got attacked by a magical assasin. Remember how I mentioned the food fight scenario a while back? The women we resqued was Rowena O'malley. As in daughter of the Mafia Don for Seatle, O'malley. Or rather ex-don. Turns out that the Runners that had a run-in with our team while chasing Rowena (after missing her at home) were the distraction for the Sniper who killed the dad. Guess who Rowena thought of to investiage the crime against organised crime? Everything looks like the Sharpshooter was a absolute professional: Maxrange shoot, custom rifle (with a unusually large calliber), custom ammunition. He even hired those runners we meet at Stuffer Shack to kill Rowena - all so they would work as distraction and take out the houses mundane and magical security system for his shoot. Luckily our goal is more then person that hired the killer, with the killer being only a bonus. Time for some legwork. My chracter goes for our contact from the Elvenfire Adventure, Knight Errant detective Koren Thark (Metahuman division). MM: We are looking into that assasination of the previous Don - O'malley - and were wondering if that weapon was used in any other assasinations before. Koren: First the Yakuza and now you are working for the Mafia too? How do you even know them? MM: We meet them at th Supermarket. Koren: Yeah, as if I believe that. Freddy 0 (OOC): Ironically that is exactly what happened.
  14. But how does the Chracter/Power know who to imitate? And have enough of a picture of the person to imitate to pull this off? If the goal was to appear as a random person, that is one thing. But a random person has no access to the FBI centrale. YOu want "a random person that has access here". Wich requires your character/power to have a reasonable way to figure that stuff out. If I rememebr right there was a special Limitation "only to aid use of specific power (-1 or -2)" on senses. Usually it is used for stuff like triggers (where the set power might need senses you do not have yourself). But it should work for a Shape that "somehow" knows who to immitate too. I am going to say it too: Nope. This will NOT make teh character invisible/unnoticeable. IPE makes the use of the POWER it is applied to invisible/unnoticedable. That there is a character is still fully visible. Movement with IPE (hearing) would not make a sound. No stealth check is nessesary. You still have it hide from sight, of course. Again: Movement IPE (sight) does NOT MAKE THE CHARACTER INVISIBLE. There is not even a discussion about it. The game effect to be invisible is called "Invisiblity (Sight)" and has a clear cost. There is no way around this cost. You are trying to build a inhirently broken, abuseable build here. This does not work in Hero. No mater how much you try, any GM can shoot it down with a simple "No". You need to model the actual game effect you receive. You pay for said game effect. And that is all the effect you get. If the game effect is broken/powerfull, then it will be accordingly expensive. If you don't have the points left for the game effect, you don't have the points left. If the game effect was a lot cheaper in another rulesystem - either the original price was broken all along, or there were some restrictions in the build you can not copy/failed to copy. There is no room for rules lawyering in Hero. No abuseable oversights. There is a bunch of Rule 0's that supersede everything else that is written in those books just so stuff like this does not happen. If your GM wants to allow it is his decision. And his damn own fault the inevitable moment it bites him in the butt. Everything you build, the GM can jsut say "No". And there is not a damn thing you can do about it, other then walking away from the table.
  15. That can be said about anything The greatest strenght is always the greatest weakness, because it is archieved at the cost of other strenghts. I think a minor cultural disconnect happened. In germany so few bad things happen directly to us, we kind of started using words with negative conotations a lot more casually. Kinda how everyone talks about "Fatal" mistakes if nobody actually died. Or even got hurt. Or how 'literally' started to mean 'figuratively'. Yes, I agree. But I also find that the "What not to spend points on" rule on 6E1 31 might be forgotten too often. Wich might be mostly because the downside is somewhat hidden in the example and page 32's "Paying for Equipment" section. Both parts deserve mention whereever I see them fit.
  16. It can become fully fleshed out, if you manage the randomness properly. Look at this extra credits episode: Hero System skill resolution suffers from the "any single given roll" problem. Shadowrun does a better job of managing randomness, by throwing much more dice. But at the cost of making the skill system much more complex. In hero we could manage it too, if we used something like Social Combat Mechanics. Or extended tests. Simply mechanics where a single roll does not define success. Instead a lot of rolls do. I always found those "cost no points" things had one clear downside: The GM can just disable or abuse them as plot devices at any given time. Mobile Phones might cost 0 point, but wich Criminal would not disable Phones as one of thier first actions? The 0 point car might have been hit by random debris/energy or bisected by the enemy forcefield dome around the city. Or it is just not starting, You might not have paid points for it, but in turn it also is not reliable.
  17. The complete books were a neccesity for one reason, and printing them is not one of them. There will be print runs of any book if demand is just high enough, as evidenced by the PDF sales. Thier purpose was simple: In PDF or Print, 6E1, 6E2 and a setting book are plain to much to buy for a beginner. And they are not even enough to fully play in a setting. If those 3 books had been the Players Guide, Gamemasters Guide and a Monster book it would have been a better combo. But stll to expensive at thier current rate. A side purpose was also provide a fallback but adaptable setting to write adventures for. In D&D Spellslots can be a integral part of the Adventure. In Shadowrun so can Essesnce loss. People that write adventures need those setting affordances. Both motivations can be hard to impossible to translate to Hero, without just making a inferior copy of the game system first. With the complete books adventure writers now have a somewhat reliable setting to write adventures against.
  18. "Being complete" is a fallacy I can not abide. And I saw my share of it on games forums. A RPG like a MMO is a itterative process. The only time such a game is "complete" is if it is dead/no longer being worked on. City of Heroes is complete. Wow, SWTOR and the like are not yet and hopefully won't be for quite some time. The whole premisse is that any future itteration would be a bad sign/thing somehow, wich is in a 180° angle.to what I consider sane thinking*. Personally I consider 6E1 and 6E2 the current rules, more so then the CC books. Mostly because I have the former, not the later. Also because 6E1+2 can serve a whole host of settings to some degree, rather then only one specific to a slightly better degree. I understand why they choose to make the "...-Comlete" books. It makes total sense from a economic standpoint. Still not worth to buy them if we got the "real books" 6E1+2. That being said, the C-books do have to offer some nice ideas, the same way the APG's have. Afaik CC and the like abolished the whole concept of mind classes - you can affect all minds, unless you limit the powers. But in the same way 6E books offer information, clarification or even full rules constructs that the Complete books simply lack. *There is just no nice way to put it, so I do not even try.
  19. The avoidance of several big mistakes I see in the systems I played before: - Non-Transparant Balancing. In Shadowrun being a free AI or spirit costs a ton because of a big "immortal" ability. That I would not even want it for my AI/Spirit characters was not even considered. In Hero I can just choose to not buy it. Or sell it back. Making your own classes in D&D or spells in Shadowrun? Forget it! You won't be able to wihout endangering the blance. - No artifical balancing limitations. Essence loss and Magic/Resonance loss in Shadowrun. "The no arcana magic and armor" and bonus stacking rules of D&D. Instead all atribute points are consided the same, regardless of level. - it rules by common sense and balance, rather then explicitly "can't" or can. In those systems that say "you can not" or "it works exactly like this" there are often hour long discussion about the interpretation of the rules. Exploiteable flaws that can be found and have to be fixed. Rules Lawyering at it's finest. Often pointless because they miss the core issue of game balance and fun for everyone in the discussion. I feel I have much to offer the Shadowrun community now with the "Hero Mindset". - it let's armor reduce damage. This is a particular peeve I have with D&D. Also the only system I ever played that had this wierd design decision. What I do not like: - the speed chart/general combat resolution. I think Shadowrun 5E does it a lot better. SR 4E was obviously similar to Hero, wich aided my learning it - inlcuding the issues with actions/initiative/aborting. Interestingly it appears SR 5E learned a lot from Hero system in other areas. - too much upfront work to be GM. To few "common ground" adventures/creaturs. Mixed: - it makes us all game designers. This can be overwhelming for new players. But it also allows a lot of detail to be added if the setting requires it. There is a feedback between mechanics and tone of a game. That is a unavoidable truth of game design, something I was not able to formulate until recently. Sanity and Corruption in Chutulu and Dark Heresy games work in tandem with low rolls to produce a "deadfull" world feeling. The one point where hero absolutely fails is skill resolution. And heroic gameplay usually stands or falls with it's skill resolution/skill detail. There is just no way Hero could come close to SR 4E or SR 5E levels of skill granularity/detailed resolution. Trying to do so would be like hammering a nail into the wall using the handle of a screwdriver - when you got a perfectly good hammer just laying there.
  20. The Supervillain having to buy a perk or followers to have henchmen never seemed right with me. For me being "the head of a Evil Organsiation" is only the special effect for teamups and having henchmen around. You design the opposition to be a interesting challenge for the players. A bound demon is not a Follower, but simply a part of the Evil Sorcerors Fortress. There because it makes a interesting challenge for the players, not because the Sorceror paid points for it. If the Sorceror escapes he will not return to the Fortress. As such it is not even a proper base he has to pay points for. The Fortress, demon, traps, Skelleton Warriors and Henchmen are simply there becuase the Sorceror on his own would not be a challenge.
  21. I see several issues with that idea in Hero and I will mostly base it by Comparing it to how hitting and damage is done in Shadowrun - because I always found Hero and SR to be very close siblings. The first big issue is that Hero attacking does not manage Randomness well. The more dics you throw, the less random will be the result. We know this effect with Blasts, Normal Body damage and the Stun Lottery. In Shadowrun 4+5E a 6D6 dicepool is considered small/beginner level with 2 average successes. 12-15D6 (4-5 average successes) is more what you should be fielding in combat. The bigger the dicepool, the better the Delta of Randomness is managed. Compared to that 3d6 will have incredibly jumpy results. The second big issues it is a "roll against passive score" thing. While you can use abort to some degree, overall the attack roll is all about overcomming a passive score (DCV). In Shadowrun hitting/dodging is a skill contest. Resisting damage is a extension of that skill contest (extra damage from Net hits). The lack of granularity in skill&attack rolls for hero is both a strenght and a weakness. It is a strenght in that it speeds up resolution. Reducing the task to "counting 1, 5 and 6" was a nessesary step to keep the SR system from becomming unwieldy. They had to change thier very couting and skillroll system as a result of having that many dice. It is a weakness in that it lacks detail. In SR there can be bonuses like +1 Dice. Adding or substracting 9 dice would not make it a sure success or failure. +/- 5 in Hero is a clear success or failure. While it is true that you can theoretically do anything with every system, there is a certain feedback between mechanics and the tone of a game. It is a new concept for me as well, but it makes a lot of sense:
  22. APGI II 49 has the Psionic Limitation. Danger Sense, Psionic (-1/2) version would not work with traps or natural happenings (rockslides). But will naturally work on rockslides triggered by enemies. The -1/4 version could work on Traps based on the idea that the "Psionic Signature" of whoever set it lingers. Invisibility, Psionic (-1/2) would be your run of the mill "does not work on machines" power. As a general rule, powers never have downsides. You do not die from using supersonic flight/running and hitting insects in the way. Invisibility is a slight exception, as people will still run into you. First rule of creating any Hero System power: Create the Game Effect. Later add in the speical effets and reasonable limitations to season it to taste. How is this power different from just plain invisibility? How is it better? How is it worse? Do both sides even out or turn into a net advantage/disadvantage for the player in the given Setting? How does it interact with recording devices? People watching the recording devices records? What if the palce has a mandatory guestbook? As a reference, look at this Star Trek Race wich embraced the power: http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Ramuran One way to do this would be "Mental Illusion, AoE". Mental Illusion can change the perception of reality that is going to be comitted to memory. I always found it hard to find a place for MI, but this is one of hte few cases where it is clear. Changing yourself from looking like yourself to "just some random passerby" can vary greatly in difficulty based on who you are cloaking against: Hiding yourself from a Random Token processing Person that has no specific interest in your would be a EGO, maybe EGO+10 effect. The person has no real interest, so minor change of setting. EGO+10 if you received some media attention lately. Hiding from your Mother, the Police searching you or people hunting you could go into EGO+20 too EGO+30 territory. The EGO target would also go up if something unusual happens (Someone shouting "There he is!", you using a power, anything that draws attention to yourself) With sense affecting Powers/Modifiers it is hard to acomplish.
  23. Nope. One of the first rules for Crisis: There is only one Crisis per playthrough. And personally I feel like I did all I will do with this. Might be best to just write down the state of the Galaxy and start a new playthrough. Maybe something a bit more Collectivistic this time...
  24. 2352.10.06: The conflict with the Cormathani League is over. All 3 planets have been ceeded. In restorspect a complete vassalisation might have been the better choice. 2353.11.24: The fleet is back in Andack and is being retrofitted with a more conventional foe then the Unbidden in mind. The fleet strenght is also reduced. 2354.08.30: 154 Years after the ESD set out to the stars. The colonial census reads as following: 191 Population units of baseline humans are ESD space. Additionally there are 41 Synthethics, 32 Tundra Adapted and 19 Trans-Humans Furtheremore there is the following count of Xenos in our midst: 84 Othari, 37 Cormathani, 28 Rholtok, 23 Usanace, 22 Izran, 12 Saathid, 11 Gwesibor, 4 Athalid, 2 Dorbolan and 1 unit of Djomar
  25. 2342.09.01: Elections for a new President are underway. Rudzani Mtakwenda was elected Director of the ESD. He goals include creation of more colonies after the current crisis is over and the securing of hte borders. 2343.05.06: Sentient AI have been developed. They are already helping us with furter research. 2243.09.28: In anticipation of the future presidency over the Star Entente the Diplomatic tone towarsd the Cormathani has been hardened. "Imminent Vassalsiation to facilitate the war against the Unbidden is imminent". 2344.03.20: The fleet has gathered in the Andack System. It is now time to attack and vassalise the Cormathani. And afterwards, the Unbidden will be dealt with once and for all. The war has been declared. 2344.05.07: At first we had Robots. Then we had Droids. Now work has begun towarsd Synthethics, the next natural step in the Machine Evolution. Machines so smart that they are on par with any human. Smart enough that they might even deserve Citizen rights. 2345.07.22: Both planets in teh Aphris system have been taken. The Adar System is next. 2346.02.11: Adar has been secured. 2346.04.05: A new message from the Dathok. Apparently they want us to ferry a homesick colonist back. As our ships had nothing else to do, we agreed. 2346.09.23: A 4th Extradimensional Armada nothing but dissipating clouds of energy. 2347.05.26: The homesick Colonist is back home. 2348.10.26: Afer years of fruitlss hunting two enemy armadas could be attacked and destroyed at hte same time. 2349.08.03: Works on the new Synthethics has been finished. 2349.08.23: In order to end the hunt the fleet jsut Attacks the Atlas System. 3 enemy fleets gather in response and are eliminated. The next goal is engaging the protal defenses as soon as possible and ending the Unbidden treat once and for all. 2350.01.27: This will be known across the day of human/synthethic equality. Citizen Rights for Synthethic with a cerain minimum intelligence have been approved. 2350.02.21: After many probing atempts and localised destruction the ESD fleet finally manages to pierce the defenses and destory the Portal once and for all. Much admiration is due for the ESD thanks to them dealing the final blow of the war. Admiral Xian Dang said to the ocassion: "If our form of life is realy thier food, we just gave them a heck of a indigestion!"
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