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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. Re: The Badass Sewage Collector, or, "THEY became a hero?" For Tungdil it was: Creating the ultimate Axe to Kill the Demon, Learning unmatched Battle Power, uniting 3 dwarven clans in Battle, making certain they get a good high king, foiling the the future kings evil advisors plans, Killing the Demon, beating the Ork/Albae (Dark Elf) Army, saving the world, discovering his origins and getting the girl. (and I am certain I am forgetting something here....*) And that was book 1... Edit: *Now I remember: Getting the Humans, elves and the 3 Dwarven Clans to fight togehter, founding his own clan and reestablishing the 5. Dwarven fortress/home (each of the five clans/fortresses is there to protect the humans from various outside forces).
  2. Re: Ability Guidelines for Cosmically Powerful Characters (6e) Seconded. Active Points, especially in a high powered game, is often the best thing to look at. About CSL and Martial Arts: There a just a way to add Active Points to attack. Every +1 DC equals +5 Active Points for an attack. So a 50 AP attack that has +5 DC is equall to a 75 AP Attack with no Bonusses. Most normal maneuvers could allow to go over that cap (as they all have severe drawbacks), but Martial Maneuvers or STR that can be added are simply part of the overall AP a attack power is worth.
  3. Re: KAs, point caps and damage classes I can tell you the 6E approach, maybe that helps: In 6E attacks are rated as Damage Classes. 1 DC equals 5 Active Points. 3 DC equal 3d6 normal Damage (HTH or Ranged) or 1d6 killing Damage. The source of the damage class is unimportant: 6 DC from STR 30 + 3 DC from a weapon + 2 DC form CSL/Martial maneuvers makes 11 DC (11d6 normal Damage or 3 1/2d6 Killing Damage). From your limit of 40 AP and the fact that the 6E Powerfull heroic is said to have 4-9 DC I would say 8DC (8d6 normal or 2 1/2d6 killing) would fit. How to place Maneuvers here is diffculty: When the attack has a severy drawback (Haymaker, Move-by/Through and other free maneuvers) or using CLS to boost damage it may allow the to go over that limit. When it has no relevant Drawback (like every Martial Arts Maneuver) it should be part of the overall DC cap (reaching 12 DC with a Haymaker is different from being able to doing 12 DC with Martial Strike and getting an +2 bonus to defense every phase). Martial Arts a just another way to increase the Damage and even a weak Dagger (3 DC Killing, no STR Bonus) can go to the cap if enough Combat Knowledge (Martial Arts, CSL) is applied to it. One thing about Martial Arts: It does not nessesarily mean Traning with Monks. It's equally fitting to display a critters natural fighting ability or a swordmaster. It's just one way to get to extra DC and/or better Offense/Defense values. How this is archievd (Special Effect) is totally unimportant.
  4. Re: Multiform In 6E "Only in Heroic Identity" was renamed to "Only in Alternate Identity". Still a -1/4, but now works in both ways, so your adoption should work fine. But wasn't the original idea behind the Multiform to have sperate sheet to not confuse her? Or is the difference as clear as for the Hulk/Banner? (Fighting Form/Intelligent Form)
  5. Re: Multiform Now and forever might not be fair, since the player knows as much about playing the game as you do. Depending on how conversations work (role play, roll-play or a mix) she might want to spend a little bit more on the skills and doesn't know it yet. It depends on so many factors, that you can't know in advance. Give her perhaps a few adventures to think about it first, before she has to make the dicission.
  6. Re: Ability Guidelines for Cosmically Powerful Characters (6e) Welcome in the Forum. How about "just" using High-Powered Champions for starters? Like you said, you have no experience so perhaps it isn't a good idea to go beyond the point where the books can help you (and they still had room to grow by 50% before the books would stop giving you guidelines). AFAIK what get's build most often in the forum are builds for Standart Superheroic (400 pt), so even 500 is above the normal super hero. (normal and superhero, that are words you don't hear very often in the same sentence). The "Galactic Champions" is actually just a sub-genre of normal champions. For Genre books I would go for..."Galactic Champions". Edit: Ups, that was a 5th or earlier edition book. Hadn't activated the 6th Edition Filter when finding this. Then perhaps the Champions setting is the best starting point The best tip I can give you: Stick to the archetype, stick to the limits from 6E1 34/35 and ask if you don't know. But frankly that is all I know, as I haven't played one game yet...
  7. Re: Magical Knight When it can do this as 0-phase and can't be sundered, then it wouldn't be a focus in the first place. It would just be the special effect of looking like a sword.
  8. Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates
  9. Re: A dozen and onre Idea Thanks everyone for answering. 1) I don't think it is a limitation per se that it goes on. He can activate it himself in advance, but it also activates when he couldn't do it himself and it stays on when he needs it the most. It may even work when he is not concious. And even when put into a Multipower, not being able to fight at full power when you are mind controlled to attack your allies/bystanders is definitely an advantage for a hero. The trigger mechanic could work similar to a Auto-Injector: When Condition detected, inject substance X. But how could I make it work against Mental IPE's? Even Mental Awareness sense can be overcome with a smal advantage, but I want it to always work. Of course, Limited EGO: Only when affected by Mental Attacks/to counter mental would be way easier mechanically... 2) Desolidfied doesn't works against Mental Powers in 6E, otherwise this is a good idea. Or does anybody think a Desolid that only works vs. Mental would be approveable? Would you buy it as an Advantage or Limitation fo desolidified? Special effect is bascially an energy weapon. Similar to a Phaser "Set to stun". Its fo a supers-character, so no hit locations. But with the Advantage (+1/4) it would be 1d3+1 Multiplier. So for 56 AP it could become a 3d6 times 1d3+1 STUN. But you are right, that wouldn't be more than a 12d6 Blast can do... With 62 AP it would be slightly better: 3d6+1 times 1d3+1 STUN, so the STUN would be 1-4 Points higher. Or do you think it was designed so that x DC always do the same amount of STUN? And I really want Stun Damage, not A Drain or Supress (unless Drain STUN is usefull here). That way the target could be stunned from a hit or K.O. with a few hits. Of course an entangle where the Breakout uses a alternate Characteristic could work too (wasn't something like that in one of the 6E APG's?). And another one: 4) a pre build/predefined Multisetting Weapon in a VPP. I have the Idea for a Gadget VPP, and it would be possible to build a multi-setting gun inside that VPP. The Problem is: switching the settings on the gun, is way easier (0-Phase) than switching a VPP slot (possibily 1 Minute and Required Roll) and Multisetting Gun mean usually Multipower. But Multipower in VPP is not allowed (for good reasons). Or does the Focus Limitation of the Gun changes anything on that matter? If not, how else could I built a Multi Setting Gun in a Gadget VPP? Naked advantages for Blast? Using Martial Maneuvers(Killing Strike) for a Blast? How could I do things like Nr. 3 without a MP?
  10. Re: Counter-stereotyping About the "good lawyer": I just read that Mahatma Gandhi was in fact a lawyer.
  11. Re: The Badass Sewage Collector, or, "THEY became a hero?" Sarah Connor started as a Waitress. Several Freedom-based real live Heroes started as slaves. Gandhi means "Greengrocer" and Mahatma Gandhi himself was a Lawyer. Of course, such origins work for villians to: How many of them were small-fry criminals before thier Radiation Accident? One very well knowm German from the years 1933 till 1945 was the son of a Costums Officer and a "failed painter".
  12. Re: Combat Skills Levels with engtangles Right, totally forgot the 2 CLS to 1 DC rule. There is some additionl Rule about the DCV Bonus for any level under 10-points (all Combat): It only works against attacks, for it could provide a OCV Bonus. So a CSL that only includes HTH-Attacks doesn't works against ranged and vice versa (this is only about general class: HTH or Ranged, not about what maneuvers/attacks it aplies to). Having a 3-pt Group that includes HTH and Ranged requires GM-Permission (it is still very close at the Specific Weapon/Fighting Style). 5 and 8-pt can do this without GM-permission, while 10 counst for HTH and Ranged in the first place. There is also this rule that "CSL to DCV are not Persistant, unlesss you have Defense Maneuver IV", but I don't know what this could mean. As a side note: Martial Arts and CSLs (and OSLs) a basically pre-fabricated Multipowers. So whenever a Power would allow add or aply, they can apply.
  13. Re: Multiform And just one more from the one who wrote the rules himself: So, the rules clearly state it. Of course you could still override the rules if you are the GM, but frankly I can't think of any reason why a 20-pt child should be more worth than a 20-pt sparrow (wich is very small and can fly).
  14. Re: Star (Trek) Hero Racial Templates Thanks Tasha. Have written Eodin a PM, perhaps he still has it or knows where to find it. I never would have thought about the Overall Levels, but I think they would fit. This would also explain why they love to fight so much: Everything gets a little bit easier and clearer when the stakes are high...
  15. Hello I have a potential Star Hero game with a Star Trek setting. The problem is, the GM wants any alien as Racial Template first. I don't have the experience to this completely on my own, so this is why is ask: Has anybody ever made Racial Templates (even for older HERO Editions) for Star Trek Races? Or tried to re-build a non-human Star Trek character/race? Or any Guideline from Star Trek RPG's/Suplements how a "Klingon" is defined there for game statistics (more STR and CON, what complications)? Thanks for Reading.
  16. I know this is about an older version, but I couldn't find the erata anymore and I think this one 5th Edition player could need the "true intent" of the rule (as the wording is missleading). He reads, that cost for Multiform is based on points of the highest form, including the True Form. We try to convince him that the True Form is not counted to determine the cost for Multiform. So when you want to build a 20 AP "Genuine Sparrow" Form, this only costs you 4 Points. His interpreation says that Captain Universe (1000 Points) would have to pay 200 Points (his true form/5) on the same 20 AP "Genuine Sparrow", Little Magic Girl (20 Points) would get for 4 (her or the sparrows points/5)
  17. Re: Multiform What other way is there to make a different form/second sheet? And what do you get "for free" here? You pay for every single Point of the Alternate Form. Why should Captain Universe (1000 points) pay 200 Points for a single 20 pt "Genuine Sparrow" Form, when Little girl (20 pt) could have the same ability for 4 points? You don't let him pay 50 times the Points for 4 Point STR, PD/ED or anything else. Multiform is just a power of the True Form like any other: You have a specified effect (x-Forms Build on y-Maximum Points each) and that's it. I am very conservative about the rules and the balancing (as a dozen disputes in the forum show clearly) and when I want too convince you that there is no inbalance in having a 200 pt bear taking a 20 pt Little girl Form for 4 Points, than you can believe me there isn't a single one. It's just a plain typo/misspelling. I think the best I can do is to ask Steve about it, right now. Edit: Done
  18. It think I start to have a lot of Ideas again and I would like to your opinions on how they could be made: 1) Reactive Mental Defense The character has a Mental Defense power, that helps hims "shrug off" mind controll/mental illusions once he is affected (this can be simple + EGO, a different/alternate Form or duplicates "knocking him out of it"). However, the defense may be expensive (high active points in Multipower, Costs endurance or other negative impact, he becomes his heroic ID) so the defense isn't always on. However it switches on and can't be turned of as soon as he is affected by a mental effect and as long as he is affected by one. Thus, not even on EGO+30 he could be forced to "turn it off", as he has indeed no controll. What advantage would that be? What effect other than +x EGO can help you shrug off a mental attack? 2) Changing Mindclass: A lot of mental powers are based on Mindclass and usually the Mindclass is defined by the concept of a hero. But wow much would it be worth to change them when there is no valid concept part for it? Could it be done "on the fly"? 3) "Set to Stun": I try to get some Ideas for very good stun attacks (energy-weapons). They should do No BODY Damage and No Knockback (or so few, it can be neglected). So far I have: Killing Attack with increased STUN Multiplier Advantage, but also with "No Body" Limitation Killing Attack, Increased STUN Multiplier, AVAD (Resistant PD/ED* or maybe even Power Defense) The same, but only as normal Blasts. (no idea how to increase the effective stun here, except with AVAD). NND's. But against what defense? LS: Diminished Sleep? Power Defense? *don't forget that Killing STUN is affected by normal Defenses, this is explicitly said in the AVAD rules. Thanks for reading. Edit: Aparently i mispelled the Topic. Should have meant: "A dozen and one Idea"
  19. Re: Combat Skills Levels with engtangles Okay, I don't fully understand the rules but here is what I got. Important rules are: How to add damage/Damage Classes (6E2 96): Each +1 DC equals +5 Active Points for the Power. Since Killing attacks or ones with advantages cost more than 5 Points per Die, the get less bonus dies How to use CSL's (6E1 69): You can allocate/assign CSL's once per Phase. You can only use CSL's, when you use the attack for that CSL in that phase (not using Blast means not using the CSL's for Blast). How to use Combat Maneuvers (inlcuding Martial ones), 6E2 54. You can assign CSL however you want (with the exception of 2-pt): More OCV, Bonus damage Clases, More DCV. They stay that way until you have a change to change them (either next phase or Abort to defensive Action). Same goes with DC, OCV and DCV Modifiers for Combat Maneuvers. They stay until you have a change to act again (next phase or abort), but some give you additional modifiers only while they are done/maitained (Like Move-by/through attacks, Grab I think).
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