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  1. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from bubba smith in Supers Image game   
    I got a "magical Braniac" vibe from this. Also reminds me of 2 Babylon 5 Characters: The First One and the Soul Hunters.
    The Alrahomi were a highly developed species on the fast track to ascend to energy beings. Unfortunately the impending death of physical bodies atracted a being calling itself "The Preserver". It was dedicated to preserving any species it felt was going to die. And it was not asking for consent before preserving them with thier entire system into a pocketdimenson. The ascension was impossible from such a pocket dimension, leaving them trapped on the precipice of thier next Evolutionary step.
    But one of the Alrahomi managed to escape the entrapment, stood against the Preserver, defeated him and took his most important posession:
    The Preserver Staff. It is the means to "Preserve" a Starsystem by moving it into it's own pocketverse. It also allows the wielder to watch the Universe and sometimes enter it (presumably to make certain they do not destroy themself from within). All these functions were readily apparent for the last Alrahomi.
    But the one most important function eludes him: How to release something from the Staff or rather it's pocket dimension. It might well have never been intended in the design of the staff.
    While "The Perserver" was defeated and is no longer avalible for questioning, he did come from a pre-existing Civilisation. A civilsiation that had outposts across the galaxy - many places that are now accessible only through the Preserver Staff itself. But especially they had an outpost on earth. And so the path of the Last Alrahumi was set: Go to earth. And find a way to free his species from thier Imprisionment, by studying the works of the Perserves Civilisation.
    He has a number of odd titles given to him over the ages:
    Last and First Alrahomi
    The Blind Reader
    The Eternaly Homsick Wanderer
    The unwilling Preserver
    Carrier of the fate of a thousand worlds
    The Technomage*
    Old Dude*
    But among earth super he is mostly known as "Big Al" (Al is short for Alrahumi)*.
    *Recent titles given to him by some serious and several less serious earth supers.
    He could be a questgiver of sorts.
    Some of the knowledge he needs might only exist in a pocket dimension but those can be highly dangerous, so he might hire the Heroes to explore one of them.
    He could also be a villain, driven near mad by the isolation and the burden of carrying the fate of his whole species. He did firgure out how to release a very recently preserved thing, wich he could use to blackmain the heroes into helping him (thier help for the freedom of a city or important person).
    As a hero or covnentional villain he would be dedicated to unlocking the secrets of the staff, wich might give him spartial manipulation powers (Portals, including Portal based Deflection, dimensional barrier shields, attacking with "shards" of pocket universes).
  2. Like
    Christopher reacted to SteelCold in Supers Image game   
  3. Like
    Christopher reacted to Netzilla in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    I have been so bad about keeping up with quotes.  The following are all scattered over various games and are presented with minimal context.
    Our cast:
    Nymeria - Human huntress
    Lexi - Human priestess
    Braddoc - Halfling thief [bronwyn's brother]
    Bronwyn - Halfling illusionist
    Grim - Orcish monk
    Danwell - Elvish sage
    Gar - Dwarvish priest
    Griff - Human (angelic) fighter
    Gar -- Have you heard the song of my people?  It goes, "Nomnomnomnomnomnomnom!"
    Brad -- We may well be the greatest ecological disaster this world has ever seen.
    Nym -- Only second.
    Brad -- Oh, Skyfall.
    Nym [pouting] -- That's my point, we're only #2.
    Gar [chanting] -- WE'RE NUMBER 2!  WE'RE NUMBER 2!
    Brad -- All I know is that Fate gets you into trouble, not out of it.
    GM -- Hey, Fate gives you all the tools you need to solve your problems.
    Brad -- Not all the tools.  Not the intelligence to use them.
    Nym -- Fate gives you all the tools but none of the instructions.  Like Ikea.
    Lexi [OOC about to roll dice while we all watch] -- Now you're giving me performance anxiety.
    Nym -- When's the uterine eviction?
    Gar's been complaining about how he keeps missing in combat and a couple of us go over his math and determines that he only needs something like a 7 to actually hit.  Still, he'd been rolling 5s and 6s.
    Gar [a few rounds later] -- Whoohoo 17!  That's three high rolls in a row!
    Brad -- Sure.  Since they know how easy the roll is, your dice are going to give you all your high rolls now.
    Gar [at his dice] -- You bastards!
    Brad [OOC after a dice mishap] -- Bad die!  No mixing with Gar's dice.  They're a bad influence.
  4. Like
    Christopher reacted to Drhoz in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Champions - Return to Edge City : I Left My Plot Token In San Francisco
    The situation - the superteam Quadrant are neglecting their duties back in Edge City, because we're up the coast in San Francisco, hunting down a group of magicians. Why, we're not entirely clear on, anymore.

    GM: You've made assumptions so many times that I've lost track of what actually true. And you're stated stuff as definitive fact - including in your quotes, by the way-
    Hero Shrew and Hardlight's players: Sorry

    The GM eventually reminds us - There's an undead sheriff threatening trouble in Edge City. The local bokor told us that we could get the help we needed in San Francisco, where a Mysterious Old One-eyed Oriental Gentleman in a Magical Shop said he could point us towards the Tablet of Kedjameth, but not before we dealt with another group of magic users that were causing unspecified problems in SF. THAT barely passed as a hint, but we did find an environmentally-minded real estate development group that apparently thought putting sacrificial altars, stone circles, and body-stealing plant monsters in the grounds was a good idea. Now that we've found them (and survived the Thorn Golems) what do we do with them? Or charge them with?

    Hero Shrew: I could always loom intimidatingly. Up to their waists.
    GM: You're not that short.
    Hero Shrew: True, but my posture is bad.

    Hero Shrew: Turning somebody into a thorn golem probably counts as deprivation of liberty.

    Of course, we should also find out if it's connected to that extradimensional Gate the revenant gunslinger wants to open.

    Flux: OK, somebody invoked Geb to open a gate to somewhere-
    GM: Guédé- Geb is the ancient Egyptian god of the Earth. The Theosophists call him the King of the Gnomes.
    Flux: OK, we don't want to accidentally invoke Geb when we're messing up a stone circle.
    GM: Especially with the Western Gate RIGHT THERE *points to the Bay*

    Flux: - and then we'll get the codex we need to translate the Tablet of Kedjameth.
    Hero Shrew: I thought it was the Tablet of Kwijibo.
    Flux: - you bastard.

    Fireflash: Why don't we just go see the LoCarb CEO?
    Rest of Players: *silence*
    Hero Shrew: That... never occurred to us.
    GM: Fireflash is becoming the default leader of the party.
    Hero Shrew OoC: Believe me, we've noticed.

    Hardlight: So these guys are making low-impact developments -
    Hero Shrew: All environmental. Hence, druids, or whatever these guys are. Plus a bit of magic always helps with the stock prices. You should get Flux to do that for you.
    Flux: No.
    Hero Shrew: You manipulate data don't you?
    Flux: Yes, but even assuming I survive the attempt - the stock market is run by an AI these days, isn't it?

    Fireflash: Flux, can you make a device that will detect mystic objects?
    Flux: Yes, but I'd need to go back to my lab-
    Fireflash: *yoink* *flies him back*

    Hardlight goes in to poke around the LoCarb development, in his civilian ID, posing as a potential buyer, with Hero Shrew as his bodyguard.

    LoCarb Rep: I'm not sure you'd be a good fit for the community, Mr Lowell. We're really after the right KIND of people. But we always welcome visitors, especially if they're willing to take responsibility for their impact on the environment.
    Hero Shrew: Hey, we're all about responsibility.
    GM: You pulled up an oak.
    Hero Shrew: You can't prove anything. *whispered aside* They can't get fingerprints off bark, can they?

    Flux: Well, at least we've confirmed they're using magic. All over the place.
    GM: Yep. There's somebody over there with an Amulet of +5 Presence, for a start.

    Flux's analysis reveals an blanket enchantment on the development.

    Fireflash: Magical subliminal advertising?
    Hero Shrew: A Positive Affirmation field.
    GM: Yeah - although the Be Fruitful thing is calling problems. Everybody there is nailing it. Every day.
    Hero Shrew: Mass chafing problem.

    It seems to be tied to the stone circle. No doubt disrupting the circle will attract attention.

    Hero Shrew: We'll probably find out what they're sacrificing to charge up the altar too.

    Flux: I deal with large energy fields - is anything bad likely to happen if we disrupt the stones?
    GM: Maaaaaaaaybe?
    Hardlight: Not a problem. Hey, Scooter!
    Hero Shrew: *bounces over oblivious of the imminent doom* Yeah?

    Hero Shrew and Hardlight get ready to dismantle one of the trilithons.

    Hero Shrew: So, how many cameras are watching us.
    Flux: None. I can make us invisible to cameras.
    Hero Shrew: But are any cameras watching the gardens?
    GM: No. Wireless cameras can be tapped. And if they're up to anything hinky at the altar....

    Then we put the trilithon back together, and wait to see how long it will take the coven to notice we've ended their enchantment. We wait. And wait. And wait. Eventually the sun starts coming up.

    Hardlight: Alright, I'm going for food.
    GM: I assume you realise you'll need to work in shifts.

    Nothing happens the next night either. Hero Shrew eventually suggests we just set-up a webcam of our own, and stake out the site from somewhere more comfortable.

    Fireflash: The No-tell Motel. Hopefully nobody will notice that I keep flying there.
    GM: 'CEO of Lowell Tech seen spending time at seedy motel with prominent local underage superheroine'

    It's a couple more days before somebody comes out to check the stones, do something strange with their hands, and leave again.

    Hero Shrew: They MUST have heard about the thorn golems and hobos by now.
    GM: Why?
    Hero Shrew: Hmm. We didn't actually tell anybody about it, did we?
    GM: Nope. And the hobos aren't telling anybody. They don't want anybody to think they're crazy. And they probably think your donation to Homes for the Homeless was a bribe.

    GM: Your webcam resolution isn't good enough to see exactly what he's doing, but it's one of the higher-ups at LoCarb.
    Hero Shrew: At least we don't have a squirrel peering down the lens.
    GM: It's worse when they wave. Some Moreaus are close to the size of the original animals.

    The guy comes back with two more of the higher-ups, and they do more of the weird cat's-cradle stuff with their hands. Flux checks, but the enchantment hasn't been restored. A few nights later the entire coven shows up to sacrifice chickens over the altar. And then they start disrobing.

    Fireflash: Are we getting all this on film?
    GM: She really shouldn't be watching this - it technically counts as corrupting a minor.... I'm glad that nobody lives next door at the moment.
    Flux's: 'So, why did Tony get arrested?'

    The ritual seems to have been cobbled together from all over the place - old-school blood-magic with lots of window dressing. It'll also kill their stock prices when we sell the tape to cable news, or put it up on YouTube. And then we see them putting rats into wicker figures.

    Hero Shrew: .... what.
    Hardlight: We've got them on animal cruelty now.
    Hero Shrew: No, that's not - they don't even - oh my f**k. They probably don't even know that the thorn golems traded up to hobos.

    Hardlight: OK... get the video. And post it to YouTube.
    Hero Shrew: Really? Shouldn't we go get the stuff off them first, and threaten to release the tapes if they don't.
    Fireflash: Nah. Tank their stock prices and buy them out first.
    Hardlight: Are they even publicly traded?

    Fireflash: Just send them the video first. Jeez, am I the only one who's seen a Hiest movie?
    Hero Shrew: I've seen Castle of Cagliostro, but I don't think I could drive like that.
    Fireflash: I don't think anybody could.

    We send the LoCarb CEO a copy of the video, and the number of a burner phone. As Hero Shrew figured out, it was the combination of the Thorn Golems and the Fecundity spell that meant the thorn golems kept trading up. And the neo-druids are appalled when they realise how badly they fucked up, especially when their intentions were genuinely good. Which is really rare with magical groups in the Champions universe. At least our anonymous involvement has been a much needed warning to the really careful with interacting magic. And Hero Shrew's insistence that we at least talk to them first means they're still in a position to go fix the invisible Wicker Men problem at all their OTHER sites. Some screaming is involved, but they manage to shut the golems down without our assistance.

    The Mysterious One-eyed Oriental Gentlemen and his magical shops is back where we first found it.

    Flux: Nobody touch, open, or lick anything.
    Hero Shrew: What happens if I blow through this conch?

    MOEOG: Good evening, young lady.
    Fireflash: So, did that suffice?
    MOEOG: That was not your task, and therefore not your question to ask.

    His cryptic comments about the use and mis-use of power seems to be as much directed at us, as describe the neo-druids.

    MOEOG: I have held this position for some time. One day, I would like to pass it on. But not to you. It is not your role. But I do know who holds the Tablet of Khedjameth. They will give it you. Go to this address in Millennium City.
    Flux: Nice to know I can trust you.
    MOEOG: I see I still have much to teach you.
    Flux: So, do we get to pick something from the shelves before we go?
    MOEOG: Not at this time. But go to that restaurant across the lane - she does the best sweet buns.

    GM: The address you're sent to is quite a big building. Quite a BIG building. Why didn't that bastard just say 'Go to Homestead'? He's just sent you to the Champions equivalent of the Avenger's Mansion.

    Receptionist: .... and who gave you this address?
    Flux: A One-eyed gentlemen.
    Receptionist: ... A one-eyed CHINESE gentlemen?
    Flux: I don't want to assume, but he was Oriental.
    Receptionist: Can you describe the place you found him?
    Flux: THE magic shop.
    Receptionist: ... wait here. Witchcraft will be out shortly.
    Flux: *gulp*

    Witchcraft: So, are you responsible for all the lightning with Quadrant?
    Flux: Yes?
    Witchcraft: We thought there were four of you - your team call themselves Quadrant after all.
    Flux: I like to keep a low profile.
    Witchcraft: I see the old guy is playing his games again. He seems to think you can understand the tablet. If that's true, I'm sorry for you. Now get out of here.
    Flux: Thanks ma'am, big fan, bye.

    Hardlight: So, how was the trip?
    Flux: Eventful.
    Hero Shrew: Much property damage?
    Flux: No.
    Hero Shrew: Slight property damage?
    Flux: I've somehow managed to annoy the most powerful mage on the planet.
    Hero Shrew: Was she hot?
    Flux: Well, yes, but-
    Hardlight: Did you get her number?
    GM: Everybody's got her numb- what I MEAN is that the Champions have a public contact number.

    Flux gets the Tablet back to his lab - everything he's read about it said it can't be analysed - but his info-magery immediately reveals the arcane equivalent of circuitry.

    Hardlight: Oh - it's the TABLET of Khedjameth.
    GM: Yep - Which explains why everyone thought it was incomplete. Nobody else figured out how to change the page.

    Fireflash contacts her school counsellor - who else would know how to get ancient Lemurian and Atlantean translated?

    Cortana: We don't teach anything that old in History.
    Fireflash: I didn't study History.
    Cortana: Fair enough then. I suppose you could ask them. But the Atlanteans and Lemurians are still at war, technically. And the Atlanteans don't like humans much. And would probably say 'That is an ancient artefact of our magic, and belongs to us.' Or 'that is an ancient artefact of our enemies and should be destroyed'. And the Lemurians REALLY don't like humans. Or you could ask Witchcraft - have you tried calling in the Champions?
    Flux: Um.

    Fireflash gets a phonecall a few hours later, from Millennium City.

    Witchcraft: He's had it for less than a day. I spent THREE WEEKS in the LIBRARY OF BABYLON, with THE LIBRARIAN'S SCROLL and I didn't even finish the page!
    Fireflash: It's information magic.
    Witchcraft: It can't be, it's older than the Lemurians-
    Fireflash: Yes, well, it's a Kindle.
    Witchcraft: ... The TABLET of Khedjameth.
    Fireflash: It took me a while to get that too.

    Witchcraft: Anyway, I can't help you - I'm about to leave this dimension so I'll have one to come home to.
    Fireflash: Oh, going by yourself?
    Witchcraft: Just me and Sapphire.
    Hero Shrew: Hot.

    Fireflash: She's one of my heroes, you dork.
    Flux: Hey, you're the one that plays Dungeons and Dragons. Oh, right, 'Pathfinder'.

    Witchcraft: Anyway, I got to go now YES I'M COMING so try someone more local.

    Hero Shrew: If anybody has invented a Universal Translator it'll be some Star Trek fan in Dysprosium Dawn.
    Flux: .... Scooter is on a roll this week.

    The Tablet is a detailed description of the powers and binding of someone with Nephilim blood. Which is alarming, especially since it means the undead sheriff that started all this no mere revenant.

    Hero Shrew: And letting him open the gate will probably be literally apocalyptic. Hey! I used literally, literally!

    Hero Shrew OoC: I'm impressed that it was me that figured out half of what was going on, and the simplest solutions.
    Flux: That's because you're simple. But not stupid.
  5. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from tkdguy in More space news!   
    Seeing them is easy, but the commute is a killer.
  6. Like
    Christopher reacted to bubba smith in Aphorisms for a Superhero Universe   
    self confidence is like moralty it can't be legislated
  7. Like
    Christopher reacted to Cassandra in Aphorisms for a Superhero Universe   
    When the Hero kills villains, he will kill a disguised friend.
  8. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Cantriped in Aphorisms for a Superhero Universe   
    I dunno, were-bunny can be pretty cool if you know kickboxing or learn it:
  9. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from Grailknight in Aphorisms for a Superhero Universe   
    They did show that training in Justice League, with Aersia (just can not find it online). The original training was against Arrows and similar projectiles. Something they did had back in the days of Greece.
    Personally I find the Invisible Jet with Mental Interface a lot less understandable as far as Wonder Womans powers go.
  10. Like
    Christopher reacted to Cygnia in Order of the Stick   
    New one up!
  11. Like
    Christopher reacted to SteelCold in Aphorisms for a Superhero Universe   
    It's a sad day when cosplayers dressed even better than the real superheroes.
  12. Like
    Christopher reacted to CaptainCoulson in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    The Chicago Supernatural Government Response team are trying to capture to capture a demonic lizard without killing. Cue loading up with tranq dart pistols and those long poles with the loop at the end. They fill the van with a metal wire cage. They all head out together to the pick up site. Cue six-story tall horned lizard bursting out of aircraft hangar. 
    Doctor Vance, team leader: Reports of our target *should* have been exaggerated!
  13. Like
    Christopher reacted to tkdguy in More space news!   
    New space suits
  14. Like
    Christopher reacted to Cygnia in Order of the Stick   
    New one up!
  15. Like
    Christopher reacted to BoloOfEarth in Supers Image game   
    Running with the stylized "M" pattern on his pants, as well as the shade of purple known as "eminence"...
    Martin Brice Mather was an aspiring rapper who was performing at an impromptu rave outside the local chemical plant.  Things got out of hand, as they sometimes do, and Mather ended up getting doused with a foul chemical mixture.  It not only turned his skin purple; it caused him to exude a toxin that reduces the willpower and inhibitions of anyone he touches.  Well, it also made Mather think that he's the best thing since sliced bread.  Calling himself Eminence, he is building an army of followers toward his goal of eventually taking over... the world!
  16. Like
    Christopher reacted to bigdamnhero in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Star Wars game, arriving at Ryloth, where unbeknownst to us our previous exploits have made us minor celebrities.

    System Control: "Welcome to Ryloth! Good to have you back! Please land on Platform 3, where an honor guard is waiting to meet you. The Governor is looking forward to meeting with you later!"
    Artie: [cuts the circuit] "Get us out of here! No one's EVER this happy to see us! It MUST be a trap!!" [turns to the astrogator] "Jump! Jump now! Don't care where!"
    Astrogator: "The last time we jumped blind we wound up stranded thousands of light years beyond the rim..."
    Artie: "Yes, sounds lovely, let's go there!"
  17. Like
    Christopher reacted to Cygnia in Order of the Stick   
    First new one for Feb.
  18. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from phoenix240 in Supers Image game   
    There was once a Viper nest especially interested in the mystical. However between all thier technology and magic, it lacked one important ability:
    The ability to counter ghosts and similar intangible creatures.
    However they learned of one mystical tool for it. The "Widderrollen". A german pagan artifact. Using it, one could turn humans into "Widdermenschen" (Ram-humans). Purple, ram-headed humanoids with incredible strenght, endurance and the ability to hurt even intangble beings with thier bare hands. However the history regarding them also mentioned that the original creators have lost control over thier creations. So they planned on enslaving the creations.
    They hired an external expert to help retrieve the scrolls - Talisman. They did succeed in capturing the scrolls. But Talisman was clear about not being willing to help them further, the moment she realised what they had just aquired. For she did speak german.
    The Widder or ram is a sing of strenght, endurance. Indeed the germanwort "wider" was derived from it. Wich featured in such words as "Widerstand"(Resistance), "Widerwillen" (unwilling) and of course "Widerholung" (repetition).
    And so it came as Talisman had predicted: Thier great first "prototype" broke free. And went on a spree to dismantle the nest, in a atempt to turn human again.
    He defeated the necromancers and thier "wall of bone and flesh".
    He stromed the fortress of the technologists and took thier weapons to defeat thier dragon.
    He even defeated the Graveyard Giant and did got his wish - partially.
    The Widdermann is a purple skinned human. While he did reclaim his human head, the skin color change is permanent. And by now he sees it as a sign of his defiance - proud of it, rather then ashamed.
    He also did retain the endurance, strenght and ability to "punch" intangible creatures.
    This story is largely based on the old Console game: Shadow of the Beast. Where you play the titular character, a goat-headed human.
    The entirety of his adventures can be seen here:
    It involved some very odd quest items including a magical "shockwave" punch, healing potions, a wrench, a bazooka and a jetpack.
  19. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from death tribble in Supers Image game   
    There was once a Viper nest especially interested in the mystical. However between all thier technology and magic, it lacked one important ability:
    The ability to counter ghosts and similar intangible creatures.
    However they learned of one mystical tool for it. The "Widderrollen". A german pagan artifact. Using it, one could turn humans into "Widdermenschen" (Ram-humans). Purple, ram-headed humanoids with incredible strenght, endurance and the ability to hurt even intangble beings with thier bare hands. However the history regarding them also mentioned that the original creators have lost control over thier creations. So they planned on enslaving the creations.
    They hired an external expert to help retrieve the scrolls - Talisman. They did succeed in capturing the scrolls. But Talisman was clear about not being willing to help them further, the moment she realised what they had just aquired. For she did speak german.
    The Widder or ram is a sing of strenght, endurance. Indeed the germanwort "wider" was derived from it. Wich featured in such words as "Widerstand"(Resistance), "Widerwillen" (unwilling) and of course "Widerholung" (repetition).
    And so it came as Talisman had predicted: Thier great first "prototype" broke free. And went on a spree to dismantle the nest, in a atempt to turn human again.
    He defeated the necromancers and thier "wall of bone and flesh".
    He stromed the fortress of the technologists and took thier weapons to defeat thier dragon.
    He even defeated the Graveyard Giant and did got his wish - partially.
    The Widdermann is a purple skinned human. While he did reclaim his human head, the skin color change is permanent. And by now he sees it as a sign of his defiance - proud of it, rather then ashamed.
    He also did retain the endurance, strenght and ability to "punch" intangible creatures.
    This story is largely based on the old Console game: Shadow of the Beast. Where you play the titular character, a goat-headed human.
    The entirety of his adventures can be seen here:
    It involved some very odd quest items including a magical "shockwave" punch, healing potions, a wrench, a bazooka and a jetpack.
  20. Like
    Christopher reacted to Old Man in More space news!   
  21. Like
    Christopher reacted to bigdamnhero in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    That's the guy. Tho he comes across slightly less saintly in person. This is after Vladimir has converted to Christianity, gotten rid of his multiple wives and ~500 concubines and all that. But the PCs have made friends with one of those ex-wives Rogneda, who has plenty of good reasons to hate Vladimir; plus one of Vladimir's sons Sviatopolk, whose mother was treated in much the same way. But Vladimir was a seriously vile dude before he converted to Christianity,* and one of the questions they're wrestling with is how much his later good deeds makes up for those earlier sins. It's an interesting dilemma, tho perhaps a bit meta because the players are seeing it differently than their 11th Century characters probably would.
    * One contemporary chronicler called him "fornicator immensus et crudelis."
    IKR? I'm pretty sure she actually meant "castrate." But it was one of those "Forget it, she's on a roll" moments. Besides, her character only has 1 point in Russian, so it worked in character either way. (It was also the player's birthday and she'd had a couplefew drinks before coming over; her PC is this over-the-top barbarian anyway, so it didn't exactly impede her getting into character, but...)
  22. Like
    Christopher reacted to bigdamnhero in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    From last night's quasi-historical FH game
    Fun with historical names at the Court of Vladimir I, Grand Prince of Kiev and Lord of the Rus:
    GM: "The Prince's favorites among his sons are Boris and Gleb, which are actual names that the GM is not making up."
    Player: "We would never accuse you of making up a name like Gleb."
    A bit later...
    GM: You are introduced to Vladimir's daughters, Predslava, Premislava and Mstislava, which the GM is also totally not making up.
    Player: "Still better than Gleb."
    Later still...
    GM: "...and news from far-off Ireland, where Brian Bóruma mac Cennétig has gained the upper hand in his war against Mael Sechnaill..."
    Players: "Whose names you are not making up; we get it."
    A Barbarian at Court...
    Thyri: "I'm bored with all the talking. Can I drift over to the side and find a wall to lean against?"
    GM: "Sure. The King's son [who they had met last night] drifts over to flirt with you some more."
    Thyri: "I tell him "If you touch me I will fucking cuckold you right here.""
    GM: [contemplates the massive derail that's about to ensue] "...Are you sure you want to say that to the Prince in the middle of his father's Court?"
    Thyri: [considers] "I say it with my eyes."
    GM: "OK, that works, he still gets the message and no one gets executed."
    The Priest took a new Detect Evil ability that is Smell-based.
    Father Edmondo: "The Scent Of Evil is all over this place. [beat] No, I'm not being metaphorical!"
    And it's always funny when the players forget their own backstory...
    Princess Anna: [to Edmondo] "Julian! Is that you? It's been 15 years, but I'd recognize you anywhere!"
    Edmondo: [blank stare]
    Geralt: [helpfully] "Go with it?"
    Edmondo: [obviously drawing a blank] "Um...Hi?"
    GM: [passes over the laptop] "I refer you to the first paragraph of the character background you submitted..."
    Edmondo: [reads for a second] "Oh! Right! Yes, it is me! Julian!...But, uh, I go by Edmondo nowadays...It's a priest thing?"
  23. Like
    Christopher reacted to death tribble in Supers Image game   
    Professor Klankenhiss's most stirling creation, the Bronze Gentleman. Powered by steam and stylised to have a mustache on the headpiece which has no purpose except to look impressive, the machine serves no useful purpose. The Bronze Gentleman is the bodyguard of the deranged professor and his third most prized creation. It is clumsy, bulletproof and capable of throwing cards around.  
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    Christopher got a reaction from phoenix240 in Supers Image game   
    The Bronze Behemoth is often mistaken for a Power Armor or a Robot, but in truth it is way to bulky on the inside to house a human. But only a human.
    The Behemoth is the Robot suit of a alien called "Brinz Bih'moth". His species is both unusually small and very in love with thier (and earths) steam age. So when they reached thier "sufficiently advanced technology" phase, they opted for a steampunk/clockwork theme on all thier tech.
    Brinz is just a really ardent fan of earths Steam age so he went on a trip to visit a planet he considered "the center of steampunk". Needless to say he was a bit steamed about finding out that steampunk is not nearly as common as some broadcasts would have you believe. Also Brinz's ship got blown up when some supervillain tried to capture it. And now he is stuck here.
    He opted to join the heroes in hopes of finding some way home. And also get even on the Villain that blew up his ship. It looked like a Steam Locomotive and everything! The absolute dream of the spacefaring steampunker.
  25. Like
    Christopher got a reaction from wcw43921 in Supers Image game   
    The Bronze Behemoth is often mistaken for a Power Armor or a Robot, but in truth it is way to bulky on the inside to house a human. But only a human.
    The Behemoth is the Robot suit of a alien called "Brinz Bih'moth". His species is both unusually small and very in love with thier (and earths) steam age. So when they reached thier "sufficiently advanced technology" phase, they opted for a steampunk/clockwork theme on all thier tech.
    Brinz is just a really ardent fan of earths Steam age so he went on a trip to visit a planet he considered "the center of steampunk". Needless to say he was a bit steamed about finding out that steampunk is not nearly as common as some broadcasts would have you believe. Also Brinz's ship got blown up when some supervillain tried to capture it. And now he is stuck here.
    He opted to join the heroes in hopes of finding some way home. And also get even on the Villain that blew up his ship. It looked like a Steam Locomotive and everything! The absolute dream of the spacefaring steampunker.
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