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Everything posted by badger3k

  1. Re: Ye Old "Hero is Hard" Debate This reminded me of my FH game. I spend weeks (literally) designing races, class substitutions, class abilities, skill packages, some spells, and feats (from D&D). Then did all the crosschecking and redesigning things that didn't work right (or had two separate ways for the same thing in different packages). I made it easy for my players (who at this point were coming out of D&D after several years), and the funniest thing happened. They made up their characters on their own, using the races and a few feats, and then just picking and choosing the rest. I had to review them, and found a few discrepencies, but not any more than any other system. Now, after (IIRC) 3 sessions, they are applying the experience while still not using my prebuilts. I had a lot of fun (and headaches) creating those things, and they don't get used. Granted, the experienced role-players helped the new players, but it still amusing to me. Granted, what I did is basically what comes with most game systems, but it wasn't a lot more than the premades in the FH book (or the new Turakian Age book). To me that's why some people view it as hard - there is more work that a GM needs to do if he lacks the supporting genre book (or if he wants to make the game world his own, something that many GMs will do for any game/campaign world). That and the book is freakin' huge compared to other systems, unless you add together all the books you need to buy to play the game, but most people compare one book with another, not all the books to Hero's one (or more if you really want the genre books).
  2. Re: Earthdawn Magic Weapons to HERO I always liked the Earthdawn method of needing to learn lore about the item and attach threads to it - it made the items unique, provided role-playing hooks (and GM headaches if they are not creative or its a slow-thought day), and made the items useful over time (if one player sold it to another, it wouldn't be as powerful as it was for the previous player). What I thought of doing was pre-designing the various levels, so that a player would put experience into the weapon without knowing how much it would take or what he would get. I'd also add the RP limit of lore needed (or maybe make it a -1/4 limitation perhaps). Add in a skill roll (say Magic:Thread weaving skill) to accomplish activating the power the first time (probably no limit, since it's once-only). I thought about making this type of item have its own limitation, since normal items are usually all-or-nothing or else can't be added on to, but that might be redundant, since it's already limited with the experience requirement to activate it's full powers). Even D&D is starting to adapt this type of concept - both Dragon magazine and several books feature options to do that with that system. Hero is more flexible and can do the same thing with the rules for experience as they stand. This style just formalizes what can be done with the experience. I agree with dropping the aid. Just design the mace as if each level were separate, then use the point differences as the required experience, as suggested. I've used the same method to simulate some D&D abilities in my FR conversions (although after doing all the work, my players prefer to make their own or use the standard FH ones!).
  3. Re: How to Build: "Wreaths of Holy Fire" When you buy a power linked, it doesn't require a separate attack - it goes off when the power it is linked to does. I use that to simulate such things as elemental weapons. Most items that I build that are weapons are OAF - the flames come from the blade (obvious), and it can be taken away in combat (accessible). They are also Independant, since anyone can pick them up and use them (to do one that shocks people, damage field and trigger are good for this, IMO). If the blade is something special, such as requiring special ores or something, you can use some kind of limitation, but that would really be part of the spell that enchants the blade, not the sword itself. Both powers would be built with the same limitations (except for the linked power), unless the extra power has others (such as charges, etc). An item is Inobvious if the power doesn't seem to come from it (a ring that does not show anything when its magic is used perhaps). It's Inaccessible when it can be removed out of combat (say taking the ring off while he sleeps) but not in combat with a grab/disarm move. Necklaces can either be Acc or Inacc, depending on how they are worn, but I normally put Inacc, since most players conceal them, but assume they can be grabbed in the right situation. As for minor effects, I wouldn't give a holy weapon the ability to tell if there's something around (that's what the detect power is for - trust me, it is worth the points - well, at least in my games it is) but I might tell the player something like - "you feel a surge of power from the blade, and your target seems injured more than he should have been" - something to tell the player that his target is vulnerable. Other options could be a "holy aura" around the item that calms the character, or strengthens their faith (maybe worth a bonus to rolls once in a while, if it fits the story), or a warm, comforting glow that isn't sufficient to provide light, or that can only be seen by the wielder. Anything that might have a major effect I put points into an ability, since that's what they are there for, IMO. YMMV, but that's my opinion. Hope that helps some. edit - wanted to say that in my games, different energy types are EB or RKA, depending on the strength of the element (earth would be a physical EB or HA, electricity/lightning is usually RKA, ice/cold EB, fire usually EB, acid usually RKA. No real reason other than personal preference. If you want the extra damage to be more life threatening, then I'd go with the KA - if not, use the EB. The type of defenses also can affect that decision - if you use the lower def for energy option for armor like I do (ED is half PD), then energy damage can be very deadly, which is the way I want it for my game. Have fun and let me add my welcome too (sorry, forgot to say that first).
  4. Re: Limitation for Spell Casting with Armor and Helms For me, this seems to be more of a Disadvantage than a limitation. Having the caster buy a phys or psych lim (whichever is appropriate) to simulate this would be the way I'd go, although I deliberately left such a device out of my magic system (although I have a few spells that take penalties for encumberance). I personally don't like the reasons given (limited movement or metal disrupts spells) - except in limited cases (such as dance-oriented magic). Used as a limitation, is there a normal skill roll involved? If so, then it could be similar to the "requires 2 skill rolls", and take an extra -1/4. However, you'd have to take into account any defensive spells and how many spells can be cast - if the spellcaster has a lot of defensive spells that last a long time, making armor wearing unnecessary (and IIRC Rolemaster had some, depending on the class/list, and some D&D versions had obscene amounts of protection available), then the limitation may not really be a limitation. Do you see what I mean? Going back on it, I'd still keep it as a Disadvantage. If you want some casters to be able to cast in armor, they can either buy off the disad, buy skill levels only vs the penalty, or use an advantage (maybe +1/4: Spell can be cast in armor/helmet). Hope that helps any.
  5. Re: Spell Law? I have all the companions and the early editions, and have all the RMSS books (haven't got the newer stuff). Tried to convert some lists, and planned on doing them as lists (must buy lower spells to get higher, same as RM). The problem comes when I convert - I look at the spell and figure parameters based on when it could be cast (range, duration, etc). Many of the spells don't convert quite that easy (some low level spells ended up costing more than higher ones, since the effects had to be simulated in odd ways - transform, perhaps). It's added to my pile of conversions I want to do, which means it'll get done in bits and pieces as the whim strikes. Whenever I get my homepage up and running I'll post whatever I have and let people know (haven't much at the present time).
  6. Re: Alignments Several game systems in the past (IIRC Pendragon, probably others) used a system of 10-20 characteristics. They ran in pairs (like Humble/Proud, etc), and were given (or rolled) a 1-10 range. For example, a score of 7 in the Humble/Proud characteristic would mean that the character tends towards pride more than humility. They were used to give guidelines for the characters actions, and in Hero they can be used to set up Disads (say a score of 10 (proud) is a Total psych lim, while a 7 might be nothing or a lesser level. I don't have Pendragon (or Elric either, which may be the other one), but I've seen similar systems in other games. If I can find the system, I'll post the pairs if that'll help.
  7. Re: How do you do this? First thought is Healing with a side effect (does same Body/Stun to caster - or use drain/KA/whatever) to replicate the injury causing property. Another could be a linked Drain (self) and the Healing (to limit of drain). The FHG may have something like this ability as one of the spells, but I can't remember correctly. Same with the USPD.
  8. Re: Hero Designer v2 - Helpful or Hurtful What KS said. But to add in my own two shiny coins, I'd recommend the program right away for a few reasons - (1) it's fun to play around and see what you can come up with, (2) it does tend to let you see what can and cannot work per the rules, (3) it keeps track of everything and saves paper, and, (4) in most cases, the entries for powers and such have references - it makes it easy to look up what you don't know about. I've been busy remaking a chain shirt, so my gaming has slacked off (been a few weeks), but I know the older versions had all the pages (or books, cant recall exactly) for various things. Plus, having all the info already in one place can make it easier to read the books (got an idea for something? Want to see how an advantage or limitation works, or see what increasing an attribute can affect? Try it out on the program and see what it looks like.) Admittedly, you won't get full use out of the program until you know how the game works, but I feel it can be helpful.
  9. Re: What's the best method of introducing HERO System to newbies A little late to post this, so I hope it went well. I recently taught my group the system (except for 3 who sort-of knew it, its been a few years). For the first few games, I made sure to explain everything - we had a test combat first, then went over it again when it came up in the actual session. I had to explain the "normal dice" and "killing dice" rolls (for Str checks w/Body, etc). When skills came up, I'd explain how those worked, when a character was stunned I explained that, etc. Lots of explanation. But it seems to have worked pretty well - most people don't have major questions (which is odd, since after a few years, I still got d20 questions). Of course, I have gone easy on them, and it's a fantasy game, so there aren't a lot of powers (or spells) yet. I did run a few champions games so they got a taste of different powers, so that may have prepared them. My biggest advice then is take it slow and explain. I made sample characters for some people, others designed their own (with help and guidance, of course). In a few more sessions, I'm going to allow a "reboot" - let the players drop those skills or whatever that aren't used (things they thought they might need, or misunderstood how they worked, etc), letting the players take better advantage of the system now that they understand what they are doing (of course, I have to approve everything, as usual).
  10. Re: Is your voice a "sense"? I'd make it a power for points. Depending on the game/genre/campaign, silencing an individual can have a big effect (ie - sonic powers, magic with the incantation limitation, etc). I would go with the darkness or dispel/supress versions, probably with a NND (throat armor) type mod on it for a hand strike. If you really need to keep it as a martial maneuver, then I'd go with the more expensive (which is probably the disable - too lazy to get out my book). How you'd cost it to keep it balanced for the powers I gave above, I'm not sure - that's potentially a lot of power for a small cost (unless it only lasts one phase for major npcs perhaps, and longer for mooks). Just my 2 copper coins.
  11. Re: Old School Dungeons and Dragons Question. !!!!DANGER - POP-UPS!!!!! Cute, except for the overabundance of pop-up ads. Only other comment is: if the writer thinks there's nothing to min/max in third edition, then he or she knows nothing of the game community - the min/max ("optimization") board posts exceed the character role-play board by at least 5 to 1, probably 10 to 1 or more (its been a long time since I went there). Making fun of the great Gygax like that.... (pretend there's a boggle-eyed smilie here - can't get it to attach and don't know shortcut)
  12. Thanks for the info. The only question that I want answered now is how long is the series? So far, I've only heard about what's released here in the US, and I presume theres more episodes. Other questions I'll wait to be surprised.
  13. Well, Epic since it's gone on for three series of 6 issues each, and reprinted in 2 trade paperbacks so far. What is it? Well, its a comic book, called Artesia. I don't know if anyone's read it, or heard of it, but its a well written story, and has interesting artwork. The story is about Artesia, a war captain of a highland kingdom, who eventually becomes a queen. So far, it involves warfare in the highlands, then goes southward to fight for the High King against the Sun Court. Magic, spirits, vampire-thingees. Sex, Blood, but no rock and roll, but theres intrigue, honor, betrayal, loads of stuff. I first saw it in Dork Tower, and didn't think much of it. Then I read one issue of the latest series (Artesia Afire, #6 just came out recently), and went back to get the first books - the story dragged me in. The land is somewhat celtic in flavor (at least the Highlands part reminds me of that, and other elements), but it's not set on earth. The books can be confusing sometimes (I still have a little trouble with which character is which), and some things you only get tantalizing hints of what's going on. For me, the depth of the story is a great point in its favor and what got me hooked (well, that and its one of few fantasy comics, and one of very few that deal with large scale battles and such). The website has enough info on the setting and story if you haven't heard of it. The books are printed by Archaia Studio Press and are definitely for mature readers. Just figured I'd put this up and maybe give it a little advertising (and see if others would enjoy it). The website is : http://www.artesiaonline.com/
  14. badger3k


    Something along the lines...
  15. I'm not sure its needed. The persistent advantage already lasts until its turned off or the character dies. Using restricted duration or uncontrolled can keep a power going for a set time (or variable as well, per FH). Since Persistent is a +1/2 advantage, is it worth having the same ability that stops if unconscious or stunned for 1/4 less? I don't know. Most of my spells use the mods in the first paragraph, so this doesn't affect anything I've made now. I'd probably buy persistent, with a limitation (shuts off 1 turn after uncons -1/4 perhaps).
  16. Here's the old thread where something similar came up. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9623 It might give ideas.
  17. badger3k


    Yeah, thats the one - Thank you. If it was similar, then I'd run screaming. Might have to set some aside for it one of these days then.
  18. badger3k


    I haven't seen the show at all, and really haven't watched anything else from Whedon, so I have one question before I think about looking at it - how does the writing compare to the aliens movie?
  19. There's a variety of ways it can be done. One that just came to mind is a duplication with a trigger - if Body drops to -10 (or whatever), with uncontrolled (perhaps) - vairies where the new body is formed. This way is for the character to create a new body some distance from its death point. Another way could be some kind of desolid (only when dead) and a transform (BOECV) that would allow the character to possess a body. When the transform is finished, the body he took over is the same as his old one. Another is one of those with extra time - the body needs to be grown or mature. Or, it can be built as a duplication and trigger, and add an EB/RKA explosion (fire/heat), personal immunity - the pheonix effect. Just some ideas I thought of off the top of my head.
  20. While it might be nice to have something like that, trying to balance it within the system would make it about what it is now. For invulnerability, the desolid option can be used for that as well. For the always hit, double stack some AoE advantages (its done in FHG). Somewhat expensive, but it's already in the system without having to add something new and all the problems that go with it.
  21. Just looked up the ninja hero reference. Its basically similar but a little more complete - the rules are a little better defined and cover more situations IMO. If you can get to a copy you might want to check it out.
  22. I may be having some trouble understanding the construct (well, the idea behind it). If his power gives someone else unluck by stealing their luck, can it be used as a power? Perhaps a Linked power - Unluck, Usable on others (I know technically not allowed, but it can be), with an equal Aid or Levels of Luck (only vs amount unluck given?). - the Unlucky Break power form the USPD is an example of transfrom being used to give unluck. Otherwise, or maybe in addition, I'd go along with the other option of luck limited with the "only when he does something unlucky (or risky?)".
  23. I think something like this has only happened once - the phase/dex mechanic tends to make this "blast-at-the-same-time" type action less common than in the comics (unless someone holds or aborts perhaps). IIRC, we handled it as a result vs result (compared damage, the higher pucnhed through for the reduced damage). Another way could compare the AP vs AP (or damage, with the roll being normal dice and counting body, then using a result similar to Str vs Str mechanic). For example, two blasts, one 10d6, the other 12d6, are shot at each other. The 10d6 rolls 9 body, the 12 rolls 10. You can have the 12d6 win, or use some other mechanic (perhaps it moves towards the loser by 1" per point of body over the other). The 1"/1 Body can allow the type of energy attacks seen in comics or dragonball Z. It could be costly in terms of End (use the result determination each phase until one gives up or wins), or it can be rolled into one phase (keep rolling until one wins or loses, or until a certain number of rolls are made, at which point it will continue in the next phase if both combatants are willing). Just something off the top of my head. Hope it helps.
  24. Re: Adding BODY to a spell As for this, I wouldn't use the body and flight. Force wall can be made mobile with a +1/2 modifier (+1 - 1/2 for non-attack power (GM approval)). Link the damage shield to the FW as I have done, and you have a field that can move with the character. The attack is linked to the defense because if the defense goes, so does the attack. I usually do it that way, even if the DS costs more (it just uses the lesser limitation) since the main power that needs to go off is the defense. If it were opposite - an offensive power that has a defensive side/secondary effect, I'd reverse it. edit - just noticed. I'd change the target to something other than "self" - it implies that you damage yourself. For range, go with the one its linked to (although from the FHG examples, I believe you can (or maybe have to) buy the appropriate limitations on the other powers. Magic (faith) roll penalty is the total of all the parts in the compound (or linked) power, if they all have the RSR limitation.
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