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Everything posted by Vorsch

  1. Re: What makes a good villian?? A true interesting Villain should have enough depth that he could have his own series. Venom Sabretooth joker Magneto even the revised juggernaught they have to be characters whith understandable motivation, not just misguided, just understandable. Also being a credible threat helps, just dont overpower them, bats wouldnt live long with supes rogue gallery.
  2. Re: Building Power Armor If you wanted to have evey skill needed to make power armour youd have a larger skill list than destroyer. I mean skills are not well defined and can be general or very specific.
  3. Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics The Ulimate vision probablly "owns" all computers in the world. even the ones not connected, or military. ie a plot device
  4. Re: Lightning Reflexes.....is it worth it? One word Waylander David gemmel
  5. Re: Lightning Reflexes.....is it worth it? Erm NCM isit a issue it limited so hence a power. and go above Ncm Feel like changing that answer to no, or do you have house rules that make LR cost effective. Re read your post, your house rules make it worth it, not my argument
  6. Re: Lightning Reflexes.....is it worth it? Can special force act in a uncontrolled enviroment faster than there dex level. Otherwise its Tactics. Its a gunfighter/on the Edge CyberSolo skill.
  7. Re: Lightning Reflexes.....is it worth it? Wolf i think your emulating there ability to break into a room and shoot from surprise,or just break in and shoot. What ever attributes you give these people, special ultra force , superheroes are better. Well alot are, if not most. even the sidekicks
  8. Re: CHARACTER: the dirt 350 it can be done. But a admission of ec for point saving isint reasuring, EC tight sfx,
  9. Re: Lightning Reflexes.....is it worth it? If i have a 4d6 rka and you have no r-defence, then going first is important. Going first allows you to KB someone before they hit you. If going first isint important, then it should be. damn spd chart nonsence
  10. Re: The Essential Bad Iron Age Defences only provide 1/2 Pd/Ed vs body damage both killing and normal. You gotta be able to cave superheads in. ( have been considering this rule anyway, Grond cant kill my 20pd MA by hitting him/squashing him )
  11. Re: Help with a character concept By preference i like guns to have charges, just seems more logical. replace 1/2 end with 4 clips of 32 charges and i do believe the MP can be doubled twice for 10pts, so you have 4 guns
  12. Re: Lightning Reflexes.....is it worth it? I would merely like to see it as its built Dex+X, no fig-1/2, grants no CV -1 1/2 ( okay -1/2 by the book ) Costs 1pt/pt but cant be abused easily in a MP, which i believe was the reasoning behing HA, rather than just cost 3/dice. Dosent need to be seperate power, just a example of how Lightning Reflexes could be built. Goes with the toolkit approach that is harped on about so much. Else just start making alot of prefab powers with lims and adv built in at base cost, which is what lightning reflexes is.
  13. Re: Lightning Reflexes.....is it worth it? So is that a case of a lim being a advantage? take -1/4 lim so you dont pay double. Two bites at the cherry, yeah
  14. Re: Adjusted END: Does it stick around? Why take 2x end powers when you could just buy a 60pt pool?
  15. I ask this question because i have never used this talent and i have just reviewed a character by Enforcer who has +10 lightning reflexes for 15pts. My problem was that it seemed very expensive for little effect. Straight dex buy seems preferable as for 16 pt you could have +8dex and the same spd value. This gives you almost the same initiative dex plus the benifits of +2 Ocv and Dcv, if not +3. Understanding that its built for DC and favoured by Steve ( take away regen and instant change replace by multi lim nightmares ) when all it is is limited dex. Two lims i can see No fig for -1/2 and grants no CV for -1/2. Surely taking away CV from dex is worth more than -1/2, i mean why else buy dex? A cost of 1/1pt would of seemed more reasonable. I just see no incentive the way it is similar i suppose to why HA is such a stupid purchase compared to say str no fig. Just seem a step in the wrong direction, or at least a direction that steve didnt like for other powers ie regen and instant change Oppinions
  16. Re: CHARACTER: the dirt no its in the EC The EC fails a few criteria, life support is not legal regeneration is not part of sand body powers ( especially ressurection ) Nor is putting Rec in a ec, illegal and illogical Damage res is 15pts not 30 and not a legal ec power, armour would suit 10pd 10ed though not legal it fits. (i personaly disagree with the "must cost end restriction") 4 pts of martial arts? 10s minimum Dangersense?...why. I would not pass this, EC is not tight, just has the powers you want. Inotice that you didnt put DI in it.....3 levels 0 end,persistant, always on cost 10 ant that actually fits in the EC theme. Needs work
  17. Re: Creating a bomb expert. 40 120Rka 4d6, explosion, 0 end, variable triger, no range-1/2, extra time 1 turn -1, 0dcv-1/2, OAF defusable bomb is "created" 24 60Teleport UAO 10" x4ncm, 0 end, only object he could carry, must be possible to physically get to location by unobserved route-1/2, teleport without error+1/4, takes 1 turn -1/2 something like that?
  18. Re: Biggest whine about HERO I always thought that alot of DnD cantrip type spells were esentially unbuildable due to massive AP costs with lots of weird lims.
  19. Re: Solving for Speed Velocity based damge should actually be based on the characters velocity ie mph/kmph/ms its after all what velocity means. there is no simple fix, just work out how fast you character travels write it down with damage bonus. or dump the spd chart ( the heresy )
  20. Re: Best way to Build Cap's Shield? Several write ups have cap at pd and ed of 10, isint that rather low? I know he has the shield but in a fight with his evil clone/ onother equivalent MA hes dishing out huge damage compared to his defences. This is a two guys in a gym type of fight, str 30 + M strike and a couple of DC gives 10d6 as his normal ability. he needs to be tougher than 10, 20? so he can atleast spar with himself for more than 1 turn.
  21. Re: Standard Bricks Tricks MP If brick tricks are allowed then i see no reason that this wouldnt be allowed, it only breaks the same rules after all. 3/1.5 is 2 Here a good MP abuse 60 60 MP 1, generic energy 6 60 EB 6 60 RKA 6 60 Entangle 6 60 Flash 6 60 30 30 MP 2 Fine control 3 30 AP, naked adv 3 30 Auto fire 5 shots, naked adv 3 30 Explosion, naked adv 3 30 Affects desolid, naked adv 3 30 Reduced end 0 end, naked adv saves about 100pts than if you actually had to buy all the combinations,looks abusive dosent it, but heres the trick dont buy mp no 2, buy a 30pt VPP, no skill roll, limited to enhancements on the mp only (-1 easy) 45 pts, you only have to pay 7 more for cosmic. MP route dosent seem so abusive now does it. PS i view the controll cost of VPP way to cheap, should be double. "with great flexibility, comes great cost"
  22. Re: Standard Bricks Tricks MP Are the EB players allowed to bring a 18d6eb to the table? Since Brick trick mps break all kinds of rules, then all other archetypes shoiuld be allowed all there unbalanced a downright cheesy effects.
  23. Re: Batman vs Midnighter I forgot Batman is the equal of a a goverment angency, sorry i appologise,superior to a goverment agency. Just cos he owns a mega corp dosent mean he can do what he wants technically. As most write ups have it he does all his science work himself, i mean to say who do you contract out for BAT gadgets? Team Achilles just exemplifies why super wouldnt even bother existing, oh you exist we can kill you. wow there super and everone else is a target, oh but wait its run by normals, menton takes over...or whoever.
  24. Re: Karate Kid vs Karate Kid
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