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Everything posted by Vorsch

  1. Re: Repulsive Odor Err it was the same effect we were discussing, your base power in your above examples are both attack powers, adding AAL AP or Pen does not change that. Now if you had str usable at range (defined as lightning, hey its about sfx after all ) or flash does body and Knockback or transform (object to object struck by lightning) that would be the "mess" i was refering to.
  2. Re: Repulsive Odor So the exact same sfx description, note the word exact, can be defined by at least 3 different game mechanics. A strong smell is a strong smell, odious and hard to resist, but to let aplayer come up with the way the world works is flawed, all players see it differently and all GMs are players. result total mess.
  3. Re: Repulsive Odor Apart from the fact you hace 3-4 builds for the same thing, requiring 4 different defence systems. Thats called a "mess".
  4. Re: Hero is broken Its not suitable for transdimentional, i know this cos im standing on it. ergo its in my dimention
  5. Re: I'm going to have a WHAT? You mean like summon,
  6. Re: Telepaths Must Die! Telepaths are in no way similar to supes or wolverine when it comes to intimidate. There are many scary people in the world that if they find you can beat you up/kill you and you would be hard pressed to stop them. But at least its your choice to submit or die or fight, even against overwhelming physical superiority. Telepaths/ Mind controllers go way beyond that, they dont have to rob you for your money if they wanted it thay could make you give it them or just scan your pin number. In a world where the right info can launch nuclear weapons or crash the stock market telepaths would represent the greatest threat to world security possible. Im mean to say in X 2 the good prof casually talks about killing people by concentrating on them ( so hes tried this little trick has he? ) and then he builds a machine that allows him to kill or controll the whole world. Maybe hes happy with the upper hand but im sure hed be the first to kill a group of alien telepaths doing the same thing ( even if they never intended to harm a soul ). All telepathy effect can be game breakers if used with even a fraction of there utility, and sudenley ever NPC has lots of mental def ( cos as a gm will tell you the game dosent work if everone can be mind controlled ) PS I love playing Telepaths, call it psionics and stick in TK effects......
  7. Re: Hero is broken If i can make a couple op points. Interactions between characters and planets / very large objects happen in comics all the time. Thor takes on celestial/ surfer takes on EGO/ any number of superman comics. And in these comics large but normal punches and EB destroy large objects. It is not a pointless discussion. Also Def of a object should scale with its body, and this def should be hardened so no cheasy 1d6rka doble pen attacks can destroy a battleship. So def added from size increase is always effective. Say 1 def per 2xdouble mass + def given by construction material. +0 100kg +1 400kg +2 1.6 tons +3 6.4 tons +4 25 tons +5 100 tons Tank +10 100Kt Battleship +20 100Gt asteroid +40 Earth Now it takes 50d6 attacks to hurt the earh, i submit these should not be common, str of 250 is silver age superman and even that should only effect mountain sized objects
  8. Re: Hero is broken This thread is like mana from heaven To see so many people argue about "the brokenness of Hero" from both sides, is just funny. TO hero philes nothing is broken, or if it is is because it simulates genre.# total crap, hero rules are a incosintant mess. this whole 1d6 = double force debate, well its true. i try to pull your head of with str 20, then i powerer up and do it with str 25 , double force. actual real lifting power, not hypothetical game balance. twice the energy. anyone arguing other wise is wrong ( and that a fully formed oppinon ) . sorry its not politically correct to say some one wrong. hell you wrong, whoever you are
  9. Re: Big Question: How did superpowers come about in your campaign? The number of Champions gamer's who accept this rationale is : One Steve Long but a very important one, you will admit.
  10. Re: Always On (and Inherent): okay i'm abusing it... that just sets the scene for alot of sfx based powers that are inherent but nobody ever pays the points for it.
  11. Re: Always On (and Inherent): okay i'm abusing it... I also consider my arms inherant, but as thats not actually bought it cant be dispelled unlike a tail which is bought ( unless you have it as a sfx for other powers ). 30 15Dispell apendage 10d6 ( not usable vs head -1 )
  12. Re: Always On (and Inherent): okay i'm abusing it... I find it amusing to think of a non inherant tail. Just me
  13. Re: Solara's flight speed The reasons its so slow is to keep it on a map go figure (literally) Champions charcters actually doing whats in the comics as far as movemet is concered is taboo. What i mean by that is its impossible to even get close to the movement and KB that hapens in the genre
  14. Re: Solara's flight speed Why not buy NCM multiple rather than mega scale? Mega scale is the slipery slope to realy stupid characters. ( just one moe +1/4 x 10 speed mach 1000 ) But hey im biased. And if your desolid by definition you cant affect the physical world. even as a dis ad
  15. Re: Why should I play HERO? Hero has a few flaws when it come to heroic level games ( sci fi, fantasy ) you will find yourself with alot of strong characters, its simply a very good buy. And its useful as well. skills are not thought out correctly. Nothing exists as a item, you pay points for it, but how much does a stardrive cost? weigh?, Tech level simply dosent exist. even the most trivial item can ( and some say must ) be stated. Its not all plain sailing in hero, its good but at its heart it a superhero game and as such the rules reflect this.
  16. Re: Suggestion for a book If IHA builds minutemen and is a hommage to the sentinels i feel that they are a first tier org. ( well Mavel does at least ) as for trismegistus council, who cares....
  17. Re: Does Seeker still suck? Combat luck fails on a number of points, for one it assumes you get hit. two its armour that can be AP or penetrated, in defiance of cl sfx
  18. Re: Velocity Discrepancies i think your using the opional rules for velocity factor. as written and used this is not so
  19. Re: Does Seeker still suck? And while im on the subject of res def, Spiderman, daredevil and the X-men movies dont do res def either
  20. Re: Velocity Discrepancies Another triumph of the speed chart Two people can hit each other at the same speed, and cause different damage. and i find it amusing that people actually support this as fair
  21. Re: Does Seeker still suck? Given the champions of 4th ed, only seeker and quantum were anyway half decent as a build. Defender was pants an a Iron man rip off, jaguar was awesomly bad, pretty much in every respect solitair, please hand me a eraser. (mutant telepathic Mystic) so what that seeker didnt have res def, thats genre, you know the the thing your trying to recreate so you can play in it. thats a game problem not a character problem.
  22. Re: Writer Fiat as SFX for Supervillains? Champions....sorry Hero encourages rules abuse. The character generation system is built on it. The whole mechanics vs sfx positively promotes it. whats wrong when the player wises up and does it himself. eg wind blast AAR Eb Wind Blast AAR Tk By hero rules completely fair, as there is no one true way to describe anything. the hero with KB res is going to feel irked when he can resist a tornado from one character and the blown off his feet by the next ( purely mechanics ) strong breeze.
  23. Re: Are there 10 possibilities for Binary Man? But can we mention its close cousin multiform, 292 pt characters spawning 350+ characters. why bother to change?
  24. Re: Memoirs of failed concepts Poor/vow of poverty means you cant buy food or somewhere decent to live, no car. you have no money for anything at all. if the church provides for you then your not realy disadvantaged. also your social lim priest seem to made up of some hefty psy lims as you already have fifty pts is psy. being a priest isint a social lim as i understand it, practically a advantage.
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