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Everything posted by Wolf

  1. Re: Cowboy Bebop/ Firefly inspired game Reading this I'm interested but unsure about a globular cluster... then again I think that it would be pretty cool.
  2. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Anything in that grid square that was looking at you the wrong way...
  3. Re: Cowboy Bebop/ Firefly inspired game I'll have to find this. This is something of what I was looking for, more fuel for the fire as far as fiction that I can absorb to prep me/ that I can plunder for ideas. Thank you very much.
  4. Re: Cowboy Bebop/ Firefly inspired game I like the Globular Cluster, I mean, if we presume that we find a near enough one that will support at least one terraformable planet (quickly modified anyway) that would support a star for a voyage. And provide endless moons planets and other things within a LY or so, so as to not outdo the "speed" I'm looking for, but keep things at home. I'm still absorbing TKd Guy's stuff, so It'll take a bit to get into how much of that I'll steal . I'm also working on the original group of people to arrive are volunteers, where as the second gen is a bio-batch of "test-tube-babies" who have a sort of "history of human life" recorded into their DNA or at least supported by their genetic... marks. How this would work I really don't have any idea, but the thought would be that if anything happened to the original settlers the decedents of the test tubers would be able to (once they achieved a level of science) find out why there is no "evolutionary" history of their people within that worlds history. Now I have no intention of having history having gone this way, so it's really just for story. But I may have it that at the "core" there my be less opportunity for descendants of the tubers. I mean if your busy trying to terraform a planet the last thing you need at about a year or so in is a few hundred babies that have to be cared for. So there is some animosity that has come down, but again mostly seen in the core. That's all I've got for now.
  5. Re: Cowboy Bebop/ Firefly inspired game Must spread rep... yaddada yaddada.... Thanks though.
  6. Okay, so I've finally convinced my D&D group to try out hero, and due to the recent Star Trek phenom they are asking for me to further develop a one shot that I did with one of them a couple of years ago.... So here it is, I know CB and FF/Serenity, but is there any other material that I can mine for thoughts on this type of setting. I'll get the thoughts for it here, and then I'll try to write it up on another thread. Any help would be fantastic. I have several of the CB Anime books, and have researched that heavily. I also have access to the Firefly series and RPG, along with, of course, the movie. Q1: What genre are these really, sci fi yes, but... western? Q2: What shall I have as the protagonist? Corporation, kingdom, or united planets against a frontier? Q3: I know that cyberware is pretty low key in this, why shouldn't I push it with a touch of Cyberpunkish stuff? Q4: One larger ship, and personal ships? Q5: I dunno, I guess I have to work for some more questions. So far I'm thinking that there is a Binary system that several slow ships are sent to... there is one habitable planet, but several that can be Terra-formed. Ships launch automated machines to start the Terra-forming. Then wake up the first settlers. These have been frozen, and there is a second generation that have been genetically modified, the history of their trek has been "written" in code directly into their genes, so that when their decedents get advanced enough (in case of a tragedy where they only have the second gen and after surviving) they can find the reason for their being there (here's a great question, why are they here?) And so far that's about all I've got, granted I've really only started today. I don't want FTL or Phaser/Lazer weapons, all slug throwers and inner system craft, but I want it to be fairly well populated as a system goes, I could even go for another star within a LY or something (maybe a double double with a large station at the Lagrange point between the 4 stars) to separate the independents from the "core". Okay, I'll log off for now and see what's up. Woof.
  7. Re: Cool Guns for your Games I was going to make some lame comment about Yellow Dancer (Lancer) and the Love Live and Alive concert, but it turns out I might have been closer than I thought.... Back then Anime had to have a cool musical talent.
  8. Re: The Distinctive, The Special, The Cool -SPD This is one of the first things I liked, it's always attracted my love. I really do like this about the system. -separation of Stun and Body; Well, yah, I like it, and I'd like to add the separation of Normal vs. Killing attacks to that also. I know a lot of folk don't like it, but it really works in my brain. One of the things that took me away from Ninja's and Superspies, I got tired of the HUGE SDC that a guy could develop while having a paper HP value, but you could fire a full burst off a .50 cal. at a dude and still not whittle down to HP... In Hero, you could still do "HP" damage, and "SDC" while still doing a serious amount of damage, or defending a serious amount of damage. -"No limit" Character build-ability (I don't even know if that's a word); I love just sitting down and building, that's why I love to GM in the game. Like a buddy from my steampunk game, "I could never have build a survivable and fun mechanic/ inventor in D&D." -Knockback/ Knockdown; seriously, the first time I fired a shotgun and threw someone through a window, I was in love. -The Martial Arts; As a long time Ninja's and Superspies player, this is really what took me away from Palladium, it's much more maneuverable than their system. -The "skill or buy" method of spells; I know this just works into no limit building, but I just had to say it. That's just off the top of my head.
  9. Re: Cool Guns for your Games off topic- I was going to post this here, but decided it was too off topic, but I'll mention that I put it in the NGD, and so it can be discussed there. http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1799606#post1799606 Figured that a lot of gun spuds would need to read this...
  10. Re: Worldwide Motors Corporation Cobra Interceptor Police Cruiser and Computer Pretty solid builds. I tend to work the skeletons out and then add stuff on the fly. The vehicle and computer work well together and I see how you have them interact with each other, elegant builds. If you have a missile detection system you may also want to put some Chaff pods, just to give a bit extra defense. You might also want to give your computer either a detect IFF or KS: regestered vehicles, or something like that so that the driver can "run the plates". Other than that, it's a fast tank. Is there any retention area for offenders, or did the designers just decide that there won't be any prisoners brought back by anyone who would have this car? But, yah, that's about all I got.
  11. Re: Inceptum Terminus World Book I see someone is a fan of the Casca book series. I have heard of them, but never read any. I've always liked this character concept. I even used it in a game of Deadlands, for a wandering Bohemian prince Huckster, who used a Tarot deck instead of cards. His family was related to Cassius Longinus, and he carried the Lance. I think it's pretty cool that your putting it in this series. Cyberdecks and the lance, that works for me.
  12. Wolf

    Villan Group

    Re: Villan Group Now THAT'll work. Thanks.
  13. Wolf

    Villan Group

    Re: Villan Group Well, I thought about that. And though the Troubles are valid way to go about it there are some issues; 1) The family is in America, so that's a bit limiting (all the best IRA stories come from Ireland). However if I funnel them to petty crime in order to get the cash to fly "The Family" to Ireland then that starts a good story. 2) The "war" is over, so say-ith the post 911 IRA. Way around this (that I didn't think of, so thank you for that) is they want to start it up again. 3) I was looking for something that didn't bring that period back up, but I'm running short of ideas. Not to mention, being that I was born in the 70's, it seems like every flipping plot that involves an outraged Irish person somehow get's spun back to the troubles, so I was looking for something different. T-time for the game is in 5 days, so if nothing comes before then, I'll just use the old stand-by.
  14. Wolf

    Villan Group

    I'm doing a Teen Champions game, and I've got the Villains all set up, but for one problem... Their motivation. Ok, so Taking the Idea that a great deal of folks in the middle of Virginia and Kentucky are descended from Irish bloodlines, There is one family who had the reoccurring blood of Irish Hero's in their system. But due to severe inbreeding, they have now culminated in the re-birth of some of the hero's of Ireland's past. Also If they die, the Incestuous parents just crank out another kid (so to completely finish these guys off, you'd have to find the parents). I've got: Finn MacCool: Leader type (modeled some of his powers on the 4e Warlord from D&D), powers increase the usefulness of the others, mixed in with sword focused weapons master. Fianna: yes it's his whole merry band of followers that got dumped into one body... Low Int (due to personality clashes within the mind of Fianna) Brick (strength of 100 men, etc). I forget the Chick's name: There's been a lot of her name in the legend's of Ireland, so I made her a bit of a martial artist/ noble type (princess Leah). She's a bit messed up because of so many re-births before this one. The Druid: Druid, spell caster, pretty basic. That's all I got for now, I'm looking to make two more. Their all a bit messed up from both being reborn again and again, inbreeding, and coming from the south. I just don't have a master plan that works for them. I mean "free Ireland" only works so far on US soil. I've figured that their broke (back woods of the back woods of America and all that rot), so They'll need to do some bank heists, but I still don't know why. I've thought of making it so they can go back to Ireland, but that just seems lame. I also know these are mainly thought of as hero's traditionally, I just wanted to see what would happen if I mixed it up a bit. Anyone got a suggestion?
  15. Re: Hex grid Board for use in Champions??
  16. Re: Hex grid Board for use in Champions?? I use the 1.5" and just count things in "hexes"... all movement, range, etc is taken from 1" (Hero)= 1 hex (1.5").
  17. Re: So... Book of the Machine what is it? Right on, thanks. I'm not sure how long ago I rep-ed you, but I've apparently got to spread it around some, but note that I'll get ya when I can (and hopefully remember if it's a while). I've been on and off the boards lately, but I'm planning on coming back a bit this year.
  18. I figured that I'd at least find a writeup on it here, even the news has it in different coloring, but no linkable stuff. Is this the cyberpunk book we've been looking for for 5th? So I'm just wondering. Thanks.
  19. Re: Hex grid Board for use in Champions?? Chessex: http://www.chessex.com/mats/Battlemats_&_Megamats.htm http://paizo.com/store/gameAids/gamingMats/chessex/battlemats http://www.gatheringground.com/store/showproduct.asp?client=0E2BFEC7FCF24392ACA35CC73916E09B&sesid=&perpage=20 http://www.legendgames.org/acatalog/Battle_Mats.html for those of you overseas. That should do ya good for on line battlemats.
  20. Re: Old "butt" Champions Mini's Yup that's the box alright. Thanks for all the information. I knew this would be the place to go.
  21. I thought this would be kewl FYI for some of you. The other day I stopped into a used book store in my area, and found this ancient Boxed set. It's a Champions Miniature set. It's got an Iron man clone and some other nice archetypes, and an adventure on a single sheet of paper. Kewlest part is that it's still in sprews and unpainted... I can look on the box for more information, but if anyone knows anything about this please let me know some more about the niftyness of Hero memorabilia that I just found. -Woof
  22. Re: Cool Guns for your Games For me, I like revolvers enough, they look sexy for the most part, and nothing beat a huge revolver for intimidation; besides, I live in the desert, and if your out camping and you want a nice "belt pistol" you don't have to worry about a revolver jamming because a grain of sand got into the slide. As far as old revolvers go, I loved the old old Dragoon (I think it was colt, or "navy" or something like that) Outside of that, I'm an automatics guy, but I like the basics, 1911 clones for me mostly. Though If you want to get cute about it I love the way Sigs look. Berettas are ok, and functional. IMHO Glocks are ugly, though a great weapon, I don't like them much. Mostly, I think, because of the media coverage they get... it's kind of like with the newest pop bands, everyone else likes them, so I don't. As far as that goes, it's the same way I feel about the Desert Eagle... though they Baby-Eagle is a nice weapon. Never really liked the front assembly on Czech weapons... never fired one though. That CZ-75 SP-01 with the rail under the front looks better than most Czech pistols. you roll it into an "I'd like to get package" and I'll say the H&K Mk 23, that's my pistol of choice... (outside of concealment options, due to the freaking size of that monster)
  23. Re: old world maps of europe Thank you all, and I am looking over the Texas place again, and found some good ones there. I'd give rep, but I must spread it around first... oddly enough to all but one. -Woof
  24. Re: old world maps of europe Thanks, I haven't found what I'm looking for, but I do have a lot to look through.
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