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Everything posted by Wolf

  1. Re: Another view of Damage Negation (6e) See, though, I'm talking about making even a reasonable "hulk" construct. And even a conversation or two about Grond's weakness... The problem for most of the arguments is that you still get stun that can exceed the pd/ed at 24, even on a d3 (IE 6e), and most especially when you might add in the location table. On the other hand if you have something like DN, you don't have any of those dice rolled, so you don't have issues with an exploding dice, or multipliers... the damage just doesn't happen. To me that models the effect anyway. Would I allow a pc to take that? well, that depends on the game, but maybe. I can see the alure to that thought. As a side note, I'm thinking of NPC's I'd create as well as "what I'd allow to the PC's." Oh, here's another one, what about capital sized ships... there is another way to deal with damage... just make some of it (under a certain level of weapon, just doesn't do enough damage). EX: a .45 apc vs. a battleship. it models a situation where X just isn't affected by Y. I think that's good. It's both absolute and granular.
  2. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Hmmm, thanks for the info Toadmaster.
  3. Re: Another view of Damage Negation (6e) Pretty much what he said, the great Brick with reasonable defenses also being impervious to firearms has been a source of some great debate, as I've seen on the boards. Especially countering it with the no "absolutes" in Hero. I also see the point where this is the first real "meta-game" power, and the first "absolute" rule, as in it removes the whole die. But I think it fills in to a vital and needed place. As a GM, personally, I'd feel a bit odd about allowing That much Raw rPD/ED, but I honestly can see letting a player with the right concept get away with some good ol' DN. I like how the system has become even more "let the GM deal with what can or can't be allowed." The system should have ways to help deal with many constructs, even if some folk don't want them used.
  4. I know there has been a lot of talk recently about Damage Negation, and I thought I'd give it a go with my take on the issue. I personally tend to look at the SFX first, then build to fit. For me the use of DN is primarily of use to those who wanted the "brick who could bounce bullets" type of effect. This is something folks have wanted to have in the system for some time, how many times have I seen someone pipe in with, "I want to build my brick to be bullet proof, but this ends up with his defenses way to high." Now you can just take the DN: 9 DC's, and all the way up to a .50 BMG is Totally defended against, however there is still "some" attacks going through. Especially if you are building it with the, "only vs. firearms," example that's in the book. I like that this is now an option. My 2 copper.
  5. Re: Cool Guns for your Games You know, this was "the 30-06" on my list but my problem is weight, if I'm planning a bug out bag, I want light weigh, and to be honest what with all the ammo weight from the bloody different calibers that I'm looking at packing and all the bloody different weapons, the Garand is by and far too much as far as weight. Now I haven't researched it, and I'd need to see the post work weight, but if there is any synthetic stuff like for the M-14: Then that would make my short list... Like solid on- list. I know I have the internet and time, but right now I have to get back to Homework, I'll check it later. I also need to see the "legality" of putting a kit like that on a Garand (folding stock and Picatiny (RIS, etc.) rail system etc.) would be.
  6. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Yah, that's what I took the wiki article to say, I was just saying that I had thought that the .454 was the most powerful hand gun, but I saw that I stood corrected, when I saw that bit about the .475 and .600.
  7. Re: Cool Guns for your Games However, Wikipedia isn't always a trustable source of information.
  8. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel Here's a good miniature for it. Takes some time to print/ put together http://www.worldworksgames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=48&products_id=178 And here is an addon to it. http://www.worldworksgames.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=48&products_id=217 that's if your using minis...
  9. Re: Potential new player... where to start ? here is a fair amount of reviews of the books. http://www.rpg.net/reviews/search-review.phtml?productLine=HERO+System
  10. Re: Potential new player... where to start ? 1) The system is a point buy, if you wish you can do templates, if you wish you can skip templates... 2) You will probably "need" only the two core 6th edition books for now. Champions will be released later this year I think. But you can get a lot worked on just by getting the main books. 3) I don't think any of the books are in any other languages, but I could be wrong there. Here is a review of the first book 6e1 (or whatever it's called at this point)http://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/14/14500.phtml. Most everyone around here is very friendly, ask away, and I'm sure you'll get plenty of answers that are better than what I gave you. The Hero system is fairly wide open, there is a lot you can do with it, so sometimes the answer is more of a question of what you wish to put into it. So there are templates, or not... there are prebuilt powers, or not.... It's a good system, on top of all that also. There is also the basic hand book, it should be coming out very soon, so you'll be able to get into it without the headache of learning two very large books of information, just until you get it down, then you can move on to the more in depth stuff.
  11. Re: Anyone know about Systema? Right on, I don't think the disorder would qualify for that level of awareness anyway, I believe it's a "crossing" of neural fiber, meaning the individual would still have to see it, to be able to access the "feeling" associated with the color. I could be wrong, I've not read too much on this disorder, however there still remains some possibility that the touch sense could be crossed somewhere with sight, or a sensitivity to a certain band of light expressed on a physical level (touch), but that would be rare indeed, and on par with psionics of the sort that are quasi-science.... though I know you are not saying this, I'm just thinking out loud at this point. As far as Daniel Tammet, I've never heard of him before now, I think I'll look into him at any rate, seems like an amazing person.
  12. Re: Anyone know about Systema? I'm here commenting less on the martial arts here (I have only practiced to a black belt in Tae Quan Do, I hated it, been out of it for almost 20 years. Still do hate it, too sporty, too dancy, not "hard" enough for me. Oddly enough I'm going to be starting up an Akido class soon). What I am commenting on is feeling colors claim, I believe it's called Synesthesia, and is a common Psychological disorder, My bet is that this is quite related to the story you heard. I know Wiki is a dangerous dance to get your information from, but here is the page on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia I read about it in my Psych 240 class.
  13. Re: Making up a current Day Germany for Champions..... Dude... Nuremberg has some HUGE rats. I was walking with some of my buddies one night, we were DRUNK, and fairly lost, I think we were up around the back side of the old wall (opposite side from the Hauptbahnhof), and out comes this rat the size of a very large fat cat (we saw the tail, it was a rodent, an RoUS if you will). I would be terrified by a dude who could control many of them... with powers of his own to-boot.
  14. Re: 6E: Contagious Disease? This is what I was thinking... and probably how I'd do it.
  15. Re: "Dark Flow" Discovered at Edge of the Universe Put another Smurf on the Barbie.... Man, that works on soooo many levels... nice. Okay, you get rep, if I can give it to you.
  16. Re: Vixen, an Urban Champion Quite like a patterned after Cat woman, only Kitted out.. I like it.
  17. Wolf

    Cheap Buildings

    Re: Cheap Buildings Updated the post on the software resources page.
  18. Re: Cheap Slums, for your table Updated the post on the software resources page.
  19. Re: How to build a Cheap City Updated the post on the software resources page.
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