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Everything posted by ParitySoul

  1. Re: WWYCD #111: Hero Worship Brand X: "Bwahahahahaha!! *koff* *koff* No, seriously..."
  2. Re: Supers & Media: Fatal Attraction. But have you ever gone away from the Silver Age model? What about say Dark Champion characters where secrecy is VERY important.
  3. I'm curious how you have handled the media in previous games in relation to your hero characters. What has happened when secret identies have been broken? What about interviews? What about fans? Do you have a positive outlook, or has the media been a bane. I'm doing research. Thanks for the post in my SuperHero Day question.
  4. Imagine a Champs game where it's a new local/national holiday where the local superheroes are celebrated. I'm trying to brainstorm some events and strange features such a holiday would feature just to mess with my players minds. Kids in costumes, etc. The whole 9 yards. Ideas?
  5. Re: Gun Charts How much in the way of new rules are presented in DC?
  6. Re: Super-Skills Megathread Damn it. Now I have to pull out my 5th Edition and try and work up a few dozen super skills of my own. Oiy Vey.
  7. Lie to his boss...sure. Pilfer something when needed...yep. Falsify his taxes...NEVER
  8. If only my Hero Designer 2.0 fu was good enough. But, wha. 1000 points is just so. so. Scary!
  9. There is always the Loki route...
  10. I don't know how many Heavy Gear fans we have hear. But the one thing I'd always wanted to do with HERO was to run a urban war with mecha. Make it a dirty and nasty as you like, but idea is very much the Battletech (we mercs) ethos. How 'well' does the vechicals rules work when I'm tossing around units in the 300 range? What caps should I honestly consider? Keep in mind that these are 'modern' battle units, and quite deadly.
  11. I've always tinkered. The first true character I built? Dr. Tomarrow (think that's what I called him) Time travelling (currently stuck) mastermind who did talk shows and used his gagets and powers to capture villans. I had to pick a character who had Aid/Drain based powers right off to bat, didn't I? Heh.
  12. I posted this on rpg.net, but in all honestly I was thinking about running this in HERO. But I'd always enjoy thoughts on this from the Champions crew. Proving once again that a childhood wasted on the vulgarites of saturday morning and weekday afternoon cartoons has not be put to waste: Master Villian: Professor ARCHELAUS but more on him later. Setting: As finaly leave the dregs of the 20th century behind us a new age of science and reason dawns. In recent years researches into bio and nano technology have finaly broken the boundries between what was once dreams and reality. A new race of superhumans the "Enhanced" have emerged. National warrirors, fireproof firemen, flying carries, and corperate ubermench all stride forward in this new age of superheros. But, just as prometheus's stealing of fire was punished, a world reaching too far finds itself crushed under the weight of the very technology that allowed for its wonders. Dr. Richard Archelaus one of the leaders in his field of nanotechnology. He develops a method of using the existing nanos that everyday citizens use to alter their biochemistry and hijack their higher brain functions. In effect rendering them zombies, perfect slave labor. A added side effect is that any "Enhanced" in range of this effect is normed down and rendered harmless. His only problem is that he needs time and resources to carry out his plan, and to build his 'zone generators' that will produce the effect he desires. So he carefully seeks allies amonged the Enhanced and alters them just enough that the field's effects do nothing to them. So is born the "Changed". This alteration process leave obvious physical alterations, but otherwise leaves them...human looking. With superhuman backup, and enough power to start his empire, the good doctor opens up with this first machine right on top of New York City. Within hours the entire city is a mass of drones under the good doctors control, and his enforcers quickly deal with any would be hero ariving to save the day. Seeing as they loose their powers in the presence of this machine, and in short order...change to drone status. With careful precious the doctor build portalble generators and uses his forces to drop them on large inhabited areas. In under a 2 year time he has 90% of every inhabited city and a large number of the worlds population under thumb. Only a few unpopulated and heavily fortifed locations still survive free. With with so much production behind him the doctor's forces will have control over them in short order. So a desperate plan is hatched! Teams of free scientists begin the development of Enhanced warriors immune to the Archelaus effect. A few desperate months of reasearch finaly reviel a team of heros that have altered nano types and brain chemistries, rendering them immune. And not too soon. The good Dr. has begun moving in his most recent battle platform over one the last few free cities. If it touches down anywhere near his target zone the allies will be horriblely comprised. The PCs rush off to tackle this challenge as their first assignment. (Mostly drones with 1 or 2 Changed leading them.) Episode 2: The Beta Team - Eventualy rumors leak their ways to the PCs that they were not the only team of heros altered to be immune to the Archelaus effect. But, when they ask the only answer they get is...it was a failure. Little do they know that the other 'team' survived the process but was horribly altered in such was that they were driven mad. To make matters worse, they seem able to 'awaken' dormant Enhanced in the zones and convert them over to their own type of insanity. (Part of this other teams job was to reawaken the lost Enhanced and bring them over onto the resistance's side. But, this 'effect' turned agains the scientists designing them.) The PC are immune much to the same reason why the Archelaus fields don't work on them. But, any potential allies must be rescued in time before one of the mad ones get to them!!! Episode 3: New Members! With the rescue of other Enhanced the scientists responceable for their immunity work furiously on a manner to alter these vulnerable supers so they can work with their liberators. Early developments (for new players) involve portable units that give them limited times of immunity. But if damaged, exposes them to terrible risk. Later, processes are developed that work on Enhanced only to grant them permant immunity, but just as the good guys work up a cure, the doctor Archelaus alters the zone field. Setting them back, and requiring more missions to steal his plans, disable generators, etc. This plot plays up a lot of paranoia. Remember when the good doctor takes someone, they'll offer up everything they know to him. So secrets don't last long is on of the infected drones hears anything. The people are slow witted. This is not natural and goes away quickly when outside of the field. But the field's energies are addictive to keep the people near by. Eventualy drones fight back against their would-be heros. The Changed are on par with the PC's if not better. Dr. Archelaus is willing to do dangerous experiments on them, that the PC's HQ wouldn't dream of. It become a game of wits eventualy as the PC have to be quick and stealthy. Styleistly I would see the Powers and appearances of the PCs to be either synthetic or lightly cybernetic. Not, full on cyberarms...unless that is desired. But perhaps visable circit patters in blood vessels, old corperate uniforms now a little worn from all the fighting. Perhaps super adaptives that use devices to triger their transformations. Cyber'psi' hackers that override local nano clusters and hijack machines and computers to do their dirty work. Not that the badguys don't adapt to this. Sources for this: Spiral Zone - Mostly, this was a great show! Well, sorta. J. Michael Straczynski was on the team that thought it up, but the suits took it over. Oh, where did we hear this story. Galaxy Rangers - One of the coolest shows out there. But tried to take on ThunderCats and failed. The characters from this are perfect PC material...minus the western themes. Or leave them in. Thoughts?
  13. While the answer to this is yes, actually I have a player interested in a power like this. He a Neo/Time manip char. I was willing to okay it if I could find a mechanic that works.
  14. I'm talking about going back in time and getting to replay the last 5 rounds of combat/life/etc. Plain and simple.
  15. Okay. I'm guessing this is time travel, but how? The abiltiy to replay 5 seconds/actions in time. Thanks.
  16. Unless you want to control the world. Heh. But what if the power costs end for each 'zombie'? And the bad guy is using a massive End Reserve to control say...a city? And there is an upper limit on hosts for the mind control infection. Basical the End Reserve regen is maxed and it can't maintain anymore. A few slip free from time to time. Etc. I want this to be messy, not efficent. But, ya, I was working with a transform. Closest to what I want.
  17. For that matter, has anyone ever done a Borg like colletive? Or had to deal with agressive nano attacks? Thanks again.
  18. I was trying to work out a type of Mind Control used by a very nasty character that passed from person to person bringing them under the 'masters' will. A mental virus if you will. Once infected the next person would pass it on until it came across someone who was immune (good mental defences). Basicaly, the PCs can fight the effect with the right adjustments (immunizations) but everyone that they didn't protect would be infected. Anyone see Spiral Zone? Something like that, but more agressive. How the heck do I build this?
  19. Well at least I'm getting reads. Kinda curious about suggestions though. Any refinements that you can think of?
  20. Think small dermal implant that allows me to see the controls and trigger them to summon the 'car' to my location. Fire it's guns, etc. It's more like telepresence, literaly remote control. This is a full on Sci-Fi setting with Terran Empire level of tech.
  21. I'm thinking it would have to be a line. A teleport by definition is going from point A to point B. And the shortest distance between those two points in 3d is a line.
  22. How would you consider a chunk of hardware having a remote operating system that I could use to call it to me? Thanks. PS. Say in the case of an Car that I can control ala. James Bond from remote. Mind Link? Seeing as how a vechical is technical a character?
  23. I was tinkering on two variations for an "End of the World" game. 1. An asteroid plumits into earth somewhere near southern California. The resulting dust and debri cast into the atmosphere has triggered a new Ice Age. The PC's have to deal with the catistrophic effects of this event. The massive die offs, the lack of power, food, etc. To make matters worse a strange mutation has seem to have taken the human population. A number of them have begun to develop Psi powers. The manifestations of these power intensify as you grow closer to the crash site. (Now a small inland sea.) But accompaning these powers are horrible physical mutations. Vast power seems to have a price. There are a few themes in the game: * A new ruling Psionic elite is growing in the blasted west. The few civilized cities in the east are under growing pressure from a psion underground that aims to topple them. * Rumors are raised that the Psionic abilites may have existed before the accident. Old government reports talk of a research facility (now destroyed) that might answer why so many humans are developing these powers. * Contact with meteroite pieces seems to have an effect on the Psions, making them more powerful, but forcing terrible physical and some times mental changes upon them. There seems to be signs of some virus. More research shows that it is tailored... 2. Magic returns to the world...two minutes too late. After setting off a series of atomic bombs back during the early 80's most the world is a radioactive wasteland. The magic, and magical creatures don't seem to mix well with fallout. The PC will crawl out of bunkers and silos only to discover a new power runs among them. To make matters worse, strange things like mutant shide, atomic winged canibalistic pixies, and toxic ooze sirens populate this wasted countryside. The magic is unstable and the new rad count only adds to the unstablity, but in all honestly harnessing this power might be the only way humans survive and rebuild their world. Theme of play: * The forces of darkness wake up to find...heaven. Everything is falling apart, and they've opened up the 24 hour party. Demons, vile magical creations, and assorted undead get downright civilized. After all, this is like home for them. PC's will have to deal with typicaly 'evil' creatures like neighbors. * Once beautiful, wonderful, and geo-centric creatures have gone insane. Nymphs might need to feed off the blood of virgins to keep their life trees alive, elementals now come in assorted colors and toxins, and the lords of the Earth have desided that the remaining humans are worth, NOTHING! Might as well wipe them out so they can't do anything like this ever again. *Radiation makes me feel better. Look ma' I got this new healthy glow...and these cool new magical powers! Magic and radiation start to mix and blend. A new type of mage comes out of the worse types of burning salt flats with a glint in their eyes that can melt steel and put a permant smile on your face. The PC will have to either negotiate or run like hell. I pop out Campaign ideas like this every day. Just wanted to share and get some comments. Thanks.
  24. Long range jumps. Going beyond the known territories. How often have you touched upon this issue in your campaigns. Have you ever just tossed the PCs into strange sectors of space and had them figure out what they where dealing with? Now, I like the idea of wanting to go to strange places, but what about NOT wanting to go there? Do you play up the horror, the mystery, or even the humor of new places? Thanks.
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