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    Sketchpad got a reaction from Amorkca in Red Banner   
    I don't think I ever used the Red Banner, but I have used a few martial arts villains in the past. How about one of the following?
    They recruit some martial artists to subjugate a creature of incredible power in hopes of harnessing it for themselves.  One of the Red Banner trained fighters go rogue and they need the heroes to clean up their mess. A fabled weapon falls into the Red Banner's hand. Now an aging master must rely on the heroes to return it to him or the fate of the world falls into their hands.  A chi-infused place has fallen under Red Banner's control. Can the heroes prevent a war from happening when another group advances on them? And what does the place give to the Red Banner? An ancient evil is brought back to life and the Red Banner is responsible. Are they powerful enough to contain this threat? What happens if they aren't? Hope these help. 
  2. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to DreadDomain in How to Build: Clear the Room   
    Oh the possibilities...
  3. Thanks
    Sketchpad got a reaction from DreadDomain in How to Build: Clear the Room   
    Hmm... that's an interesting idea, Ninja-Bear. It would be a neat way of making agents more vulnerable to heroic attacks and cause them to fold. Maybe that could be a campaign rule.
    DreadDomain, you know, it's funny as, after I posted this, I was looking over those rules a bit more. This might also be a great way emulate what I'm looking for. I might also suggest a 0 END advantage on STR for characters that would use this. 
  4. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to DreadDomain in How to Build: Clear the Room   
    Have you considered just using Multiple-Attacks? Multiple-Attacks:
    take a full phase. You can reduce that to half a phase if you buy Rapid Attack at 5 points (or 10 points for both melee and ranged attack) impose a -2 OCV penalty per extra target. Based on Offensive Penalty Skill Level you could buy this off at 2 points per +1 OCV puts you at ½ DCV but you can also improve that by buying Defensive Penalty Skill Level at 2 points per +1 The multiple attacks sequence stop if you miss your roll. What you suggest is even more constraining so it could be worth an extra limitation So for no points at all, you could use Multiple Attacks, or if you want to be better at it, yoy could pay to improve your abilities.
    Say this is only for melee attacks. 
    Clear the Room (½ phase HTH multiple attacks sequence , +6 vs OCV and DCV penalties); Rapid Attack-HTH (5AP), OPSL +6 (12AP), DPSL +6 (12AP) Total 29 points
    Using any of your HTH attack, you can attack 3 agents at no penalty as long as you don't miss and at extra -2 OCV per target if you try to go for more target. If you insist on having the sequence stopped if you do not incapacitate a target, I would call that an extra -½ limitation for a final cost of 19 points.
    The drawback is that it would cost you more END to complete than your proposed build unless your attack(s) are not too onerous on END.
  5. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Ninja-Bear in How to Build: Clear the Room   
    I like the build. I agree with Doc about the NCC limitation.  However the only versus agent limitation seems a little cheesy. I’m thinking the agents themselves should have a physical complication: takes x1 1/2  from Heroes!
  6. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Tech in Second Annual Supervillain Awards   
    It's played for laughs. The villains showing up there would not be antisocial or psychopathic; they'd be more down-to-earth villains. The villains in the categories are referenced from other GMs (we have 4 GMs total) as well as mine. About 65% of the villains I use are my own created ones.
  7. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Tech in Second Annual Supervillain Awards   
    Some years ago, I ran a Champions episode called, "The First Annual Supervillain Awards". Various categories for supervillains were mentioned with Foxbat being the MC. I even had a little commercial for it to show for the players. Heroes attended it undercover as supervillains. I don't remember everything but during a break, the heroes suddenly revelated themselves & announced the villains were under arrest. The supervillains thought it was a wide-scale attack and most fled, only a few staying to attack the heroes.
    This weekend, although it's long overdue, I'm going to run "The Second Annual Supervillain Awards"!
    With Foxbat being the MC again, the categories for the supervillains will be:
    1) Best Master Plot
    2) Best Escape
    3) Best Supervillain Costume
    4) Most Interesting Thefts
    5) Best Quotes
    I'd make more but if things go anything like last time, things may not make it past #4 before the heroes do something. 
  8. Like
    Sketchpad got a reaction from Eberronknight in What happened to HERO?   
    If you're truly putting the sole savior on D&D with Paizo/Pathfinder, keep in mind it was more than rules and concepts. The art and design of the products really elevated the style and look of their books, making them some of the best looking games on the market. I don't know if they're the sole savior in this case, but they did stand out. Something to think about for Hall of Heroes. 
  9. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Grailknight in Paralyzing Toxin   
    Here's an option.  You can play around with it in HD to better suit your needs.
    Drain SPD 0 1/2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1), Damage Over Time, Target's defenses only apply once, Lock out (cannot be applied multiple times) (17-32 damage increments, damage occurs every Segment, +5) (35 Active Points)
    Assuming a 4 SPD  or less target, this will put them down 6.4 SPD over the course of 32 segments. The SPD change rules will allow them 2 or 3 actions on average before they go down. Once they do, it will take 3 1/2 minutes to get back to 1 SPD and recover the rest of their SPD at 1 per two minutes. Power Defense lessens the effect but merely reduces the total Drained by the total of the target's Power Defense.
    This is and should be a Stop sign power so GM approval is required. 
  10. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Tech in How to Build: Clear the Room   
    The 1993 Viper book has your standard Viper agent with 25 Stun, Trainees with 22 Stun, upwards to 29 Stun for Viper Commanders.
    The 2003 Viper, Coils of the Serpent, has General Combat Specialist at 30 Stun to 31 Stun.
    As a GM though, I seriously questioned the 2003 book standard agents costing 186 pts, with the Superhuman Combat Specialist up to 329 pts. That's a personal opinion but I stick by it.
    Being able to incapacitate a 25 Stun agent (not including defenses) almost sounds like a 10d6 Blast, AE of some sort.
  11. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Doc Democracy in How to Build: Clear the Room   
    It is what limited power is all about.  Make one up.  You are limiting the effectiveness of the area effect...the value is probably somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2. 😄
  12. Like
    Sketchpad got a reaction from Doc Democracy in How to Build: Clear the Room   
    It's an interesting idea, Doc. I'm almost wondering if the whole thing just doesn't warrant a new Advantage all together. 
    I considered Autofire, Brian. I just don't think it would have the same feel to it. And I think the whole thread is for spitballing the idea around.
  13. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Brian Stanfield in How to Build: Clear the Room   
    How about something simple like Autofire, maybe with Penalty Skill Levels to reduce the cumulative penalties to hit p to a certain extent? Just spitballing here . . . if it hits I'll fire another . . . .
  14. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Gnome BODY (important!) in How to Build: Clear the Room   
    I don't think it does anything that Trigger doesn't. 
    Something like Trigger (+1) for ## AP of attack powers, Limited to only activate when a "minion" is defeated and only to target a "minion" adjacent to the defeated "minion" should do Takedown 1.  Trim off that last bit and add a Trigger for movement and you should get Takedown 2. 
  15. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Doc Democracy in How to Build: Clear the Room   
    Oh yes, the attack, the primary one, is under your control but your ability to make the next attack is not.
    I understand that there IS an element of volition about hitting a second target if the first attack is successful but this is a reduced form of volition.  There are gradations of NCC, this is probably only 1/4  or 1/2 and ONLY on the cost of area effect.
  16. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Doc Democracy in How to Build: Clear the Room   
    I would add a NCC limitation to the area effect element of the attack.  If it is going to emulate then it only allows a second minion to be attacked if the first is hit, incapacitated and the second minion is adjacent to the first etc etc.  Each attack is dependent on the success of the previous one.  As such, it is not within the characters gift to attack all of the minions at once.
  17. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to DreadDomain in Champions: The Super Role Playing Game (4th edition)   
    Yes, this. A full colour, remastered Champions 4E would be glorious.
  18. Like
    Sketchpad got a reaction from DreadDomain in Champions: The Super Role Playing Game (4th edition)   
    I would back that. Heck, for that matter it be nice to have stretch goals to colorize the book, make a HD Update for it, and to include a remastered GM Screen. 
  19. Like
    Sketchpad got a reaction from Korgoth in Champions: The Super Role Playing Game (4th edition)   
    I would love to get one in HC again. While I still have my old BBB, it's seen better days.
  20. Like
    Sketchpad got a reaction from Joe Walsh in Champions: The Super Role Playing Game (4th edition)   
    Imagine if it were made with some of the modern conventions. Having a nice HC GM Screen would be sweet! Especially with that Perez art on it.
  21. Like
    Sketchpad got a reaction from Joe Walsh in Champions: The Super Role Playing Game (4th edition)   
    I would back that. Heck, for that matter it be nice to have stretch goals to colorize the book, make a HD Update for it, and to include a remastered GM Screen. 
  22. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Joe Walsh in Champions: The Super Role Playing Game (4th edition)   
    I'm glad to hear it!
    Would you consider a Kickstarter to get it re-edited and re-typeset?
  23. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Jason S.Walters in Champions: The Super Role Playing Game (4th edition)   
    Champions: The Super Role Playing Game (4th edition) is now available POD in black-and-white softcover on RPGNow.
  24. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Spence in What other superhero RPGs have you played?   
    This is something that always confuses me. I have not published anything, so I am definitely not any kind of expert.  But I do support KS's.
    Fantasy Hero Complete was formatted like CC and was put out at ~220-250(?) pages (I'm on my phone and don't have it in front of me) on KS and raised $20125.
    The Sassoon Files was ~200 for a KS total of $24183. 
    But SF is in glorious color with glossy paper and photographs that resemble period photos. 
    A modernized version of CC or FHC would not need an author.  It would need a editor and layout person to update the text for known errata and place the text on the pages.  I cannot understand how Hero cannot afford the art needed to update to a modern look when multiple projects are put out annually with great color and art plus being written from the ground up within 1 to 4 thousand dollars in cost.
    If I was I my home machine I have several great RPG books that funded for less than FHC but are still colorful with great relevant art. 
    Like I said, I am not an expert, but what I observe doesn't add up.
  25. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to zslane in What other superhero RPGs have you played?   
    I feel that Champions Complete is more like the first three editions of Champions than it is like the 4e BBB. The latter had more comprehensive coverage of the superhero genre in its S and C sections. In fact, the S and C sections were later printed as the Champions genre book. 4e was really quite an elegant product line, IMO.
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