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Everything posted by Metaphysician

  1. Aberrant never seemed *that* deadly to me. You just have to either purchase Armor/Force Field/MegaStamina, or MegaDex/Wits and prepare to dodge alot. Its just that, under the Aberrant system, dodging is something you actively have to do, you don't get a free increase in difficulty to hit just because you have high Mega-Dex. In addition, the system is very friendly to non-combatant character concepts, and unfriendly to "mundanes."
  2. The frontal gun *ought* to be 8d6 RKA. It just should be AP rather than Explosion.
  3. Okay, some tactics for my group against Doctor Destroyer ( six 750+ point heroes ). My own character, Microman, is basically going to do one thing: shrink down to microverse size, enter DD's armor, and hope I can fight past whatever nanodestroids he's almost certainly got protecting the thing following his debut. At the very least, I hope to disable a system or two to give the rest of my team the edge. As for the rest of them: the best tactic I can think of is for Horus-Re ( Superman analogue ), Starguard ( GL analogue ), Warp ( spatial manipulator ), and Psi-Legionaire ( Lensmen analogue ) to engage in a frontal assault, drawing his attention. . . . . .while Warmaster Fielan ( Thrawn + Fremen/Bene Gesserit ) sneaks up behind him under psychic ( or other ) cloak, and uses his enhanced reflexes and monomolecular blade to do a surprise Autofire NND + Does Body HKA to the back of DD's head.
  4. Caestus Pax is one of the top ten or so powerful novas in the setting. He's beyond nuke level in both durability and firepower. He can crush cities from orbit. He can lift mountains. He's *NOT* the most powerful nova in the setting. The most powerful nova in the setting, Divis Mal, handed Caestus Pax his ass, effortlessly. Divis Mal could reduce the entire planet to a charred rock in roughly two seconds, if he wished.
  5. Could you design a character with two absorbtion powers, one for physical damage, one for energy damage, that are otherwise functionally identical ( same modifiers and dice pool ), with the powers in a framework?? Would this be a viable usage of Elemental Control, given a sfx that the two absorbtion powers are essentially only one power ( the ability to absorb any energy )?? Could you put both powers in a multipower and have whichever one is applicable be used whenever struck by an attack without conscious selection??
  6. Okay, how about Gravitar?? For reference, lets look at this from two points of view: -An army of Agents/military -Your team of superhumans, buffed up to 500 points if less powerful
  7. How big of a limit would that be?? -1?? "Movement/Reflex-Based Defense": Any physical or energy defense based on evading attacks rather than enduring them. Combat Luck is the obvious example ( except in cases where it literally represents extraordinary luck, like Hazard ). The Unfolding Lotus Blossum Yeng-Tao technique would be another example.
  8. Well, UNTIL apparently is decently funded ( mainly by the US, obviously ). Currently, they also have the Ragnarock. Dropping that on DD will surely get his attention.
  9. Is Champions Worldwide a global heroes sourcebook, or some kind of "followup" to the Champions Universe book?? And Digital Hero might get reprinted as a book eventually, and it contains lots of heroes ( not all up to date, though ).
  10. Okay then. Might as well start at the top: What tactics would everybody suggest for dealing with Doctor Destroyer?? Since this is just for fun, go ahead and use tactics based around your own characters and teams.
  11. True, which is why an explicit element of the power is "I only have what information is in the database, and whats in their is DM's discretion." For example, my knowledge of the Mystic World would probably be only minimal. Likewise, recent changes would not be included until/unless I can "update". ( oh, its actually worse than you think: I routinely buy up to 15- in SS and KS, 17- using levels )
  12. Tyrannon is another of those entities that should crush Doctor Destroyer like a bug.
  13. Well, lets see, aside from pure point value ( no point even trying to writeup Microman II in anything much below 750 points ), some things that might contradict various house rules: -VPP Skill pool: 6 points, useable for "library skills" ( SS, KS, stuff like that ) -Energy Blasts and STR taken without the reduced by shrinking limitation -An NND HKA ( Only Works on Non-living objects ), delivered from supersmall ( microverse ) sizes
  14. Take a character with a 12d6 EB +1 VA, and use part of the VA to convert it to killing DCs.
  15. The problem being, Kitty has a bunch of surprisingly expensive powers, even with a framework. And she's got more than just basic combat skills. She's good enough to handle some damn skilled and powerful combatants without her powers. IOW, decent list of maneuvers, at least one DC, a couple levels. *AND* she's got a decent array of noncombat skills, particularly computer-related materials and leadership abilities. She's at least a 500 pointer, by the time of Excalibur.
  16. That answers the first question, but not the second. After all, the same arguments re: efficiency would apply to Variable Advantage, as well.
  17. Lets say you want to build a single power that can inflict either Normal or Killing damage DCs, selected on usage. How big of an advantage would this be, +1/4 or +1/2?? Likewise, for a power with Variable Advantage on it, how much VA would need to be spent to convert the damage between normal and killing??
  18. First, you'd have to tell me what your house rules are.
  19. As an aside, I think a good in-universe benchmark for converting Cap would be Fiacho. I was comparing him with my mental conversion work, and it meshes well. In addition, thematically speaking, Fiacho would be a great Cap villain, though only solo; Cap can't take on most of Eurostar.
  20. 5d6 Unluck, Area of Effect, Personal Immunity, No Range Seem like a reasonable power effect??
  21. The Champions U can't really be a Lovecraftian setting, since we *know* there are other powers out there besides pure chaos. Its part of canon that their are abstract entities representing moral alignments. That said, this doesn't prevent their from being Lovecraftian entities in the setting, and thats what the Kings of Edom are supposed to be. OTOH, it would make for an interesting element if there are infernal powers trying to take over DEMON from the inside, courtesy of the majority of DEMON who don't know the truth about the Kings of Edom.
  22. While reading the UNTIL sourcebook, I noticed mention of a future publication by UNTIL, the book entitled. A book describing tactics for dealing with any number of superhuman threats. Given that the UNTIL Superpowers Database is a published book, any chance that this is an intended future product??
  23. Nah, self-sufficiency is a good thing. It means you actually can run "You vs The Empire," and not have them die in two sessions due to lack of resources. "The good news: You all get to build on 750 points." "The bad news: you and your associated NPCs are the sole free humans in Xenovore space, after they conquered Earth."
  24. Ultimate Captain America is superhuman in strength. He grabbed onto, and hung onto, a ballistic missile in flight. He punched out ( CON STUN!! ) the Hulk. He has repeatedly demonstrated durability in a range not associated with merely human levels of strength. Edit: He also severed a really frickin' strong chain ( as in, hold up a dozen tons of metal or concrete pipes ) with a thrown pulley wheel from about a hundred feet away, minimum.
  25. I think thats a little bigger and tougher than your usual bank vault-style door.
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