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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Re: HUDSON CITY: What Do *You* Want To See? Actually, another good thing would be detailed write-ups for the various criminal groups and how the HCPD is organized, with enough information to spur ideas using them.
  2. Re: HUDSON CITY: What Do *You* Want To See? One thing that would be nice would be a brief look at how to use Hudson City for the various types of vigilante adventuring, with some example characters that fit each type. DarkAngel and Penny Dreadful were great examples for a hero and villain for a DC:TAS style campaign, and I hope to see their write-ups make an appearance in the new book. Harbinger (assuming he gets brought down from godlike to more human levels) and Card Shark (also needing to be toned down to more human levels) as examples of more bloody and darker toned campaigns, and so on. Maybe also tips on how to present Hudson City using some of the classic comic styles, from Golden Age to Iron Age would be good too. I also toss in a sincere wish to see Crusader make an appearance as the aging vigilante from a more Silver Age time of Hudson City, perhaps as a mentor to DarkAngel and other such younger vigilantes. Perhaps I am one of the few that liked this version of Crusader though.
  3. Another way to use Demon would be something similar to the conspiracy that ran things from the shadows in the X-Files series, the one that the Smoking Man worked for. They were involved with aliens, so why not have Demon as a nebulous conspiracy that is firmly entrenched in positions of power? That makes it both more scary and different from Viper, and very difficult to root out. If not the main focus of the book, perhaps suggestions on how to use Demon as a conspiracy organization, one that keeps the players guessing.
  4. Steve

    Ship Naming

    I was wondering what sort of methods people used for naming military vessels in their campaigns. I was looking through Alien Wars and trying to think of ship names that would be appropriate for the United Earth Navy. Rivers or mountains are what I am considering now. Any other suggestions?
  5. When I was in the process of gearing up for a new campaign, I presented my players with a number of setting options, all non-fantasy, and the one they chose was Alien Wars. They're even okay with starting out at the 50+50 level as raw recruits. So at least in one gaming group, Star Hero is alive and well.
  6. What character design or campaign concept proved to be the most difficult for you to simulate with Hero?
  7. I was wondering if anyone has come up with any interesting noble families or individuals for use in the Terran Empire setting. Have you ever played within this aspect of the Empire's power structure much, either as nobles or retainers to a noble family?
  8. Well, for an example of a corporate-sponsored superteam, there was Zen Team from the 4th Edition Allies supplement.
  9. Re: A Superteam as a family The comic Noble Causes is like this, but it is more like a soap opera about a superpowered family.
  10. I can see it now... "The Star*Guard are extinct. Their fire has gone out in the universe." Makes me wonder if Mordace may have somehow contributed to the end of magic, which would effectively end the Star*Guard as a major power in the galaxy, until they experience a rebirth in the Galactic Champions era.
  11. I like this notion, that the Star*Guard do still exist, but on the fringes of interstellar society, fading into legends until the Galactic Federation and the Galactic Champions arrive on the scene. Since they would not have superpowers, they would have to rely more on available technology.
  12. A few things suggest themselves to me. First would be some tie-ins to the rest of the Champions Universe. Is the race of the Elder Worm up to some nastiness in this era? Is there a rogue Malvan running around with high-tech somewhere? Since magic is at strong levels, what sort of superpowers are around? Maybe some groups that would work up and down the power spectrum, like thieves guilds and organized religions. A Turakian Age progenitor form of VIPER would be an interesting touch.
  13. Has there been any explanation given as to what the Star*Guard are up to during the Alien Wars and Terran Empire eras? Did this organization simply vanish when magic faded and superheroes went away? I assume they might return as part of the Galactic Champions era. Anyone else given this matter any thought?
  14. I thought this article on the author's page was interesting for superhero RPG purposes: http://www.javapadawan.com/calliope/mv41.html
  15. I shop at Game Castle, in Fullerton. They always order Hero stuff. And everything is 5% off cover price.
  16. My FLGS just got theirs in yesterday, here in Orange County, Southern California, and I picked up the copy they were saving for me today. The chapter dividing pages make it easier to navigate around in the book. It was a great idea.
  17. EBs are fine for a Silver Age style of 4-color comics, where agents are the background opposition. I'm trying to simulate something more like the graphic novels, where blasters are like another form of gun, only with cooler special effects. With an EB, my experience has been that it will throw off a range of BODY damage that will be +/-1 per 3-4d6 used, so an 8d6 pistol will usually do around 6-10 BODY. A normal without armor could theoretically have 8 ED, in which case the BODY damage of a blaster weapon would have an even chance of just bouncing off his skin. I'm not sure if you have been reading my previous posts all the way through. To deal with the STUN lottery, I am using a flat x3 STUN multiplier for killing attacks. This brings them into line with regular attacks, which do 3.5 STUN per BODY on the average. My proposal was to cut two damage classes from the UNTIL blaster write-ups, use an RKA instead, and then add in a +1 STUN multiplier. An 8d6 U-SHL pistol will become a 2d6 RKA with a +1 STUN multiplier. You have to wear armor to resist the BODY, and it will do roughly the same STUN and BODY as an 8d6 EB (since an 8d6EB does 28 STUN and 8 BODY, and a 2d6 RKA with an assumed x4 STUN multiplier will do 28 STUN and 7 BODY on the average). Again, this goes back to the whole EB (Silver Age) to RKA (Graphic Novel) difference I am wrestling with. If agents are armed with 2d6 RKA pistols and 6 Def Armor, that gives a more gritty feel than using 8d6 EBs, which would pretty much just work like a stun only attack, assuming 4 ED and 6 DEF Armored agents.
  18. Since this sort of math question pops up every now and then, maybe the file could be posted to the Hero Games site as a free download? This sounds like something that would be useful to many GMs and players.
  19. In one campaign I saw, STR and Extra Damage Classes were limited together to a maximum of 5DC. So you could have a 15 STR and 2 Extra DC, a 25 STR and no extra DC, or any other combination of STR and Extra DC you like. It nicely headed off the problem of encouraging every character to load up on STR in order to do damage.
  20. Well, interestingly enough, since I am using a x3 flat multiplier, if I build the blasters with a +1 STUN multiplier for +1/4 advantage, then an 8DC weapon would do 9 BODY and 36 STUN on the average for the same 50 points that a 10d6 EB would cost and do 10 BODY and 35 STUN. The big difference is that the BODY damage for a blaster designed this way, instead of bouncing off regular ED, requires Armor or some such resistant defense to be worn. While it is almost exactly the same damage, the special effect feels better to me to simulate the type of damage I am looking for without bending the writeups for an UNTIL blaster rifle or pistol out of Champions Universe too far out of shape.
  21. Luckily, I do own a copy of Dark Champions and An Eye For An Eye, so I can use it for reference. And I do plan on looking over the optional rules for combat. 6-8DCs is about where I was thinking of going, given that I planned to leave armor in the 6-8 range. I was also considering borrowing an idea from the old Ninja Hero comment on samurai armor and guns by maybe making regular Kevlar worth 1/2 value versus blasters and more primitive armor worth 1/4 value. My thought was that super agent armor has something extra in their makeup that resists blaster fire better than ordinary armors. Well, in this campaign, I was planning to use a flat x3 modifier to deal with the STUN lottery.
  22. I am starting up an UNTIL-based super agents campaign in the near future, and I have been pondering the weapon damage issue. In Champions Universe, blasters are written up as 8d6-10d6 EB, and the agents average a 4 ED, 6 points of Armor, and 25 STUN. On the average, one shot and a character is out, but they have taken no BODY damage. I have been considering changing blasters to killing attacks, for more of a "lethal" feel, but I was curious how other GMs who have run super agents campaigns have handled this issue. Do you use killing attacks of 2d6-3d6, or leave them as 8d6-10d6 energy blasts?
  23. Steve

    Average Aliens

    Since the average human is listed as having an 8 in all of their primary characteristics, is this the number that people apply the racial modifiers to, or do you add it to a base number of 10? For example, Malvans have +3 PRE. Does this mean the average Malvan has an 11 PRE or a 13 PRE?
  24. What about Knockback? How would you calculate Knockback for Flight, only in contact with a surface, defined as a type of hyper-running? Is it done like you would real running, or would you do it as if they were actually flying?
  25. Q: If a character has both Cramming and Linguist, could they be considered to have 2 points of effectiveness in a language they pick up by Cramming?
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