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Everything posted by simplygnome

  1. Re: I shouldn't be saying this... DARN YOU Jkeown!! Ive seen this post about 6 times now...I KNOW that Ive already read it and I know what it says...but every time I see that post title I shouldn't be saying this... I have to click on it!!! Its like I think theres something naughty or forbiden (or BOTH) on the other side....To tantilizing! Stop it! =P
  2. Re: Stuff to Make Up about the Gods And THAT is exactly why making religion in my games is a headache. Thats close enough to the same outline I use...and I love it...but my lord is it anal. =P Im not insulting you -- But it is horridly detail oriented...and EXACTLY what I think a good fantasy game needs for true relgious tones.... Meh...how I hate the hero system sometimes, yet I can never uncurl my hands from the book...how horridly ironic. Good luck, and feel free to mail/message/ or post me if you ever want to swap ideas or past experiences with god systems... Edit- Rep for you. This is an awesome list and a good resource.
  3. Re: Player Openings: Knights of New L.A. PBEM A dark vigilante weilding some impressive firepower....Wow, I like the sound of that!! See, I like this GM already, because not only does he help you work with your character ideas, but he goes out of his way to make you sound overly impressive....Now thats gamermastering! =D Im sure any changes that need to be made shouldn't be to much of a problem. I'll be looking forward to the game...
  4. Re: Brick tricks Seriously, there comes a time when the points hoarding NEEDS to stop. A brick throwing a car, a TKer throwing a car.....Thats what you DO with things when you have a lot of strength..You throw them, smash them, etc...No points needed. Our team energy projector constantly flies around buildings to get cover....!!! Wow...how abusive! He didnt pay points for that building! He should just stand there and get hit!!! Certainly it gives the "big smashies" an advantage, but I'm not going to penalize my players for applying tactics to a battle....Power tricks are usable by anyone who wants them....Some just have to be smarter than others when applying those tricks. What about an energy projector that blasts out the foundation of a building and has the entire building crumble around Generic Villian #5 and his posse. Thats a huge damage AOE, but HE DIDNT PAY POINTS FOR IT..Shame on him!!! Seriously - Its a creative use of the power. Your brick paid points for STRENGTH...not just "URG HIT WELL!!". Strength is brute muscle, and that applies to everything that goes with it: the ability to lift, smash, push...etc.
  5. Re: Player Openings: Knights of New L.A. PBEM Alrighty! Thats done and done...Tell me what ya think...!
  6. Re: Player Openings: Knights of New L.A. PBEM I just got a suprise work schedule change, so itll be another day or so until I get time to type everything up.... I'm done with the character mostly...Im "cleaning up" my background and Limitations are giving me a slightly hard time.... Are there any specific villians or groups that can/can't be used in the background...any suggestions (things other than the enforcers...Im looking at an extended hunted from before 91 type of thing but dont really know which world set youre running with....should we feel free to elaborate our own? Obviously you used gotham...can we feel free to submit, possibly, an old comic villian crossover??? Nothing TOO outlandish, of course =P) (btw....do you know offhand how much an Overall Skill level costs - not combat skills, just buying overall skills levels for all skills? I remember reading somehwere at 10cp a point for all skills (combat including???), but by my math it would be 6 - a 2pt skill level with a +2 "applied to all appropriate skills" advantage....hmmm...Any pointers?)
  7. Re: Player Openings: Knights of New L.A. PBEM Thanks for the response. I have several skills in that list; not all, and even a few extras not on there. I have one contact at the moment, at 6pts (11-, in organization, +3pts of useful skills, etc), but the plan WAS to set it up as an enforcer (because of bg), however anything you think will help should be fine. The character is done, but I havent beenable to put him into the computer yet. Im going to look at the skills one more time and then I should be ready to type everything in....Hopefully Ill send him off for your reviewing this evening.... I'm not that familiar with making large point characters (300 is my norm). What OCV/DCV general are we looking at here in terms of the other players, the standard goons, and the higher villians? I'm trying to balance my character, but I dont know if I underpowered him..Thank again...
  8. Re: Player Openings: Knights of New L.A. PBEM Question - While I know this is a primarily Supers game and not Dark Champions, what is the expected need for more esorteric skill, such as Criminology, Deduction, Systems Operations, and Bugging for a Batman esque character (sans martial arts...his fighting ability will come from other areas).
  9. Re: Please help critique character (Origin/Background/Points) To save a few point, looks like you could put your three travel powers in one small multi-power as well. That should save you about 21 points I think...just enough for 2 points of speed .
  10. Re: easy Desolid. question. I know what you mean though. It doesnt make sense. At the same time, I still dont think Mental attacks make sense, as you still can be affected by them, so the inverse should happen.....However... Its all balance. Its actually no the points that are getting me, its that my campaing has an AP points cap for attacks, so Im having to majorly reduce me effectiveness in order to get my defense...Then again, its a pretty good defense =D
  11. Re: easy Desolid. question. Point taken, because it does specify ATTACKS must have the advantage...hrm.
  12. Re: easy Desolid. question. See, I have a problem with that. Now youre applying half RULES and half "realism". Why should images be unaffected by desolid, but Mind attacks are. Considering a normal character can still be attacked by mental attacks while desolidified, then that means their mental senses are still "solid" so to speak, so he should beable to attack back. It seems that minds can still connect... SOOO, if you say that DARKNESS and ILLUSIONS can be used without buying the modifier, then I'd say that so can ALL MENTALS POWERS, if you were following realism On the other hand, you can say that NEITHER can be used, for game balance, despite all special effects and realism. Desolidify is a VERY good form of defense, and in the right hands I think that a player could be just as devistating with darkness and/or illusions as someone could be with a RKA, or anything else, so it should also take the penalties, logic be damned. It really does make no sense, but I see that its all for the balance, and you cant really start giving exceptions.....(Then you end up with Flooper CosmoKnight/Glitterboy Veritech Troopers...and if you've ever played RIFTS, you know EXACTLY what Im talking about =P!!!) Thats just MHO anyhow...
  13. Re: Its all 1s and 0s baby!!! Okay.. Now that thats taken care of, I'm wondering how I do step #2... Power #2: Transdimensional advantage on all senses to see from cyberspace. Can someone tell me, or point out where in FRED (please not 5er....I swear Ill order it soon ), how to buy an advantage for the senses I already have? I cant make heads or tails out of how to do with with the Enhanced Senses....Thanks all... Note: Im applying a +1/2 advantage to my senses.....
  14. Re: Utility Belt MP Utilities....Well, Id say One rocket launcher...or about 50 smoke bombs. It really depends...
  15. Re: D6+1??? Thank you..I dont have 5ER at the moment....Cant really buy $40 books that often, but I might try to pick it up (still have a $25 gift card to my local gaming store. Was going to use it to put an order payment on FH and Ultimate Martial Artist...for the rules on how to make MA attacks). Anything in normal 5th about it????
  16. Re: D6+1??? Thats all I really needed to know. Then again, if normal and killing attacks can have pips, why CANT others have them?? Meh, either way I got my answers.... Thank you
  17. I am using Fred. Can someone please give me the page number, house rules, or description of how people determine the odd d6 variants. for example when something does 2 1/2d6 or (more importantly) 2d6+1 (+4, etc). Thank you (for more particulars, Im building a drain on 75 AP MAX, but I have +1 in advantages (so divided by 2 total)....thats 37.5 cps. So at 10pts a 1d6, thats 3d6 + 4??? ) Thank you...
  18. Re: Its all 1s and 0s baby!!! Very well....that makes sense. Hmmm, means ill have to bulk up on at least a LITTLE bit of defense =P. I wonder if ALL electricity can hurt me...or how I want to do that. Hmmm...Beware the EMPs though,....eekgad. Im still going to have to chat with the DM about the mind control with machines and if it will affect "normal machines" as well, instead of computers. Even then, unless I build it as I suggested above (ie, TK with machines, only to operate normally) then how can a car really move itself out of park??? Or that might be a special effect...
  19. Re: Need help with character build using multiform Like I said, an adjusted gradual effects disad will save you some points and simulate the "upping forms" idea. Youd have to work with it.... Like I said, unless you were buying multi forms above your characters starting value, I just dont see the powed advantage youd get with multiform... That could always be an option though, IF the gm allows it. If your character was build on 250, and your gm let your "final" form be 400 or more (I know you said you were in a higher point game, but Im just making examples), then that would be worth it. You could easily just do something similar to Bengals idea. Eh, my head hurts (Im working on a tricky form of one of my characters at the moment as well..too much hero...arrg! =P) Good luck...
  20. Re: Its all 1s and 0s baby!!! Hmm and now that I think about it to give the limitation that I "can be attacked by any attack that can see me" is...out of concept. Example: Agent Smith is using a high tech PDA that can track my signal. Once he finds me, he takes his PISTOL (or fist even) and fires at me, damaging me in information form.... Doesnt make sense... Or did you mean the -1 to be only for specific attacks that can see me (ie, data programs, f-disk commands =( , electrical disruption [if the person could see me], etc....) That fits the concept better...but seems a little too munchiny....Not enough ways to hit me for the standard villian...
  21. Re: WWYCD: Instant Empowerment... with a twist Juicy little plot there...I like it...
  22. Re: Its all 1s and 0s baby!!! Wow...That makes things much easier. I was thinking about the dimensions idea too, I just couldnt really put my finger on what/why/how to do it. Thank you so much! The only discrepancy I have is with #3...Its not all just machines, but people as well. The brain is nothing but a giant computer, and its just as susceptible to being reproggrammed (MC), erased, shorted out (ego attack), etc. Other than that, I think that special effect works perfectly.... Oh yeah...Rep. for you. Thanks a bunch, on both threads!
  23. Re: Need help with character build using multiform Multi-form does seem to be more orderly, however I still dont see the advantage in doing it this way. From my point of view, your character wont end up any stronger than a normal character that just buys powers and abilities, BUT he'll have to sit through many rounds of combat and get the snot kicked out of him for a few rounds in order to use the powers....Unless that is you're buying multi-form ABOVE your characters starting points, in which case that might be worth it (and totally GM subjective)
  24. Re: easy Desolid. question. Still on normal 5th here. Poor college student, give me some time =P ...and thanks for the clarification guys Now go to my other thread and post...I need more idead =P Would CHANGE ENVIRONMENT also be one of the powers that can be worked through desolid, since it doesnt "attack" anyone...ermm...techinically that is???
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