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Everything posted by Netzilla

  1. Version 1.0.0


    My home-made GM screen for 6e. This is designed to be used with a landscape oriented customizable GM screen (the kind that has pockets for inserts).
  2. Version 1.0.0


    A player-handout I originally created for 5E and updated for my 6E champions game. It contains commonly-referenced tables and charts along with explanations of how to do basic things like rolling to hit, rolling damage, complementary rolls and so forth.
  3. On the idea of these being two separate attacks (assuming I allowed this power at all in an 8DC game) I'd adjudicate that using the Multiple Attack rules (CC pg 151). So, he'd take a Full Phase and be at 1/2 DCV to make two attacks of 2d6+1 at -2 OCV with each. I most certainly would not allow a 4d6 killing attack into an 8DC game unless the character had some very serious penalties in the areas of OCV or a really hefty Side Effect or some similarly large penalty. If he wants to be 1.5x the damage cap, he has to effectively be 2/3 the norm in some other way.
  4. I refer to it as "GM A.D.D." As for how I deal with it; not well.
  5. Here's the quick-ref sheet I created for my players: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-Y_iIChR6rzQTNhU0hwMl9zbE0 Here's my customized GM screen: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-Y_iIChR6rzMExxenZOWlVKYUE
  6. For a true Kryptonian, I'd either give them a partially-Limited recovery that required direct yellow sunlight to get full recovery or run all his superpowers of an END Reserve whose recovery only worked in direct yellow sunlight. For those powers that don't cost END, I'd simply limit them that they turn off when he's out of END.
  7. If you're trying to trigger a Limitation or Physical Complication, one of the Darkness builds or a Change Environment should be enough. If there isn't an explicit mechanical Lim or PhysComp, then you'd be looking at building a Drain or Suppress with appropriate SFX (possibly linked to Darkness).
  8. Jeff Dee just made a post to the Might Protectors Kickstarter yesterday asking folks to vote. That's likely why the sudden surge. Perhaps someone should encourage Darren to do the same on the GAC kickstarter page.
  9. I saw Blue Oyster Cult in concert (for the 3rd time) a little over a year ago. The only original members left are Buck Dharma and Eric Bloom and the last studio album they released was back in 2001, but they still put on a damn good show. I saw Stevie Nicks last year as a late birthday present to my wife and I thought the show was pretty good. She loved it, but she's much more of a Fleetwood Mac & Stevie Nicks fan than I am.
  10. I discoverd them in the 6th grade, in 1983. Limelight and Freewill resonated with me the most at that time as they reflected my shyness issues, "I can't pretend a stranger is a long-awaited friend", and my feelings on faith/religeon. Like Pariah, Subdivisions was a major touchstone for me as well. They're the only band that getting thier complete catalog mattered for me.
  11. Yeah, I figured this was coming when, last year, they announced they weren't touring anymore due to Alex and Niel's health issues (arthritis and carpel tunnel as I recall). I'm bummed because every time they came through town I was either dead broke or sick as a dog. My wife even bought my tickets for the Time Machine tour for my 40th birthday present and I ended up with an abscess that required surgery. Heck, I even had tickets to see Thunderhead (a Rush tribute band) last year and managed to get sick on the night of their concert.
  12. I know there is some proofreading to avoid posting of offensive materials. Mostly, I suspect it's the backlog of articles, reviews and forum moderation, though.
  13. oBSG vs nBSG, I like both and think they each have their strengths and weaknesses. I know, I know... burn the heretic. Yada-yada. My movie list: Star Wars The Martian Alien & Aliens Akira Gattica Dark City
  14. Teleport is called out as an exception because teleport ignores all barriers and obstacles. It's just the same as teleport being a trump against Entangle and Barrier. Other forms of movement require a way to circumvent or overcome the obstacle, thus the grab must be defeated in some way. In the more detailed HS6Ev2, there is this paragraph under Grabbing a Moving Character: In this case, Champions Complete chose brevity over trying to cover all the contingencies that HS6E does.
  15. Ah, I think I see the confusion. It's the "keep moving" part that needs to be focused on. You're having a problem with movement always coming to a sudden halt upon being grabbed and failing to make the casual STR breakout roll. By way of example, if the Hulk grabs Iron Man mid-flight, Iron Man comes to an immediate halt even though the armor is easily capable of bearing the additional weight. I think the rule is a matter of 1) game balance and 2) genre emulation. On the genre emulation front, I'm sure we can come up with plenty of examples of grabbed characters being stopped in their tracks and not, but it does seem that grabbing usually stops movement in the comics (especially for super-strong grabbers in the silver and bronze age comics that the game was originally designed to emulate). On the game balance front, allowing movement to continue in spite of being grabbed, it invalidates one of the grab manuever's primary functions, to restrain the target, in far too cheap and easy a fashion.
  16. Depends on how heavy the grabber is or if they manage to anchor themselves in some way.
  17. Eh, the third movie was an okay retelling of the first. After that...
  18. They have a submission form on their web site for "formal" reviews. It's pretty straightforward but can take a couple weeks before the review will appear on the site. So, if you want a review to be seen quickly, a new thread is the best bet. If you want to to remain easily found, submitting it as a true review is the best bet. I haven't written one myself simply because I haven't had the free time. Too busy actually running a GAC game in what little free time I have.
  19. 1. The Expanse 2. Firefly 3. Star Wars: Rebels 4. Stargate (all the various series taken as a single whole) 5. Dr. Who
  20. I've always maintained that Lucas is great at ideas but mostly mediocre with execution. IOW, he should have written up the prequal outline for better writers and directors to flesh out (like he did with ESB).
  21. First thing that comes to my mind is a power that does damage with Constant and Area of Effect (Surface) [Champions Complete pgs 101 and 97 respectively]. If the dropping is the truly important part and not the damage from the heat, then I'd probably go with a specialized Telekinesis build only for Disarm, possibly with Works Against CON Not STR (based on "Works Against EGO Not [Characteristic]"; Champions Complete pg 121) to represent holding on in spite of the pain.
  22. I was just addressing the idea that we need some sort of backstory for Snoke. I'm not saying that he's a well realized character.
  23. Especially considering how little background we had on the Emperor or Yoda in the OT. Heck, the Emperor's name isn't even given in the OT.
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