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  1. Like
    Netzilla reacted to Old Man in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I agree that someone probably needs to be fired or fined for what happened, but I'm against summary firings for the sake of public relations, and I'm not cool with at-will employment in general.  As it is the flunky who clicked the link has been reassigned, but as the image you posted earlier shows, this is much more of a UI problem than anything else.
    Even phosphoric acid guy deserves a little due process.  Was the phosphoric acid tank clearly labeled?  Is he really the one who hooked up the hose?  What is a tank of phosphoric acid doing on the dock?  Was every reasonable precaution in place, or is powerful acid routinely entrusted to the lowest paid guys in the org?  Not that I think your company is run poorly, but handling toxic fluids is exactly the kind of thing that private companies are notorious for fumbling and covering up.  I'd love to have been able to vote out the CEO of BP in 2010, for example.
  2. Like
    Netzilla reacted to Christopher in In other news...   
    They say: 100% -93% = 7%.
    700.000 users times 7% = 49.000 possible unwanted Pregnancies.
    Considering I was conceived despite my mother being on the pill, I can personally attest to those error quotas. And those are only in case of proper useage.
    Even the 93% alreaady seems to beat all the others:
    And that quote was apparently certified by TÜV Süd. People responsbile from quite some high danger stuff. If I read it right, this is the category this App falls under:
  3. Like
    Netzilla reacted to Pattern Ghost in In other news...   
    IMO, the UI designer and whoever signed off on the project are more at fault. It's possible neither of those is still around. Not scapegoating the poor bastard who got stuck with a poorly implemented UI seems reasonable to me.
  4. Like
    Netzilla reacted to Old Man in In other news...   
    To be honest, around here the person getting the blame is the guy who fumbled foreign policy so badly that we have to have missile alerts in the first place.
    I usually dismiss conservative publications like the National Review out of hand, but this particular article is especially laughable.  It starts with the bald faced lie that military officers are always held accountable for failures on this scale, and then goes into an irrelevant tangent about Japanese business culture.  (One wonders if that tangent would have been included if the director's last name was Smith.)  It complains about a supposed lack of accountability in public service but conveniently forgets that corporations are even less accountable.  Accountability for this particular fiasco will in fact occur this fall, on Election Day. 
    Meanwhile, what actually happened was that in less than 12 hours, the public officials in charge figured out what happened, took immediate steps to prevent it from happening again, disciplined the poor bastard who chose the wrong option on the pulldown menu, and went on camera to take personal responsibility.  There was exactly zero finger pointing.  That's pretty damn refreshing when the rest of my news feed is full of politicians banding together to elect child rapists while shouting "no collusion!" loudly and often, hoping to convince themselves it's true.
    But by all means, take the opportunity to smear public unions!  Even the article didn't go that far.
  5. Like
    Netzilla reacted to Ragitsu in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I think that a conversation with Azathoth on the nature of the universe would be less damaging to your sanity than any attempt to decipher Trump's speech.
  6. Like
    Netzilla reacted to urbwar in Superhero Images   
    Some new material from Dan Houser, who is the line artist for ICONS. Here is the Tomorrow Squad: Doc Tomorrow, Astral Girl, Beacon & Quartz:

  7. Like
    Netzilla reacted to megaplayboy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    1. Dedication to public service
    2. Ability to listen, understand and respond to constituent concerns
    3. Ability to get up to speed quickly on a variety of subject matter
    4. Ability to achieve consensus, including with people who have greatly divergent goals and perspectives
    5. Proven experience doing all of the above
    More to the point, if you're going to get a brand new job in politics, starting at the very top seems a bit much, don't you think?  
  8. Like
    Netzilla reacted to megaplayboy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I strongly dislike the idea of making non-politician presidents a regular thing.  Why not hire Scott Baio to run your company's IT infrastructure? Hey, he knows nothing about the job, but he's likeable and entertaining.  
  9. Like
    Netzilla reacted to Pattern Ghost in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    If we elect produce, we can make America grape again!
  10. Like
    Netzilla reacted to bigdamnhero in Golden Age Champions Discussion Thread   
    I am running a GAC game at GenghisCon next month, and will make sure to wave the book around prominently!
  11. Like
    Netzilla reacted to Hyper-Man in Choke Hold Maneuver as ranged?   
    Telekinesis with Fine Control plus Martial Art with custom maneuvers.
  12. Like
    Netzilla got a reaction from Darren Watts in Golden Age Champions Discussion Thread   
    They have a submission form on their web site for "formal" reviews.  It's pretty straightforward but can take a couple weeks before the review will appear on the site.  So, if you want a review to be seen quickly, a new thread is the best bet.  If you want to to remain easily found, submitting it as a true review is the best bet.
    I haven't written one myself simply because I haven't had the free time.  Too busy actually running a GAC game in what little free time I have.
  13. Haha
    Netzilla reacted to Christopher in Star Wars 8 complaint box   
    Maybe this comic can sum up the discussion about Star Wars 8 best:

  14. Like
    Netzilla reacted to Starlord in Star Wars 8 complaint box   
    True story.
    My oldest came home one day from high school about 13 years ago and he was visibly upset.  I pestered him until he finally revealed the problem, he said "A bunch of the guys think I'm weird."  (That revelation was also accompanied by some nasty names).  I replied with some advice about not letting others bother you and do your own thing and I finished up with this - Jon, EVERYONE is weird.  There is no normal.  Weird IS normal.  Trust me, EVERYONE, even the most normal acting person there is, probably has a couple Jerry Springer episodes going on in their life at certain times.  Feel free to be weird. 
  15. Like
    Netzilla reacted to slikmar in Star Wars 8 complaint box   
    Actually, we did. When Obi Wan hands him the light saber and says it belonged to his father, someone who the force was very strong in. And he comments that the force is strong in Luke also.
  16. Like
    Netzilla reacted to TheDarkness in Star Wars 8 complaint box   
    In Empire, the plans of the characters, especially at the end, come to naught. Luke interrupts his training to save his friends, yet his actions have no bearing on their rescue, Han takes them all to Bespin to lay low, and is led right into an Imperial trap, threepio discovers the trap early only to be taken out of commission so that he ends up being unable to reveal this until it's too late, Han pays for choosing Cloud City by being frozen in carbonite(and that fate is specifically tied to his not settling his debts earlier in the movie because of acting as the hero). Luke loses his hand.
    In the new movie, the bad planning does not succeed, but is generally tied to character development, much like Empire, and likely as a thematic homage.
    The idea that sci-fi fantasy or fantasy requires all plans to be heroic and successful is at odds with a lot of cornerstones of the genres. Moria was a clusterf$%#$ that further established the stupidly incautious behavior of one hobbit. Sirius Black dies because Harry was impetuous. It is very hard to establish a threat if the heroes never fail of their own accord.
    That said, I strongly believe that the only course open in the new trilogy is one in which the very context of us vs. them is eroded, which would be in keeping with what they've done so far. Kylo Ren is an enemy we understand too well to provide the kind of drama necessary as an inscrutable adversary, so Kylo's redemption or ultimate fall, not the focus on an enemy, as well as the fall of the dynamics at play that drive the constant war, seems the likely theme.
    And, for the record, the constant need to have force powers fall into family lines and tied to genetics should be called midichlorian theory, and I am quite happy that Rey is not somehow yet another skywalker, that she's not a clone of a jedi, etc. You'll note that, at the end of the movie, a slave kid moves a broom with the force after listening to the story of the fall of Luke. Just some slave kid, not a kid made in a vat by Palpatine, or the long lost line of Darth Bane, just a kid who happens to have force abilities, which would seem to be a prerequisite for any organization that once was able to staff a force large enough to police the galaxy with a host of non-skywalkers/palpatines, etc.
    Forgive my curmudgeonness, it's ironic that I dislike making everyone related to a past major character, but could care less about midichlorians, since the latter is the only actual explanation ever provided for the former in force sensitives.
  17. Like
    Netzilla reacted to bigdamnhero in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Last night's Historical/Fantasy Hero game. The Heroes are trying to find a way through a partially-collapsed building. So they turn to the Priest, whose VPP is primarily modeled after recorded Biblical miracles:
    Alchemist: "Wasn't there anyone in the Bible who walked through walls or moved a bunch of rocks or anything?"
    Priest: "Well, I can think of one example. But it'd take three days and we'd have to die first."
    Alchemist: "...OK, but aside from That Guy...?"
  18. Like
    Netzilla reacted to Pattern Ghost in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Some holiday cheer/satire caroling for the thread:
  19. Like
    Netzilla reacted to Old Man in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    After thirty years it is, in fact, time to rule out stupidity and insanity.  Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt.  They're taking advantage of it.
  20. Like
    Netzilla reacted to Christopher in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    "Trickle down economic only never worked in the last 2000 years, when kings owned all the wealth. That does not mean it will not work this time!" - everyone still believing in Trickle Down economics.
  21. Like
    Netzilla reacted to Christopher in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    You know that is one of those things that is only a problem because the USA somehow do not get their head around federal programms. You are propably the only nation on the Planet that does not get that.
  22. Like
    Netzilla reacted to Old Man in Star Wars 8 complaint box   
    "Bombers" in space is a truly ridiculous concept, but it's a ridiculous concept that started back in ESB.
    If there's one thing that this trilogy is consistently bad at, it's battles.  Insanely slow bombers in space?  Why would that ever work?  A dreadnought that is apparently incapable of maneuver, surrounded by escorting destroyers that do nothing for the entire battle?  An Imperial flagship whose weaponry suddenly becomes completely ineffective past a given range?  Said flagship is surrounded by escorting destroyers who once again do nothing, such as hyperjump ahead of the fleeing enemy cruiser and come at it from the other side?  "Cloaking devices" that completely fail to obscure their transports in the visual spectrum at a range of a few kilometers?  No one on Snoke's ship has binoculars?   No one on Snoke's ship is even looking out the window when an obviously non-Imperial ship approaches to land during a battle?  Where the hell did it land anyway?  Vice Admiral Holdo's Picard-maneuver-on-steroids never occurred to anyone before if it was so obviously effective on giant sluggish space targets like, I don't know, Death Stars?  Especially after throwing away two other perfactly good cruisers?  Finn and Rose literally crash at the feet of a dozen AT-ATs but Finn is able to drag Rose half a mile across a featureless expanse of white salt to the giant door that everyone ought to be staring at and no one notices?
    Don't get me wrong, despite my ranting, these are minor quibbles that don't really affect the plot.  The battles are eye candy, so that's what I treat them as.  Still, I do have to admit it's sloppy.  Many of these problems could be written away in about half an hour.
  23. Haha
    Netzilla reacted to Starlord in Star Wars 8 complaint box   
  24. Like
    Netzilla got a reaction from Christopher in Star Wars 8 complaint box   
    I saw ANH in the theater in 1977 and probably have watched it once every year or two since.  In ANH, it was mentioned that Luke's father had been a pilot in the Clone Wars.  So, at best, it was a generation prior to ANH.  That's less far in the past than WWII is to us now. It would be equivalent to the first Gulf War from our 2017 perspective.  Beyond that, there's nothing else detailed about the Clone Wars in the OT. 
    In AotC, at the end of the film, Yoda states that this war has just begun.  The war doesn't end until RotS, which takes place several years later. 
    The prequel trilogy didn't retcon anything from the OT in regards to the Clone Wars simply because the OT had no real detail about them to retcon.
  25. Like
    Netzilla reacted to megaplayboy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Except the FBI agent in question was transferred the instant they discovered the texts, and this happened fairly early on into Mueller taking over the investigation.  While the general suggestion of bias sounds compelling at first, the details tend to suggest such concerns are overblown.  
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