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Everything posted by CDad

  1. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) Spot on, Myrlyn - Radioactive Bear-Beast is from AC #1 or #2. I'm building a modified version of the base for the NEXUS con, figured since I had 2x Sabretooth figs I'd mod one. The paper clips was a great idea, helped mold the green stuff and kept in in form. It dried enough that I felt okay painting. Check out the Perspective image, I have Radioactive BeatBeast next to my otherSabretooth (glad I bought the duplicate) and the Tick. Sorry about the quality of the pics - I make NO claim to be a photographer!
  2. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) Phase 1 of Radioactive Bear-Beast mod is complete. Painting begins tomorrow. I should have pictures later this week of the first section of the base.
  3. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) What is happening to Sabretooth??? Part one of the Sabretooth -> Radioactive Bear-Beast Mod.
  4. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) Thanks Proditor! I kept the Venom head, just clipped the tongue and dremel'd the jaw a bit. Also dremel'd the spider design off the back, filled it a spot or two and built up the chest. Got rid of the pesky "Marvel" on the wall and put a respectable "Spoon!" in place. Built the face and antennae ("What intennae?"... quiet, Tick) with green stuff.
  5. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) Ok, I'll post 'em. This is a big job, making it in 12 sections. What I wouldn't do for a belt sander. The paint may be wet, but I did my first mod. Not a tough one, just a new head - gotta love that green stuff! I'm happy, but I need to detail the face a bit more.
  6. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) Spoon-er-ific! Guess it's time to perfom some heroclix surgery on my late-Venom, err.. Tick... The Juggernaut mod was very well done, but this one has the Tick on a roof-top... right where he belongs! If you're gonna make your own plaster scenery, get the dental plaster - this stuff rocks! Buy it bulk (50 lbs) for about $0.75 per pound. Now if only the 1-to-1 silicone for the molds was that inexpensive. Also, get the cheap acrylic paint from Hobby Lobby - it works just fine for this. I'm planning (making drawings, etc) on making a mock-up of the entire "Genocide" base from Adventure's Club #1 (or was it #2) mini-adventure "What Rough Beast" to run at Nexus in Lincoln NE in April. Anyone interested in me posting pictures as I progress?
  7. Re: The Ultimate Trap Contest First, you have a chasm at one end of a long passageway (16" or so) with a nice shiny statuette sitting on a shelf at the other end. The group jumps the chasm, travels down the corridor, and sees the eye candy. If they pick it up, the entire corridor fills with flying spikes - just like in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Cost Power END 14 Indy Jones' Flying Spikes of Pain: RKA 1d6, Trigger (LIfting shiny gold statue off of shelf; +1/4), Area Of Effect Nonselective (16" Line; +3/4), Autofire (5 shots; +1 1/2) (52 Active Points); 5 Charges which Never Recover (-2 3/4) [5 nr] 14 Total Powers Cost Not sure if you HAVE to include either Persistent (+1/2) or Damage Shield (+1/2)
  8. Re: Magnetic Powers This is a high-end example... It's a start. Comments/suggestions/snickers welcome. Cost Power END 35 Endurance Reserve (150 END, 20 REC) 0 79 Cold Weather Enhancement: Aid Magnetism Powers 2d6, Can Add Maximum Of 51 Points, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1), All Powers Simultaneously (+2); Self Only (-1/2), Only in Cold or Cool Conditions (-1/2) 0 52 Magnetism: Elemental Control, 104-point powers 53 1) Intense Magnetic Field: Change Environment 256" radius, -3 to Hearing Group PER Rolls, -4 to Radio Group PER Rolls, -3 to High Range Radio Perception PER Rolls, +5 Points of Telekinetic STR, Long-Lasting 20 Minutes, Multiple Combat Effects 10 54 2) Magnetic Force Riding: Flight 20", Improved Noncombat Movement (x512), Position Shift, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) 4 53 3) Magnetic Shield: Force Field (30 PD/30 ED/10 Mental Defense), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) 0 52 4) Magnetic Field Awareness: Spatial Awareness (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc of Perception, Range, Telescopic (+34 versus Range Modifier), Inherent (+1/4) 0 53 5) Magnetic Dampening Field: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% plus Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% plus Mental Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0 164 Magnetic Force Manipulation: Variable Power Pool, 105 base + 59 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1); Limited Powers Available Limited (Only to Create Magnetic-Based Effects; -1/2), Gestures (-1/4) Notes: Limited abilities are: Electro-Magnetic Pulse: Drain Electricity Powers; Advantages include Personal Immunity (+1/4), Area Of Effect (One Hex or Radius; +1/2 or +1), Ranged (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END or 0 END; +1/4 or +1/2) Electro-Magnetic Dampener: Dispel Electrical Devices, or Dispel Electicity Powers; Advantages include Personal Immunity (+1/4), One or Two or Four or All At A Time (+1/4 or +1/2 or +1 or +2), Area Of Effect (One Hex or Radius; +1/2 or +1), Ranged (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END or 0 END; +1/4 or +1/2) Magnetic Blast: Energy Blast (vs. ED); Advantages include Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (1/2 or 0 END; +1/4 or +1/2) Magnetic Repulsion: Missile Deflection (Bullets & Shrapnel); Adders include bonus with any Missile Deflection [2 AP per +1], Reflect attack back at attacker [20], Reflect attack at any Target [10]; Advantages include Reflect At Any Target, Full Range (+1) Wrap-Up: Entangle; Adders include Additional DEF [5 AP for +1]; Advantages include Entangle And Character Both Take Damage (+1/4), Takes No Damage From Attacks (+1/2), Backlash (+1/2), Sticky (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END or 0 END; +1/4 or +1/2), Area Of Effect (One Hex or Radius; +1/2 or +1); Limitations include Requires Sufficient Supply Of Ferrous Metals Within 10" Of Target (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4) Magnetic Disruption: Ranged Killing Attack (vs. ED); Advantages include Armor Piercing x1 (+1/2), Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Penetrating (+1/2) Magneto-Kinesis: Telekinesis; Adders include Fine Manipulation[10], Affects Pourous[10]; Advantages include Reduced Endurance (1/2 or 0 END; +1/4 or +1/2), Area Of Effect (Radius; +1) Magnetic Force Bubble: Force Wall and Life Support; Adders include Increased Size [2 AP for +1"] for Force Wall, Safe in High Pressure [1], Safe in High Radiation [2], Safe in Intense Cold [2], Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum [2], Self-Contained Breathing [10] for Life Support; Advantages include Reduced Endurance (1/2 END or 0 END; +1/4 or +1/2), Area Effect (1 Hex or Radius; +1/2 or +1); Limitations include Restricted Shape (Bubble -1/4) 595 Total Powers Cost
  9. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) Proditor, Here's what I came up with for bulletholes and an impression of minor KB.. Grond w/ KB impression... Marksman with autofire bulletholes... Dr. D for fun, and Sentinal from Silver Age Sentinals
  10. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) SPOON! They even have the Civic-Minded 5... Keen!
  11. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) You are a bigger an than I am... don't think I could part with my old minis... had someone walk off with an old Spiderman, Batman, and Superman - that was long before Heroclix. I'd like to see both Mod and Paint categories... AND a diorama category as well (hmmm... bet you can't guess why?) Got a mod question... what Heroclix character would you use to mod into the Tick? Also, what sites would you recommend for mod tutorials? I've seen a lot of them out there, but what are the best in your opinion?
  12. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) Yes I did! It's both easier and harder than expected. I'm using dental plaster, which is very easy to mix, lightweight, impact resistant, yet you can still modify the pieces! I'm making a new mold with sections that have gunfire spray, an EB scorch, punch & cracking, and the impression of KB. Once complete, they are about the size of Master Maze stuff. I even have the felt ready for them.
  13. Re: So what did the modding bunny bill actually win???? (Also, new contest news) Here's my Foxbat... along with new walls for Champions that I made today... the paint is still wet. I learned (am learning) how to do this from the Bruce Hirst modeling website... next best thing to having a group to get together with! What do you think?
  14. Re: Champions miniatures Here's my collection... I made my own storage trays, all of them fit in 2 12"x12"x16" boxes. I'm going to learn how to make my own "Master-Maze" Superheroic walls etc once I finish painting the last 50.
  15. Re: What was you most powerful Attack vs. Supervillian??? My personal best was against Giganto, Prof. Muerte's pet rock... The character I was running (National Anthem!) had a 6d NND Sonic grenade. The GM had given each of us a 1-use "power augmentor" (+30 AP), so now I had trusty 9d NND Sonic grenade. I rolled 6 6s, and a couple of 5s, and a 3 (hard to forget a roll like that). 49 STUN! Woohoo! Then the GM realizes that HIS Giganto (maybe the actual one had it as well) had a 2x Vulnerability to Sonics. 98 STUN. The beady eyes, they cross. The mouth, it gapes. The Giganto, it falls down. Prof. Muerte ran away (the little sissy).
  16. Re: as the day approaches... Ran this many years ago - one of the best! The two memories that come to mind are the players (group of 8) stalking through dense jungle, fighting groups of Destroyer Agents. I think there were 200+ Agents on the Island travelling in combat groups of 20, some with a SuperFlunky (Villian for Hire). The other was the heroes fighting their way through the underground base (10 Megahexes, IIRC) for the final confrontation. Laser cages, Agent Ambushes, then the big duel with Dr. D. Paladin (think Iron Man) sacrificed life and limb and smashed critical equipment (Move Through), the rest fought Dr. D - Only 2 Heroes still standing at the end. Good luck, have fun! P.S. The better the Island defenses, the longer it can take to get inside the base. It can be a whole 4-6 hour session on it's own.
  17. Re: Need a little info ... Hmmm... well, I was thinking of suggesting "Ape" from the George of the Jungle movie... at least that's how I pictured him treating any of the bad guys....
  18. Just testing things out... The TICK(Click to toggle display) Character created with Hero Designer, version 2.39 Player: Why... me, of course!Val Char Cost 65 STR 55 20 DEX 30 33 CON 46 18 BODY 16 8 INT -2 14 EGO 8 20 PRE 10 12 COM 1 25 PD 12 20 ED 13 5 SPD 20 20 REC 0 66 END 0 68 STUN 0 7" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 19" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 209Cost Power END 60 Well Nigh Invulnerable: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% plus Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% 0 20 Well Nigh Invulnerable: Damage Resistance (20 PD/20 ED) 0 5 No Kinks in This Armor!: Lack Of Weakness (-5) for Normal Defense 0 9 I'm The Tick! : Life Support (Extended Breathing 1 END per Minute; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) 0 2 'Scuse me, coming through: Running +1" (7" total) 1 6 Mighty Legs of Justice: Leaping +6" (19" forward, 9 1/2" upward) 1 Powers Cost: 102 Cost Skill 3 It's A Grand World, Son: Oratory 13- 3 Upsy-Daisy: Climbing 13- 3 How's Your Day Going, Chum?: Conversation 13- 3 Will you PLEEEEZE shut up!: Interrogation 13- [Notes: Villians tend to "spill the beans" just to get the TICK to stop annoying them!] 3 Now THAT'S a Boo-Boo: Paramedics 11- 3 STR Stunts 13- 20 Fighting Crime is What I Do:+4 with HTH Combat Skills Cost: 38 Cost Talent 3 North is That-a-way!: Bump Of Direction Talents Cost: 3 Val Disadvantages 10 Sidekick - Err.. Dependent NPC: Arthur, The Human Moth 14- (Less Powerful than the TICK; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills) 15 Big Blue Guy with Antenae: (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Virtually Everyone) 10 Hunted: Brainchild 8- (As Pow, Harshly Punish) 5 Hunted: Chainsaw Vigilante 8- (Less Pow, Harshly Punish) 15 Phys Lim: Amnesia/Ignorant of Earth Culture (All the Time, Slightly Impairing) 5 Phys Lim: BIg Blue Guy: 6'5", 330 lbs (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 10 Psych Lim: Annoyingly Cheerful (Uncommon, Strong) 15 Psych Lim: Code of Honor (Common, Strong) 15 Psych Lim: Code Against Killing (Common, Strong) 15 Psych Lim: Protective of Innocents (Uncommon, Total) 15 Reputation: Protector of the City, 14- 5 Barry (The Jerk): Professional Rivalry (Barry - The "other" TICK; Barry is As Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Barry; Barry is Aware of Rivalry) 15 I'm the TICK... Costume? What costume? : Public Identity (Frequently, Major) Disadvantage Points: 150Base Points: 200Experience Required: 2Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 352 Height: 1.96 m Hair: Umm... Blue??? Weight: 150.00 kg Eyes: White Appearance: The TICK can always be found (even when grocery shopping) wearing a Blue Bodysuit with Antenae on the forehead. Ask the TICK what his Antenae do, and he'll most likely say, "What antenae?". Personality: The TICK is on a one-tick crusade to rid the city of evil-doers. No evil is too big, no diabolical plan is to dye-ah-bol-ic... ? Any help appreciated, of course. Quote:Spoon!!You guys sure have keen outfits! I hate broccoli... and yet, in a certain sense, I AM broccoli... Background: The TICK only remembers being the TICK. How long has he been the TICK? Why, for as long as he can remember. How long is that? How long is what, Chum?The TICK suffers from amnesia and a complete lack of understanding for modern culture and technology. He is also extremely naive and trusting. Powers/Tactics: The TICK is nigh-invulnerable! The TICK likes to pick up nearby objects and use them as projectiles. He's more than willing to jump in front of someone who the TICK considers fragile - such as Arthur the Human Moth, a female superhero, and nearby normals. Note to self... do not attemtp to attach images by editing... it blows up the html...
  19. Re: Anyone ever written up Red Sonja? From Yahoo movies... RED SONJA is a semisequel to CONAN THE BARBARIAN and CONAN THE DESTROYER. Like those two movies, the film is directed by Richard Fleischer and based on characters created by sword-and-sorcery writer Robert E. Howard. After suffering at the hands of Queen Gedren (Sandahl Bergman), warrior Red Sonja (Brigitte Nielsen) seeks vengeance. When the queen seizes a talisman that yields immense power, Sonja sets out to thwart her. On her journey, Sonja is aided by the mysterious Kalidor (Arnold Schwarzenegger), and meets the 12-year-old Prince Tarn (Eddie Reyes, Jr.) and his bodyguard, Falkon (Paul Smith). After many trials, the quartet... I had to look... I had to look... you know, I actually had this one blocked from my memory - that bastich Prince character sucked the rationality right out of my head! This was no Ator, mind you... but it was a rotten stinker. The Evil Queen (Sandahl Bergman) in this one was Conan's Valeria in the original Conan movie. Crap. Back to therapy I go...
  20. Re: Need help with a spell (or two) 1) How about something like 4d6 Suppress Running AND 2d6 Suppress Jumping? Granted, they could be picked up and carried... 2) Do you need to add something like a Movable (+1/2) advantage to the CE?
  21. Re: Fastballl special with shrinking. UB has a couple of good points about Fastball Specials. Here's a summary: Thrower makes the attack roll to get "missile" in position Thrower has a -OCV for throwing an unbalanced, non-aerodynamic "missile" Next, "Missile" makes his own attack roll Any power activation occurs 1/2 way to the target, not at the "moment of impact" (this counts if the target is 5" or 50" away). GM's option to let "missile" use a Combat Maneuver (still get Velocity Damage) One GM option allows flight Velocity can be added if it exceeds the throwing Velocity Another GM option to add flight Velocity to Fastball Velocity Growth Momentum may require a Power Skill roll Turning off Shrinking reduces maximum distance thrown from 80" to 40" and Velocity from 80 to 40 Activating Shrinking in mid-throw adds 1/2 the distance the "missile" traveled in inches and Velocity If you travel less than 40", turning off the shrinking is no problem - having the thrower HIT the target is a problem (that's a -12 OCV at 32"!).
  22. Re: A little help with a power construct? Shaman of Alpha Flight I guess I thought Shaman's bag was 1) taken away with enough regularity to deserve the FOCUS bonus, and 2) several of the bad guys were able to draw magic from it. Guess I need to cut down on the crack smokin'! This is the type of thread I like... design a known character's powers. I like to see what others come up with, 'cause the new ideas are great.
  23. Re: A little help with a power construct? Shaman of Alpha Flight
  24. Re: A little help with a power construct? Shaman of Alpha Flight IIRC, any advantages or limitations usually only apply to the control cost. I'd do something like: 80 Shaman Bag: Variable Power Pool, 70 base + 10 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Half-Phase Action (+1/2); Independent (-2), OAF (Shaman's Bag; -1), Requires Magic/Occult Knowledge (-1/4), Requires A Skill Roll (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4) It's independent, correct? Shaman's daughter used it for a while? I don't remember anyone actually taking it away and using it on Shaman, but he has been without it, so I thought OAF and Requires Magic KS and RSR were apropos. Maybe a side effect for looking inside, like a 3-4d6 INT Drain, with a Delayed Return Rate? HDv2 is my friend!
  25. Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman I joined a campaign years ago, made a fun "Captain America" type character... we spent 3 hours of the first session focused on dating and our character's sex life. There were 7 people, 2 couples (the GM was in one of the couples). One of them was taking notes. It was a bit creepy, since it appeared that this was a way for these people to talk about their real sex lives - and it was more description than I ever wanted, expecially from people that I barely knew. I read the BBB. I never went back. Perhaps I'm scarred from the experience, but I have NO desire to delve into that while gaming. On the other hand, Larry Niven wrote an excellent short story on this very subject... Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex...
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