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Everything posted by CDad

  1. Re: Hot Enough For Ya? I had a villian that was made up of "Nuclear Fire" - he had Immunity to Heat/Fire: Desolid; Only vs Heat/Fire, Persistant.
  2. Re: Robot mentallist Doesn't have to be an EGO attack. I looked at the attack - synaptic disruptor. How 'bout a compound attack: 1) Xd6 AVLD, with the Defense being Mental Defense plus 3) Xd6 INT Drain
  3. Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions Woohoo! I think I'd better start saving for a couple of DVDs...
  4. CDad

    The use of desolid

    Re: The use of desolid First off... oops, bad editing on my part. No END cost for the Evasion II. Next, I've never played in a Fantasy Hero campaign with over 50 Base/50 Disads, so the Evasion II seems pretty outa-there to me. A 20 DEX and 4 levels with a Weapon-based Martial Arts (11 OCV, 9 DCV) maneuver is pretty much the best I've had before. Having 8 levels in DCV always there would have a serious impact in the type of campaign I'm used to. I guess I was trying to draw two examples, both with the same +8 DCV, where one was defined in a way that was not abusive, and the other kept the "abuse door" wide open.
  5. CDad

    The use of desolid

    Re: The use of desolid Would anyone complain (as the GM, or Player #2) if Player #1 bought... 14 Evasion I: +8 with DCV (40 Active Points); Costs END (-1/2), Must be aware of attack (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Visible (Funky Defensive Movement; -1/4) 4 END This is pretty similar to the Evasion using Desolid (Costs END, Funky Effect). I limited it to no attacks (Full Phase) along with no effect from surprise attacks. Evasion I would make a decent spell IMO. It's an awful big Super-Skill for your typical fantasy setting. How about this one... 40 Evasion II: +8 with DCV (40 Active Points) 4 END Evasion II, however, is just munchkinism - "I always keep my Evasion active, 'cause you never know what might happen".
  6. Re: FH Campaign Excellent Campaign! This is better than the typical Forgettable Realms book. Kudos! P.S. Put the brain back in you-know-who's head.
  7. Re: Building the Animated Justice League JmOz, Any chance you could post the Batman .hdc?
  8. Re: A Very Champion Christmas On the tenth day of Christmas, Dr. Destroyer gave to me.... Ten Shiny Spo-ons... No, it's not about YOU, it's about Dr. Destroyer! Relax, chum, they'll love it! Look, Tick, Sing it right or not at all! Sheesh, Arthur. You sure know how to put the bug in hum-bug! Hmmm-mm-mmmm... On the tenth day of Christmas, Dr. Destroyer gave to me.... Ten Gi-ant Robots Nine villainous plots, 8 global death threats, Seven Bombs a blowing Six Seeker Sightings Five RKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAs Four robbing Bluejay's Three power DEF drains Two turtle armored minions And a 20d6 0 END EB
  9. Re: Modelling d20 Negative Levels in HERO Shadow breath - nice ability! I'm curious - not saying this is a bad idea - why attempt a "level-based" ability in a "point-based" system. I like the idea, just would not have thought of trying to do it!
  10. Re: Ultimate Mystic vs Ultimate SuperMage I do believe Ultimate SuperMage is a 4th Ed. book (I have a .pdf version), and Ultimate Mystic is teh 5th Ed. version.
  11. CDad

    Theme music

    Re: Theme music Soundtracks to pretty much any Superhero Movie works well - most everyone recognizes them. Very few people cannot recall the Superman Batman, SpiderMan, X-Men themes. Doesn't matter if you liked a particular movie - it works. For Fantasy Hero, I like using the Bakshi LOTR, CONAN, and Excalibur Soundtracks. Star Hero - Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien... You get the idea. The fewer lyrics, the better.
  12. Re: A Twist on the 'Patriot' Archetype: The Embodiment of Weapons Lord Trebuchet has a nice ring to it... but I'd hate to carry the beast around, and it'd be tough to get anyone to agree to a fight 400 yards apart.
  13. Re: Cheesy diceroll advantages I had a player once that must have bought that power - he kept trying to "sneakily change his 1s and 2s to 6s when nobody was lookin". Shoulda made him buy an advantage instead of constantly have him re-roll! I wonder how much extra time it will add to combat?
  14. Re: Jeff Wayne's War of the World's meets Champions But of course! Hmm... now what sort of music would you play during sessions?
  15. Re: Healing BODY Limit Here's what I'd do... The STANDARD EFFECT for Healing is 5 AP for 3 CHAR Pts of Healing, so I'd allow an Adder that does +3 BODY for 10 AP (since 2 pts of Healing = 1 BODY healed). Examples..... 4 Cure Minor Wounds: Healing, 1 BODY 1 20 Cure LIght Wounds: Healing BODY 1d6, +3 BODY 2 30 Cure Moderate Wounds: Healing BODY 1d6, +6 BODY 3 40 Cure Serious Wounds: Healing BODY 1d6, +9 BODY 4 70 Heal: Healing BODY 1d6, +18 BODY 7
  16. Re: Looking for help with a Super Golem First off, I'd build it as an full-force automaton, with decent defenses (say around 8-9 PD). Then add additional defenses (another 8-12) that make it almost impossible to dent, but with a "not against ziggalium (-1/4)" or some such. Sounds like it'd have Gartantuan or Colossal size, one heck of a RKA, and a decent computer/AI. Then, the plans show this fatal weakness - ziggalium, only there is none just lying around. The heroes have to A) hunt down a cache of ziggalium, form it into weapons (bullets for a super-gun, swords/spears, grenades), then C) attack the Super-Golem and blow it up. The PCs are the heroes! [Queue Wookie]
  17. Re: Favorite Pulp Character Does Remo Williams (from The Destroyer series) count as a pulp fiction character? If so, that's my vote.
  18. If I HAD a campaign, I would run a "Standard" level one, with God-awful, incomprehensible effectiveness ceilings. Anyone have any suggestions? GIbberish was here... apparently I have TOO much time on my hands...
  19. Re: Building the Necronomicon Hmmm... How about building the book as an AI? Maybe have the spells be Summons, usable by others, only if they can dominate the book's EGO? Maybe Mental Illusion or PRE attack damage shields when touched? How 'bout a cumulative transform into a total loon? The entire house could have a continuous PRE suppress on it... easier to be scared just by being there... This could be fun... 10 DEX 10 28 INT 18 20 EGO 20 2 SPD 0 16 Fear-Inducing Touch: Drain PRE 1d6, Damage Shield (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Continuous (+1), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 6 Hours; +1 1/4); Extra Time (1 Minute, -1 1/2), Always On (-1/2) 0 25 Mind-Numbing Inscriptions: Suppress EGO 2d6 (standard effect: 6 points), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Damage Shield (Offensive; +3/4), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Hour; +1); Always On (-1/2) 0 16 Spells Within: Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots Usable By Other (+1/4); all slots No Conscious Control (-2), Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; Complex; -1), Concentration (1/2 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby events; -1/2), Side Effects (-1/4) 1u 1) Summon Hordlings: Summon 300-point creatures; Extra Time (1 Minute, Only to Activate, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1), Antagonistic Annoyed (-1/4) 6 1u 2) Elder Forms: Shape Shift (Sight, Touch, Smell/Taste, Hearing, Mental and Radio Groups, limited group of shapes), Cellular, Imitation, Instant Change
  20. Re: The Last Word Okay, it's a sesquipedalian word, but still long-ish, and a real 6!tch to pronounce.
  21. Re: The Last Word Ahem... me me me meeeeeee... Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanosconiosis
  22. Re: The Last Word Antidisestablishmentarianism.
  23. Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots
  24. Re: Help/Suggestions with 2 new Hero Groups Reserve members. Duh. Excellent idea. I've started building the characters in HDv2, and have a sketchy "Guardian History". I'll include a few more members, maybe one who died in the line of duty. This campaign assumes superpowers appeared within the last 5-10 years with a possible exponential increase each year, so the super-dudes have lots of elbow room. That idea may change. Thanks for the suggestions!
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