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Everything posted by BoneDaddy

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings *waits for socialist viking...*
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings I'm with John T on this one - Von D-Man, could you recommend some titles to check out?
  3. Re: Villian for critique 7 9 10
  4. Re: Villian for critique FWIW (nuthin') I agree entirely. As for the heroes seeing where the shot came from, consider the following: A real life specialty sniper rifle (Browning makes a nice .50 caliber one I believe, with a free floating barrel) is quite accurate (standard deviation of less than an inch) at a range of about 2 miles. The sound from the shot, which would be fairly soft compared to the screaming all around, should come about 9 seconds after the super sonic round. The muzzle flash would be visible instantly, but again - 2 miles away. At that range a muzzle flash a meter wide would be a little smaller than a nickel held at arms length, and it would come about a second before anything important happened nearby. If one of your PCs is a PER monster, great - no problem. Otherwise, the Greek has to do something stupid to give away his position. That's OK - all literature is based on smart people making stupid decisions. BTW - I think this character idea/ story arc kicks ass. Neat frustration for the heroes.
  5. Re: Villian for critique I think so. The main disadvantage he has as a sniper is that he has a brightly colored easily recognized costume that he always wears - which could give your PCs the edge they need to catch him. A terrain suit could make him an overwhelming frustration to your team. I think it is cost effective for what you want - a specialist. The redundancy just means he can shoot someone accurately from even further away - not a bad thing for a sniper. I have a friend who was a marine recon sniper. He had some bad stories to tell. Evidently, the best way to pin down an enemy camp is to shoot the radio guy in the belly and take out the radio, too. He lies bleeding and screaming in the open, and you wound/kill anyone who tries to get to him. He could lie there dying for a couple days at the outside, so the pickins are good for a patient killer. I'm glad I didn't go to sniper school. That sounds like an awful thing to know intimately.
  6. Re: Anthropomorphic/Furry HERO Resources There was a comic book back in '89 or so, about an anthro'd wolf and an anthro'd bear in some post apoc. setting. I thought it looked awfully cool, and I can't remember the name of it. Twilight something or other? Dawn something or other? Sorry I can't be more specific, but I'm hoping to jog someone else's memory.
  7. Re: Out Of Ideas One thing most iconic heroes are not is old. Someone with NHCM and old age would have some interesting complications. You can always reimagine life. I've tried a "stranded alien law enforcement official" archtype and left behind just about everything human except the approximate size. Reimagine metabolism, reproduction, sensory perception, social interaction, add a staunch but alien code of conduct and see what pops out the other side. Makes for interesting roleplay but takes extra background work and a sympathetic GM Ho-Tai - a magically animated bronze statue that patrols and protects Chinatown. He believes he is Ho-Tai, and feels it is his duty to create the earthly paradise that he intends. God like powers? Not so much. God-like sensibilities? Kind of. As for original powers, that's just a question of special effects. Make it a hot soup multipower if you like - the dice are the same.
  8. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... "Heller's Leap: Death of a She Planet." 1979. The high tech gadgetry includes a "very expensive" watch that can keep time in two locations at once. That whole digital thing must have seemed pretty far out, I guess.
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings For the most part I would recommend avoiding Loudon Wainwright III for the moment. On the other hand, it might be just the thing.
  10. Re: Travis Mcgee The Deep Blue Goodbye. It touched a very very angry part of me. Excellent book.
  11. Re: Travis Mcgee I saw him get drugged, beaten, concussed, and half-drowned and keep going. He seems to have a little resistance to just about any attack.
  12. Re: Travis Mcgee I've only read one (starting on another soon) and I think he would have a whole suite of PRE skills, Deduction, and Dirty Infighting. He has more CON than STR. He has resistance, and maybe just general power defense.
  13. Re: Travis Mcgee Yeah. Great, hard boiled, bone crunching stuff. Love it. Why? Edit: Sorry. Thought you said "read." Never wrote him up. He'd be a good one, though.
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings Yep. Best name I've had. It took some getting used to, and thickened my skin a bit. It's not as bad as "Sue" but it had it's drawbacks in my early life. Now I'm quite happy with it, and would even consider inflicting a "Jr." suffix on some offspring. I've never met a Robin I haven't liked.
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Petty? Maybe. Wrong? Possibly. Removed? Yep.
  16. Re: Zombie Hero: Group 2 The Oakdale Galleria And?!
  17. Re: PBEM Ad: After the Burn (redux) well shoot. So it goes. Next time, I'll be there.
  18. Re: Musings on Random Musings I got dibs on being James Coburn.
  19. Re: Musings on Random Musings If you are engaged in bastardry, I hope it's magnificent.
  20. Re: Musings on Random Musings Alright, Becster, you smirking bastard - out with it. What is the source of all this smirking?
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