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Everything posted by Enforcer84

  1. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread S-T-A-T-I-N-S! Yay!
  2. Re: "Neat" Pictures I saw an article on those guys. They're like an afterschool program, IIRC
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "ooh, I'd like-" "One chocolate chip cookie coming up!" "But, I don't -" "Yes you do." "No-" "Eat the Goddamn chocolate chip cookie!"
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "What do you mean we're out of bean dip?!?!??"
  5. Re: Evil Schemes for the Average Megalomaniac Is the Angler a murderous cyborg? You could have him go after the comedians who mock him. THough that would be playing his hand.
  6. Re: Evil Schemes for the Average Megalomaniac Well there's always: - replacing world leaders with androids/robots. - Stealing genetic material to make a "Perfect (Bride, Heir, Servant, etc.)" - hijacking nuclear weapons and holding the world hostage (also available in chemical, alchemical, and Exotic Energy weapon) - Summoning the Legions of Hell to do your bidding - Summoning the Legions of Death to do your bidding - Summoning the Legions of Innocent MindControlled Citizens to do your bidding - Summoning lots and lots of cute rodents to do your bidding - Leveraging a hostile takeover of several necessary companies - Crippling a national space program and steal the technology - Trick two countries to war, sell to both sides and/or take over after they've exhausted their resources on each other. - The above might work with criminal organizations as well. - Rig an Election
  7. Re: Classic Comic Book Characters Sweet Christmas that's a lot of write ups. Put me down for the "Lovely, Talented, and Helpful" too. But unlike Egyptoid I could rep you! So you get that too!
  8. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? No, we would have ridiculed you if it had been by Jethro Clampit.
  9. Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero The Cod-Piece of Justice must be Visible!
  10. Re: Anyone have DOA character sheets? No I don't think I have Tina statted. As far as she goes, she's probably on the slower/tougher end for the ladies and has a traditional western prowrestling style. give me a moment. Okay she's a fast grappler. And uses High Flying wrestling stylings. Lots of throws. as far as her background she's the daughter of Bass and comes from wrestling family is all I know.
  11. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...
  12. Re: Mount Rushmore golem It does. Bob was more making fun of politicians than the idea.
  13. Re: TenTonHammer Interview With COMMO Lead Designer Randy Mosiondz So this will be out tomorrow right? I can has tomorrow? Pleez?
  14. Re: Son/Daughter of the Destroyer It was well done, I had a few good GM's in High School.
  15. Re: Son/Daughter of the Destroyer Actually, one of my friends had a character, Titan who claimed to be the scion of Dr. Destroyer. Titan's first armor looked like the spikey one by Pat Zircher from the boxed set Island of Dr. Destroyer adventure. Destroyer denied it, though Titan's armor was powerful and Titan seemed to Destroyer's technological understudy if not equal. But Dr. Destroyer would have none of it. He had no son. This is where it got complicated. Titan was Dr. Destroyer's daughter. One of his mistresses gave birth to a girl, Destroyer essentially abandoned the child after determining that she was genetically unsuitable. (and the wrong gender). So she grew up unaware of her parentage. However, her mother escaped during the Island fiasco and once she saw that Destroyer was eliminating anyone associated with the failure she made the wise decision to fake her own death. She found their daughter and told her of her lineage and the budding genius became determined to stop him. Titan fought her biological father on several occasions and he never once suspected her identity, as he was blinded by his arrogance and sexism. In our game Destroyer died of old age, deciding to take out as many of us with him as he could when he went. Titan was at the forefront of the defense and despite taking a savage beating (as Destroyer called out the pretender and used him as an example), was there for the end. The last thing Dr Destroyer saw as he passed on was the face of his daughter. He laughed. Titan then remade her armor into a more personal, feminine image and remained a stalwart hero until her retirement. (Presumably, the campaign came to a close shortly after the death of Zerstoiten)
  16. Re: Watchers of the Dragon vs. Ninja Hero Let me see if I can remember 2d6 luck 5 pts of wealth contacts with the watchers.. okay I'll go grab the book... I was right sort of, Favor from Watchers long life 2pts of LS vs aging and the Preeminent country thing
  17. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? When the Crowds are Gone - Savatage
  18. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Africa - Toto
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I swear Kid Rock was bicycling down 9th street today.
  20. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Impressions - Loophole
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