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Haven Walkur

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Everything posted by Haven Walkur

  1. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central
  2. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central Genevieve "Jenny" Worthington: "Spitfire", daughter of Warren Worthington and Jeanne-Marie Beaubier. She's not French, but she is Canadian. Yes, Bunneh, Mrs Bunneh, Serpentissimus, Hermit and MilkmanDan -- I'm back.
  3. Re: "Crumbling Carrots, we've been animal-morphitized!" Ooh, good one, Hermit! That's quite brilliant. Rep when I can. Let's see, same game as the Sow-sational Arachne, we have: Cinna-baa, the Ovine Avenger Antimuttony, her evil twin brother (since they're going to be sheep). And for Mum and Dad...hmm, in Dr.A's funny animals version of the Legion of Superheroes, Braini-quack 5 said that offspring of dissimilar animals inherit the species of one parent or the other, no mixing. So... Vision, the Six Million-Dollar Ram The Scarlet Bitch, a shapely lady canine
  4. Re: [Character] Sister Bliss To rep, just put your mouse pointer over the picture of the scales on the upper right of the post window. It's up there next to the post number. Click...fill in the comment box...and click the "Add to Reputation" option.
  5. Re: [Character] Sister Bliss Yes, it does. One of Storn's better pics, both convincing and engaging. A wonderful illustration of a challenging character concept.
  6. Re: Hero name "Lex Talonis" (Literally "Law of the Talon", the ancient law-code of "An eye for an eye." Maybe more of a vigilante name, though.) "Brightfang", "Swiftclaw", "Firststrike" "Féroce" (French: ferocious. Pronounced: FAY-rohss ) "Virisaurus" (Latin: hero-lizard) "Sicasaurus" (Latin: dagger-lizard) Unfortunately "razor" doesn't translate well in Latin. "Venator" (Latin: hunter)
  7. Re: Gestalt Sampler Thanks mattingly for also stepping into the gap! Repped. The book overview didn't have much substance, but the author's interview was detailed and interesting. I like the idea behind "Gestalt" -- that's fascinating! -- but the worldbook was definitely not for me. Even just creating a character seems to involve players in too many non-immersive metagaming concerns.... The CharGen process as described sounds a bit like: "Select a Gestalt of the appropriate power level. Now write a brief essay about the effects of this Gestalt on the entirety of human history, paying particular attention to the development of the major world religions and philosophies." The other problem I have with the worldbook is that I don't like world-wide conspiracies as major arcs in a game. The author said in his interview that he was eschewing government conspiracies in "Gestalt," but with villains and groups like The Blood Red King and The League of Tyranny in play, there will have to be world-spanning conspiracies active.
  8. Re: Gestalt Sampler Thanks for the link, m'Lord. Repped (obviously). Looks like quite an interesting worldbook...though laced with metagaming issues.
  9. Re: Gestalt Sampler Rather than being tempting, this teaser is incredibly annoying! We're basically confronted with a random handful of unrelated pages, all of which seem to allude to some sort of unusual and complex metaphysical background -- but there's no explanation given. In fact, there's no effort made to include even the briefest and most cursory answer to the question of "What the hell is going on here?" This sampler left me feeling irritated and frustrated, and very discouraged over the whole "Gestalt" idea. After all, if this mess is what the authors are using to try and tempt customers to their new background (or whatever it is), just how disorganized and incoherent will the finished Gestalt product be? This "sampler" thing does the Gestalt product no service at all.
  10. Re: [Character] Weregild - The Viking of Vengeance! Got him for you. Yes, this is a very inventive character; he looks effective, too. Imaginative and different, definitely not your run-of-the-mill Punisher clone.
  11. Re: Who are your favourite Superhero Artists? There are a great many comicbook artists of all periods that I love, from Mike Grell, Curt Swan and Dave Cockrum to Jeff & Phil Moy and Frank Cho. I like Bill Sink-o-witz (phonetic here because I can't spell his last name), Rob Liefield, Paul Johnson and Alex Ross. And the list goes on. But something I've learned to bear in mind is that even my favorite artists can hit a bad patch. Then how much you love their work will determine how quickly you can forgive them...and sometimes it's not a direct correlation.
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Ah! Oh! An Amber game...V, I want to play with you!
  13. Re: Trying to figure out a good villain name Mr Mania Rude Ronnie Redcap (the redcap of European folklore was a murderous goblin that dyed its cap red in the blood of children) Chuckles Nosfera-tutu (vampire clown in a ballerina costume...you may have to just kill me at this point) Thirsty Jack Sardonico (from the "Risus sardonicus", or "dead man's smile")
  14. Re: A Plot Idea ... With No Good Resolution This is the bright, creative side of the HERO Board...a plot posted in need of a solution, and in less than two hours -- FOUR valid resolutions offered, all inventive, all different! Rep for the first four responders, just because they made my day (or evening, anyway).
  15. Re: Tiger Beetle! A Speed Brick -- I like that concept, JKW! It's not a Speedster variant I'd ever encountered before. (However, I cannot rep you at this time, blah blah blah.)l As Cancer pointed out, the tiger beetle itself is a heavily armored specimen of bug-dom. It also possesses formidable mandibles that allow it to grab or grapple its prey once the beetle has slammed into it.... So could we be talking about giving our Speed Brick some wrestling moves? An enhanced Grab manoeuvre, perhaps? Or how about pincer-hands (or pincer-gloves), an entangling net or actual mechanical grapples to allow "Tiger Beetle" to more effectively seize his/her opponents after ramming into them?
  16. Speedster with a flaw: Tiger Beetle! Last night on the Nature Channel I saw a program about the ten fastest animals on Earth -- and Number 1 was the tiger beetle. If this large glossy black bug -- which looks a lot like a stag beetle -- were the size of a human, its running speed would be 300+ mph. But even more interesting than this bug's speed is the fact that when the tiger beetle runs at its full speed, it literally goes blind! The tiger beetle has two large prominent greeny-gold eyes and its vision is very keen...but only when the beetle is immobile or moving slowly. When the tiger beetle moves fast, the influx of visual information comes too quickly for the beetle's buggy brain to process. Instead of resolving the incoming visual data to produce coherent images, the beetle goes blind for the duration of its run. Yes, the tiger beetle moves too fast for its brain! And to accommodate the visual lapse, the beetle generally spots its target from a distance, orients on the target -- and then charges at the target headlong and blindly. This interesting bit of trivia made me wonder if a Speedster character could be designed based on the tiger beetle model. It would be an interesting variant on the Speedster trope, for which names like "Rush," or "Headlong" (or Tiger Beetle, of course) might be appropriate. The character would be incredibly fast -- even by Speedster standards -- but subject to visual "blackouts" or blindness when he/she uses his/her Powers to the full. The character would be capable of moving so fast that his/her visual senses would be overloaded; the electronic impulses in his/her nervous system wouldn't be fast enough to keep up with the flood of visual data as he/she ran. (Which means, BTW, that the Speedster's body would be moving faster than the nerve impulses to his/her brain -- actually only about 250 mph -- or something odd is happening with the speed of light.) Like overdriving your headlights at night, this Speedster could actually overrun his/her sight!
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From our HC New Avengers game: Banner (son of Captain America): Did someone say Skull?
  18. Re: New Game: Remnants of Hope Thank-you...and you're so sweet.
  19. Re: New Game: Remnants of Hope Bump -- because I can't bear to see this thread slide off the first page. Call me sentimental.
  20. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Er, Tim? Mad Harriet wants a word with you.
  21. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares And trying to keep George Lucas away from the movie!
  22. Re: New Game: Remnants of Hope No apology needed or expected, JKW! You told us what this was before we picked it up. ;-) (Actually, I was rather taken aback that things seemed to be moving as fast as they have. "Taken aback" meaning Aaarrgghh! JKW's opened an HC site for the game! Gotta get the character write-up in now! Now! NOW! I'm relieved to see we still have some time.)
  23. Re: What if the Justice League was really a league? With professional heroes (and presumably villains), the idea sounds a bit like the background of Sketch, the supers roleplaying game where you draw out your actions. The supers in that world are professional heroes or villains; they do it for a living. Yes, and once the quitting time whistle blows, they're no longer mortal enemies. For anyone interested in Sketch, I've read through it but never played it. Doctor Anomaly has a copy of the game. The league idea also reminds me of the House background for the Flea Worlds League, one of the Houses in Critter-Tek. Everything is set up in the style of Major League Baseball; the names, history, technology (including, of course, the 'Teks) and combat. Some very sick nerd out there loved baseball as much as he loved Battletech/Mechwarrior -- and he combined the two in the parody game Critter-Tek. (Yup, Dr. A has this one, too.)
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