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Haven Walkur

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Everything posted by Haven Walkur

  1. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Michael, I'm sorry you're having problems with Iron Girl's write-up; I really don't want to lose you or her from the game. I think there's a Feat or Perk (or something similar) in Champions called "Lightning Reflexes". Robyn was right; DEX, only for acting first, is exactly what it is. It means that on every phase in which you act, you go FIRST - regardless of DEX. Ask Dr. Anomaly for the details; he might even have some other suggestions for how to bring Iron Girl "up to speed". I'd try PMing him as well as posting to this thread; he can be a bit...inattentive. Haven Walkur/Cinnabar
  2. Re: Transformer HERO? And the "combined form" of a combiner team is a Summon, with the individual robots as Expendable Focii (because they're not around as individuals while the combined form is). Summon: Devastator Expendable Focii: The Constructicons Limitations: Extra Time, Requires Entire Team as Focii
  3. Re: What is the most outrageous B$ power that you have encounted. Lucius: Shouldn't that be: Palindromedary, Usable as Attack, Autofire? It's got two heads....
  4. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 The Avengers game is rocking and rolling! I'm having a blast. I owe thanks to my talented fellow players -- thank-you good people -- and to that rock 'n' roll rabbit, our Boss Bunny GM, keyes_bill...who saved the game and saved the day. Thank-you, Bill.
  5. Re: WWYCD #124 or so:Peace on Earth Powerhouse: Thanks for your comments; it's very encouraging to hear from someone who likes what I've written...and hopefully thinks I did justice to Vandal Savage. I'm always a little nervous about trying to "speak for" a canon character. I have a lot of affection for Gamma Girl; she's the original "Haven Walkur" of my Board ID, but sometimes her 1970s dialect makes me wince a bit. Yes, she's a hero, but she's a teenage hero...and I haven't been a teenager for, um, well, for a long time. I'm very glad you liked the exchange. And by the bye, I've been wanting to ask you about your sig file: was that an actual in-game situation, or a "what-if?" you were writing up? In either case, it's striking and rather touching.
  6. Re: WWYCD #124 or so:Peace on Earth For the first time, Gamma Girl would be brought face-to-face with Vandal Savage, the immortal who has been trying to kill her all her life, and with her death end the bloodline of Earth-2's greatest hero, Superman. Destroying that heroic bloodline is a necessary part of the ritual that will give Savage control of the Mystic Lantern, magical counterpart of the technological Lantern of Oa. [Explanatory note: Gamma Girl was born in the 30th Century but raised in the US in the 1970s. Her father, Kal-L Walkur, is a direct descendent of the original Earth-2 Superman, Kal-L of Krypton, and his wife Lois Lane. Gamma Girl's mother is the Earth-2 version of Duo Damsel, Luornu Durgo -- and Vandal Savage killed both Luornu and Kal-L.] __________________________________________________ Gamma Girl (after staring at Savage for a long moment): Weird. I'd always figured you'd have horns or bat-wings, or a forked tail at the very least -- but I guess you've got your mark of Caine hidden somewhere else. Vandal Savage: You give me too much credit. Caine was a generation or two before my time. GG: You're a murderer. VS: Yes. It's the way of the world, girl; the strong triumph, the weak fall and to the victor go the spoils. GG: That tired old 'might makes right' line, that's so bogus. Maybe that's the way your world is, but it doesn't make you mighty -- it makes you a scumbag. It makes you no different from all the other scumbags -- VS (interrupting): You are an impertinent child! GG: Truth hurts, man. For all your years, you're still scum; you're a vandal and a savage! All that experience, all that knowledge and all you do is ruin and destroy; you tear things down just 'cause it's convenient. You murdered my parents -- VS: Kindly don't get sentimental. GG: You murdered my parents, you piece of dirt, and for what? What could a couple of scientists have had that you wanted? VS (with a little smirk): In the case of Kal-L Walkur, only his life. GG (thunderstruck silence) VS (smirk blossoming into a full-fledged grin): Now in your mother's case, she was evidently still influenced by her past membership in the Legion of Superheroes -- unfortunately for her. She managed to kill me...and I returned the favor. GG (furious tears running down her face): But you missed me, didn't you? Your grand project, and you blew it. Dad got me away and you never even knew it.... VS: An oversight that will be corrected very shortly, I promise. GG: You promise? Then let me make a promise to you, man. I promise you on my parents' graves that whatever I can do to stop you, hurt you, harrass or frustrate you in everything and anything you do, I'll do it. You've created your very own nemesis, Vandal Savage, can you dig it? VS (long pause): A fatal ambition, girl. You would not be the first to try -- GG (interrupts): Maybe not, but I'll be the first to succeed. _____________________________________________________ I have a feeling the dialogue would go downhill from there. Gamma Girl has a CvK, but Vandal Savage is one person she aches to make an exception for.
  7. Re: Solara Solara sounds a lot like Alan Moore's "Promethea" in concept and execution.
  8. Re: Name That Band Hero! Well done! I'm glad there's someone else who remembers when Jefferson (Whatever) was actually worth listening to. That was too easy, wasn't it?
  9. Re: Name That Band Hero! A group that calls itself "Tom's Flying Machine": Red Octopus: a pulsing, blood-red horror that looks like a D&D Mind Flayer but with more tentacles; actually a Sonic Projector, with no external ears Lather: raving psychotic HTH fighter who specializes in freeform mayhem and literally froths at the mouth Plastic Fantastic Lover: an incubus animating a department-store mannequin; PRE attacks, EGO-based powers and out-of-this-world Seduction, Acting and Conversation skills Volunteers: duplicator who dresses in a Salvation Army uniform; always has at least one duplicate on hand White Rabbit: aka "Thomas", team leader and former forensic psychologist; Mental Illusionist who wears a waistcoat and likes to play with people's minds
  10. Re: Superhero Images Sketchpad, are you the artist called "Christian"? Looking at your excellent pic of Quasar, I am reminded of some of Christian's pics of the Legion of Superheroes in brilliant variant costumes. The pic of Llornu (Duo Damsel) in her wedding dress was incredible!
  11. Re: "Neat" Pictures I got her, Basil...I had to, I live in South Dakota.
  12. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread keyes_bill has picked our Hero Central Avengers game as GM, and this time I think it's a go!
  13. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 You missed Cinnabar, a density-manipulator with Brick strength but poor resistant defences. She'd be a support Brick, so call her a Keystone.
  14. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Way to go, Serpentissimus! I'm glad someone has written up a Wasp/Hank Pym legacy concept. I was beginning to think that the underground electro-tram (the Vespula was built by Hank 30 years ago in this world) out to Avengers Island would be this generation's only connection with the prolific Dr. Pym! I feel for you about the expense of building the powers your character has to have. And 600 points sounded like so much to work with! Would the Inherent Advantage save you some points, at least as regards the character who's actually inherently tiny and grows to normal size? Inherent was one of the Champions Fifth Ed innovations I've liked best. No more buying levels of Growth or Shrinking down to 0 END and adding persistent when you're trying to create an extra-large (or extra-small) character; the Inherent Advantage says "that's just how this character is."
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From Kittyhawk (a demi-vampire with water-controlling powers): "I'm just a flying wet brick with a Jedi mind trick!"
  16. Re: [interest in an online game?] Avengers: Generation 3 Thanks, Bill the Bunny, for your enthusiasm and generosity. That's wonderful news! Yes, Cinnabar is in, if you'll have her. Where should I send her character file and in what format? What other info would you like? Oh, and by-the-by, where are we going to be playing this time? Still on Hero Central? I'm a serious player, and your posting guide-lines seem perfectly reasonable to me. And yes, there were some splendid characters posted on the HEROBoard who weren't selected for Snake's game; by all means see if their players are still interested. I think it's a good idea, especially since we may have lost players after Snake bailed.... Yes, I think the phantom J.J. can safely be counted out. That's unfortunate, since Raptor was an interesting character concept. But I'm very glad you're going to keep Arachne in the game; I think the "little spaz" is an absolutely delightful character. Thanks again for stepping into the breach as GM. mmmmWUUH! (plants a large juicy kiss right on the Bunny's little pink nose)
  17. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. What about Heartseeker or Heartsblood? Crève-coeur (heartbreak)? His theme would be a play on the associations of "heart" with accuracy -- as in "striking the heart" -- and the "true love" connotations of "heart". The villain is a murderous Romantic. Imagine a charming, gallant, brave and handsome swashbuckler-type who is utterly sociopathic, feeling no more qualms about killing a man than about crushing a moth. He's well-spoken, well-mannered, doesn't swear or curse and is considerate of women -- even when killing them with a well-placed arrow and a blown kiss. His costume would be that of a classic highwayman à la the gallant Captain Hind or Dick Turpin, Cavalier finery featuring extravagant ruffles, polished buttons and hat with a plume...and, of course, the highwayman mask. "Stand and deliver" indeed! Another possibility would be an "arrow" or "archer" theme, and names like Talon or Thorn (sharp objects suggesting a cruel arrow) or Clothyard (the 'cloth-yard shaft' arrow was historically used as a man-killer; it was long -- though probably not quite a full yard -- and fletched with cloth.) Yew is also a possible "archer" name; the English bows were traditionally made of wood from the yew tree. His costume in the case of Talon or Thorn would be the instantly recognizable tunic, cloak and leggings of Robin Hood, right down to the little cocked cap with a quail feather in the brim...but instead of being the famous Lincoln green in color, this costume is dark scarlet, like old burgundy, and trimmed in black. The feather in the cap is a raven's feather. If the villain's name is Clothyard or Yew, then his costume is that of an English archer from the time of the Hundred Year's War, in quilted coat, light leather armor and helm. The English archers at the battle of Agincourt used their yew bows to put clothyard shafts through the armored French knights -- and at range.
  18. Re: "Sleeper" Genres No, make that Beefcake Hero...and Menton could be the pin-up boy for the "brains AND beauty" chapter.
  19. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Doing something unnatural with the other eighty-three Enforcers. Topique Nouveau: Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl and ____ ?
  20. Re: Starting from the beginning...help me! All excellent self-contained and low-level adventure suggestions, gojira. Thanks very much; that's the kind of construction I was looking for.
  21. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat He looked like bare-chested dom version of Captain America...and that's why I had sex with him (on the President's desk in the Oval Office), your honor.
  22. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Thanks, Oddie. Done! (see above)
  23. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat The Adventures of Coma Queen, Catatonic Heroine NT: Supervillains your superhero character would "do" in an instant
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