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Everything posted by Drakkenkin

  1. Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey" I get that demon a lot. I always endup spending days trying to do "realy cool" things... and then I only use a small part of what I made. Anyway, I know the temptation. Drakkenkin
  2. Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey" I wouldn't make a ringworld as I would a base. Because the ringworld would be SO massive and the abount of money the religious power would have to spend on it; you could keep building the 'base' wringworld till you ran out of paper. IMO, Makeing a ringworld like a base is like making a planit like a base. I don't think it would be worth your time. Making a gineric building ( for local and or planit defence or the main leaders home) could be usefull on the other hand if you plan on them being needed at some point. Drakkenkin.
  3. Re: Generic Star Hero Galactic Map
  4. Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey" First thing I thought of is a analyze devotion device. Working as a kind of mind scan. Maybe have an activation roll for readings with a default reading of being an enemy to the Vatican. Makes for a good inquisition tool (if the device is working or not.) Drakkenkin
  5. Re: My FTL drive: comments? I agree with Dr. Anomaly, use your T-Space drive. I would like to see it come to a full working drive system. It sounds cool, and it would give a good flavor to the game. Humans currently don't know all the real facts about how the world of physics works and they most likely never will. The more we learn about physics the more we understand how little we know. Nevertheless, it is always nice to have a drive system that's a bit more ironed out. This isn't a hit on you LordZarglif (more of a complement because your trying) but, to expect you to come up with a bullet proof concept for another dimension that doesn't follow E-Space physics is optimistically hopeful; Especially in a relatively short mount of time, but keep it up were just here to help and were interested! One of the characteristics of the other dimension (T-space) is that it doesn't follow our physics laws. Nothing against you Dr. Anomaly (and I agree with most of your points from a "physics as we know it" stand point) but to make all aspects of T-space fall into the physics laws as we know them today would be nice, but doesn't make seance because T-Space isn't meant to follow our physics laws. For starters, the lack of reaction of Anti-matter and Matter in T-space; in T-Space there may be a charge / force (some what like an atomic force) that forms around the two types of matter that repulse each other. Therefore the two types would never really come in contact and therefore never react. Think of the pain and the joy physicist all over would have as they first try and explain away, next try and adapts T-space to E-space, and finally try to discover and learn the new laws in this universe. It would be like the last frontier, the undiscovered country! Governments would need to have more scientists. Grants would be given to student to study the T-Physics and there may be a type of T-Space race like the space race. Oh the social impacts are endless! I was thinking about this over the last few days and thought that the reason matter brakes down may be because attractive forces are reversed in T-Space. Therefore mass would repulse mass, and atom would repulse atom. It's not full poof, as I haven't given it all that much thought in the respect of fine tuning and fixing loop holes but it's a starting point. ( Another idea is that like forces attract and opposites repel.) I've been trying to come up with a reason for stars being there but I can yet. Dr. Anomaly I do have to say I like your many ideas on how T-Space could be used including the exploit of the FTL characteristics of T-space for a supper computer. Currently they are working on Computer systems that use diamonds for CPUs. If I remember correctly their 100s of times faster (maybe even 1000 times) and don't heat up as fast. I also like the idea of exotic matter. The combinations that come out could make for some fantastic advancement in science. Heck, I could see a branch of the government and private industry set up to put in controlled amounts of "raw" matter into T-Space to see what comes out in hopes for something good that they could use. I hope that no one got offended by my aggressive tone... I think I would.... Drakkenkin
  6. Re: Monk's Garb? That depends on their belief system. You could have fundamentalists that think we should get back to the basics and leave tech behind as it distracts us and keeps us form learning from God. You could also have a group on the other side that sees the knowledge that created the tech they have as a gift from God and that it should be used (in correct ways) in day to day life to show respect. Over all you could have them wear anything, but for the sake of story telling they would most likely wear something that would be different from the norm. Personally I like how the priests and religious people dressed in the movie "5th Element." Drakkenkin
  7. Re: My FTL drive: comments? Another thing to think about are the capabilities of the computers that have to take in the RADAR or light communications. They are made with a specific physics set in mind. Putting the same sensors in another reality may make them so that they wouldn't work. Also, The computer its self may not be able to process the information fast enough, and therefor you would just get an error reading from your equipment. I'm think it would be like a bat who's sonar sound was suddenly moving at 10 times its normal speed. Until it could get use it (if it even could) it's sonar would be almost useless. This can be easily waved away by saying the appropriate tech is in place. Nevertheless, it may be fun to have a setting where ships are effectively blind in T-Space. I could see pirates using this to their advantage. They enter T-Space from some place by their "hide-out" and to to a commonly used trade rough. Then they wait for visual contact of a ship to raid and ambush it what it suits them. If ships where blind they most likely would have to go directly from point a to point b. Drakkenkin
  8. Re: Recamended Reading Could you give out the ISBN number? Makes it supper simple to fine the book. Thanks Drakkenkin
  9. Re: Got Export Templates? I didn't know that it could do all that. What type of software, what would it do?
  10. Re: Got Export Templates? Thanks! It has a nice clean set up. I like it. Drakkenkin
  11. Re: Old School Dungeons and Dragons Question. About Stabbing more then once to get more EXP. I remembering playing 1st ED game that the amount of EXP you got during a combat was based off of how many HP damage you did. I don't know if this was home brewed or if it was a rule variant, but it may be what the book was talking about. That comic strip makes me wounder about some of the people in this world.
  12. Re: Got Export Templates? How did you see them in Word.
  13. Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey" Here is a question (and follow up comments) I thought of once I was done with the last post. -Even if God was proven to be real, would other faiths be proven wrong? Unless you believed that there is no God, no doctrine would be proven just by the existence of God. Religious fervor could increase, even to a suppressive state (weather God wanted it or not.) Unless God or a messenger came down and gave EVERYONE the 411 on what they should or should not do, we would still be in square one. Heck, I could see the world almost being torn apart by that fact as each belief system tries to convert the world to the 'right way'. Just my 2 cents
  14. Re: Campaign Brainstorming: "The New Abbey" I imagine a more old/new testament feel ... 'We should go ask Nigel the Prophet and see what god would have us do.' -Will you have prophets, seers, and revelators. God being proven to be a real person, you would have more people devoting themselves more fully. -Would miracles become more common. -Would God take a more up front role in their lives (like the children of Israel that were led out of the Egypt.) I would like to see a setting that has a moral majority with law-sets based off the examples of Christ and the 10 commandments. But If the majority lived that way it might cut down on the conflict that a game needs. You could say things were once that way when they found proof God was real, and the world started to except it, But over the centuries the ways of God had become polluted / perverted. This would allow for some twisted laws and beliefs (set up by splinter group in search for power or trying to do what they feel God wants them to do), struggles for power in the clergy, and much much more. I guess, in that respect, there would be more of a middle ages feel. The reason I feel the above is plausible is because people would still have their free agency to do what they would like. Even if you had prophets that talked with God,teaching the people, some people would still choose to seek after power and money. Especially after centuries had gone by and the state of the world had become common place ... unless their was a paradigm shift... I feel that the proof of God would also prove the existence of the Devil. Something that Tamashii2000 brought up. The Devil, in what ever form you may have him, would have his own followers, both spiritual and mortal.
  15. Re: DCV from a character's size I don't know if you really wanted an example but here are two. 1) A spell caster that drains knowledge that another people has learned. 2) A SIFI device that blocks the brains pathways that allow the target to use the knowledge that he has learned in regard to specific subjects. (Knowledge learned being defined as DCV and OCV skill levels)
  16. Re: Culture HERO Sounds a bit like the game Paranoia. Drakkenkin
  17. All really good point that needed to be brought up. I think that the gyro-stabilizer would work best in tandem with the sensors I was talking about. The gyro-stabilizer would be more of a reactionary effort while knowing in general where the force would be coming from would be a preparatory effort. The gyro-stabilizer by its self might causing the trooper to get shaken up a bit more as the gun pushes him back and then the suit fires its engines to compensate. I was think that the sensor in the arms would give the on board computer in the suit a heads up for the correction that will be needed, thought it would most likely not be exact. This would allow the suit to make an immediate anticipated corrections while the gyro-stabilizer would work better to fine tune adjustment that is needed. I agree that a PS system (or FPPS Fix Point Positioning System) is needed but I wounder how well it would work in combat. In warfare it would be fair to assume that the enemy would use EW to block the suits ability to get 'see' that fixed point. But over all I agree most of it would be simple vector baced physics. Drakkenkin PS: Kristopher, why do you say that graphite powder would not be a lubricant in a vacuum? Arthur, where did you find the formula C3H5N3O9?
  18. Yea. I'm amazed that people can really do things like that. I've heard of other real world examples (not movies or anime), but I don't think that the item makes it as far as the stomach... then again I don't know how it really works. I would think it could get turned around in your stomach, making it hard to get out. Drakkenkin
  19. It could be done, and it's a good idea. The suit would have to have sensors in the arms to know in what vector the gun is being fired. That way it can compensate for the force of the gun being fired in any direction. Even then there may be some areas the trooper may want to fire that the engineers over looked for some reason, or they thought that the trooper would not fire in. Man what a disaster that would be in 0-G. That over site may not last long, but then again it might... ie: If the compainy making the suites can pull the right strings. Bad military equipment has been known to stick around and cures the units that use them.
  20. quote: shadowcat1313 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- what about the use of gyrojet rounds in a vacuum? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They could be made to work too. You just need to use the correct propellant. Drakkenkin
  21. I was going to post on this subject with an absolute answer, but I don't know enough about all the different types of materials that could be used as a propellant. My answer was going to be "The gun would not fire do to the lack of oxygen for the chemical reaction that takes place at the time of the firing of the gun." ,but if smokeless gun powder creates its own oxygen then it may work. The only other reason it would not work is because of the extreme temp's in space (both cold and hot). If the material is to cold I don't think the chemical reaction would take place as it needs energy in the form of heat, and if the ammo got to hot it would 'detonate' in its ammo case or the barrel. Intrope has already stated some of this, nevertheless here is some more. The barrel and the projectile of the weapon would expand when they got hot and contract when they got cold, enough to lower accuracy or cause the projectile to get caught in the barrel; causing the barrel to become damaged or explode. You could say that the weapon have equipment to help it stay at a near constant temp'. It would take up quite a bit of power form the ship to combat the extreme temps. in space, but it's an easy solution. There are new materials being created all the time with new proprieties. I know your trying to run a hard SiFi setting, but unless your setting is set with the current tech levels of earth, there will be changes in the future. Have someone in the future create a material that resists distortion in shape from heat/cold, and a projectile that is self contained (not dependent on its atmosphere). It would also make more scene to have the projectile fired by an electric charge instead using a hammer as in conventional weapons (some what like C4). Drakkenkin PS: Kristopher you caught me as I was MODing the letter.
  22. I need some pointers. All of the players in my group have never played HERO. That's not the bad part as they are willing to learn. The part I'm having problems with is that they come from a gaming system that is, for the most part, money driven and as such they always want rewards that are money based or that are easy to convert to money. I've tried to come up with other rewards for their actions that I would think is cool, but they aren't really happy with them. I have also asked them what would be a good motivation and or reward, but I don't really get any replies. Should I just stay with the statuesque, give them more time, or what? Can anyone give me a hand on how to ween the players from monetary rewards? Drakkenkin
  23. Drakkenkin


    Very nicely done! thanks Drakkenkin
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