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Everything posted by Nolgroth

  1. Granted. The primary difference is volume. I want something "lighter" than Hero because that volume can be overwhelming. I am always looking for that middle ground between Fate Core and Hero. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is that the Hero community can grind a topic to a fine dust and still not agree on build theory. One of the potentially negative aspects of a toolkit system.
  2. Is it me or does Lockjaw's animations look a lot like Dogmeat's from Fallout 4?
  3. SO stealing this line. Great stuff.
  4. Just make them vehicles. Give them a computer, movement, sensory powers and big explosive RKA.
  5. I think they should have gone all Battlefield Hardline on her and tapped her preemptively with a headshot so that they could get the bonus points. Violent video games are, afterall, training an entire generation to be killers. Maybe I should let that go and blow some stuff up in Fallout.
  6. So did you scream "Release the Kraken!" when you did.
  7. It is questions like these, where we delve deeply into the philosophy of Hero, that really drives me to consider using a system like FATE. These are not bad questions nor is it bad to ask them. It's just that deconstructing the system leaves room to find every little flaw within the system; flaws which my OCD twitch on. Of course, sometimes you also get to see the brilliance in design, which is what keeps me with Hero. As to a Focus, like many elements of the game, it is written with a lot of assumptions. It is assumed that it creates a "back door" that allows a character to be deprived of a power for a little while at least. That's why it's a power limitation. It also has the corollary that the item can either be regained (more often with unique items) or replaced (like that off-the-shelf AR15 that Punisher just lost over the edge of the Brooklyn Bridge). So at it's core, Focus is the Player giving the GM permission to take away a power for some length of time. Everything in Hero (indeed all role playing games) is a social contract between Players and GM. The Player, by choosing to define his power as a Focus, gives the GM that mentioned permission and in return gets a cost discount on buying the power. In addition, one of the foundations that Hero is built upon is that points you spend aren't just magically lost when something happens, so the expectation is that you will see the utility of those points returned. Now picking what special effects are defined as a Focus as opposed to OIAID as opposed to Restrainable are entirely up to the contract negotiation between the Player and GM. There are established baselines (swords are foci), but there are always exceptions to those baselines (the Sort of Gray Paladin has a magic sword summoned from the Essence of the Aether).
  8. To all the people with the big C, hoping for your collective triumphant cries of "beat you mutha fu<censored>!"
  9. When Harley Quinn is portrayed as more heroic than WW or Superman, there is a problem.
  10. Watched all the cutscenes from Injustice 2 (a Mortal Combat-esque video game with DC characters). Somebody is really hating on Superman over in the DC house. I gathered that Superman decided in the original Injustice to conquer the world so that he can protect everybody by being the "benevolent" dictator. In this one, he refuses to budge from that position, ultimately getting is powers stolen by Gold Kryptonite and then being cast into the Phantom Zone. Combine this with the generally unfavorable opinion of the MoS and BvS movies and it almost seems as if there is an institutional hatred of their mascot.
  11. That's truly horrific. I am also an evil person because the very first thing that sprang into my mind was Grandma Got Eaten by a Gator sung to the tune of Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer I am so going to Hell.
  12. If the buzz is true and Whedon has more influence on the DCEU, then I might start looking forward to more of the movies. I mean, Snyder did "ok" and I certainly don't share much of the fan angst as many people have, but the truth is that they could have been better movies. I liked them, but Wonder Woman is the first DCEU movie that I've loved and Snyder was not actively involved. Wait, does Batman Begins and Dark Knight count as DCEU? If so, I will have to revise my statement.
  13. My day off yesterday slip away as I consumed Top 10 lists on YouTube. I tried to watch the fan film "Born of Hope," which details Aragorn's father, but it was glacially slow and seemed more a princess meets prince that a faithful addition to the Lord of the Rings lore. Stopped about halfway through and I have little interest in returning to it.
  14. I am of like mind with you on this. The only thing that is vaguely interesting is their choice of Jason Isaacs. Strangely, I am not even going to need my five episode trial for this one. The paywall thing has completely disinterested me. Heck, they probably need the paywall to help fund it. I already pay for content via Netflix and I have zero interest in yet another drain on my limited funds.
  15. Perhaps too soon to mention, but with the recent family tragedy Mr. Snyder has endured, I would personally not like to see whatever pathos develops, make it onto a comic book movie. I think he should probably make a couple of really dark exploration of the human soul movies as part of his emotional recovery before even thinking about returning to the comic book scene. I can only imagine the turmoil he is going through and I feel for him. I just don't want that to reflect on the DC movies.
  16. That was the show or at least it bears a striking resemblance to the clip I saw. I would honestly need to watch more of it to get a firm idea if I liked it or not. I still have this nostalgia driven love affair with Star Frontiers and I would love to see a TV show that adapted the SF setting.
  17. And doing the Truffle Shuffle will almost certainly be one step. At a location hooked up to an internet camera.
  18. To be honest, I couldn't tell you. That's why I was asking. I will look up the Expanse though, to see if it is the one. I remember the clip that I watched was a little on the cheesy B movie side but I was excited for the Traveller-esque combat. I would like something along those lines, but a little bit more refined.
  19. Pulp Hero and Ninja Hero (all genre books for that matter) are more about the genre conventions than the rules they present. The rules are scattered examples and a few customized rules for the purpose of demonstrating that genre. What I want to know is if Star Hero for 6E updated any of the world building rules and theory or if, like Fantasy Hero, it was largely just an edited reprint.
  20. Star Trek is so full of baggage and missed opportunities that I am coming to the same conclusion. Even the reboot timeline (called the Kelvin Timeline in Star Trek Online), is just a hot mess. There was a recent show that I saw clips of that seemed an homage to Traveller. The crew depressurized their ship before entering combat and the weapons looked like mass drivers of some sort. Seemed relatively neat. I got an almost Babylon 5 vibe from it, in terms of budget and set dressing. Anybody recall what that show is called. I might want to look it up to see if Netflix has it.
  21. Some days I miss not moving to Antarctica.
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