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Everything posted by Whitewings

  1. Here's a challenge for all you clever folks: Design a costume for a female brick. Here are the relevant constraints: The character is 16 years old, and extremely beautiful. She doesn't see her herself as beautiful, though: She sees herself as being scrawny and underdeveloped. She's shy, quiet, timid, bookish, and desperately lonely. In terms of Powers, she's pretty well your basic high-end flying brick. 80 STR, increased Leaping, Running and Swimming, variable advantage Flight, high normal and resistant defenses, some Hearing and Sight Flash DEF, and loads of Life Support. If you need more details, I'll provide them.
  2. Re: Pic of the day Actually, yes. The exagerrated ones are just his default style.
  3. Re: Murphy's Curse Good. That construction is clearly and explicitly disallowed right up at the front of the Disadvantages section. Sorry.
  4. Re: Character for review Usually Invisible to Sight & Sound, and Reduced END Cost. Adders will be things like Flash Defense, or expanding the field to covers what she's carrying. Oh, and yes, that is her costume - with the addition of boots, bracelets, brooch and cape.
  5. With Nexus' encouragement, i'm posting my character in his Seeds campaign for review.Faye SoenghenPlayer: Michael Telford Val** Char*** Cost 10** STR 0 23** DEX 39 23** CON 26 10** BODY 0 18** INT 8 23** EGO 26 15** PRE 5 20** COM 5 * 15/29** PD 13 15/29** ED 10 6** SPD 27 7** REC 0 50** END 2 50** STUN 23 *7"**RUN23"**SWIM13"**LEAP1Characteristics Cost: 188Cost** Power END 39** Telekinetic Grab: Telekinesis (15 STR), Invisible to Hearing, and Sight Groups (+3/4) (39 Active Points)* 4 77** Telekinetic Shield: Force Field (8 PD/8 ED) (Variable Adder: May use up to ten points of Adders), Variable Advantage (+3/4 Advantages; +1 1/2) (77 Active Points)* 8 7** Environmental Protection: Life Support (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) (9 Active Points); Linked (Telekinetic Shield; Lesser Power need not be used proportionally to Power with which it is Linked; -1/4)* 0 80** Telekinetic Powers: Multipower, 120-point reserve, (120 Active Points); all slots All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 11m** 1) Energy Blast 16d6 (80 Active Points); All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 8 11m** 2) Energy Blast 8d6, Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; +1) (80 Active Points); All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 8 9m** 3) Entangle 8d6, 8 DEF (80 Active Points); All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4)* 8 9m** 4) Entangle 6d6, 6 DEF (Variable Adder: Can apply up to ten points of Adders) (75 Active Points); All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2), Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4)* 7 5m** 5) Flight 13", Variable Advantage (+1/4 Advantages; +1/2) (39 Active Points); All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 4 10m** 6) Force Wall (6 PD/6 ED; 5" long and 1" tall), Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; +1) (76 Active Points); All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 8 11m** 7) Force Wall (14 PD/14 ED/4 Flash Defense: Sight Group; 4" long and 1" tall) (86 Active Points); All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 9 7m** 8) Hand-To-Hand Attack +12d6, Variable Special Effects (Can appear as various weapons; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 7 11m** 9) Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6+1, Variable Special Effects (Can appear as various weapons; +1/4), Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; +1) (79 Active Points); All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 8 11m** 10) Killing Attack - Ranged 2 1/2d6, Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; +1) (80 Active Points); All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 8 3u** 11) Pinpoint Barrier: (Total: 45 Active Cost, 30 Real Cost) Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack) (20 Active Points); All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2) (Real Cost: 13) plus +5 with DCV (25 Active Points); All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2) (Real Cost: 17)* 0 11m** 12) Telekinesis (13 STR), Affects Porous, Fine Manipulation, Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; +1) (79 Active Points); All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 8 11m** 13) Telekinesis (20 STR), Fine Manipulation, Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; +1) (80 Active Points); All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 8 7m** 14) Telekinesis (37 STR) (56 Active Points); All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 5 3u** 15) Tunneling 3" through 9 DEF material, Fill In (43 Active Points); All Powers must take -1/4 in Limitations per 10 Active Points Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 4 27** Teleportation Abilities: Multipower, 40-point reserve, (40 Active Points); all slots All powers must take -1/4 in Limitation per 10 active points used Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 3u** 1) Teleportation: Teleportation 20" (40 Active Points); All powers must take -1/4 in Limitation per 10 active points used Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 4 3u** 2) Long Range Teleportation: Teleportation 15", x8 Noncombat (40 Active Points); All powers must take -1/4 in Limitation per 10 active points used Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 4 3u** 3) Intercontinental Teleportation: Teleportation 9", MegaScale (1" = 1,000 km; +1), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4) (40 Active Points); All powers must take -1/4 in Limitation per 10 active points used Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 4 2u** 4) Taxi!: Teleportation 5", MegaScale (1" = 100 km; +3/4), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 100m (+1/4), Usable Simultaneously (up to 32 people at once; +1 1/2) (35 Active Points); Must accompany target(s) Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2) [Notes: Unlike a regular UAO, Faye doesn't need to be touching her targets, she just has to be in the same hex with them. Think of Illyana's stepping discs and you'll have the right general idea.]* 3 2u** 5) Going between: +5 with DCV (25 Active Points); Costs END Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)* 5** Teleportation: Fixed Location (5 Locations) [Notes: These have been left undefined because Faye at this point doesn't actually know she can teleport.]* 0 Powers Cost: 378Cost** Skill 10** +2 with HTH Combat* 3** Acrobatics 14-* 4** Computer Programming (Computer Networks, Personal Computers) 13-* 3** Electronics 13-* 3** Jack of All Trades* 2** 1) PS: Cheerleader (3 Active Points) 14-* 2** 2) PS: Drafting & Architecture (3 Active Points) 13-* 2** 3) PS: Metalworking (3 Active Points) 13-* 2** 4) PS: Woodworking & Carpentry (3 Active Points) 13-* 3** Linguist* 1** 1) : Cantonese (basic conversation)* 1** 2) : French (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)* 1** 3) : German (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)* 3** Mechanics 13-* 2** SS: Chemistry 11-* 3** Scholar* 1** 1) KS: GVRD Occult & magical "scene" (2 Active Points) 11-* 1** 2) KS: Magic and Witchcraft (2 Active Points) 11-* 2** 3) KS: Metalworking (3 Active Points) 13-* 2** 4) KS: Woodworking & Carpentry (3 Active Points) 13-* 2** Survival (Temperate/Subtropical Forests) 13-* Skills Cost: 53Cost** Perk 3** Her drafting teacher (Good relationship with Contact) 11-* 3** Her auto shop teacher (Good relationship with Contact) 11-* 3** Her electronics teacher (Good relationship with Contact) 11-* 3** Her woodworking teacher (Good relationship with Contact) 11-* 3** Her metalwork teacher (Good relationship with Contact) 11-* Perks Cost: 15Cost** Talent 3** Ambidexterity (-2 Off Hand penalty)* 12** Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)* 18** Combat Sense (Sense) 14-* 25** Danger Sense (self only, out of combat, Function as a Sense) 16-* 3** Perfect Pitch* Talents Cost: 61Val** Disadvantages 10** Blindingly Bright Aura: (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Uncommonly-Used Senses)* 15** Psychological Limitation: Refuses to back down or be bullied. (Common, Strong)* 10** Psychological Limitation: Loves irritating overly serious shamans, witches, et. al.: (Uncommon, Strong)* 15** Psychological Limitation: Oath of Peace: Do not bruise when words are enough. Do not hurt when bruising is enough. Do not wound when hurting is enough. Do not maim when wounding is enough. Do not kill when maiming is enough. The greatest warrior is one who need not fight. (Common, Strong)* 15** Psychological Limitation: Showoff: (Common, Strong)* 5** Rivalry: Marcie Turner: Professional and Romantic (; Rival is Less Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)* 15** Secret Identity: She's not sure if she wants to go public yet. If she does, this will become Public Identity (same point cost). Frankly, I'm not sure this is the best way to handle her conflicted desires, but a Psych Lim seemed rather too clumsy. (Frequently, Major)* 5** Social Limitation: Teenager (17): (Occasionally, Minor)* 5** Psychological Limitation: Money hungry (Uncommon, Moderate)* Disadvantage Points: 95Base Points: 600Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 695 Height: 1.73 m Hair: Black Weight: 63.00 kg Eyes: Brown Appearance: Personality: Faye's main motivation is pretty simple: She wants enough money to get herself and her parents into a new house in neighbouring West Vancouver, a much nicer area. She's not sure if she wants to go public with her powers (or at least the full scope of them), but she does want to figure out how to make money off of them. Currently, she's considering creating a few "impossible" carvings.Quote:"I am not taking second place."Background: Faye grew up in a lower-middle class (or upper-lower class) area of North Van, where most families have their own homes but the homes are usually in poor condition. She never went hungry, but meals were usually bland and often repetitious. Most of her clothing was second hand. Nice, but still second-hand. She was never really *cold* in winter, but there were usually drafts, making it hard to keep the house really warm. Conditions like this made Faye eager to improve her lot, and so when she reached high school [Grade 8 up here, we don't have junior high] and it started to sink in that such improvement would need skills and the proof of them, she started to work really hard, getting good grades and keeping her record clean. She went in for cheerleading to raise her social profile, and found herself to be more agile and flexible than she'd ever guessed, a consequence of the Seedling changes (of which she was unaware), soon coming to excel. This, inevitably, gained her the ire of her fellow cheerleader Marcie Turner, who was excellent as well, but also firmly convinced that she was just naturally superior to... well, everyone. By Grade 10, the two were established and implacable rivals in every area they shared: Grades, cheerleading, boys (of course); they're both more than willing to do each other dirt. Faye's just a little sneakier about it. With high grades and solid performances on the cheering squad, Faye's "in" with the jocks, the jock girls, the tough girls to a degree (she doesn't back down easily, and she can fight if she needs to) and the brains - the local plastics detest her because she doesn't obey their rules and grovel at their feet. Surprising though it would be to an outsider, Faye's pretty well a virgin despite being very socially active; she's seen too many girls get boyfriends and turn into mush-brains, unable to think of anything but "Allen" or "Joe" or whoever. Not for her, thanks. Casual relationships are fine, but anything serious? No way. Sometime last April, Faye had become interested in meditation and (like many girls her age) some of the surface elements of magic and witchcraft. In her Art 11 class, they were learning about the First Nations totem-based art, and as part of this, she took a trip one weekend to a local gallery that specializes in such work, wher she made drawings, asked about the artists, and examined the works on display. Afterward, she had most of half an hour to kill before her bus arrived, so she looked around the area, poking into other stores, and in one store finding a miniature stone garden: A piece of shaped glass, small stones, fine, white sand, and a tiny rake. Think ing this might be useful in her meditations, she checked what she had on her, thought about what else she wanted to get that month, and decided she colud afford to buy the little kit. When she got back, Mom and Dad were arguing about money again, so after saying hi, Faye went upstairs to her room without telling them about her purchase. She set it up, and settled in to attempt the exercise called "growing stones." As she relaxed and focused, the chosen stone seemed to grow in her perception, then to raised itself up from the sand. She grinned, and lost her focus, but the pebble stayed floating just barely long enough for her to convince herself that yes, it had actually done that. She put the garden back on the shelf, and tried to figure out just what had actually happened. It seemed impossible, but somehow she'd made the pebble move without touching it - impossible, but there it was. Later that night, after dinner, she told her parents she was going for a walk (which she was), and went to one of the wooded areas near her house, where she started to experiment a little. Reasoning that if she had done it before, she could do it again, she first tried to lift a small rock - it lifted, and shot up so fast and hard she lost sight of it almost instantly. An attempt to move something larger (making a tree sway a little) nearly got her squashed! It was then she decided she had to give herself a structure for her powers, a way she could control and regulate her power output and her actions. After a few days' of thinking about it, off and on, she decided that the easiest one to use would be the surface elements of magic and sorcery. A magic wand, a flying carpet, gestures and incantations, they'd all be great for focussing her mind and power (meditation was a little too slow for most purposes, she felt). She started to spend more and more time talking with the local shamans, witches, and similar, getting bits of information (and getting annoyed by the more pompous ones), or by herself, refining her control of her powers, and working especially on two defensive application: a telekinetic screen, and a telekinetic grab: Harmless, but effective. She's learned that she can focus her powers with only concentration, but having a more external focus for a given effect makes that effect much easier to accomplish. She's also discovered that most of her Gifts are pretty obvious unless she works hard to make them inobvious. To date, she hasn't found anything she can't do, but there are a lot of things she hasn't tried. She's fashioned a costume for herself, from a silver swimsuit, a pair of silvered boots, silver-toned bracers, a silver-toned "Isis" brooch, and a cape made of silver lam? fabric she scavenged from the Cannel Studios dumpster; only the swimsuit's new. She's only worn it once so far, to a Halloween party, and she's still not quite sure if she wants to go public with her powers; after all, she's only in grade 12. The most severe test she's yet put herself to was clearing a rockslide from the Upper Levels highway in early December; she took a bus that went past it, using the crawling pace of the bus past the constriction to buy herself the time needed to move the rocks off the blocked lane, making them slide and shift until both lanes were clear. The concentration needed to pull it off without using any sort of "spell" or "talisman" or letting the energies become visible was both intense and exhausting, but she managed it, and she's fairly sure she managed not to be noticed staring at the rockslide, since the rest of the passengers were staring anyway. Powers/Tactics: So far, she has none; she hasn't yet needed to use her powers in any sort of tactical situation. However, on the few occasions she's used her powers in public situations, she's put a lot of effort into concealing them (taking "Invisible Power Effects" and "Concentration" limits).Campaign Use:
  6. Re: NewCharacter for Review: Hurricane I'd like to know why a windmaster has brick level strength and defenses; it doesn't really seem to fit the concept. I do like the "noblesse oblige" aspect. Very nice.
  7. Re: Making Money redux Things she might do with her powers. Regular methods are fairly obvious.
  8. I'm just wondering, what might be some some good ways for a character to make money? The particular person in question is a 16 year old gir; she's shy, quiet, timid, bookish, and uses drilling rigs for workout weights (STR 80). Basically, she's a very high-end flying brick who hates drawing attention to herself.
  9. Re: Kill Bill I did see it in colour. In the theatre. This of course would have been the international version, it's not unusual for those to differ from the US versions.
  10. Re: WWYCD: The Gentleman Bandit Vs Doctor Sleazoid (LONG) With the exception of Champion Wind, I think most of my characters would react much the same way. Situation 1: Put DS under arrest, and try to get the authorities to nail for everything they can. Put GB under arrest, he is a thief after all. 2. Pound DS into submission, then arrest him and ask the authorities to throw the book at him. Arrest GB using only necessary force. 3. If possible, try to protect GB from DS' final shot. Clobber DS, then arrest them both. Again, ask the authorities to throw the book at DS. Champion Wind, being an idealist and a sentimentalist, would be inclined to let GB and Gina have their happy ending, at least for now.
  11. Re: WWWYCD: Caught in the Web Faye Soenghen: "Cool site. Maybe I should look up the creator, give him a thrill." This assumes that the site comes up after she's started a career as the Silver Sorceress, stage magician. If she does crimefighting, it would be *extremely* low-key. She's likely to be a bit fanatical about keeping it dead quiet that she has *real* psionic powers. If it's a Faye Soenghen fansite, and she hasn't gone onto the stage yet, she's going to find the little weiner behind it and have words with him. Come on, a fansite for a high school cheerleader? How lame is that? Ashley Evans: If it's about her as Ashley, she'll be blushing furiously for the next week. After that, she'll threaten the site's creator with legal action on the grounds that she's a minor and he has no permission from her parents to operate the site. Hopefully, negotiations will lead to the site being toned down heavily. If it's about her as "Mega-girl," or whatever super-ID she adopts, if any, well, there's not much she can do about it. Champion Wind: "Cool! I have fans!" Ika: She's a timelost cave girl. What does she care? Serena: Would start a campaign of terror against the creator: Voices he can't *quite* make out, strange sounds, thigs moving around when he's not looking. Making a fansite about a spy and a psych-ops expert isn't the brightest move possible.
  12. Re: I need a certain type of catastrophe One thing to remember about a world-affecting EMP is that it would fry almost all electronics: Chips and transistors of all sorts, including the electronics that control the electronics fabricators. So instantly we're back to 1970s style eight-bit chips, and having to build electronics back up from there, starting with the old-fashioned layout on Mylar with special pens.
  13. Re: I need a certain type of catastrophe Mutant 59: The Plastic Eaters. It was about a company that created a bacterium which fed on certain very rare plastics, from which the company made its soft drink containers. You'd pull off a strip on the can, exposing the eaters to UV. They'd "wake up," and chow down, digesting the can and turning it into harmless goo. After hundreds of tests, they started putting out the new, environmentally sound, biodegradable containers. You can fill in the rest.
  14. Re: How would you build this...?
  15. Re: (somehow) realistic Secret IDs There's also the Green Arrow approach: "All those years of doing my best to maintain a secret identity, and the only reason nobody figured it out was that nobody cared!?"
  16. Re: how to build a TRON light cycle An opaque Force Wall, with the limit "Can only lay a wall along the bike's trail." Also remember that the lightcycles only created those walls on their own game grid.
  17. Re: Aquaman: WTF? Re: The Orb and Eye of Aggamotto The Eye, in addition to being mobile, is far less powerful that the Ob; the Orb can see across dimensions, throughout all time and space, reveal almost anythig, and I think it can enable communication, though I'm not entirely certain about that. The Eye can only see into people's hearts and minds. It can reveal the true face of things, and Aggamotto's light can also strengthen other magic weilders if Strange so chooses and the other allows it.
  18. Re: Campaipn Flavor Idea: "The Discovery Channel's Hero Metal Mondays" True... on the other side, such a machine wouldn't be featured on such a show to begin with.
  19. Re: Campaipn Flavor Idea: "The Discovery Channel's Hero Metal Mondays"
  20. Re: Campaipn Flavor Idea: "The Discovery Channel's Hero Metal Mondays" Somehow, I don't see where watching it being put together would actually reveal anything significant about a motorbike. A base, or maybe a car or a jet, but a motorcycle?
  21. Re: Gay and Bisexual Superheroes It wasn't his attire that got on people's nerves; it was his attitude. He didn't even try to explain that it was a combination of personal choice and functional necessity; he just verbally attacked anyone who had a problem with his lack of attire, to the point where even my character, an alien with no concept of modesty and a dislike of clothing, thought he needed to put something on. Or at least be less annoying about not putting something on.
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