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Everything posted by HeroGM

  1. This is the book. Some "creasing"on the spine, few marks here and there brought used on Amazon. Was supposed to be softback to go with Vol2.
  2. One thing I've always considered (in some games) is using linked or compound powers for some items - especially weapons. If the magic is drained you still have a normal weapon so you may have: Long Sword: xD6 HKA blah blah blah plus 2D6 fire Dmg blah blah blah...
  3. Sorry, the "it has to have some type of reality reason" sucks the fantasy out of it for me. Maybe it's my age.
  4. Fiat says your game what do you want it to be? Personally I say skip the Str Min from magic items OR since many are supposed to be "lighter" drop the mmin FH5 285 has Str Mins listed.
  5. Just a little bit of a starter for .hde/.hcr files. <!--TEMPLATE_NAME-->, <!--TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION-->, and <!--FILE_EXTENSION--> are the minimum needed for the files, allowing HD to actually tell what it is. The <!--REPLACE--> box is for HTML, and should be replaced by whatever language you're coding it for. I've put it in as an example. <!--TEMPLATE_NAME-->[Template Name]<!--/TEMPLATE_NAME--> <!--TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION--> [Descrpition Goes Here] <!--/TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTION--> <!--FILE_EXTENSION-->[Extension]<!--/FILE_EXTENSION--> <!--REPLACE--> <!--DEFSTRING-->1/4<!--/DEFSTRING--> <!--REPSTRING--> &frac14; <!--/REPSTRING--> <!--/REPLACE--> <!--REPLACE--> <!--DEFSTRING-->1/2<!--/DEFSTRING--> <!--REPSTRING--> &frac12; <!--/REPSTRING--> <!--/REPLACE--> <!--REPLACE--> <!--DEFSTRING-->3/4<!--/DEFSTRING--> <!--REPSTRING--> &frac34; <!--/REPSTRING--> <!--/REPLACE-->
  6. I always liked the double borders on the ultimate books. Thought about it like that?
  7. As weird as it sounds, I'd ike to trade someone a 6e Vol1 character book in hardback for one in softback. I'll pay postage for both. I'll post pics of mine later today/tomorrow.
  8. HeroGM

    JRE on USB

    Not if you're using it on a Chromebook type system with limited space OR a library computer that you know only runs one particular type of system. I knew one gentleman who would run it on USB for the reason that they didn't allow any software to be loaded on their work machines.
  9. Khan, and that is MISTRESS Kahn, the red-headed romn empress turned saloon-songer.
  10. PDF doesn't work in the current versions of HD.
  11. HeroGM

    Image Tip

    Images are controlled if it's in the file, not in the file, or just does it automatically rather one is there or not. Depending on how you want your sheet to look you may want to put a "Photo not currently available" pic in your export. Instead of bloating your character file with the image data, just use the <!--IF_NO_IMAGE--> block to create one and keep a single image either on your drive or on your server. <!--IF_IMAGE--> <h3>Image (in File)</h3> <img src="<!--IMAGE_RELATIVE_URL-->" alt="<!--CHARACTER_NAME--> Pic"> <!--/IF_IMAGE--> <!--IF_NO_IMAGE--> <h3>No Image (in File)</h3> <img src="no_image.jpg" alt="No Image Found"> <!--/IF_NO_iMAGE-->
  12. AS a web developer I agree. I've tried bringing it up to people on twitter but with a blank look at times. Lea Verou's CSS book was written all in HTML/CSS and looks beautiful printed using O'Reilly's HTMLBook and a PDF processor. Would be a heavy boon for Hero products and if could be done the same way.
  13. It really hasn't been because a web browser is for web (duh right?). There are things like paged.js and other things that help, but they don't always do the full job, especially if the CSS isn't there. I thought about looking into HTMLBook, PrinceXML and other PDF processors and doing a template for them.
  14. Html is catching up, the main issue is support like everything else. At the time it actually works better in Chrome and Edge.
  15. I wish they'd get the *beep* @page query to start working correctly.
  16. Now go away or I shall taunt you some more. I need to take a day and go back and look at old threads.
  17. I've told people for years that "d20" gave everything on a silver platter so you didn't have to think, that were mechanics behind the scenes. While in prison I told that to one Pathfinder fanatic and he scoffed until he got ahold of the combat/magic books and learned the rules for it.
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