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HERO Member
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Everything posted by HeroGM

  1. HeroGM

    6E1 POD

    Received Vol1 today. Apparently it was hardcover. Oh well.
  2. HeroGM

    6E1 POD

    The cousins that have nothing. To do with me have my 6ed books, and it was agreed I'd deal a bit better with paper copies at the moment then play PDFs and get distracted with the net.
  3. HeroGM

    6E1 POD

    Vol 2 arrived today from Amazon ( Used - Good) and 1 is due next week.
  4. HeroGM

    Pulp Images

    Try her Bettie page cosplay
  5. Shiv first appeared in the Stars & STRIPES mini-series and it's been awhile since I've checked out JSA, they did a LOT with JSA next generation. While more young adults than teens go look at Infinity Inc, pre-CoIE. Young Justice is also a nice book, or at least the first series with Peter David and Todd Nauck. Naucks artwork really fit the teen tone at the time.
  6. HeroGM

    Pulp Images

    Rikki Lecotey aka Riddle.
  7. About issue 4-5 (I think) they had a storyline where they went to the mall, met some normal kids and was then attacked by Sentinel's. Another was (16-17(?)) was them attending a Gala/Ball at the Hellfire Club and getting into it with their opposites (Emma Frost's The Hellions). The stories it's based on is also FREE online @ https://ps238.nodwick.com/
  8. Heinz 57, Bacon, Swiss cheese, Onion.
  9. Nods - I was mainly thinking skills and little things like that.
  10. see if you can find a copy of Firebirds ltd. Golden Age.
  11. Yeah. How I stupidly got into Champions. While living in Italy one of the g.i.'s had a superhero game he wanted us to try ( i was 14 and enjoyed their games more then the ones my age was playing). Only issue was in couldn't play because we were due to go back to the states. When I got the first game shop I could I couldn't fully remember it...I knew it was a superhero game and it was based on points, not just die rolls.


    Champions jumped out at me, even though later on I found out it was Superworld he had been planning on running.


  12. Is it possible to copy from a 5th Ed character to a 6th? i.e. My old 5th character has "Damaging blow" (redundant I know) and I want to copy/paste to an updated 6th file...
  13. @DreadDomain What I tend to do when I play is have my players use a copy of CC while I use 1 & 2. If there is an issue that's not in CC I use the 6e core to "overrule" or I'd there is something that is left out of CC (or fantasy hero complete) but in APG1/2 then I allow it. Oven even allowed stuff from Digital Hero - so I'm right there with you on it all.
  14. IMHO they could do it as they did with 4 or 5 and save a lot of the tool kitting things for an advanced players.
  15. You could always buy it with the Linked or Unified Power -
  16. While mainly geared for comic books - Nate Pei kos over at Blambot.com has some wonderful fonts for use. Some are pay fonts and some are freebies, you just need to go through the store and get them. flag_unearthedbb_590x.webp flag_warhorse_590x.webp
  17. Going back to Champion's Legacy for a second. I'd do it like Strike Force where we see heroes and Villian's at the start and then a modern version along with their goals and what they've done. A villian (or hero) may start out wanting one thing and figure out he's really wanting something else. Maybe he went good for awhile and is still there or gone back to his old ways. It's almost be interesting to see a Champion's:Generations book (after John Byrne's Superman/Batman) book that shows how heroes during the different ages are along with people who picked up their mantle later on.
  18. Skullface - The Phantom Pain from Metal Gear Solid. Would make an interesting character (at least the look) for a Weird Western or even Pulp game.
  19. I am hopefully moving in mid-September and changing my living situation. I'm looking for a good group of 18+ gamers in the above area. Any Hero game, any Edition is fine, even games outside of Hero if given notice.
  20. First list, defensive strike, slot 0 instead of 1
  21. This is one of the weirdest things. I put all my Martial Arts into a list (natch) and for some reason it's show up as item 0. I haven't been able to reproduce the issue so it's just strange....
  22. Thanks, figured as much but wanted to make 100% sure. Need to look up how to do the start/stop as well May just be putting them in the wrong place. I'm playing around with all the Martial Arts tags at the moment.
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