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HERO Member
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Everything posted by HeroGM

  1. Don't forget the noble Daughter who hides as a man or, depending on the situation, tried to prove she's better than one. Cue Aladdin
  2. HeroGM


    I havent been able to hash it out. Where does the plain <!--SEPARATOR--></--SEPARATOR--> go? I get the is and is_not, but just the plain one is giving me fits for some reason
  3. Posted by Bill Sienkiewicz today on Twitter (@sinKEVitch)
  4. An example of the liquid Mana (found in pools) being used from Joe Madureira's Battle Chasers
  5. *Smacks you with a copy of Fred*
  6. Everything is in prefabs that are not characters (I checked my copy earlier). HDDocs pg 42 goes into it all.
  7. Currently I have this in my user/documents/ folder (windows). Helps me keep everything sorted. I also have a blank .txt file with the date HD was last updated (i.e. 20210804.txt) just as a visual reminder, especially since I have the source and play with it, inside the Core folder (where the unzipped HD files live). Yeah ok. After years of losing files I get OCD about it, plus if I ever want to copy to USB and take HD with me it's all there.
  8. Next week on Showtimes blend of Yellowjackets and Swords of Shanarra
  9. Has anyone ever seen any write ups of Bettencourt's Dawn of Amber?
  10. Under create new character, on the bottom should be use extended template.
  11. Yes, but if I home print it in greyscale I want it to look good. Not all color translates to b/w well and not all b/w is ment to be colorized.
  12. @SimontHanks, I know you can do it in Java, wasn't sure if the program defined it as well.
  13. One of the most prolific GMs I've ever seen or met - and much of Hero 5 on is due to his work.
  14. Today (Dec 8th) is Aaron Allston's birthday. Let us light a candle and toss a few D6 for our missing brother.
  15. Don't stress it, we'll be around. Not like I have a life. 😐
  16. In all seriousness this is why I love the "Non-Martial Art" Art, i.e. flat combat levels. Yes this could be brought as a Comic-Book style or a bunch of mixed M.A. maneuvers and knowledge skills. Either or all honestly work. It's just at some point you have a long list of maneuvers and K.S: Martial Art Name and not enough sheet 🥴
  17. Beware - my cat knows Kung Fu 😁
  18. Pgs 43-44 of the manual. You'll create a file in a text editor and put the info in the <CHARACTERISTICS> block. Here's one I did as a test for 6th Ed Advanced Players Guide one, you may want to see how Custom1 is done (NOTE: YOU have it correct for 5th, don't try to change it to fit mine) APG1.hdt Simon - coattaliling on his for a second. Can you extend more than one .hdt? So if I wanted a separate file for APG 1 and 2, I could say Ultimate Skill Extends 1 AND 2; or would I have to chain USkill to 2 and 2 to 1?
  19. Happy birthday our brother in arms.url.gif.ddf2574ab4160105ec775d91de9bc65c.gif

  20. You can modify PD, just have it overwrite the old one.
  21. You can dl those .hdt from the downloads section on here. The files themselves are inside the hd jar file
  22. How would we call the isUltra() in an Export?
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