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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: What Do You Do with a Dog in a Dungeon? Since when do you 'have' to cook lobsters live? You can stick a knife in 'em first.
  2. Re: Common 6E House Rules If someone rolls a 3 to hit in my game the do maximum damage.
  3. Re: Postapocalytpic Antarctica (Problems/Questions)?
  4. Re: What's in a name? I'd go for Vironian. Like a Dundonian for someone from Dundee.
  5. Re: Common 6E House Rules I generally only use haymaker when the target is grabbed anyway.
  6. Re: What Do You Do with a Dog in a Dungeon? I'm gonna try and furget that dreadful pun.
  7. Re: What Do You Do with a Dog in a Dungeon? Perhaps you could train a dog to sniff out magic. A dog who cold do that would be worth his weight in swords +1.
  8. Re: What Do You Do with a Dog in a Dungeon? I reckon an attack dog would be quite handy for a lone adventurer or man in the wild. If nothing else it would allow him to get some sleep knowing the dog would alert him to possible danger. Against normal type foes it might help stop him being overrun by several foes.
  9. Re: Shield of Thunder. Sticky? Why sticky? Of course people can avoid getting in contact with the shield a hundred different ways but swinging a sword at the guy holding it is not the best way to do it.
  10. Re: Independent Duplicates Maybe a massive bunch of contacts with useful non combat skills.
  11. Re: Sectional Defenses The 5e Hero System Bestiary has such a beast.
  12. Re: Shield of Thunder. We already have a mechanic for that - If the attacker has 12 ocv and the defender has 6 dcv then we can guess that more often than not the attcker will avoid the shield. Perhaps, but until Hero changes how it uses shields then I'll stick to what we've got.
  13. Re: Shield of Thunder. When the character is touched by someone or touches someone.
  14. Re: Shield of Thunder. Here is how I see it, Matt. Now, no attacker wants to hit the shield but a character moves the shield in the way of attacks - that's how shields work. There are no ways of avoiding a shield unless the character has indirect attacks, or has a flail and uses a flail manoeuvre. If the shield is being used passively it will take the characters dcv up by 3. I the attacker misses by 3 or less then it hits the shield. (as per 5e shield breakage rules) If he misses by 4 or more then he doesn't hit the shield.
  15. Re: Shield of Thunder. A shield is a special item which comes with a Gentleman's Agreement with the GM which allows you to use its DCV as OCV (instead of DCV) and has done since the first edition of Fantasy Hero. Passive DCV or Active OCV. I guess this rule is so ingrained in us old timers that Steve simply forgot to write it into 6e. I'm sure that now you've brought it up it'll be in Fantasy Hero 6.
  16. Re: Senseless Thread I know many people like that in the Real World TM.
  17. Re: Senseless Thread Was a thread here somewhere a good few year ago. Basically all humour, the ability to laugh is one day gone. At first no one notices but slowly the world starts to go crazy and violent. Very violent and short tempered. After a few weeks foreshadowing and normal not too stressful encounters which turn violent... A suicidal Foxbat comes to the Heroes for help. After a few false trails, blind alleys and red herrings they eventually jury rig a Geiger Counter to trace back the source of a very large radiation source. Eurostar was trying to de-stabilise European Govts and incite civil unrest and get a foothold. Follow trail of leads which eventually leads to a big fight in Scotland's new parliament building was the climax as I had a few pictures left over on my camera from my last trip to Edinburgh. Nice building for a Champions fight as it goes.
  18. Re: Senseless Thread I actually designed a scenario where the world lost it's sense of humour.
  19. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. Me: cursing the inabilities of other road users. Finn (aged 4) from the back: Why are you the only person in the city who can drive properly, Daddy? Me: I wonder that myself sometimes, Son.
  20. Re: Shield of Thunder. Steve's perhaps not made it clear in 6e2 211 but the old rule is still in effect. You can have extra dcv or extra ocv but not both.
  21. Does that mean that if I buy a 'shield' with points I only need to buy extra dcv with the understanding that it can be used for ocv instead? I don't need to buy both ocv and dcv levels?
  22. Hi, In older versions Shields had passive DCV or active OCV but not both at the same time. If that is still the case lockout would seem taylor made to simulate that. Now, my question is in 6e do you lose the DCV bonus of the shield whn you utilise the OCV bonus? Does you DCV drop by 2, 3 or whatever when you actively block or deflect an attack? Thanks for your thoughts and time, Al
  23. Re: Shield of Thunder. Hmmm. I do like the idea of either or CV for shields. Passive DCV or active OCV and lockout seems to be the lim. which fits the bill. I wonder what Steve thinks?
  24. Re: Shield of Thunder. As far as I can remember that was always the case since the original FH. You had extra passive dcv or extra active ocv but not both, I doubt if that has changed in 6e. Or has it?
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