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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Western Spaghetti Samurai Frontier Feel to Fantasy Sword & Sorcery Why would a person have no clothes? What the person wears when not in battle? if the person is rich enough to buy ridiculously expensive armour then he is rich enough to have clothes.
  2. Re: (Equipment) Axe vs. Sword I reckon most soldiers had to have 10-13 str so most weapons should come in around that Str Min. Even the big swords of the medieval period, claymores and Edward the III's sword should be acessable to strong men in the normal range, perhaps 15 str at the very most. It's really only extremely large and unweildy weapons, like longbows which needed the wielder to be noticably stronger than a trained soldier would be. eddie's sword http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.stgeorges-windsor.org/archives/blog/http://www.stgeorges-windsor.org/archives/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/edward-iii-sword.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.stgeorges-windsor.org/archives/blog/%3Ftag%3Dedward-iii&usg=__kqUTVSZ6toM_lZrrkFLwceCkCF0=&h=357&w=225&sz=34&hl=de&start=6&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=63pS6074LUHbKM:&tbnh=121&tbnw=76&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dedward%2Biii%2Bsword%26hl%3Dde%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1
  3. Re: Western Spaghetti Samurai Frontier Feel to Fantasy Sword & Sorcery I have actually considered running the excellent Lonesome Dove book / mini series in a fantasy setting.
  4. Re: Western Spaghetti Samurai Frontier Feel to Fantasy Sword & Sorcery Pfft, some of my players would bathe in full battle armour if they thought they could get away with it.
  5. Re: Western Spaghetti Samurai Frontier Feel to Fantasy Sword & Sorcery Another trope of westerns is the fast draw duel. With swords it'd only really work if the opponent wasn't wearing much armour so the first hit can be important either to stun, impair or kill.
  6. Re: Western Spaghetti Samurai Frontier Feel to Fantasy Sword & Sorcery Either or.Whatever your players are happier being the generic bad guy I suppose. Spaghetti westerns wern't PC and that is the feel we're looking for isn't it?
  7. Re: Western Spaghetti Samurai Frontier Feel to Fantasy Sword & Sorcery Another thing to try is just using old Cowboy novels and movies as the basis for your plots and insert fantasy elements. Natives Americans become orcs but bandits are still bandits. A frontier lawless place where might is right is what you're looking for.
  8. Re: Western Spaghetti Samurai Frontier Feel to Fantasy Sword & Sorcery It'll hurt ... :slash: /arm missing
  9. Re: Wouldnt want to meet that guy. Buggery on 14- instaed of Bugging 14- on a character once. Couldn't decide whether to leave it or change it.
  10. Re: Blocking and relative strengths We already have rules for weapon lengths.
  11. Re: Blocking and relative strengths Not gonna read the whole thread but Panpiper is spot on. You block by moving your feet not throwing your arm in the way.
  12. Re: Weapon Speeds and Casting Times I might build weapon lag as equivilent to weapon length as generally speaking bigger weapons are slower to handle than smaller weapons. Of course large weapons which don't struggle would not take that limitation. I think -1 dex for medium weapons and -2 dex for large weapons is enough of a penalty. To be honest it is more detail than I'd want to implement but if I did it that's what I'd do.
  13. Re: Firearms in fantasy? I have canons and mortars in my game and even matchlock weapons. Indeed one enterprising young fellow even hit a dragon at point blank range with a ship's 4d6 rka cannon once. Poor lad rolled 11body and 22 stun. Bink. I gave the ferocious beastie an extra d6 presence attack for 'displaying a power' after that.
  14. Re: Faith, Courage and Humble Obedience true enough but why would a GM have a problem with that?
  15. Re: Faith, Courage and Humble Obedience It is whatever the player wants it to be. If he says presence and pays the points for it then that is what it is.
  16. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? The building blocks of 1 and 2 point MA maneuvers are already there you just need to remove the minimum cost for maneuvers and you're good to go. In a more realistic campaign i encourage this approach to buying Martial Arts.
  17. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? I used TK as my ranged power to include grabs in my example but it could just as easily be blast or RKA.
  18. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? The only thing I want to see is ranged Martial Arts being treated as equals of HTH Martial Arts. The same maneuver elements should be purchasable for a ranged MA as for a HTH MA. Cost might be different but I can see no logical reason that all maneuvers usable by a Martial Artist with his muscle power could not be used by a Martial Artist who happened to have TK or the force or whatever instead of muscle power. e.g. a Jedi master could use nerve strikes, martial strikes, throws, killing strikes, chokes, shoves, trips, disarms, blocks et cetera et cetera.
  19. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive They can use them ward off the man-eating penguins which are about to attack the facility. (Justice League: Antartica - the blame for this post falls squarely on your shoulders.)
  20. Re: A is for Absorption First impression was that the books are heavy. Next impression was I had a mountain of work to do today so I put them and my copy of Dragonypoos straight in the boot of my car. Mountain is now a more managable hillock so I'm going to retire to the throne room with one of said books for a good leaf through.
  21. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive They made it to Germany \o/
  22. Re: What Genre book Reprint are you most anticipating? The other thing I'd like to see is War Hero! A look at WWII. The main players, troop types, weaponary, tactics. A bit like Western Hero in layout with real life charcter write ups and advice and running a campaign for a squad etc. I'd like an overview of what happened and why, some maps of important actions and the like.
  23. Re: What Genre book Reprint are you most anticipating? Sure but Farmer Hero just doesnae do it for me somehow
  24. Re: What Genre book Reprint are you most anticipating? I know it was Western Hero 4th ed (one of my favourite hero products ever) but I think Cowboy Hero would be a better name.
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