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Everything posted by Alibear

  1. Re: Shield of Thunder. And how do we describe the ocv/ dcv thing of a shield? Lockout?
  2. Re: Shield of Thunder. 6 has it -3 dex rolls & ocv in hth combat and ranged combat (when using a weapon.)
  3. Re: Shield of Thunder. The other thing I'm struggleing to find in 6 is Str Min limitations... any help with a page reference there?
  4. So the premise is that when the character blocks with the shield, either actively or passively, there is a mighty crash (BOOIIIINNNNGGGGGGGG!!!!) and the attacker gets a shock up his arm as if he's hit solid steel. So it's a 4d6 flash to hearing and touch (24), constant +1/2, damage shield +1/4 (whatever we're calling that now?) (42 active points) Now this is meant to be a powerful defensive item but feel it may be too powerful as virtually no-one has flash defence to touch/ hearing. What do you think? edit: Area of Effect: Personal.
  5. Re: In Through Page, Out The Screen It works if the GM says it does.
  6. Re: In Through Page, Out The Screen Small limitation as most 'planes of reality' have already been designed in some or other and on paper somewhere.
  7. Re: A senario: ideas and help me flesh it out. Yeah, I wasn't clear. I have two new players and two old ones.
  8. Re: In Through Page, Out The Screen Do you have to write it up? I'd be tempted to call that GM Handwavium. Anywhore, I think you are on the right track.
  9. So here is the deal. Now afer a long hiatus i'm about to GM again, with two new players who haven't played for years and were DnDers. So, I want to keep it to stuff they know and like without being too cliched. I want my young lads to locate an ancient tomb in a desert in the Empire of Kesh (Persia really). Once in they have to dodge a trap or two, battle a guardian monster, grab the loot and leave. On the way out they need to battle a tribe of warriors who historically protect the tomb. All very straight forward so far. Now, the two players have no experience with Hero so I will design characters for them and have decided on a Ranger type and a Rogue for them to play. The Ranger will be the guide in the desert and the Rogue will be the tomb robber - give them both a chance to shine. Now onto the complications - I want to use the desert itself as an enviromental obstacle but am not sure how. I thought perhaps a sandstorm perhaps? 1. Meet in a the city 2. Ranger gathers supplies for desert treck (fuzzy on what they might need) Tents, dried food, loads of water and perhaps some camels or horses? 3. Scholar/ Rogue tracks down location of tomb (fuzzy on the details on this) Either wizard tracks it down in library or rogue hears about it from ex tomb robber? Whatever sounds less cheesy. 4. Get attacked by nomad warriors who have heard of adventurers about to rob tomb. perhaps at a well known watering hole. 5. Out and about in desert, perhaps encounter local wildlife or friendly locals? (ranger shines) 6. Find tomb but tomb is buried under sand. PC's get worked up and start to dig perhaps. 7. Nomad conjurer summons efriit (air elemental) to attack party, it uses sand attacks and in the process reveals entrance. Defeat efriit and drive off conjurer 8. Enter tomb, dodge traps (Rogue shines) 9. Find maguffin. 10. Leave tomb and fight rest of nomads and conjurer or flee. Now, none of that is particularly imaginative or inspiring. What could I change to make it more.... memorable? Any ideas?
  10. Re: Bad character design or broken rules ? He can't stop you from doing whatever you like and I ignored him and left it in. Just that was a specific question he forbade. I really think 9 or 10 points is enough to be able to use any wepaon/ drive any vehicle etc.
  11. Re: Bad character design or broken rules ? Are the 9 point psl wepaon master a valid build in 6e? Steve specifically forbade it in 5.
  12. Re: The Necrinomicon Whisky, Tango Foxtrot?
  13. Re: Real Locations that should be fantasy I'm jealous, frankly.
  14. Re: Modifier For Range Attacks on Moving Objects I think he means to fire it high in the air and fall down. I hope so anyway. Normal range rules apply. Archers trained to hit areas not really individuals at range.
  15. Re: "Neat" Pictures The Giant who grabbed must me bloddy massive!
  16. Re: Impact of Figured Characteristics Indeed Twinkletoes and his Ballet dancing chums will get chewed up by a platoon of her Majesty's Rifles no matter how graceful they move. One problem with CV against skill levels for the 10th Dan dude is that CV doesn't discriminate (could limit it I suppose) v weapon type. He'd be all HTH and not so much range combat prowess.
  17. Alibear


    Re: Alchemy After some thought I reckon Shrike is right. I'll remove focus (but keep fragile) and add restrainable and non recoverable charges. For mundane Alchemy I'll let them use 20 Active points plus 10 for each full two points they make the alchemy by.
  18. Alibear


    Re: Alchemy I see, thanks. I don't think that is gonna work in my campaign. At least I'm going to have to define two types of alchemy, mundane and fantastical. The mundane will be as you envisage but the fantastical not (for me) All magic is basically the same and all interacts with each other and ultimately comes from the same source no matter what the caster thinks, has learned or believes. All the bits that magic different have been learned, by tradition, by training by chance whatever, it doesn't matter that is all window dressing imposed by custom, handed down teacher to pupil over the generations. Fantastical potions will have to be imbued by magic to make them work. The caster will be limited by how he learned magic and by how much magic he can cast. I see this is going to take some thought, a lot more than I though it would, in defining the differences between the two. Thanks Shrike, rapier and the rest for your input.
  19. Alibear


    Re: Alchemy Don't like focus and restrainable together either. Double dipping if ever I saw it.
  20. Alibear


    Re: Alchemy About the non recoverable charge thing - how does that work. Surely we can simply rebrew the 'spell' and cast again.
  21. Alibear


    Re: Alchemy So after looking through 6e on my luch break I have come up with this is a list of limitations for the MP Reserve. Requires Alchemy roll -1/2 (roll will be made at time of spell activation not at time of actual alchemy) Focus: Obvious -1/2, accessible -1/2, fragile -1/4 (spells are store in little glass jars and vials) Charges: 16 -0(to be determined which spells are carried before gameplay begins) takes time to recover and needs rare and/ or expensive ingredients -1/4 and requires Alchemy lab -1/4 For a total of 2 1/4. All slots will be fixed but I think I'll give the player a large point pool so he can activate 2 or 3 'spells' at a time. Does that seem reasonable?
  22. Alibear


    Re: Alchemy I don't think I'm being clear. This will be just like any other magician but his 'spells' will be brewed in a lab and stored in jars until he needs them. Not sure what resource points are mind you. Can you explain please? He'll use an MP probably and have his Alchemy skill to control it. His spells will have a focus and components might be rare or not as the case may be. He'll need usable by others I suppose as he could theoretically pass them to his friends to use. Would there be a problem with using more than one spell at the same time in this manner? His spells will be a 'Healing Salve', 'Potion of Ogre Strength', 'Elixir of Confusion' and the like.
  23. Alibear


    So how am I do design an alchemist and keep it book legal according to 6e? He'll basically have a pool of points which allow him to create a certain number of potions, salves, unguents - whatever out of play and in a lab which As he goes through the scenario he can pull some out and use or give to friends as required. A fantasy version of a utility belt in essence. Before play starts we'll decide how many of which spells he has prepared in his wee jars and on his person. What advantages and limitations do I need to do this? Do I need trigger?
  24. Re: battle Wear vs. Town Wear When I get the rare chance to play in our campaign I play a templar like Knight for the 1 of the known world's 2 schools of wizardary. She has armour but doesn't wear it unless she is going to battle. She could wear it whenever she wants, she paid 2 points to be a knight, and is from a noble (and rich, have to be to pay for the armour and training) family and as such is a cut above local militia and town guards who would not dare question their betters anyway. However when she is in civilisation then she is civilised too. She doesn't walk around in battle armour, she normally doesn't even carry a sword. Respect for laws and customs in her mind must go two ways. The locals respect her for who and what she is but she respects them too. If it was a bunch of mercenaries in full battle armour was swanning about in a village I dare say the local lord would send his men at arms to and see who was questioning his authority and flouting his justice. If the GM wants to way lay her but armed toughs that's fine and acceptable. As a GM you spot othre GM's tricks and sometiimes play along to drive the story forward. I wouldn't assume the GM was 'out to get me' or was picking on me.
  25. Re: battle Wear vs. Town Wear Another thing is that magic is... well magical and rare. Magical items, magical creatures and magic users in my game setting are quite rare. The stuff of legend, tales and stories gossip and debate. Nobody is really sure how it works or why. Having said that as my PCs are all magicians (of one stripe or another) themselves what magic is about they seem to get involved with. But that is not the norm for the locals. Many times if they enter a village they will be the first magicians to have entered in living memory.
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