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Everything posted by Hawksmoor

  1. Re: Entangle Abuse Too simplistic a read. The Multiple Move-by is just the overlay of the Sweep manuver on to the Move by Manuver. Since it is so often done the rules include the example in the text of Move by. That said Passing Strike is a very powerful MA manuver and I am coming to the realization that Martial Arts, not VPPs or ECs or Transforms or Mental Entangles are the HERO system's biggest abuse area. Concept not skill or time doing the job (superheroing) should determine the availability of MA. Hawksmoor
  2. Re: How to build this power That is a good build. Desolid is clunky since the character is really not desolid and generic Affects Desolid won't work vs Jericho. Repped! Hawksmoor
  3. Re: DEX: and the Marvel Universe He fell on him! He fell on him! That is Luck! Speed Demon shoulda had em both if not for that Eugene kid and his unncontrollable leaping. :grin: Hawksmoor
  4. Re: Brick v. Powered Armor Hypothetical I have only seen it used as a ultimate foci breaker in 5e and 5er (the new BBB). Dispel works on an SFX and specific power basis. It only turns a power off. By allowing it to scrap foci despite Durability and other considerations for what could be a long time as opposed to a phase it grants Dispel too much power for the point cost. Focus destruction is IMO accomplished by use of attack powers like EB KAs and if you are a munchkin twink BODY Drain. Hawksmoor
  5. Re: Where is Professor X when you need him? You could also just handwave the TK and have the power targeted by the characters ECV (targeting Dex based DCV and having range mods and all that...really the power is moving things via mental power what in heck does DEX have to do with it?) The MP and EC route are the standard way to go with these builds since players are by convention restricted from simply building characters with loads and loads of points. This generally results in a mentalist that can only do some things at the same time. Typically Mind Scan Force Field and a movement in the EC with the MP filled with the other PSI powers like EGO blast and Telepathy. Hawksmoor
  6. Re: Brick v. Powered Armor Hypothetical Icky Steve ruling. Dispel only turns a power off for a very limited amount of time. Focus breaking is IMO beyond what Dispel should in all rights and balances be able to do. Switch off the laser sword yes, render it inoperable until I can fix it (out of combat) no. As to getting the villian out of the armor, well the darned thing has some releases, you simply have to find them. If the armor was OIHID it would be another matter entirely. Hawksmoor
  7. Re: Advice for new GMs Read the book and familiarize yourself with the rules. HERO is crunchy. Like Emerged said ignore anything that is optional. In that vein the $7-9 dollar Sidekick version of HERO is the way to go. Minimal amount of financial outlay and for the maximum amount of HERO goodness, all in a neat easy to use package that will not boggle your mind like Fifth Edition Revised (or the big bulletproof book. Hey! we can use BBB again!) Stay corny and schitcky at first. Run a game of superheroes as you and your group imagine supers to be. Stop bank robberies, have fights on in and under the Brooklyn bridge, Stop meteors from leveling your fair city. Do fun things in cool places. Encourage the players to roleplay their characters and not the system. Watch Superhero flims before playing the game. Cartoon Network's JLU and Pixar's the Incredibles are always favorites. They *help* set the mood. Use us the HERO community for help and don' forget the search function or our inestimable Lord Liaden to mine the threads for gold like Villians, Heroes and NPCs for your games. Hawksmoor
  8. Re: Ultimate Superheroes Universe Characters Torch, It was not a thread past the time you stopped including proper names and actually explaining your thoughts. It was stream of consciousness nonsense. Hawk
  9. Re: Armor Piercing on normal attacks: Is it useful? But the modifier is called Advantage. It should convey an advantage to the user. AP does scale. It scales along side the use of Defense Powers. If the Defense ups so should the Active Points of the powers being used to oppose them. Don't restrict the debate by keeping the active points of the attack the same while comparing it to escalating defenses. For instance, I am the opposite of DOJ when it comes to fast/long combats. The speed chart is in seconds and I want Heroes and Villians that can toe to toe for minutes if not hours (DOJ wants quick and dirty [not genre] combat). Thus my prefered DC vs DEF mix is 12 DC v 30-35 PD/ED. If I take more than say 10 Stun from the average attack in a game then I am (IMO) taking too much. Thus AP does leak through more damage on me than I normally like. AP is an advantage. If I buy 40-45 Defenses then the value of AP does lessen on a 60 AP power. What should be done instead is that the Active Points of the attacks in the campaign should scale upwards to keep the balance to achieve 7-10 STUN per attack on average. Hawksmoor
  10. Re: Tachyon OK. The DB is not a notebook. If you are going to use it could you please put in proper nouns and add some more description. I mean would even you understand what you were talking about in post 60 in a week? Who would you not change and place in JitB's rogues gallery? After all more than just you reads these. Hawksmoor
  11. Re: Armor Piercing on normal attacks: Is it useful? I was commenting on DR's being relieved that AP was no great advantage over straight dice. True, they cost the same but Indirect is a great advantage over straight dice and the list goes on. Shouldn't AP have an *advantage* over straight dice? IMX Dice are the way to go. AP is only useful for Killing Attacks where you want to whittle your opposition's resistant defenses down a notch to land that precious body damage. Hawksmoor
  12. Re: Entangle Abuse I am so glad you agree with my assessment. Hawksmoor
  13. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Cool pic. Now to send off those Commission requests I've been sitting on. I want to make sure Storn has enough to buy candy and popcorn at the movies this summer. Hawksmoor
  14. Re: Entangle Abuse Alright, what we have here is a large tree man with 9 points of MA. Using the PI Entangle is only half the problem. One: Disallow Passing Strike. Where in the world did a treeman learn an advanced MA? Also he needs 10 points to buy MA. Two: Turtling is unheroic because well supers eschew cover. Besides the Entangle is only going to to stop/slow down a 45 ap power. A single agent rapid firing will blow it down and waste Treeman's action. Hawksmmor
  15. Re: Armor Piercing on normal attacks: Is it useful? Not to be dense but then what is the point of the advantage? Hawksmoor
  16. Re: Default Waterproof Computers? SFX or LS: Appropriate Condition. What ever the GM thinks would work. Hawksmoor
  17. Re: Ultimate Superheroes Universe Characters Oh my! Torch is using stream of conciousness typing on us! Get a rope! We'll have none of that here! Hawksmoor
  18. Re: Pulsar I suspect heavy editing and deletion of the beloved hdc files has left you feeling confused. Not to worry I just realized this myself. Hawksmoor
  19. Re: Defining a power... help please. OIF metallic object of opportunity -1/2 . You can with effort disarm her, if she is in a forest or out at sea or in space she is weaponless if you steal her gear. Works for me, but then I play a Magnetic based PC with this schitck exactly. He shapes the weapons from his costume (of metal natch) in a pinch but the idea is the same. Hawksmoor
  20. Re: DEX: and the Marvel Universe Nah! Leaps of a mile are simply NC adding on to a 110-150 STR depending on how mad he is. Joe Fixit would have a STR of maybe 70-85 but I digress. Megascale is not in the Hulk's powerset. OTOH I loved the depiction in Hulk (right the movie) where his vast STR was shown to do all it could do. Run really fast. Check. Leap really far? Check. Toss Tanks a click away? Check. Hawksmoor
  21. Re: DEX: and the Marvel Universe And buying any Figured Characteristics (other than Speed) is less efficient than buying *more* of the primaries it is based on. Buying REC END and STUN? No you dope! Buy more CON. Hawksmoor
  22. Re: villain vs villain My first answer is to read The Authority. That is a villian book. My second answer is to reiterate the point about expectations. For me it would be to stress to the players to stay in genre. Which means you are inefficient and generally don't kill. Why? Because villians get foiled, and killing is messy and complicates things. Armed Robbery compounded by Murder One makes a short career if the superprison system is anything like Jack's Icehouse and Stronghold concepts. Hawksmoor
  23. Re: How to: Pointing Out The Flaw Or Skill Levels usable by others. If you use the increase damage option and combine it with a Haymaker you have the classic Reed "Hit there Ben!" bit. Hawksmoor
  24. Re: Immunity and invulnerability First I want to say Bravo! to Archer for thinking about the problem of Invulnerability in HERO. Now most attacks in HERO will do no body to most characters in 5ER rules. The problem from my perspective has been in the taking of extreme amounts of Stun. So again Bravo to Archer for creative use of the Toolkit in advocating the use of the Takes no Stun power. I will, however, disagree with Dust Raven in that Invulnerability should be an expensive power, especially a disablingly expensive power. Invulnerability to greater and lesser degrees is a common power in the Superheroic Genre. IMO a reasonable charge for Invulnerability would not exceed 90 CP. This price would not scale upwards in higher point games since Invulnerability becomes increasing *more* common as the power levels rise. One should be able to include Invulnerability as part of a suite of powers and not as the core concept of the character (Bulletproof I am looking at you!). Further the level of invulnerability is scalable since the level of defenses the character has is entirely in the hands of the player/GM. Want Rogue level invulnerability? Get a 18rPD/18rED. Want Kryptonian/Daxamite level invulnerability and well 60rPD 60rED is what you are looking at. (Based on ignoring the damage caused by a fall from Earth Orbit) I would think that Invulnerability from the LS angle would only include the environments (Hot, Cold, Vacuum, High Pressure, Radiation, and Zero Gravity). Adders like Eating, Sleeping, Immortality, and the Toxins+Poisons are nice but not required. On the whole good work Chris Goodwin and some meager rep to your total. Hawksmoor
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