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Everything posted by Hawksmoor

  1. Re: Campaigning for Supervillain PCs... My situation is a little different. The PCs are going to be villains, but it is a "Suicide Squad" situation. I am not looking for redemption in the PCs, but I am looking for interaction and exploration of the character. I am *not* interested in bloodworks, so characters like that are automatically going to be dismissed from consideration. But back to the question at hand, I intend on letting the PCs win as villains. However un-Golden or Silver age it may seem the villains win sometimes, they HAVE to, or it [the lifestyle] would not attract so many converts. As to world shaking ideas and plots, I say let the game's metaplot progess, and if the PCs do not stop it you end up with Lord Doom being the ruler or Bermuda, Dr. Destroyer owning Argentina, and Sturmfuher running the Rhine valley. My thoughts, Hawksmoor
  2. Re: Character Posting Game: Restart I'd just go with a VPP that allows Skills and Talents with memories being SFX. Multiform is too much for this one, go simpler. Hawksmoor
  3. Re: Character Posting Game: Restart I forgot about the Automaton rules. Actually anything would do I would just like a non-piloted construct of some sort to compare to my ideas of a Xorn Warstrider. Hawksmoor
  4. Re: Character Posting Game: Restart A Robot Vehicle that has as its means of locomotion legs (any number) and was designed by Aliens. Hawksmoor -Thought that was self explanatory
  5. Re: Character Posting Game: RestartIs it Cheating to post a PC you entered into the PBEM?If not Agent X here is Crimson Seraph...a guy with wings.The Crimson SeraphPlayer: Hawksmoor Val Char Cost 15/40 STR 5 14/26 DEX 12 13/28 CON 6 12/18 BODY 4 18 INT 8 18 EGO 16 13/23 PRE 3 14/30 COM 2 7/24 PD 4 7/24 ED 4 4/6 SPD 16 6/14 REC 0 26/56 END 0 27/54 STUN 0 7" RUN02" SWIM03"/8" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 80Cost Power END 25 Infinite Weapon: Multipower, 50-point reserve, (50 Active Points); all slots OAF (-1) 2u 1) Sword Form: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (3d6 / 4d6 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); OAF (-1) 0 2u 2) Flame Blast: Energy Blast 10d6 (50 Active Points); OAF (-1) 5 2u 3) Flame Burst: Sight Group Flash 10d6 (50 Active Points); OAF (-1) 5 2u 4) Aegis: Force Wall (10 PD/8 ED; 3" long and 1" tall) (49 Active Points); OAF (-1), No Range (-1/2) 5 1u 5) Mace Head: Hand-To-Hand Attack +2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15 Active Points); OAF (-1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2) 0 1u 6) Staff Body: Stretching 2", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (15 Active Points); OAF (-1), No Noncombat Stretching (-1/4) 0 25 Wings: Multipower, 44-point reserve, (44 Active Points); all slots Restrainable (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 2u 1) Gliding 31", Position Shift (36 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 0 2u 2) Flight 17", Improved Noncombat Movement (x8) (44 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4 10 Music Of the Spheres: Multipower, 20-point reserve, (20 Active Points); all slots Increased Endurance Cost (2x END; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 1u 1) Healing Hands: Healing 2d6 (20 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (2x END; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4 1u 2) Illusions and Halos: Sight Group Images 1" radius, +/-3 to PER Roll (19 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (2x END; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4 1u 3) Words of the Wise: Mind Control 2d6, Cumulative (x4 max.) (48 points; +1) (20 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (2x END; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4 1u 4) Command the Spheres: Dispel Magic 5d6, One At A Time (+1/4) (19 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (2x END; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4 1u 5) Magic Suppression: Suppress 3d6, One Power At A Time (+1/4) (19 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (2x END; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4 12 Crimson Armor: Damage Resistance (15 PD/15 ED), Difficult To Dispel (x4 Active Points) (x4 Active Points; +1/2) (22 Active Points); Incantations (-1/4), Extra Time (Delayed Phase, -1/4), Custom Modifier (-1/4) [Notes: Physical Manifestation] 0 126 Enhanced Physiology: (Total: 157 Active Cost, 126 Real Cost) +25 STR (25 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 20) plus +12 DEX (36 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 29) plus +15 CON (30 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 24) plus +6 BODY (12 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 10) plus +10 PRE (10 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 8) plus +16 COM (8 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 6) plus +12 PD (12 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 10) plus +14 ED (14 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 11) plus +1 SPD (10 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (Real Cost: 8) 2 10 MageSight: Detect (Magic) A Single Thing 13- (Unusual Group), Discriminatory, Analyze (13 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 0 6 Mental Defense (10 points total) 0 7 Healing 1 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) 0 2 Running +1" (7" total) 1 Powers Cost: 242Cost Skill 3 Acrobatics 12- (14-) 3 Bureaucratics 12- (14-) 3 Computer Programming 13- 3 Electronics 13- 3 Inventor 13- 3 Mechanics 13- 3 Paramedics 13- 3 Persuasion 12- (14-) 3 SS: Electronics 13- 3 SS: Computer Science 13- 3 Systems Operation 13- 4 Weaponsmith (Energy Weapons, Muscle-Powered HTH, Muscle-Powered Ranged) 13- 3 Analyze: Magic 13- 5 Language: Celestial Tongue (idiomatic; literate) 3 CuK: Magical Beings 13- 3 KS: Occult Lore 13- 6 +1 with All Combat (8 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) Skills Cost: 57Cost Perk 5 Money: Well Off 9 Contact (NYU) (Contact has useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) (9 Active Points) 8- 7 Contact: Officer James Bartlett (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Contact limited by identity, Very Good relationship with Contact) 12- Perks Cost: 21Val Disadvantages 5 Distinctive Features: Angelic Resonance Not Concealable, Noticed and Recognizable, Detectable Only By Unusual Senses 20 Distinctive Features: Angelic Being (Wings/Golden Hair/Silver Eyes) (Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 10 Dependent NPC: Molly Mathers (Archeologist and Adventurer 11- (Occasionally), Normal, Useful noncombat position or skills 15 Hunted: Crimelord 11- (Less Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish) 15 Hunted: Demonic Entity (Thanagog) 11-, As Powerful, Harshly Punish 20 Psychological Limitation: Seeking Justice (Very Common, Strong) 15 Psychological Limitation: Code vs.Killing Common, Strong 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity Frequently (11-), Major 10 Susceptibility: Splashed with Holy Water, 2d6 damage Instant Uncommon 10 Vulnerability: 1 1/2x STUN Sonic Attacks Common 10 Vulnerability: 1 1/2 x BODY Sonic Attacks (Common) Disadvantage Points: 145Base Points: 250Experience Required: 5Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 400 Height: 1.88 m Hair: Golden Weight: 77.00 kg Eyes: Liquid Silver Appearance: Mattiew Malakim is an older gentleman. He looks much, much fitter than his age. In fact since his empowerment he is fitter than many 18 year old athletes. His grey hair is kept closely cropped to his head and his favored attire screams “College Professor!†For an image I think Patrick Stewart is a fine choice, plus Mattiew has that French accent, although over the years he has forgotten all but the most simple phrases and kid songs. When he transmutes into the Seraph he gains muscle mass, height and hair! Although his weight remains the same since his form is infused with a mystical quality. As an Angel-like being, the Seraph has three sets of ivory wings sprouting from his back; his wings must be free for him to fly. Although he can fly in relatively small places, in cramped situations he relies on his two smaller wings, his wings need at least 5 feet of room to work properly. His armored suit is made of unknown materials and is a deep red color with tiny golden rivets, it seems to remarkably stay clean and untorn despite the rigors underwhich it is used, if damaged it is completely repaired the next time he summons it. When his Infinite Weapon is not in use it transforms into a bracer and sits on his right forearm ready to respond to his commands, although it does not wrap tightly around his forearm and can be easily removed. Personality: Quote:Swooping down from the dark, dingy gothic skyline, The Seraph sweeps up a Dealer and slams him against a wall. Leaning in to his ear he whispers with harsh clarity“I am here to tell you something…Heaven might not be watching you…but I AM!†Background: Mattiew Malakim was born in the village of Nantes in the French countryside. His was born days before World War II began. His father sent his wife and their young son to England as the war broke out. His father died in the early days of the war. Mattiew was never to learn exactly what happened to his father. His mother, Mariah Malakim worked as a seamstress in Wales, and cared for her young son throughout the horrible early years of the conflict. In 1942, the Malakim’s were granted a visa to the United States, as part of a population protection move designed by Roosevelt and Churchill. His mother was given a job as a seamstress in a parachute making factory. Mattiew quickly proved to be exceptionally bright and was entered into kindergarten when he was four years old. Academics proved easy for him, plus after school he could slip into the factory and spent time with this mother, reading to her from his books as she worked. Mattiew attended good public schools and applied himself well. He attended a major University. Mattiew pursued an academic career as a Professor of Computer Science, a new and exciting field of inquiry. Additionally, his academic interests culminated in a second degree in electrical engineering. He married a nice young woman who worked at the University. After marriage they moved to Newport City to start anew. He and Josephine never had children; he believed it might have to do with the EM fields and exotic chemicals he was exposed to for years in the labs. Nonetheless, they were happy. Time moved on though and the city slowly slipped into decay around them. The tension of the city grew palpable, Mattiew looked for a way to cope with the harsh realities of Newport City, and in the early sixties he found God. Catholic by birth and tradition he had never really believed or possessed faith. Through God, Mattiew found himself a changed man. He looked around him and saw that no matter how bad things were, God had a plan. Then Josephine was murdered. She was stabbed during a rape. Her assailant had been preying upon women in their neighborhood sporadiacally for months. The Police had no leads. Josephine, the light of his life, was extinguished. Mattiew lost his faith the day Josephine was buried. He refused to attend the chapel services at the University as he had for 20 years. He drifted through his work at the department. In his grief he was lost. In one moment of rage and grief, he left his class in the middle of lecture and strode towards the Campus Chapel. There he railed at God for causing so much suffering; for killing his father, who he never knew; for working his mother into an early grave; for taking Josephine, and for not taking him instead. He shook his fist at the altar. And as he did a glow filled the stained glass behind it. Bursting forth into the room, the light covered Mattiew and entered him. The Light changed him. Recovering he felt a peace, a completeness he had never known was lacking. The statue of the Archangel Gabriel was visible as he sat up in the chapel. Tears on his face he thanked God for his grace and stood up to leave and return to his home. Over the next nights, Mattiew was changed mentally, his dreams became profound vehicles to impart major truths of the universe and God and man’s place in it. He found he knew more obscure details about Angels, Demons, Witches and other ‘magical things’ than he was certain was recorded. He was also changing physically. He was in fact not growing older, but younger and stronger. But the changes would not stop there. A younger faculty member in the Humanities department saw his black board one day and noticed something odd. Instead of recording notes in English he was using the mystical language of the Celestials. Dr. Molly Mathers just happens to have a book on Angelic glyphs so she recognizes and comments to him on it. Dr. Malakim is stunned and begins to hastily erase the board. She stopped him and asked if he knew what he was doing. She asked him what a few of the symbols meant to him. He responded at first dismissing it as a freshman prank but she would not relent. So he told her and as he spoke the words he had written a terrible transformation occurred to him. No longer did Dr. Mattiew Malakim a mild mannered professor of advancing years stand before her instead a vision of divinity and grace hovered in the air, Golden-maned and six winged rippling with power and glory. At that moment Mattiew knew. He knew he was destined for something greater. That the Powers-That-Be wanted to help mankind, and through empowering him with a fraction of their essence he would be that tool. He knew that his powers would continue to grow, but his divine spark was complete in instructing him on how to use his abilities. He set out that day to help people, oppose evil in all its forms, and bring down righteousness on those that need it. Powers/Tactics: Mattiews transformation into the Seraph has endowed him with greater vitality than he has ever known, he is tougher, faster, and stronger than men 1/3 his age. Moreover the magical energies flowing through him have greatly increased his recuperative abilities. He has recovered from a broken leg in less than a week.As the Seraph his physical characteristics are far, far above human norms. His physical presence, unearthly appearance and aura make him fantastically impressive and attractive. His armor is a manifestation of his nature, and although it can be damaged, it will be instantly repaired if he transmutes back to Mattiew and resummons it again. His wings are his most memorable feature; Seraph possesses three pairs of wings. They allow him to fly and glide on thermals. A common tactic is to swoop down upon a foe with Gliding and perform a move by with the mace head of the Infinite Weapon. Seraph can reach 300 mph using his wings. Seraph has a mastery of small magics. By saying special words in Celestial tongue and empowering them with his angelic essence, Seraph can heal light injuries, project simple illusions and haloes of light, impose his will upon weak willed individuals, and lastly disrupt magic in his vicinity. When Mattiew says his magic words he is transformed into the embodiment of an angel. Crimson armor shields him and a golden blade is summoned to his grasp. As a note, unless Mattiew is actually in his angelic form he cannot possess the blade, it will vanish back to Elsewhere as soon as Mattiew grasped it. Further, if removed from him, it does not vanish, it does not return to him, etc;. Someone could steal his weapon! As to the powers of the Infinite Weapon, the magitech construction shifts fluidly from form to form. It can change its shape from that of a shield bracer to that of a sword, mace or staff. At command it can burst into flame creating a blinding light or project the flame to a reasonable distance. Lastly it is a powerful defense capable of creating a screen of living flame that protects rather than burns. Mattiew is a master at its use, the empowerment he received has left him quite proficient in its use although he is certain other capabilities are yet to be unlocked. Campaign Use: Seraph is a Mystical Flying Energy Projector Brick.NEXT: ChallengeI would like an Alien Walker RobotHawksmoor
  6. Re: Character Posting Game: Restart The Character. The Challenge is well challenging...I'll have to think about the character requirements for a bit... Hawksmoor
  7. Re: Character Posting Game: Restart Nice Hawksmoor
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Need to vent to here I am in the Musings thread. My wife it seems is not geared to be a mom. She is great with the kids we have, but the pregnancy thing kicks her ass. Our twins were born 2 months early, she was on bed rest for two months and spent the last month of the pregnancy IN the hospital on so many drugs her liver was seriously injured. (she's ok now...livers heal.) Now, through some miracle or curse she is pregnant, NATURALLY. We had tried for years and ultimtely went to IVF in the States. Then she turns up ashen in January and says we are going to be parents again. Shock! But We are cool with it, estactic even. Now, the problems are starting again. She is 20 weeks along and her Amniotic Fluids are low (03%) and she is on bedrest. She is stressing because she is supposed to start a class for our next tour this summer, and she is worried about the baby and just wants to curl up on her left side and cry. I can understand that. Karma sucks! Hawksmoor
  9. Re: Agent combat.... My radical suggestion. I am all for wiping the battlemat with Maximan using a platoon of 150point agents. In fact using the stock VIPER 5-Teams from the BBB I am FEARED. But, let us not forget one of the purposes of agents. MOOKS!!! Low powered foes that let the Heroes shine as they mow through them like a scythe through winter wheat. It is cimetatic and fun for the PCs. Where would Daredevil, Spiderman, or the master of mook fighting The Batman be with ultrapowerful mooks throwing campaign limit attacks and AE radius and Explosion grenade cannons? Well...those guys would be fine, but the point is not to forget agents exist as obstactles to slow the heroes down BEFORE the main fight. Occasionally throw an elite group against the heroes using these tactics, but mostly just let the PCs cream them. Hawkmsoor
  10. Re: New Character "Strong Guy" Storm Shadow it is a really simple idea, just add the does knockback advantage to your PRE. Now the problem is he has to use PRE to well impress people, and to do that he rolls his PRE attack dice. The Mayor just got knocked out the window. Of course you could buy the PRE "Attack" as a separate power but where is the fun in that? Hawkmoor -Smile: 2d6 Sight Flash AE Cone (Aquafresh) -Hair 50rPD 10rED ARMOR act 8- (Aquanet)
  11. Re: CLOWN for 5th Champions Bad! Bad! Puns are bad! Hawksmoor -searches for reputation button
  12. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I like the reputation thingy. I have the lowest post count rep on the front page. I love the forum. I am going to eat ice cream now. I like Ice Cream. ummmm... ice cream Hawksmoor
  13. Re: Hand Killing Attack/Hand Attack Let me be certain that I understand what the other player has. He has 20 STR Martial STRIKE and a 4D6 HA with NND modifier That is 2d6 NND from the STR + 1d6 NND from the MA (if allowable by the GM) +4d6 NND for the HA =7d6 NND. That is a pretty rocking attack. It does as you are aware 14DC which is the equivalent of a 70AP power. The math is wrong because you have to "prorate" your STR and DCs from maneuvers to apply them to the HA. The same would apply to Armor Piercing or some other advantages. Another point is that MA manuevers are a special case. Some GMs will not allow them to be upped by HA at all. I am one of them. Damage Classes at 4 pts a pop are what are required for these puppies, and those would require 2 DC to add to the NND punch. I think your MA friend is trying to cheat the system. Hawksmoor
  14. Re: Campaign levels I will second RDU Neil's and Enforcer's call for more points in the build. I started at 250pts. Could never get the players good enough to challenge anyone remotely tough. 275pts was understandably no better although we were twinked out and cared less for Limitations actually hurting us. 400-450points gives totally cool characters and makes pcs like androids, mutants, and other limitationless concepts work. Hawksmoor
  15. Re: Exerience Wish List/Character Creation Question I think that this is an example of poor communication with the GM and vice versa on the character concept, and game concept. The GM should lay down the groundwork for the campaign in such a way that the first XP awards do not cause him to freak out when the PC wants another die of EB. The same goes for wanting special nifty powers like Teleport. If this ability is going to cause the GM trouble he should ensure the Players know this going in. The flip side is the Players should present the GM with as good an idea of the PC as possible BEFORE the character is approved. That way evolution and development catch noone off guard. Remember power complication subplots are some of the most fun on both sides of the screen to portray. If the GM is left clueless about how you perceive your PC in growing he is not going to be able to pull this off well. So what I would suggest, instead of the put everything you want in a character and then trim him/her down to meet point total, is to design a framework of the PC you want. Then talk with the GM or write down and give to the GM how you envision the characters powers currently, in the first year, and later down the road. Are you just developing your powers (Starman)? Are you going to refine and improve (The Batman)? This will let you avoid those pesky problems and ensure that your PC will remain a vital part of the GMs game. Hawkmoor
  16. Re: Help me with a limitation for twins I would use Conditional power rather than limited, it really actually doesn't matter because you can argue either one. I would place it at -1/2 limitation because Grab-bys and Knockback can quickly eliminate the bonus. One thing though, as the HERO system is designed this is going to be OBVIOUS! Buy invisible SFX for the character's powers and you are golden, otherwise energy arcs or aura melds are going to give away that the TWINs are bolstering each other. As to the power how about Succor All SFX powers at the same time, Ranged 12" maximum range, Standard Effect, 0END. Assign Dice to taste. That way it is a very legal build and represents the reduction quite nicely if one NPC is stunned or out of the zone being unable to grant the benefit it just cuts out. Hawksmoor
  17. Re: Evil Businessmen. Virgin is owned by Sir Richard Branson. He is better as a benefactor or aging billionaire playboy superhero: Oxymandias anyone? And Murdoch is EVIL!!! We were trying to libel real world types. Remember Slander is spoken. in print it is libel. Anyway Murdoch's empire is VIPER in a very real sense. Hawksmoor
  18. Re: Campaign levels Actually one thing I wanted to see if anyone else noticed something. At DC 12 we have and average of 37STUN per attack...if you bump that up to 15DC you have 45 STUN average. Now with MAX of 30 DEF you are hurting (getting STUN through on the Brick) with EACH attack. Is this fair? How about putting the MAX DEF at a level that the average attack in the campaign will do ZERO stun on the Toughest brick (37-40 DEF). You have to push or roll well to hurt him. After all he INVULNERABLE! Ramping up to 50 DEF in the 15DC games. Any other thoughts? Hawksmoor -Hope WorldMaker's Auditors like this idea because that his how I tend on allowing PCs in the game.
  19. Re: Evil Businessmen.
  20. Hawksmoor


    Re: Nemesis Wow!! Rachel? Ever think of joining the darkside? I am putting together a Badboys/girls game where you get to be a VILLIAN! Anyway I like the vignettes, it reminds me of my Seraph write ups. Ryan is going to have a hard job ahead of him I am certain. Hawksmoor -BTW I think YOU will get it.
  21. Re: Evil Businessmen. I love this thread. My votes would be Sam Walton Dick Cheney Micheal Eisner Bill Gates (What is he hiding with all that charity work hmmmm?) Ken Lay (Renegade member of the flock...he almost got caught) Warren Buffet Martha Stewart (hehe!!) Hawksmoor
  22. Re: CLOWN for 5th Champions And again Emerged I would love for this to be an approved idea. With the exception of StrikeForce I lack alot of the older Champions products. At the time canon writers were not "up to snuff" to oppose OKC writeups. Now in my nonpowergamer mode I am enthused to see the canon writeups. I am behind the project to bring Merry Andrew (Fine Just Merry Andrew if not the rest of CLOWN), VOICE, DEATHSTROKE and the gang into the 5th ED. VOICE in particular is SO amazing it hurts. Dr. Photon with a sideorder of Goshawk please. Hawksmoor
  23. Re: How Many Points? Well I did not buy Lack of Weakness for the base or Power Defense. You could Transform the walls or keep focusing on them until they pop. But the Cells are MEANT to keep almost anyone this side of STRENGTH (Tarot) inside. As to the Material: I think Osmium alloy with Force Feild Structural support is enough don't you? As to the other suggested limitations I have them. Supervillain : Reputation Supervillain: Social Limitation Watched: Damocles Directive I was balancing the Base and Vehicles with 30 Physical Limitation equivalent to a cortex bomb. Hawksmoor
  24. Re: My House Rules. Comments Welcome Somehow I cannot help but assume you meant to put the Straight Face Emoticon on that one. To what level would you be interested in raising it to? Hawksmoor -I like your rules
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