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Everything posted by Hawksmoor

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I just finished up putting my little rinky dink townhome on contract today. I spent about $3000 dollars in two weeks on repairs and painting and all that stuff to get it to the point I could sell it quickly. now the hard part comes. Finding a nice AND affordable home in overpriced Maryland where I won't have to drive 2 hours each way to and from work. Hawksmoor
  2. Re: Cost of strength vs. benefit I stated and still feel this way. STR is costed appropriately. All Stats but Comliness are costed appropriately. I would only change the cost of STR in a Fantasy Hero setting. Period. Hawksmoor
  3. Hawksmoor

    The Legacy PBEM

    Re: The Legacy PBEM But did I manage to make the boss laugh? Hawksmoor GM The Damocles Directive
  4. Re: Superhero Images It was a song by a one hit wonder named Falco. It was a weirdo video in the heady birth of MTV. Hawksmoor -I'd a prefered a Seraph moniker myself.
  5. Hawksmoor

    The Legacy PBEM

    Re: The Legacy PBEM And to add WM's interesting comment. Wasn't that Kid Shadow/Penumbra's schtick? Batboy... Unless the Becster is going to give us the son of the Mexican Goat Vampire!!! Hawksmoor
  6. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. All I want is to be chosen to play in the GGU's Legacy game so I can get Storn to draw a PC for their files. Hawksmoor Wish me luck!!
  7. Hawksmoor

    Super Names

    Re: Super Names My Supernames Starforce Nexus Dreadknight The Emissary Impulse The Snowflake Inque The Z-man Warlock The Silver Centurion Lancer Mirror Master Argos Sprint Fahd Makedoni (evil masterminds are the greatest) Majestic (Favorite Superman Clone of all time!!!!) The Watchman Falconman Blue Streak Hunter X Dervish Atom Smasher Doctor Quantum Quantra (newest PC!!!) Doctor D Hawksmoor
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I watch Fox News for two reasons: 1) Because AFN (Armed Forces Network) puts it on in SPADES!!! I get like 75% of Fox news spinkled in with Headline news blocks of 30 minutes, Larry King (retire already!!) and Sixty Minutes/Dateline (Why God? Why?) 2) To understand what evil lurks in the hearts of men. I mean the GOP. Hawksmoor
  9. Re: Powered Armor: OIF versus OIHID Actually as far as Damaging the Iron Man Armors it is going to be a tough nut to crack you've got at least 30rDEF in that baby plus some Ablatives on top. Dispel IMO is a Cheezy, abusive, broken trick,just like the 1 pip RKA NND does Body. You wanna disrupt a focus? Do it the old fashioned way...Hurt it with a regular attack! Hawksmoor
  10. Re: Disad Advice I build my Superman builds have either a -1/4 Limitation. Superman does actually seem go get hit on this at least once a year or so. Alternately I build him as an 4d6 AID to All Characteristics and Powers +2 with massively upped Maximums Only under the light of a yellow sun, 0 END Persistent Self Only Extra Time (1 Turn) Fade 5/day That gets me just the right fade to represent the comic character's jaunts to space and when the sun when cold (Zero Hour). Hawksmoor
  11. Re: Disad Advice That is accidental change! Hawksmoor
  12. Re: Disad Advice Alright. It is really going to have to be up to you to get this right for your game. The Disads are too much though. If you allow it tehn only allow one Dependence with all three effects lumped together. Now the other issue is does the Golly Red Alien have life support? If yes then maybe he could be allowed to swing a -1/4 limitation instead. Why because lets say you are playing in say Denver. Is he going to fight at full power in the mile high city? What about a dangerous and exciting combat aboard the villian's helicarrier at 40,000 feet over South Dakota? What happens when he is megascaled teleported to the Moon? If any of these events could concievably come up in the game then let him buy his Stats (Only in 15.6 % Oxygen Saturated Environments or better). Hawksmoor -PS Oxygen is actually quite toxic to cells, only relatively recently (geologically speaking) was the aerobic microbe evolved that could process oxygen. Anaerobic microbes are killed by oxygen. Your Alien is definitely using "superscience" for the rationale on his powers.
  13. Re: Disad Advice The Disad for the appearance really shouldn't cause major reaction if the guy was just red skinned in a standard 4 color game. Even Martian Manhunter only has like 10 to max 15 points of Distinctive Features. The Dependences are just silly. Disregarding the need for oxygen to fuel his body, to take these nickle and dime disads is like taking Phys Lim no left hand and trying to get points for each finger. Send the kid back to the drawing board. Hawksmoor
  14. Re: Chronamancer (PC Review) Mags, I worked on the build today. I am not pleased with the results. I had to strip far too much away from the character you wrote to drop a measley 27 points. Losing the harder to justify limitations was the tricky part. To start I had to reduce almost all of you Characteristics a nudge or so. I followed the advice and compensated by giving you Ressurection level regeneration (My advice as to what would totally kill you: Transport to the End Of Time!!!) I also had to lose a couple of skills, Interrogation and AK: Portland Oregon. You have these as Everyman Skills. I reduced the amount of DC's she has to one, but I gave her a billy club! The net damage loss is one die. Powers: These were the trickiest. For the limitation I chose Restainable (Not by Grabs or Entangles) at -1/4. This would represent the level of concentration she had to keep up for her powers to work. Sonic Attacks such as Hearing Flashes disrupt things enough so that you can't alter time when *flashed*. Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) actually has this as a limitation on his VPPs. I added No Range to the Flux Field since it is centered on you! I added Indirect +1/4 to the NND (Origin you but does not cross intervening space) Dice down to 6d6 because of the full level NND +1. But that means that you are doing 22 Stun a Blast to like 90% of the CU characters. If Mechanon shows up just Dodge and Weave as your Flux softens him up for everone else. I altered the level of protection your Catsuit provides. This is likely going to get me killed, but the points had to come from somewhere. 9/9 will bounce small arms fire. STUN as usual is everyone's nightmare but does that Catsuit need to bounce 4d6 RKAs? Also I had no idea what the Power Defense Adendum was about...It was 6 points so I cut it. Hawksmoor
  15. Re: Chronamancer (PC Review) Mags, If you upload or send me directly the HD file I could tinker with her build tomorrow and send it to you by the time you wake up. Hawksmoor -Yes I am too lazy to input all that myself!
  16. Re: Chronamancer (PC Review) Mags, My head hurts from reading that write up. Now to repeat FireG0lem's question why independent? I get the continuous uncontrolled. Your PC is a menace to friend and foe alike! Hawksmoor
  17. Re: Doom Patrol Champions Right! This would be a tricky game to pull off. I'll tip my hat to anyone that can actually pull it off. Hawksmoor PS The mind contro, girl is named Nudge.
  18. Re: He's a WHIMP !!! (My Gripe) Why? Did yours fall apart? Mine is still good. Scratched, stained and one binding corner is ripped but it still holds together. Hawksmoor
  19. Re: Naked Advantage Question Just to chip in I think that the Multipower Write up *specifically* prohibits putting a naked Advantage in a slot, much less all slots! I also think that you have to buy the PI individually for all powers. You can not just buy it on the pool to save some points. Hawksmoor
  20. Re: Now a word from our sponser-Super Hero Style I think I need some of that. :opens bottle and proceeds to eat contents: :For good measure eats bottle too: Crunch :adds cap to mouth: Crunch Nah. Doesn't do a thing for me. Hold on! Wha?? Great! Now I can see through rocks! I gotta go look at Nura! Bye! :runs off: Hawksmoor -Bismollian through and through baby
  21. Re: Human Opponents Cost I'd say you do not buy equipment at all. No money and no CPs. The gear belongs to the military and you only get to use it when they let you and only against targets they allow. Hawksmoor -That's gotta be a 100% limitation right?
  22. Hawksmoor


    Re: Nemesis Still looking for help in creating a Nemesis Character? WM's Lawgiver is a great start. Then add in a Utility belt of goodies from Enforcer84's Hero a Day Threads and the mechanics are done!! Hawksmoor -Hero mix and match
  23. Re: Hippocratic Oath The GGU rules have it as a -10pt Social Limitation on the Package. As to how I as a GM would enforce it. Fine be a hero, punch and blast away BUT at the drop of bystander you are expected to render aid, and maintain ethical standards at all times. Fail and you get the -5pt Social Limitation: Banned from Practice and -5pt Bad Doctor Rep 8- Hawksmoor -May take those two for my Legacy Character....hmmm....
  24. Re: Looking for NEW words of transformation: (SHAZAM, Thunder! Thunder!...) I would just go for the OIHID for either the Hourman or the Focus that is not a focus (Iron Man). The point here is that there is a point in time where the PC has no powers. Upcoming later this summer is a perfect example of why OIHID is such a pain. A man and a woman are in a diner. They are discussing serious issues to effect them both. Wham! Out of nowhere a car ruins a perfectly good window as it sails through and at the couple. Luckily the man is a superhero and pulls them both under the car as it hurtles above them. OIHID makes ambushes into assassinations. Hawksmoor
  25. Re: New Character. Comments Welcome. Interesting build. Kind of like a Batman one off + The Phantom. Points to mention: One like Vorsch said you lack a mundane Climbing skill. Likely just and oversight. Two I like the Desolid thing. Goes where he shouldn't and gets where he couldn't right? I noticed that the build seems pretty much complete. Is that intentional? I mean by that he seems to have all his bases pretty well covered and lacks a place to go. 23s in major stats, lots of skills already etc. What are the character advancement aspects of the build? Where does he go from here? Lastly, if he were not a GGU character and instead a PC being put up for a slot in one of my personal games I would ask what is the rationale for the MP again? "Been doing this for a long long time and is good at it!" What does that mean? For instance essentially we have alot of "superskills" in one MP. Nice idea but I would require you to separate them out into at least two MPs. One for tricks with items like the Swinging, and another for the super climb and disappearance tricks and the Super inpenetrable disquise. I would also state that the crime reconstruction superskill (CSI or The Profiler scenes as SFX) belongs out of the MPs altogether unless you get a couple of other Superskills like "Plans like Hannial" 2 Overall Levels UBO At Range Usable by up to 6 people or the like. That would make it three separate MP of various levels to represent the following: Super Skills with Items Super Atheltic Skills or Physical Tricks Mental Talents and Tricks Hawksmoor
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