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Everything posted by Hyper-Man

  1. Well how would the real world Martial Arts that include weapons like Fencing and Kung Fu (using a Staff) work if you couldn't add the weapon damage together with STR and Maneuvers? For more details see 6e2 page 99. HM
  2. In 6e, STR and Maneuver bonuses only get prorated when combined with an Advantaged HA if the Advantage directly affects damage. HM
  3. I am pretty sure the Advantage just needs to be applied to STR. I know that is how it works in 5e and 6e. HM
  4. I'm not sure I understand your question. Technically, both HA (HTH Attack) and typical damage based Martial Maneuvers add to STR damage. Weapon based HA builds obscure this somewhat due to STR minimums but otherwise everything is additive. What edition of the HERO rules are you currently using? HM
  5. The No Range Limitation only applies to the Clairsentience perception point (which normally has Range and is what gives the power its otherwise 'Indirect' qualities by default). Different Lenses would just allow for different modifiers like Telescopic to be applied. I think the Focus Limitation covers the UBO in this case. Hard copies and other analysis tools could be statted up by actually modeling Printers and Monitors that are Linked to the Camera build. HM
  6. While I agree that a build isn't really necessary*, I don't think Eiditic Memory or Images are the way to model this. The former is not that precise and Images is not an Enhanced Sense. from 6e1 page 447: *I couldn't help myself. 6 Camera: Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight Group) (40 Active Points); OAF Fragile (-1 1/4), Precognition/Retrocognition Only (-1), Limited Power 2-D Snapshot Images Only (-1), Fixed Perception Point (Camera Lens; -1), No Range (-1/2), One Sense Only (Sight; -1/4), Attack Roll Required (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Hour (Battery; -0) [Notes: Spoon!] - END=[1 cc] **I didn't bother to build the camera flash since that is a relatively standard build by comparison. Camera 6e.hdc HM
  7. Yeah. I noticed that inconsisteny in my Flash build (rate of +DC vs +D6) I'll edit at some point HM
  8. The book description can be confusing. The way I remember it is to figure the total of the Advantages that modify damage (don't count Reduced END for example) and add 1 and multiply by 5 to get the rate that STR adds 1 Damage Class. So in the case of the last book example of a 8d6 HA with AP and Penetrating (+3/4) I convert that to 1.75 and multiply by 5 to get 8.75 as the amount of STR it takes to add +1d6 of extra damage to the advantaged HA (it would take 35 STR to add +4d6). Damage affecting Advantages that total +1, +1/2 and +1/4 are much easier breakpoints to remember as they mean that extra STR adds damage at 1/2, 2/3 and 4/5 the normal rate respectively. HM
  9. Sounds like some form of Multiple Personality Disorder with the two personalities. The Supervillain one which is dominant and fully aware of the other but can only maintain control for so long (Accidental Change with set effect - change every X days). The Superhero one which is only vaguely aware of the other and attempts to keep the Accidental Change at bay via meds. HM
  10. I have never read the M&M rules but I wonder if a distinct build is even necessary in HERO. In HERO, when a character makes a successful Grab they can immediately Squeeze the target for STR damage. Does M&M allow for this by default? HM
  11. Here is a 5e Teleportation build I posted several years ago that should be easy to convert to 4e rules. HM
  12. When I built something similar for my rookie version of The Flash I noted it on the build as follows: So when looking at your example: The 11d6 base Kick damage indicates that there are 2 Martial Damage Classes meaning that he gets a total of +6DC from performing at Kick. The Autofire 10 (+1) on the HA means that according to the Damage Prorating rules STR and Maneuver Damage will add at 1/2 the normal rate (20 STR adds +2DC, Martial Kick adds +3DC) for a combined total 9d6 Autofre 10 Kick. END for STR will be 2 per shot before considering the END cost of the HA itself. HM
  13. In addition to UBO this requires Constant and is often referred to as a Teleport Gate. HM
  14. Simple answer. Yes. Otherwise how would HTH weapons built with HA work? Complex answer. Yes, but there may be more to it. If the HA(Hand to Hand Attack) has any Advantages that affect Damage (example: Armor Piercing) then the way STR gets stacked is affected. HM
  15. Good catch. Here is an ability I built for my rookie Flash that takes CV into account. 15) Superspeed Spin: Drain DEX, OCV & DCV 1d6+1 (standard effect: 4 points), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect Accurate (4m Radius; +1/2), Expanded Effect (x3 Characteristics or Powers simultaneously) (DEX, OCV & DCV; +1), Autofire (5 shots; +1 1/2) (58 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), Linked (Running at Super Speed part 2; -1/4) Real Cost: 29 Notes: Effectively -2 DEX per hit, -1 OCV per 2 hits & -1 DCV per 3 hits. DCV is considered a Defensive Power vs. Adjustments so the effect of Drain is halved (6e1 pg141). Costs 10 END if 5 spin attempts are made. END 2 HM
  16. Just to do what Azazel did in X-Men: First Class is just a couple of Advantages on his own Teleportation Power combined with a non-combat Megascale scale move straight up. The defense was grabbing him like Beast did which did not allow him to teleport away separately. But to Teleport an opponent without moving yourself too would require UAA and would not normally allow for non-combat ranges so getting the required altitude would not be cheap. HM
  17. I think the easiest way to build the effect would be to use a Drain vs. DEX. From 6e1 page 44: The result of getting a target to DEX 0 or lower* would be forcing the target to make 9- rolls that could only be increased by Overall Levels and perhaps taking extra time. *Further Negative Characteristics values only lengthen the Drain recovery time. The DEX roll would still be based on a DEX 0. HM
  18. Unless it also includes the ability breath underwater it would not be any additional points per se. However, it would require defining what would 'choke' the character (having too much skin covered by something airtight for example). HM
  19. The sniper rifle used by John was actually his own. It was in the bottom half of his buried case. He did not take it from the sentry that he strangled. Screencaps taken from 3:44 of HM
  20. The best way to model a game world with creatures that can be 'Turned' by a 'Cleric' is by way of a campaign house rule. Just declare that all of the target creatures have an appropriate Disadvantage/Complication when faced with a 'Cleric' attempting to 'Turn' them. HM
  21. Nice. More info is available at: http://www.keltecweapons.com/our-guns/rifle/rfb The ergonomics of changing magazines on bullpup designs has always looked weird to me. I am curious how much of an issue it really is. HM
  22. Maybe some bonus PRE for intimidation if they were made of brass and shiny.
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