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  1. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to hartm1967 in Need More HERO   
    I like to have extras for people to use/borrow, plus I bought a couple replacements when my original copies started to fall apart (the 6E books and the 4E books had that in common--a problem with the binding coming unglued). Personally, I'd love it if my players would have bought copies for their own use, but as it was I had to practically drag some of them kicking and screaming into the light of HERO... They're smart people, good gamers, but they have a tough time grokking the way the game works. 
  2. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to hartm1967 in Need More HERO   
    A copy purchased when the BBB first came out, a few inherited from friends who left gaming/Champions, and two picked up inexpensive (under $10 each) at used book stores (the "deluxe" edition and the softcover version). 
  3. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to hartm1967 in Need More HERO   
    A couple snapshots... (just realized that Champions Universe isn't on the shelf...)

  4. Like
    Hyper-Man got a reaction from ghost-angel in Power Frameworks and the Active Cost cap   
    Unified Power is the Limitation that was created to replace elements of the Elemental Control Framework. It's notable that it is legal to be applied to the other two remaining Frameworks (Multipower and Variable Power Pool).
  5. Like
    Hyper-Man got a reaction from Joe Walsh in Need More HERO   
    I am now just a few books short of having a complete 1-4e collection.  The same goes for 5e if only counting stuff published by Hero Games (mostly just missing a few Star Hero books, Hudson City and Mystic World).  6e is complete as far as stuff published by Hero Games.  There is a lot of 3rd party 6e stuff I'd like to get but just can't afford to right now.  Plus, i'd have to find a bigger bookshelf as there is barely any room left now.  I'll post new pics when the last batch from ebay arrives.
  6. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to Nemblamenchisus in Need More HERO   
    I'm so envious. I've built up and sold off several collections through the years, and now have a lot of pdfs and a small number of hard copy books.
    And even though I have all I need, practically speaking, I still go weak at the knees when I see a bookshelf full of Hero and other RPG books. It's definitely irrational.
  7. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to Lucius in Welcome to Hero Forum - Please Introduce yourself (especially Lurkers)   
    Yeah, sounds like that officer was petty.
    But then again at Loring Air Force Base I knew someone who got a few days extra duty for calling the Mobility NCO "The Mobility Dude."
    Lucius Alexander
    The palindromedary says the dude may abide, but some people in the military can't abide "dude"
  8. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to Mister E in Welcome to Hero Forum - Please Introduce yourself (especially Lurkers)   
    20 years ago I spent 30 days in the Bangor submarine base brig for calling a third class petty officer, "dude."

  9. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to Alcamtar in Welcome to Hero Forum - Please Introduce yourself (especially Lurkers)   
    Alcamtar was a character name from an example magic item build from the 1985 edition of Fantasy Hero.
    My first game was B/X D&D, circa 1981 or 82. That was also my first GM experience... I didn't have anyone else to play with so I roped my family into it.
    Currently prepping a Fantasy Hero (FHC) adaptation of Master of the Desert Nomads (X4/X5). This is the first Hero in some years, as we've been playing B/X D&D and ACKS exclusively, and Dungeon World before that.
    First played Fantasy Hero in 1985. Also played Star Hero once in 1986 (IIRC). Those are the only Hero genres I've played.
  10. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to Joe Walsh in Need More HERO   
    Yup, those priorities make sense. The "same thing but with microscopic differences" stuff can wait.
    I hope the 5e stuff makes it to you soon!
    And most of all, I hope all of us who collect Hero stuff get a chance to read (or re-read) it all someday.
  11. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to Joe Walsh in Need More HERO   
    I see Deluxe around from time to time. Not so many Softcovers, for some reason. But they're out there!
  12. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to bluesguy in Need More HERO   
    If I get a few minutes I will photograph my collection.  It isn't anything like what you folks have though.
    I will also photograph miniatures that I have - only the metal/plastic ones, I definitely have at least 150 painted fantasy characters and monsters.  I have a ton of 'cardboard' cutout options.  One of the best options for fantasy cardboard cutouts is from Inkwell.
  13. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to Joe Walsh in Need More HERO   
    You should really rent out your services as a cover designer/PDF compiler.
  14. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to Ninja-Bear in Need More HERO   
    I would show you all the stuff I have but then the wife will see it. Outta sight outta mind!
  15. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to dmjalund in Need More HERO   
  16. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to zslane in Need More HERO   
    Back in 2014 I went through a major Lulu phase, pulling together PDFs and making "deluxe" hardcovers for many things. Only a couple of them were Hero System related. Among the other books I had made was this deluxe hardcover collection of the old FASERIP books:

    These are fat hardcovers with full-color interior pages. Each one cost me about as much as a brand new college textbook, and that's after applying a substantial discount. The fun part was designing the cover graphics and, of course, seeing the final product in all its glory.
  17. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to Nolgroth in Need More HERO   
    How does one take a photo of PDFs on a shelf.
  18. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to Joe Walsh in Need More HERO   
    Some would say, too easy to collect.
    But, yes, I'm grateful so much is still available at non-eBay prices. I've been slowly buying things, keeping an eye on stock levels and grabbing things before they run out. Some day, when I figure out where I can put all that stuff, I'll get more serious about it.
    (I have about 8 linear feet of Classic Traveller stuff, 4 linear feet of GURPS 1e-3e stuff not in that photo, and about 12 linear feet of other RPG stuff (James Bond 007, BRP, AD&D, B/X D&D, etc., plus my classic video game collection that takes up most of a walk-in closet and a couple of 6' tall shelf units filled with F&SF novels, so space is at a premium. Thank goodness my wife is a gamer, too!)
  19. Like
    Hyper-Man got a reaction from culhwch in Need More HERO   
    I'm currently waiting on several more books to be delivered by the USPS but here is the collection as it currently stands.


    EXTRAS part 1:

    EXTRAS part 2:



  20. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to zslane in Need More HERO   
    My 6th ed. collection looks like everyone esle's.

    As do my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th ed. collections, pretty much.
    But I also have a couple of books nobody esle in the world has.

  21. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to DShomshak in More space news!   
    Well, not every great discovery pans out; or it turns out that one discovered something different.
    This month's Scientific American also has a short article about Big Rocks from Space as the cause of mass extinctions. In brief, the theory is dead. Of the 5 biggest mass extinctions in the fossil record, 4 are associated with massive flood basalt events. As geologists have refined the dates, the association has become tighter and tighter. Only the K-T extinction had a Big Rock From Space impact, but the Deccan Traps eruption was happening at the time and appears to have been plenty big enough to kill off the dinosaurs (and a whole lot more) all by itself. No impacts have been found at the times of other mass extinctions, so it looks like the Chicxulub impact was just a coincidence.
    (Granted, a big rock falling on a bed of sulfur-rich limestone probably made things worse. K-T impactor co-discoverer Walter Alvarez also tries to keep the theory alive by arguing that the impact shook the Deccan eruption fissures wider, making it worse. Maybe so, but it now looks like the impact was only an aggravating factor, not the main cause.)
    The Big Rock From Space hypothesis wasn't worthless. It got geologists looking at rock strata and fossil evidence in new ways. It was wrong, but productively wrong, which makes it a good example of science operating as it should.
    Also, the Ordovician mass extinction remains mysterious. No Big Rock From Space; no Large Igneous Province.
    Dark Energy may turn out to be another case where the apparent discovery turns out not to be the real discovery. It may take a few decades to figure it out, though.
    Dean Shomshak
  22. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to Tasha in Need More HERO   
    Here's my Collection. I also have a very substantial miniatures collection. Including Heritage, Grenadier and Swords and Soldiers official Champions Figs.

  23. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to Joe Walsh in Need More HERO   
    It's a sickness.

    I'd love to see your HERO collection!
  24. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to The Dude in Welcome to Hero Forum - Please Introduce yourself (especially Lurkers)   
    How did you come up with your 'handle' (forum name)?
    I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing.

    What was the first tabletop RPG you played?
    It's like what Lenin said... you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh...

    What was the first tabletop RPG you GMed?
    You know what I'm trying to say...

    What are you currently playing/GMing?
    Yeah, well. The Dude abides.
  25. Like
    Hyper-Man reacted to Old Man in Revelations 1001   
    It was a time of great decline and despair. Mankind was scraping an illiterate, bestial existence out of the ruins of once-shining empires. Forgotten were the secrets of how to make the straight roads and the great structures that still dotted the landscape. The memory of these empires was so dim that some places attributed these ruins to giants, for mortal men could never have built such wonders. Libraries were few and those who could read them fewer still; what knowledge remained was carefully preserved by monks and guilds who barely understood it, let alone how we came by the knowledge to begin with. Indeed, in those times a stack of half a dozen books was regarded as a library. Order was maintained through force of arms, not law; the common people were stalked by banditry, plague, famine, and godless hordes out of the East. With each passing year, structures decayed, populations shrank, knowledge faded, and hope dimmed. The end times were nigh--that was plain as day to anyone.
    I guess. I'm not familiar with the 1001 setting exactly, just the 1001 I lived through.
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