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Everything posted by tiger

  1. Between the USPD, USPD online and the unoffical USPD there is enough there to keep anyone busy and happy. Wish I would have had this years ago.
  2. tiger

    PSI info

    I have the book, actually between CU & MC most if not all the villains are worked up for 5th. That only leaves agents to be done, makes it a little easier.
  3. Their was a writeup in an old Adventurer's Club about something allong those lines. Only a brick with huge PD but little ED. Villains easily killed by over zealous heroes. But the idea you haven't wouldn't be bad. A speedster who actually isn't that fast just uses images to make people think he is.
  4. When the hairs stand up on the back of your neck:D
  5. Re: Great idea Yes it could, but it be fun. The theroy goes well with my other villain team W.O.M.E.N. I deviced them because I got sick of players taking "Won't fight/hit a women". They seemed to see it as free points. If there were women members of a team they could ignore them. Some even figured most teams wouldn't have any. The look on their faces when a all women group showed up was priceless!! The team as actually evolved into one of my favorite villain team. So it had a double bonus
  6. I'm thinking of creating a couple villain teams to catch heroes off guard. Most villain teams are balanced between bricks, speedsters, mentalist etc. I'm thinking of trying the follow for a change a pace. Hardcore: All brick team. Each memeber would be a "brick" with different abilities. Flashback: All speedsters, either runners, flyers etc. PSI - Good as is Might use a all martial arts team and a all gadgets as well. These groups wouldn't be used alot. Only when the heroes figure they have the tactics down pat.
  7. Don't think that would work very well. Basically you have several different weapons he can use. Could work for a VPP gadget/weapon power.
  8. depends if the damaged goods is only the cover. IF the insides are misprinted then the spiral bind could cover necessary info
  9. Did you keep the hard covers or have it boound with out them?
  10. Don't know if it would be that much or not. It think the page count is close to FRED. It would be a nice option either buying the HB or SB version. It comes down to a Hero/DOJ deciding on rather it's worth the expense. Steve has stated it isn't, so if we want more than a SB it's up to us to do something when we buy our copies. I'll most likely have mine spiral bound, I've had good luck with it so far.
  11. I tried modifing the templets, but they all turned out like S**T
  12. You can take it to Kinko's and have the spiral bind it. it should work well, providing FH is made of fairly thick paper. I did this with my 40K rulebook. Being that it was quite big, worked really well. If the bind on my copy of FRED wears out that's most likely what I'll do.
  13. Maybe in your world but not in mine. A sword is mundane, a dagger, bow, shield, these thing are mundane. Magic and magic items while they do exist are not munane. But the question is really more like this. If your running a police/agent campaign. Do the agents have to buy their equqipment? While I can see buying found items I can also see not buying them. It really can go either way. To be the devils advocate here, if you have to pay points for things you find, why come up with a true money system. If they want a sword, horse, armor etc, they pay points. Short of food, cloths and lodging what's the point? By the same token, if you have to pay points for everything you get, remembering EP runs 2-6 per adventure, what's the point of being an adventurer? Anything you find, other than money, you can't keep or use for quite a long time. Now I will say I had toyed with the idea of having characters pay points at a 1 per 10 ratio. The question I had originally was about spells. Most GM I've been in games with allowed you to keep items found as equipment, not that alot was ever found. I was just wondering how people veiwed spells. On a different topic, why does paying points mean your always get it back? If a thief is caught stealing and has to break out of prison. Does he get back all his equipment or does he have to replace them himself?
  14. I talked, well emailed, with Steve and found out why some of mine were declined. They seemed to be to close to existing powers in the USPD. Here's the other two I had submitted: Static Cling Submitted By: Greg Elkins Suggested Power Category: Electricity Power Effect: Telekinesis Target/Area Affected: 5†Radius Duration: Constant Range: 300†END Cost: 9 Description: This power causes a increase in the static electricity in the area. This allows the character to be able to move anything in the area with the will of his/her mind. The ability works on anything not bolted down. Papers, boxes even people. GMs may wish to limit what they will allow to be affected in this way. Game Information: Telekinesis (30 Str), Area Effect Radius (+1), (90 Active points). Total Cost 90 Points Options: Increase Static Cling: Increase to Telekinesis (40 Str) ( 120 Active Cost). Total Cost 120 Static Cling On Metals: Add “Against Metals Only†(-1/2). They Always Fall For It Submitted By: Greg Elkins, Suggested Power Category: Mental Powers Effect: Mind Control Target/Area Affected: One character Duration: Instant Range: 30†END Cost: 15 Description: This power allows a character to force an opponent to do something stupid. Be it sitting down to have there nails done or look up to see a flying man that doesn’t exist. While this power is usually used to get away it can be used for anything that doesn’t actually cause damage. It just forces them to do thing they normally wouldn’t allow to be done to them, I mean who would stand still long enough to get hit by a Boston Cream Pie? Game Information: Mind Control 12D6, Armor Piercing (+1), Invisible Power Effect (=1) (150 Active Points), Used to make victim fall for something, joke, goof, etc…(-1), Limited Range (-1/4), Total Cost 67 Points Options: He/She Will Fall For This One: Increase Mind Control to 15D6. Total Cost: 93 They Always Fall For That One–Weaker Mind: Remove Armor Piercing. Total Cost 60 Points They Will All Fall For That One: Add Area Effect 15â€. Total Cost 105 They Will All Fall For That One-Weaker Mind: Add Area Effect 12â€, Remove Armor Piercing. Total Cost 90
  15. I had toyed with the concept of making players pay a reduced cost for items they find when FH first came out. I never found a system I really liked so I didn't. I'm uncertain about using MP, EC or VPP for mages. I can see where they wuld work. I've just alwyased favored the "buythe spell" method. When I get the new FH book I'll decide for sure. Been looking over the PDF, so I have a bit of time to mull over and myabe have it worked out before the book comes out.
  16. unfair? perhaps I can see it both ways. While the a fighter finding a magic sword and being able to use it all the time is like a mage finding a new spell, it's different as well. Just wondering other GMs perspective
  17. Here's a interesting question for you. When characters find magic items do you make them play points for them. I don't it's part of the pay off vs risk thing. However, what if a mage finds a spell book? Do they gain the use of the spells in the book or do they have to pay for them?
  18. Here's one I submitted that didn't make the cut Drop Them On Their Heads Submitted By: Greg Elkins, tiger@tigerseyemedia.com Suggested Power Category: Teleportation Effect: Teleportation Target/Area Affected: Effects one other character Duration: Instant Range: 20†END Cost: 9 Description: The character is able to teleport opponents up in the air. The character will briefly appear next to a target then they both disappear, only to reappear elsewhere with the character. Then the character will appear back where he was before the teleport started. While this could be used to place a target in a hard to move spot, like on top of a pole, it’s usually used to drop them to the ground from a great height. The character can also change the way they face so that they may fall face first or back first. Game Information: Teleport 20â€, Position Shift, Usable As An Attack (+1), (90 Active Points), Extra Time (Full Phase –1/2), Limited Range (Target must be within the character's half move using teleportation at combat velocity; -1/4) Total Cost: 60 **(Target’s position and the position of the destination must be within the Teleport range. ie..Target 10†& Pole is 10†from target) Options: Drop Multiple Targets On Their Heads: Area Effect Radius (9†Radius +1), Selective (+1/4), (146 Active Cost), Limited Range (Center of area must be within the character's half move using teleportation at combat velocity; -1/4), Extra Time (Extra Phase –3\4), Total Cost 73 Points Drop Multiple Targets On Their Heads, Need to be close: Area Effect Radius (9†Radius +1), Selective (+1/4), (146 Active Cost), Limited Range (Center of area must be within the character's half move using teleportation at combat velocity; -1/4), Extra Time (Extra Phase –3\4), Limited Area Effect (Radius Is Half, 4.5 –1/4), Total Cost 65 Points
  19. Not a biggy, I figure your a little to busy for me to bother with that
  20. So I gather if we submit something and it doesn't show up it was most likely rejected?
  21. Well: My main NPC Hero Team is Justice Inc., was the Protectors then they came out in a book. The Most high profile villain group are The Knights Of Genetic Purity and The MLA, Mutant Liberation Army. The Knights make IAH look kind. They are much more aggressive and have no regards for mutants or anyone who allies with them. The MLA is lead by a "Villain" I created called Avatar. He has formed a army to fight a war, mostly in their minds, between humans and mutants. I also have a group called The Associates. Originally created for my Supervillain campaign, they help villains find things. From jobs to agents to gadgets to fences they can do it all. Other than that I use the Hero Games groups of villains and agencies with a few different villains of my own thrown in.
  22. Nah!...I have a far sicker mind than that Another word for Supreme is? A type of serpent is? Put them together and......
  23. Re: +2 to Speed None per say.. Speed reflects how often you can do something in the turn. So increasing your speed doesn't effect other stats. Now, some people factor in spd with def for house rules and such. This of course would be modified, although no game "stat" would.
  24. Looking forward to the book. I always loved Viper, although I got away from the AI computer theory. I place someone in charge of VIPER behind the scenes. Looking forward to see what all you've done to improve them, the multipule agent type alone is a great start.
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