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John Desmarais

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Posts posted by John Desmarais

  1. Could be. Right now, I think that E2's Zoom is Thawne from E2's future, but they could switch things around on us and it be Wells from E2.


    About the breaches, DC has the multiverse of 52 earths. When they showed the breaches on the screen, I concluded it was a reference to the DC52. When they said "There are 52 breaches," each leading to a different earth, it caught me off guard because that means they are dealing with a total of 53 earths.


    Perhaps one of the breaches (does anyone else think "pants" when they say this word?) goes "someplace else" instead of to a different Earth.  Like maybe Apokolips, or the Orrery of Worlds, or someplace else outside of the "local multiverse"?

  2. Superman's power-levels are DC editorial fiat. Because when they absorbed guys like Captain Marvel and Captain Atom they wanted their guy on top. 

    As someone has pointed out there are many heroes of unbeatable power (even if some of them are just writer's fiat *cough* batgod *cough*) 


    Supes has a couple of major weaknesses and the limits on his powers have been up and down (silver age in particular) because the writers were apparently lazier back in the day. Of course I've read plenty of lazy writing up through 2010 when I stopped collecting. 


    The guy they parody all the time is the Silver Age guy and he's really not been that guy for some time. 



    I don't think the Silver Age writers were lazy, I think they were more restricted by the editorial powers that be. Between the fear of damaging the incredibly valuable property and fear of the Comic Code Authority, the writers were really hamstrung.

  3. Do you have the Rocketship Empires 1936 books John? They're no longer available for sale on DriveThru, but there were at least four items (all I have, anyway): Rocketship Empires Core Setting, Setting Book In Fury Triumphant, Ship Focus book The Gunslinger Betty, and Starship Compendium 1.

    I've got the core book, but none of the others. This actually came up in a random convention discussion this weekend - and none of us were able to remember the name of it. Just about drove us nuts until someone not part of the discussion threw the name at us.

  4. I'll toss out a few I haven't seen mentioned. I don't read a lot of fantasy anymore, being more of a science fiction fan, but here are a few that stand out for me.


    The Dragon Prince series and the Dragon Star series (related) by Melanie Rawn


    The War God series by David Weber (I find a usually enjoy fantasy written by authors who usually write SF)


    The Deed of Paksennarion by Elizabeth Moon


    The Vlad Taltos books by Steven Brust


    The Cleric Quintet by R.A. Salvatore (the only thing by him I ever enjoyed)


    The Valdemar novels by Mercedes Lackey (I'll catch cr@p from the serious fantasy fans over this one, but while her plots tend to be predictable, her character development is great)


    The Nightrunner series by Lynn Flewelling


    The Keeper Chronicles by Tanya Huff


    The Magic Goes Away (and relate short stories) by Larry Niven


    Silverlock by John Myers Myers

  5. Okay, I'm feeling a bit dense here, but...


    In the cost table for Change Environment there are two things you can add to change wind and temp; "+/- one Temperature Level" and "+/- 1 Wind Level".  When you pay your 3 or 5 points, is it exclusively the ability to raise or to lower (chosen at purchase time) or do you have the ability to both raise and lower by one level (decided each time you use the power)?





  6. Probably a little from column A, a little from column B. Other friends who have published stuff with Hero have made similar comments. I'm a fan of HD personally, but with regard to sales, you are looking at a target market of "people who use Hero system, who also use HD, who also buy support material (primarily GMs) who are also running a fantasy game, who also want new monsters". There'll be a few exceptions (Star Hero GMs or MHI GMs, for example, who want new monsters/alien beasts) but that's your core market and to be perfectly honest, it's a pretty small one.


    cheers, Mark


    I think this probably hits the mark pretty close.  One of the constant hazards in the market is products that only appeal to a niche within the niche.  

  7. If y'all like this PDF, please let me know. I enjoy creating the Gallery entries and have ideas for at least one or two more PDFs of this same size, if popularity/sales justify the work. So please tell me what you think! :)

    Good timing. I've got a couple of system newbies in a game I'm running next weekend. Using something like the Gallery as a starting point is a good way to let them be more involved in the building of their characters - and more options are always good.

  8. The problem is Dr. Solar (early version) and Solar, Man of the Atom(later version) are very different characters.


    The early version is what one can reasonably make. He 'd be slightly better than the version of Firestorm used in The Flash. Just add some senses and power stunts and a moderate amount of STR. Flavor with his side effects and you're golden.


    Solar, Man of the Atom would be more a combination of New 52 Captain Atom and Firestorm. Powerful Brick, Master of Quantum, Subatomic and Atomic energies and Reality Warper. Detachment from humanity is an ongoing issue but as overpowered as Silver Age Superman.

    I think I'm heading for something in-between. Mostly the earlier version with some select bits from the later one(s).

  9. Dr. Solar, the original, had two aspects of clairsentience: 


    1. Sonic retrocognition: by selectively amplifying the fading reverberations of sounds in the molecules of a location, Dr. Solar could eavesdrop on what had been said there in the past.


    2. Split existence: while leading a life (in isolation except for a few minutes of heavily shielded contact) on Earth, Dr. Solar had a second version of himself in mental contact with the first, wandering the Universe and exploring its wonders in the form of pure energy.


    He appeared uninterested in using the split existence to spy on local events, given the form was even more lethal than the solid one.


  10. He's a flying teleporter with desolid, an RKA, and clairsentience who can boost his powers with radiation.


    His life support and resistant defenses are average.


    He has susceptibility to his goggles being removed, and vulnerability to drains. Oh, and he has the side effect: causes cancer after brief exposure.


    I don't really see the fuss, as this isn't a terribly hard build to achieve with balance and have points left over for Science: Nuclear Physics, his only apparent skill other than perhaps Power skill and CSLs.


    The problem will be when you try to integrate Dr. Leading Cause of Cancer with a team, or any of his opponents realize shooting his goggles and running away will be more fun than a barrel of monkeys with lightning flying out of their butts.


    Clairsentience?  I'm not arguing this, just not sure I've ever seen it - but I've also not read a lot of Doctor Solar comics.  What's the concept behind it for him?

  11. He's a flying teleporter with desolid, an RKA, and clairsentience who can boost his powers with radiation.


    His life support and resistant defenses are average.


    He has susceptibility to his goggles being removed, and vulnerability to drains. Oh, and he has the side effect: causes cancer after brief exposure.


    I don't really see the fuss, as this isn't a terribly hard build to achieve with balance and have points left over for Science: Nuclear Physics, his only apparent skill other than perhaps Power skill and CSLs.


    The problem will be when you try to integrate Dr. Leading Cause of Cancer with a team, or any of his opponents realize shooting his goggles and running away will be more fun than a barrel of monkeys with lightning flying out of their butts.


    I may drop the "walking cancer source" aspect.

  12. My "default" magic system is a VPP that can't be changed during combat time. All spells are bought with a set of limitation that are common to the caster's school. The VPP then sets a firm limit on both the active cost max the caster can deal with and (more roughly) the number of spells he has memorized/prepared/whatever.

  13. Armageddon 2419 A.D. by Philip Francis Nowlan. The original novella the created Buck Rogers. Modern copies are usually both novellas in the two part story: Amageddon 2419 A.D. (1928) and The Airlords of Han (1929).


    Great books and not what most people think of when they think Buck Rogers,

    This, both the books and comic strips, are two (or one) of my favorite pulpy science fiction settings. Unfortunately, although I've written a bunch of Hero material around it, I've never gotten a group of gamers to play in it.
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