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John Desmarais

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Posts posted by John Desmarais

  1. A little more regarding the draft.  The age range for the draft during WWII changed a couple of times.  The Selective Service Act of 1940 required males from 21 - 36 to register.  After the Army made its position that 18 to 21 year-olds made the best soldiers, there was an Extension Act in 1941 that extended the age range to 18 - 38, and then in 1942 it was extended again to 18 - 45.  Sometime during the war (I can't remember when, but after the age was lowered to 18) they stopped selected by draft, and starts by age - with the oldest being called first. So, depending on what year your game is set, age could keep the PCs out of the draft or make being drafted less likely.


    The jobs that were often exempted/deferred included medical, college students, educators, scientists, agriculture, and military industries (several of which are common secret-ID fodder).

  2. 3 hours ago, zslane said:

    Yeah, I hear you guys. In a lot of ways I'm in the same boat. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any published settings that inspire me to run a campaign (I'm looking for science fiction in particular). Consequently, I don't play anything right now.


    (Drifting off topic, but...). 


    Have you,looked at Stars Without Number?  It’s a pretty open (easily extensible) setting built around a lot of net ideas and a fairly simple set of mechanics (based on a D&D retro-clone).  I thought it was a lot of fun.

  3. 21 hours ago, Durzan Malakim said:

    I like any edition of Champions I actually get to play.


    I feel ya.I run 6th these days (I always run the "current" version as its the one my players can easily go buy for themselves if inclined) but I'll gladly play whatever version someone want to run.  (Although, I've been strongly contemplating doing a one-shot with some of my old gamer friends using 3rd edition, just for the nostalgia.  The recent Bundle of Holding renewed my interest in 3rd.)

  4. I’ve joined a couple Meetups in preparation.  Exact move date isn’t set yet.  It will be a gradual move culminating sometime this summer.  (Btw, in addition to being a long time Hero junkie, I’ve also recently become enamored with Call of Cthulhu).

  5. I’m prepping for a move to the a little town near Durham, NC.  While I’m assuming the little town will be a total loss vis-á-vis a gaming community- but I’ll be less than half an hour from Durham.  Speak to me Herodom, are there folks in Durham?

  6. Quote

    My deepest familiarity in the Herosystem myself, is The Big Blue Book, and before. I may own 5th edition, but it was at the tail end of my old Gaming period ( that ended in 1996) and I don't think I ever used the books. 6th Edition came out and faded from store shelves before I came to Revisit the table top hobby.  Would it be acceptable to release the racial package deals in BBB format?

    What point levels are people mostly playing Fantasy Hero these days?   In general most "racial Package Deals". would be 0-5 points, with cultural package deals  around 10-15 points, or so.


    While I'm sure there is a market for 4th edition material (it remains many people's favorite version) my personal preference tends to always veer to "current release" as it tends to where the most likely customer base growth is (yes, Hero does still attract new players, and the current release is what they find the easiest to purchase). That said, for existing Hero players (the grodnards), specific version is pretty irrelevant as conversion between recent editions is pretty easy for anyone already familiar with the system.


    With regards to point base, I have almost always done Fantasy Hero at whatever point-base was "standard heroic" for the edition I was playing.

  7. 13 hours ago, Doc Democracy said:

    I think that the heavy use of D&D among new gamers (and how resistant they often are to moving to other systems) shows that while rules-heavy games can be perceived as 'difficult' there is a certain comfort in having a rule for everything and that anything not covered by a rule is not possible.


    FATE is seen by many experienced gamers as easy when actually it is rules light.  I think there is a lot going on there that is unwritten and while, with a good, experienced GM it would be a breeze to play, I think for a new group it might prove a nightmare.





    This.  Rules Light ≠ Easy, but so many people - particularly experienced gamers - think the two are the same.  Rules Light games tend to rely heavily on tropes and concepts that are "understood" by experienced gamers but completely opaque to newbies.

  8. On 5/27/2018 at 7:11 AM, Steffen said:

    I don't think that I'm actually suffering from burnout but for about two years I can't stay focused when trying to elaborate on scenarios. It feels as if I lost a lot of my imagination.

    It's not a problem when I'm playing in someone else's campaign, only when thinking about my own.


    I don't really know the cause of this but I think it is a combination of stress at work and player arguments that mostly happened when I was GM. The arguments were caused by an adverse combination of players and they could be settled each time but although I know that it was not my fault I suspect that subconsciously I'm linking  me being a GM with trouble at the gaming table.


    Actually, this longtime group dissolved  one year ago  when three members left the hobby altogether. In the meantime we found two new players, a couple, to game with and it's fun. But we agreed to rotate GM duties and in a few weeks it will be my turn to host a superhero adventure with the HERO system. After doing some thinking I've got a basic idea but  that's all.


    I'm starting to get nervous...


    I have a similar problem at times.  I attribute it to age.  While I’m sitting thinking up game situations I’m fine, but at the table I feel like I’ve gotten slower at improvising (which is a shame as the group I’m currently gaming with is pretty good at going off reservation).

  9. So I've recently started up a new Pulp Hero game - 1938 set in and among the South Pacific islands (think Tales of the Gold Monkey) and saw this headline Floating island the size of New Jersey discovered in South Pacific, which immediately grabbed my attention.  Read through the article and was a bit disappointed, but it got me looking for more information on floating islands.  Found lots of info on small floating islands in rivers and lakes that are basically small islands  composed of vegetation growing on a buoyant mat of plant roots or other organic detritus - still not as cool as what I wanted.  Finally came across this article - http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends/floating-islands-seen-sea-myth-and-reality-part-2-001931 - which was closer to what I was hoping for (although the reality still didn't live up to my fantasy).


    Anyway, the end result was our heroes found themselves chasing an Army Air Corps colonel who had stolen a piece of new military tech to deliver into Nazi hands on a floating island covered in unrecognizable vegetation and giant crabs.  The chase ended when the captain of the German sub caught sight of them on the coast and fired a torpedo at them.  Our heroes managed to run away intake to escape the blast radius, but the torpedo sunk the island.



  10. On 3/12/2018 at 1:10 PM, zslane said:

    Long live the speed chart! (I love it too)


    Winning over GURPS players can be challenging. You have to somehow detach them from their realism bias and get them to fully embrace Hero's cinematic bias instead. In the past, I found it difficult to get some GURPS players to realize that, for instance, immunity to aging shouldn't be a 25-pt power unless the effects of aging is an important part of the campaign (which it has never been in the 35+ years I've been using the Hero System).


    Is immune to aging really 25 points in GURPs?  (I haven't played GURPs in many years, and never played it a lot even then)

  11. I did a quick search to see if this had been discussed before, but didn't find anything (my search-fu may be weak today)


    I'm currently running a game with a table full of folks who have little or no Hero System experience, which has caused me to look at the rules a little bit different;y myself.  I've been toying with an idea to flip the number for dice rolls as a way to possibly make things easier (for some reason, subtractions slows people down more than addition).


    What to change when creating a character


    After character creation, add 11 to DCV and MDCV.  Subtract 11 from all Skill Rolls, Stat Rolls, PER Rolls, etc to get the new Skill Value.


    What's different in game play


    When making Skills checks and smilier actions, roll 3d6 and add skill value.  11 is the target for a base success (modify target up or down to reflect difficulty modifier)


    For combat rolls, roll 3d6 and OCV (or MOCV).  If it exceeds the target's DCV or MDCV, you hit.



    Thoughts?  Better for newbies? Worse?  Potential problems?

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